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Ihr Mörser Erknallet

Tyrolean Christmas Carol

Ihr Mörser erknallet (Let your Mortars Thunder) is a traditional Christmas and Advent carol from Tyrol (Austria), also sung in Bavaria.

The carol calls all men to "let their mortars (cannons) thunder," and to let  the trumpets, timpani, harps and violins resound, making a joyful symphony to welcome the coming of the Christ Child.

The carol even makes a plea to the forest dwellers – the birds of the trees – to form a choir: "You winged minstrels, you forest musicians, you little birds, stand in rows through sweet singing, so that forests ring to please the princely Child. Come and sharpen your beaks and whistle, soar up through your wings. Come on everyone, fly to the gate, and form a happy choir!"

Ihr Mörser erknallet is interpreted below by the Austrian St. Florianer Sängerknaben (St. Florian's Boys Choir), whom we have featured before here.

Another acapella version by Regensburg Cathedral Choir can be heard here.

Listen to Ihr Mörser erknallet


German text

1. Ihr Mörser erknallet,
Trompeten erschallet,
Ihr Pauken, ihr Harfen und Geigen,
Heut lasset erklingen
Eur‘ liebliche Stimmen,
Heut sollt ihr euch lustig erzeigen,
Denn weil uns heut allen geboren
Ein Kind von Davidischem Stamm:
Jesus sein Nam‘, des höchsten Sohn,
wird sitzen auf David sein‘ Thron!

2. Ihr Flügelvaganten,
Ihr Waldmusikanten,
Ihr Vögelein, stellt euch in Reihen,
Durch liebliches Singen, daß Wälder erklingen,
Das fürstliche Kind zu erfreuen,
Kommt wetzet die Schnäbel und pfeifet,
Schwingt euch durch die Flügel empor,
Kommt all‘ hervor, fliegt hin zum Tor,
Und machet ein lustigen Chor!

3. Ach, ihr euch erbarmet,
Das Kindlein umarmet,
Ich alle, die ihr da zugegen,
Eröffnet die Herzen,
Es wartet mit Schmerzen,
Es bringt euch den himmlischen Segen,
Dass ihr könnt fromm leben auf Erden,
Euch halten von Sünden ganz rein,
Und endlich dann zu eurem Lohn,
Euch geben die himmlische Kron‘!

English translation:

1. [Let] your mortars thunder,
Your trumpets sound,
Your timpani, your harps and violins,
May today be heard.
Your lovely voices,
Today you should show joy,
Because today was born to us all
A child from the tribe of David:
Jesus is his name, the Most High.
[He] will sit on David’s Throne!

2. You winged minstrels,
You forest musicians,
You little birds, stand in rows,
Through sweet singing, so that forests ring,
To please the princely Child,
Come and sharpen your beaks and whistle,
Soar up with your wings.
Come, all, fly to the gate,
And form a happy choir!

3. Oh, you, have pity [on the poverty of Our Lord],
And embrace the Child.
I ask you, all of you who are here,
Open your hearts wide,
He awaits with suffering,
He brings you heavenly blessings.
That you may live virtuously on earth,
Completely abstain from sins,
[Until] finally as a reward, to you
The heavenly Crown is granted!

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For a high-resolution JPG, click here.

For a PDF version, click here.

For a version in D Major, click here.

For a version arranged for three-part SSA choir, click here.

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The "Plank Nativity Scene," from the Innsbruck Volkskunstmuseum (Folk Art Museum). The Plank nativity scene was created in Thaur and Rum around 1880. The artist of the figures and Nativity scene is Johann Plank (1845-1913, Thaur/Rum)


Blason de Charlemagne
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