The Triangle: Symbol of the Most Holy Trinity
The all-seeing eye usurped by the Masons
Fire: Symbol of the First Week of Lent A sign of burning away the last vestiges of sin & the disordered passions
A Deeper Look at the Palm Tree It signifies the righteous man, the Church Triumphant & the Crusader
The Symbolism of the Thesbite Woman Elias transfered the blessing Israel rejected to the Gentiles
The Number 40 Denotes Punishment & Suffering Why the Church chose 40 days for the Holy Season of Lent
A Crib Fit for the King of Kings Preparing meek and pure hearts for Christ, symbolized by the crib
 | The Symbolism of the Easter Rabbit Since medieval times, they were associated with the Resurrection
The Gourd: A Sign of Christ's Resurrection & Man's Penance The gourd tree is associated with Jonah, a prefigure of Christ
The Precious Medieval Symbolism of the Mass Each part has an elevated meaning
The Bursting Pomegranate: Symbol of the Resurrection A deep-red fruit rich in meaning in the Old and New Laws
Winter & Summer Solstices at the Missions A brilliant beam of light illuminates the Tabernacle
Analyzing Van Eyck's Mystic Lamb Symbolizing the Eucharistic Christ and the Communion of Saints
Our Lady’s Bug: A Symbol of Protection The medieval legend of the origin of the ladybug
 | Arma Christi, The 'Weapons of Christ' The instruments of His Betrayal, Crucifixion & Burial
 | The Symbolism of the Passion Flower An exuberant flower with many symbols of Christ's Passion
The Rich Symbolism of the Dove Symbol of the Holy Ghost, faithful Catholic & the Holy Eucharist
The Butterfly, Symbol of the Soul Medieval man saw it as a sign of the Resurrection & eternal life
The Strawberry: A Symbol of Perfection & Righteousness A fruit of the Earthly Paradise
 | The Lily: Symbol of the Annunciation & the Resurrection An Easter flower with a long history of Catholic symbolism
 | The Lily & Sword in the Last Judgment Our Lord as the perfect Judge dispensing justice & mercy
 | The Owl, Symbol of the Freemasons Since Antiquity, a sign of the underworld & occult knowledge
 | Adam, Eve & the Paradise Tree The medieval roots of the Christmas tree
The Crane: Between Swamps and Celestial Vastness Authority in its step, grandeur in its flight
Local Saints Come First Every cathedral or church honored its special patrons
What the Emblems of the Apostles Represent How the medieval people recognized the statues of the Apostles
The Dragon of Idolatry Did St. George really fight a dragon & save a princess?
Every Guild Had Its Patron Saint Each profession found a saint to protect its work
Knowing the Saints by their Emblems The medievals found a way to easily identify their saints
The Legend of the Sand Dollar A shell rich in Catholic symbolism
 | The Significance of the Papal Red & White What Pope Francis's refusal of the red cope means
 | What Does the Peacock Represent? A symbol of Christ's immortality and the all-seeing eye of God
 | The Symbolism of the Stag In Catholic art and in the Wilton Diptych
 | Be Wise as Serpents and Simple as Doves The animal world has lessons for man
 | Medieval Cathedral Symbol of Heaven The symbols in the cathedral are meant to increase our hope
 | How Medieval Man Saw the Liturgy of the Mass Every detail was filled with rich meaning and symbolism
 | Everything in Nature Speaks of God and His Moral Law The lessons man can find in the serpent, the falcon and the vulture
 | ‘Reading’ Medieval Architecture A love of God and dedication that speak to us through the centuries
 | Antidote for Evil: Snowflakes and Angels A way to face today's onslaughts of immorality
 | The Bee, A Symbol of the Church Many aspects of its life offer us beautiful analogies to admire
 | The White and Yellow of the Papal Flag A gesture of loyalty to Pope Pius VII when Napoleon occupied Rome
 | The Cathedral: Symbol of Paradise What each part of the church represents
 | Red, White and Blue How these colors came to represent the French crown and nation
 | The Middle Ages, a Forest Filled with Symbols The universe as an immense book written by God and charged with meaning
 | Requiescant in Pace ... Colors and symbols of medieval mourning and burial rituals
 | The Twelve Days of Christmas Carol What each gift of this carol represents
 | Satanism in the Man's Domain Objects that introduce Satanism and the macabre into normal life
 | The Subtle Invasion of Satanism Catalogues increasingly offer household items that represent devils
 | St. Peter and the Vatican Exhibit: Continuity and Shocking Change A comparison between the traditional and post-conciliar symbols of the Papacy
 | The Luminous Angelic Protection The role of the Angels in ruling the universe and protecting man in History
 | The Symbolism of Spring A symbol of the Resurrection of Our Lord and God's richness
 | Snowflakes Reflect the Diversity of God No one snowflake is like another: the innocence of snow
 | The Ermine and the Symbolism of Purity in the Christmas Scene Why the Child Jesus and the Kings are represented wearing ermine mantles
 | Gargoyles: Symbol of the Existence of Original Sin In the medieval cathedrals the gargoyles were an invitation to be vigilant
 | Vice and Virtue Symbolized in the Animal Kingdom What a medieval bestiary teaches us about symbology
 | Temperance: The Lesson of the Waves What comparison can we make between the ocean and human psychology?
 | Votive Candles, Fire and the Love of God Eletric candles profoundly harm Catholic devotions
 | The Four Beasts of the Gospel The symbolism of the mission of each Evangelist
 | The Seven Last Words Explanation by Mary of Agreda and application to our days
 | The Symbol of the Chalice in the Garden of Olives The three chalices Our Lord drank in His agony
 | The Symbol of the Crown in the Reign of Mary The triumph of Our Lady should be declared by an Ecumenical Council
 | The Symbol of the Sword in Today’s Defense of the Church Tolerance is the key note of the New Religion