Forgotten Truths
Don’t Call Protestants Evangelicals
In days saturated with liberalism like ours, it is salutary to remember the counsels of St. Ignatius of Loyola to St. Peter Canisius on how to treat Protestants. St. Peter Canisius was an adviser to Emperor of Austria, and here St. Ignatius was telling him what he should counsel him to govern his States well.
We suggest that you make a little test: If you have any shock reading the following lines, you have adopted some of the liberal spirit. It is a good way to check the intensity of your Catholic spirit, which should be in accordance with those two great saints.
St. Ignatius of Loyola
Whoever calls the heretics Evangelicals should pay some kind of fee, so that the Devil may not rejoice at having the enemies of the Gospel and the Cross of Christ being given a name contrary to their works.
Heretics should be called by that name in order to raise horror of those who are such and cover their deadly venom with the veil of a name of salvation.
(Obras completas de San Ignacio de Loyola,
Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, Madrid, 1952, carta 111, p. 880)
Posted April 18, 2009

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