Forgotten Truths
‘God Loves Great Courage’
On July 10, 1643, King Philip IV of Spain made a visit to Ven. Madre Maria de Agreda, and he left requesting that she should write to him. This correspondence lasted 22 years, until the death of Madre Maria de Agreda in 1665. For a Prince of the character of Philip IV, her counsel consisted always of the need to rid himself of his natural passivity in order to fulfill all the duties of a Catholic Sovereign.
We have 47 of the 618 letters that were written. In this one, dated November 15, 1652, she reminds the King of the role adversity plays in salvation and the need for courage to face his passivity and tendency to cowardice.
Ven. Maria de Agreda:
Divine Providence sends us prosperity and adversity for our greater good and to guide us to eternal salvation. But human nature, weakened and tainted by Original Sin, runs greater dangers with delights than with sorrow because, as Daniel says, the steps of men are unsure and know not how to walk according to right judgment; rather they lead men according to their natural propensity toward pleasure, enjoyment, well-being, rest, wealth; and death comes before they reach the goal of their desires.
Sorrows and tribulations have the good effect of restraining, subduing, mortifying and taming the passions. They act as a safeguard and ballast in the perilous navigation of this valley of tears, to prevent the vessel of the soul from sinking, and they only allow it to satisfy its tastes and its will when it has arrived safely at port.
But the acceptance of the trials that God sends does not in any way authorize passivity and cowardliness.
God loves great courage because great courage accomplishes great things, and the great things produced by man in his state of weakness are a proof of the assistance of the Almighty. Therefore, I wish Your Majesty great courage, because he needs to repair the misfortunes of his people. Therefore, let Your Majesty arm himself with strength, and the most effective strength is that which God gives with grace, and He will not refuse it to Your Majesty if, in asking for it, he expresses his sorrow for the past and hope for the future.
Excerpt from Mary of Agreda & the Mysteical City of God
Hombol Pub: 2024, pp. 50-51
Posted on February 15, 2025

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