Tradition In Action


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Below are selected religious hymns and songs from around the world,
organized by season and category.

Click the links below to go to the respective sections,
and use back button/home button to return to Contents.

Click here for chronological listing.

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Advent | Christmas | Epiphany | Presentation & Purification | Lent & Holy Week

Easter | Pentecost | Eucharist | Our Lady | Saints | Souls | Faith

Final Judgment | Church

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catholic Ach Wann Kommen Jene Stunden
A charming Bavarian Advent carol yearning for Christ's Birth

catholic Creator Alme Siderum
Advent chant to the Creator, Maker of the Stars

catholic Es Kommt Ein Schiff Geladen
One of the oldest German Advent hymns

catholic The ‘O’ Antiphons 1-3
Three of the seven Great Antiphons of Advent, anticipating the birth of Our Savior

catholic The ‘O’ Antiphons 4-7
The last four of the seven Great Antiphons of Advent

catholic Rorate Caeli
'Let the earth be opened and bring forth the Savior'

catholic Venez Divin Messie
A simple and joyful French Advent song

catholicVeni, Veni Emmanuel
An Advent antiphon to be sung in preparation for Christmas

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catholicAdeste Fideles
The Angels call the shepherds to adore the Divine Infant

catholicAngelus ad Virginem
A 14th century carol honoring Christ's conception & birth

catholicA Solis Ortus Cardine
A 5th century hymn celebrating the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ

catholic Beata Viscera
A Marian Nativity song for the conversion of the Jews

catholicBlessed Be that Maid Marie
An old English carol honoring Our Lady as the Mother of God

catholic Çà, Bergers, Assemblons-nous
A joyful French Christmas carol calling all shepherds to the Christ Child

catholic Campanas de Belén
The famous Spanish villancico, reminding us of the Cross

catholic Chiquirritín
A lively villancico from Andalusia, Spain

catholicDadme Albricias, Hijos d’Eva
Sons of Eve, Bring Me Glad Tidings - A Spanish Christmas Carol

catholic Dime Niño, De Quién Eres
Another joyful villancico from Andalusia, Spain

catholic Dormi, Dormi Bel Bambin
'Sleep, sleep beautiful child' - an Italian lullaby to the newborn Christ Child

catholic En Belén Tocan a Fuego
A poetic Spanish villancico expressing the mystery & marvel of God's birth

catholicThe Coventry Carol
A 16th century song mourning the slaughter of the Holy Innocents

catholic Entre le Bœuf et l'Âne Gris
'Between the ox and the grey ass' - A medieval French carol

catholicEs Ist ein Ros Enstprungen
A German carol celebrating Mary and Jesus as flowers of Jesse's lineage

catholicGaudete Christus Est Natus
A 16th century Finnish carol honoring Our Lord and Our Lady

catholic Hodie Christus Natus Est
A chant antiphon sung in the liturgy of Christmas Day

catholicThe Holly and the Ivy
An old English Christmas Carol

catholicHush Little Babe – Carol of the Princeling
A new Christmas song by Fr. Somerville

catholic Ihr Mörser erknallet
A joyful Tyrolean Christmas carol: "Let your Mortars Thunder"

catholicIl Est Ne, Le Divin Enfant
A popular French carol expresses the joy of receiving the Savior

catholic Il Est un Petit Ange
A Swiss Christmas carol about an Angel inviting a boy come to the Child

catholicIn Dulce Jubilo
An angelic Latin and German Christmas carol

catholicLullay Mine Liking
An Old English Christmas lullaby to the Infant Christ

catholic Maria Walks amid the Thorns
German Christmas Carol describing Our Lady's journey to visit St. Elizabeth

catholic A La Nanita Nana
A beautiful Spanish Christmas carol

catholic Le Noël de Simon
Swiss carol on a crippled boy cured by Our Lady

catholicNoël Nouvelet
The shepherds rejoice in this lively French medieval carol

catholic Nowell Nowell Tydings Trew
An old Irish Christmas hymn honoring the Annunciation

catholic El Noi de la Mare
A Catalan Christmas song about offering our best gifts to the Christ Child

catholicO Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree - A German Christmas Carol

catholic Patapan, Patapan
A French village carol celebrating the Birth of Christ

catholicPersonent Hodie
A medieval Latin carol expressing the joy for the Birth of Christ

catholic Quand Dieu Naquit à Noël
A French carol on the generosity of those who came to see Our Lord

catholicQuem Pastores Laudavere
A medieval carol praising the Birth of the King of Glory

catholic Resonet in Laudibus
A medieval Latin carol on the glory of the Nativity

catholicRiu, Riu, Chiu
A Spanish Christmas Carol in honor of Our Lady

catholicStill, Still, Still
A traditional Austrian lullaby attributed to Our Lady

catholic Tous les Bourgeois de Châtres
A carol describing the celebrations of 'all the people of Châtres'

catholic Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle
Thou descendest from the stars - a Christmas carol by St. Alphonsus Liguori

catholicVerbum Caro Factum Est
A medieval Christmas carol glorifying the Blessed Virgin

catholic The Wexford Carol
A traditional Irish Christmas carol

catholicYorkshire Wassail Song
One of the earliest English Christmas carols

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catholic Reges Tharsis
The Magi offer their gifts in this solemn Epiphany chant

catholic Dreikönigslied
A German Epiphany song from the Alps

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Presentation & Purification

catholic Ave Regina Caelorum
A Marian chant antiphon sung from February 2 to Holy Week

catholic Salve Sancta Parens
Chant antiphon to Our Lady, sung by the angels

catholicSee Malachi, God’s Ancient Seer
Hymn for the Presentation of Our Lord and Purification of Mary, February 2

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Lent & Holy Week

For Holy Week, visit also our Holy Week Page here

catholic Ab Insurgentibus in Me
Deliver me from those who rise up against me - Good Friday 3rd nocturn

catholicAestimatus Sum
Christ laments His abandonment & death after shedding all His Blood

catholic Alieni Insurrexerunt
Like David's persecution by Saul, Christ suffers persecution by the synagogue

catholicAmicus Meus
A Maundy Thursday responsory by Tomás Luis de Victoria

catholicAnimam Meam Dilectam
Our Lord mourns His abandonment as the Passion reaches its apex

catholicAstiterunt Reges
The kings of the earth rise up against Our Lord

catholicAvertantur Retrorsum
In His agony Our Lord foresees the coming offenses

catholic Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel
The Canticle of Zechariah applied to the merits of the Crucifixion

catholic Calicem Salutaris
I shall take the Chalice of Salvation - Good Friday 1st antiphon

catholicCaligaverunt Oculi Mei
Christ, forsaken by all, laments His abandonment

catholic Cogitaverunt impii
Antiphon for Maundy Thursday reflecting on how God will punish the wicked

catholic Crucem Tuam Adoramus Domine
Chant antiphon for Good Friday, expresses the triumph of the Cross

catholicDeus Meus Eripe
Rescue me, O God, from the sinner's hand - Maundy Thursday 1st nocturn

catholicDiviserunt Sibi
Christ laments His abandoment at the hands of cruel men

catholic Dixi Iniquis
David predicts the misfortune of those who crucified Our Lord

catholic Domine, Tu Mihi
Fourth antiphon during the Washing of the Feet: "Lord, dost thou wash my feet?"

catholic Dominus Jesus
Third antiphon during the Washing of the Feet: "After Our Lord was risen"

catholic Ecce Lignum Crucis
Chant antiphon for Good Friday, sung during the Veneration of the Cross

catholicEcce Quomodo Moritur
Behold how the Just One dies before an indifferent world

catholicEram Quasi Agnus
Our Lord warns us about the conspiracy of the wicked against Him

catholic Exsurge, Domine
Antiphon for Maundy Thursday on how the enemies of God defiled His sanctuary

catholic Habitabit in Tabernaculo
He shall dwell in my tabernacle - Holy Saturday 2nd antiphon

catholic In Die Tribulationis
Antiphon for Maundy Thursday, a cry to God in time of tribulation

catholic In Hoc Cognoscent Omnes
Sixth antiphon during the Washing of the Feet: "In this all shall know"

catholic In Pace, in Idipsum
In peace itself shall I sleep - Holy Saturday 1st antiphon

catholic Insurrexerunt in Me Testes Iniqui
Unjust witnesses rose up against me - Good Friday 1st nocturn

catholicJesum Tradidit Impius
Judas delivers Christ to the chief priests & Peter follows at a distance

catholicJudas Mercator Pessimus
A Maundy Thursday responsory by Tomás Luis de Victoria

catholicThe Lamentations of Jeremiah
Listen to and learn this beautiful chant of Holy Week liturgy

catholicThe Lamentations of Jeremiah - Third Lesson
The final verses for the Lamentations of Maundy Thursday

catholicThe Lamentations of Jeremiah - Second & Third Lessons
The final verses for the Lamentations of Good Friday

catholic The Lamentations of Jeremiah - Last Lesson
The Lamentations of Holy Saturday end envisaging the Resurrection

catholicLiberavit Dominus
A song praising God for redeeming man by His Passion

catholicLonge Fecisti
Our Lord is abandoned by His Apostles

catholic Mandatum Novum Do Vobis
"A new commandment I give unto you", chant antiphon for Maundy Thursday

catholicMiserere Mei Deus
On Maudy Thursday the people cry out God for mercy

catholic Oblatus est quia
Antiphon for Maundy Thursday, a broken heart faced with the iniquity of evil men

catholicOjos Claros, Serenos
A sinner asks Our Lord to turn his serene gaze on him in his misery

catholic Omnes Amici Mei
Our Lord is forsaken by His friends & betrayed by those He loved

catholicO Vos Omnes
A Holy Saturday responsory by Tomás Luis de Victoria

catholicPopule Meus
Christ reproaches the Jews: 'O my people, what have I done to thee?'

catholic Postquam surrexit
Second antiphon during the Washing of the Feet on Maundy Thursday

catholicRecessit Pastor Noster
Christ our Shepherd has died and shattered the tyranny of the Devil

catholicSeniores Populi
The Jewish Pontiffs and Pharisees plot to apprehend and kill Our Lord

catholicSepulto Domino
The Lord is buried and the tomb is sealed

catholic Si Ego Dominus
Fifth antiphon during the Washing of the Feet: "If I, your Lord..."

catholicStabat Mater Dolorosa
A hymn honoring the suffering of Our Lady during the Passion

catholicTamquam ad Latronem
A Good Friday responsory by Tomás Luis de Victoria

catholicTenebrae Factae Sunt
Our Lord delivers up His spirit and wins our redemption

catholicTerra Tremuit
The earth trembled when Our Lord died

catholicTradiderunt Me
Christ laments His delivery into the hands of evildoers

catholic Traditor Autem
Antiphon for Maundy Thursday, Judas agrees on a sign to betray Our Lord

catholic Ubi Caritas
Final antiphon during the Washing of the Feet: "Where there is charity"

catholicUna Hora Non Potuistis Vigilare Mecum
A Maundy Thursday responsory by Tomás Luis de Victoria

catholicUnus ex Discipulis
Our Lord mourns that Judas will betray Him in this responsorio

catholic Velum Templi Scissunt
The veil of the temple is torn & the earth trembles during the Crucifixion

catholic Vere Languores
Sweet wood that bore the One who suffered for us

catholicVexilla Regis Prodeunt
The royal standard advances proclaiming the mystery of the Cross

catholic Vim Faciebant
Our Lord complains about the violence made against Him

catholicZelus Domus
In the Garden of Olives Our Lord starts His agony

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catholic Crucem Sanctam Subiit
A Templar Easter chant announcing Our Lord's victory over death

catholicElevamini Portae Aeternales
The victorious entrance of Our Lord into Heaven after His Resurrectionon

catholic Regina Caeli
Easter chant sung by the Angels at the end of a pestilence in Rome

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catholic Veni Creator Spiritus
A soul-stirring Pentecost hymn invoking the Holy Ghost

catholic Veni Sancte Spiritus
An exquisite and tender Pentecost hymn of the 12th century

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catholic Adoro Te Devote
A profound Eucharistic hymn written by St. Thomas Aquinas

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Our Lady

catholic Magnificat
The Canticle sung by Our Lady during her visit to St. Elizabeth

catholic Ave Plena Gratiae
A pedagogical summary of the life of Our Lady, the Queen Mother

catholicAve Maria
Simple Gregorian plainchant of the Hail Mary in Latin

catholicAve Maris Stella
A medieval hymn honoring Our Lady as Star of the Sea

catholic Ave Maria Virgo Serena
A chant sequence for the Feast of the Annunciation

catholic Ave Regina Caelorum
A Marian chant antiphon sung from February 2 to Holy Week

catholic Beata Viscera
A medieval Marian song on the Nativity and plea for the conversion of the Jews

catholic Dios Te Salve, María
A spirited Andalusian procession song and march to Our Lady

catholic Edi Beo Thu Hevene Quene
A medieval English song and knight's prayer to Our Lady

catholic Flos Carmeli
A medieval chant & sequence for the Feast of Our Lady of Carmel

catholic La Virgen del Buen Suceso
An Asturian hymn to Our Lady of Good Success

catholic Le Chant des Templiers
How the Knights Templar intoned the Salve Regina

catholic Mariam Matrem Virginem
A pilgrim song asking Our Lady to come to our defense

catholic Memorare
"Remember O Most Gracious Virgin Mary", a popular prayer to Our Lady

catholic O Gloriosa Domina
The famous Marian hymn beloved by St. Anthony

catholic Polorum Regina
A pilgrim song honoring Our Lady's Queenship

catholic Salve Mater Misericordiae
A tender Carmelite hymn to Our Lady

catholicSalve Regina
Learn to sing this traditional Catholic hymn

catholic Salve Sancta Parens
Chant antiphon to Our Lady, sung by the angels

catholic Stella Splendens
A medieval pilgrim song to Our Lady of Montserrat

catholic Sub Tuum Praesidium
An ancient and universal hymn to Our Lady with special indulgences

catholic Vergine Bella
A sacred Renaissance motet and plea to Our Lady for help in battle

catholic Viva a Mãe de Deus e Nossa
The most popular Brazilian hymn to Our Lady Aparecida

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catholic Levantai-vos Soldados de Cristo
A militant Brazilian hymn for the Apostolate

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catholic Dum Pater Familias
A stirring medieval pilgrim song to St. James, from Santiago de Compostela

catholic Gaudeamus Omnes in Domino
Introit antiphon for the Mass of All Saints Day

catholic Ich Geh’ Mit Meiner Laterne
A German song for St. Martin's Day

catholic Iste Quem Laeti
A Gregorian chant hymn to St. Joseph sung at Lauds

catholic Joseph, Fili David
Chant antiphon for the feast of St. Joseph

catholic Urbs Aquensis
A majestic hymn to Charlemagne, greatest of kings and emperors

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catholic In Paradisum
Antiphon from the Requiem Mass

catholic Soul Cake Song
An English ‘souling song’ for All Souls’ Day

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The most simple and well known Credo in Latin

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Final Judgment

catholic The Song of the Sibyl
A prophetic chant on the Second Coming, Final Judgment & End of the World

catholicDies Irae
A medieval hymm reflecting on God's holy wrath on Judgment Day

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catholic Alieni Insurrexerunt
Like David's persecution by Saul, Christ suffers persecution by the synagogue

catholic Velum Templi Scissunt
The veil of the temple is torn & the earth trembles during the Crucifixion

catholic Omnes Amici Mei
Our Lord is forsaken by His friends & betrayed by one He loved

catholic Ave Plena Gratiae
A pedagogical summary of the life of Our Lady, the Queen Mother

catholic En Belén Tocan a Fuego
A poetic Spanish villancico expressing the mystery & marvel of God's birth

catholic Dormi, Dormi Bel Bambin
'Sleep, sleep beautiful child' - an Italian lullaby to the newborn Christ Child

catholic Çà, Bergers, Assemblons-nous
A joyful French Christmas carol calling all shepherds to the Christ Child

catholic Viva a Mãe de Deus e Nossa
The most popular Brazilian hymn to Our Lady Aparecida

catholic Urbs Aquensis  (City of Aachen)
A majestic hymn to Charlemagne, the greatest of the Kings and Emperors

catholic Ave Verum Corpus
A chant on the True Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist

catholic Sub Tuum Praesidium
An ancient & universal hymn to Our Lady with special indulgences

catholic Deus Meus, Eripe Me de Manu Peccatóris
Psalm 70 Gregorian chant, sung during Tenebrae for Maundy Thursday

catholic Mandatum Novum Do Vobis
"A new commandment I give unto you", chant antiphon for Maundy Thursday

catholic Memorare
"Remember O Most Gracious Virgin Mary", a popular prayer to Our Lady

catholic Ihr Mörser erknallet
A joyful Tyrolean Christmas carol: "Let Your Mortars Thunder"

catholic Levantai-vos Soldados de Cristo
A militant Brazilian hymn: Rise up, ye soldiers of Christ!

catholic Ave Maria Virgo Serena
A chant sequence for the Feast of the Annunciation

catholic Salve Mater Misericordiae
A tender Carmelite hymn to Our Lady

catholic Mariam Matrem Virginem
A pilgrim song asking Our Lady to come to our defense

catholic Beata Viscera
A Marian Nativity song for the conversion of the Jews

catholic Iste Quem Laeti
A Gregorian chant hymn to St. Joseph sung at Lauds

catholic Campanas de Belén
The famous Spanish villancico, reminding us of the Cross

catholic Ach Wann Kommen Jene Stunden
A charming Bavarian Advent carol yearning for Christ's Birth

catholic Dime Niño, De Quién Eres
Another joyful villancico from Andalusia, Spain

catholic Chiquirritín
A lively villancico from Andalusia, Spain

catholic O Gloriosa Domina
The famous Marian hymn beloved by St. Anthony

catholicEdi Beo Thu Hevene Quene
A medieval English song and knight's prayer to Our Lady

catholic Magnificat
The Canticle sung by Our Lady during her visitation to St. Elizabeth

catholic Flos Carmeli
A medieval chant & sequence for the Feast of Our Lady of Carmel

catholic Polorum Regina
A pilgrim song honoring Our Lady's Queenship

catholic Vergine Bella
A sacred Renaissance motet and plea to Our Lady for help in battle

catholic Crucem Sanctam Subiit
A Templar Easter chant announcing Our Lord's victory over death

catholic The ‘O’ Antiphons 4-7
The last four of the seven Great Antiphons of Advent

catholic The ‘O’ Antiphons 1-3
Three of the seven Great Antiphons of Advent, anticipating the birth of Our Savior

catholic The Song of the Sibyl
A prophetic chant on the Second Coming, Final Judgment & End of the World

catholic Dum Pater Familias
A stirring medieval pilgrim song to St. James, from Santiago de Compostela

catholic Adoro Te Devote
A profound Eucharistic hymn written by St. Thomas Aquinas

catholic Regina Caeli
Easter chant sung by the Angels at the end of a pestilence in Rome

catholic Joseph, Fili David
Chant antiphon for the feast of St. Joseph

catholic Crucem Tuam Adoramus Domine
Chant antiphon for Good Friday, expresses the triumph of the Cross

catholic Ecce Lignum Crucis
Chant antiphon for Good Friday, sung during the Veneration of the Cross

catholic Salve Sancta Parens
Chant antiphon to Our Lady, sung by the angels

catholic Ubi Caritas
Final antiphon during the Washing of the Feet: "Where there is charity"

catholic In Hoc Cognoscent Omnes
Sixth antiphon during the Washing of the Feet: "In this all shall know"

catholic Si Ego Dominus
Fifth antiphon during the Washing of the Feet: "If I, your Lord..."

catholic Domine, Tu Mihi
Fourth antiphon during the Washing of the Feet: "Lord, dost thou wash my feet?"

catholic Dominus Jesus
Third antiphon during the Washing of the Feet: "After Our Lord was risen"

catholic Postquam Surrexit
Second antiphon during the Washing of the Feet on Maundy Thursday

catholic Traditor Autem
Antiphon for Maundy Thursday, Judas agrees on a sign to betray Our Lord

catholic Oblatus Est Quia
Antiphon for Maundy Thursday, a broken heart faced with the iniquity of evil men

catholic In Die Tribulationis
Antiphon for Maundy Thursday, a cry to God in time of tribulation

catholic Dreikönigslied
A German Epiphany song from the Alps

catholic La Marche des Rois
A carol honoring the three Magi on Epiphany

catholic Exsurge, Domine
Antiphon for Maundy Thursday on how the enemies of God defiled His sanctuary

catholic Cogitaverunt Impii
Antiphon for Maundy Thursday reflecting on how God will punish the wicked

catholicEram Quasi Agnus
Our Lord warns us about the conspiracy of the wicked against Him

catholicUnus ex Discipulis
Our Lord mourns that Judas will betray Him in this responsorio

catholicJesum Tradidit Impius
Judas delivers Christ to the chief priests & Peter follows at a distance

catholicTradiderunt Me
Christ laments His delivery into the hands of evildoers

catholicSeniores Populi
The Jewish Pontiffs and Pharisees plot to apprehend and kill Our Lord

catholicDeus Meus Eripe
Rescue me, O God, from the sinner's hand - Maundy Thursday 1st nocturn

catholicZelus Domus
In the Garden of Olives Our Lord starts His agony

catholicAvertantur Retrorsum
In His agony Our Lord foresees the coming offenses

catholicThe Lamentations of Jeremiah - Third Lesson
The final verses for the Lamentations of Maundy Thursday

catholic Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel
The Canticle of Zechariah applied to the merits of the Crucifixion

catholicLonge Fecisti
Our Lord is abandoned by His Apostles

catholicOjos Claros, Serenos
A sinner asks Our Lord to turn his serene gaze on him in his misery

catholicDiviserunt Sibi
Christ laments His abandoment at the hands of cruel men

catholicPopule Meus
Christ reproaches the Jews: 'O my people, what have I done to thee?'

catholicMiserere Mei Deus
On Maudy Thursday the people cry out God for mercy

catholicCaligaverunt Oculi Mei
Christ, forsaken by all, laments His abandonment

catholicAmicus Meus
A Maundy Thursday responsory by Tomás Luis de Victoria

catholicJudas Mercator Pessimus
A Maundy Thursday responsory by Tomás Luis de Victoria

catholicUna Hora Non Potuistis Vigilare Mecum
A Maundy Thursday responsory by Tomás Luis de Victoria

catholicVexilla Regis Prodeunt
The royal standard advances proclaiming the mystery of the Cross

catholicAstiterunt Reges
The kings of the earth rise up against Our Lord

catholic Vim Faciebant
Our Lord complains about the violence made against Him

catholic Insurrexerunt in Me Testes Iniqui
Unjust witnesses rose up against me - Good Friday 1st nocturn

catholic Calicem Salutaris
I shall take the Chalice of Salvation - Good Friday 1st antiphon

catholic Ab Insurgentibus in Me
Deliver me from those who rise up against me - Good Friday 3rd nocturn

catholicThe Lamentations of Jeremiah - Second & Third Lessons
The final verses for the Lamentations of Good Friday

catholicTerra Tremuit
The earth trembled when Our Lord died

catholicSepulto Domino
The Lord is buried and the tomb is sealed

catholicAestimatus Sum
Christ laments His abandonment & death after shedding all His Blood

catholicTamquam ad Latronem
A Good Friday responsory by Tomás Luis de Victoria

catholicEcce Quomodo Moritur
Behold how the Just One dies before an indifferent world

catholicRecessit Pastor Noster
Christ our Shepherd has died and shattered the tyranny of the Devil

catholicAnimam Meam Dilectam
Our Lord mourns His abandonment as the Passion reaches its apex

catholicTenebrae Factae Sunt
Our Lord delivers up His spirit and wins our redemption

catholic Vere Languores
Sweet wood that bore the One who suffered for us

catholic Dixi Iniquis
David predicts the misfortune of those who crucified Our Lord

catholicO Vos Omnes
A Holy Saturday responsory by Tomás Luis de Victoria

catholicLiberavit Dominus
A song praising God for redeeming man by His Passion

catholic In Pace, in Idipsum
In peace itself shall I sleep - Holy Saturday 1st antiphon

catholic Habitabit in Tabernaculo
He shall dwell in my tabernacle - Holy Saturday 2nd antiphon

catholic The Lamentations of Jeremiah - Last Lesson
The Lamentations of Holy Saturday end envisaging the Resurrection

catholicElevamini Portae Aeternales
The victorious entrance of Our Lord into Heaven after His Resurrectionon

catholicStabat Mater Dolorosa
A hymn honoring the suffering of Our Lady during the Passion

catholicThe Lamentations of Jeremiah
Listen to and learn this beautiful chant of Holy Week liturgy

catholic Le Noël de Simon
Swiss carol on a crippled boy cured by Our Lady

catholic El Noi de la Mare
A Catalan Christmas song about offering our best gifts to the Christ Child

catholic Creator Alme Siderum
Advent chant to the Creator, Maker of the Stars

catholicVeni, Veni Emmanuel
An Advent antiphon to be sung in preparation for Christmas

catholic Venez Divin Messie
A simple and joyful French Advent song

catholic Rorate Caeli
'Let the earth be opened and bring forth the Savior'

catholic Hodie Christus Natus Est
A chant antiphon sung in the liturgy of Christmas Day

catholic Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle
Thou descendest from the stars - a Christmas carol by St. Alphonsus Liguori

catholic Entre le Bœuf et l'Âne Gris
'Between the ox and the grey ass' - A medieval French carol

catholic Maria Walks amid the Thorns
German Christmas Carol describing Our Lady's journey to visit St. Elizabeth

catholic Es Kommt Ein Schiff Geladen
One of the oldest German Advent hymns

catholic Resonet in Laudibus
A medieval Latin carol on the glory of the Nativity

catholic The Wexford Carol
A traditional Irish Christmas carol

catholic A La Nanita Nana
A beautiful Spanish Christmas carol

catholicPersonent Hodie
A medieval Latin carol expressing the joy for the Birth of Christ

catholicBlessed Be that Maid Marie
An old English carol honoring Our Lady as the Mother of God

catholicQuem Pastores Laudavere
A medieval carol praising the Birth of the King of Glory

catholicYorkshire Wassail Song
One of the earliest English Christmas carols

catholicVerbum Caro Factum Est
A medieval Christmas carol glorifying the Blessed Virgin

catholicLullay Mine Liking
An Old English Christmas lullaby to the Infant Christ

catholicA Solis Ortus Cardine
A 5th century hymn celebrating the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ

catholicAdeste Fideles
The Angels call the shepherds to adore the Divine Infant

catholicNoël Nouvelet
The shepherds rejoice in this lively French medieval carol

catholic Nowell Nowell Tydings Trew
An old Irish Christmas hymn honoring the Annunciation

catholic Patapan, Patapan
A French village carol celebrating the Birth of Christ

catholicIl Est Ne, Le Divin Enfant
A popular French carol expresses the joy of receiving the Savior

catholicEs Ist ein Ros Enstprungen
A German carol celebrating Mary and Jesus as flowers of Jesse's lineage

catholicGaudete Christus Est Natus
A 16th century Finnish carol honoring Our Lord and Our Lady

catholicAngelus ad Virginem
A 14th century carol honoring Christ's conception & birth

catholicIn Dulce Jubilo
An angelic Latin and German Christmas carol

catholicStill, Still, Still
A traditional Austrian lullaby attributed to Our Lady

catholicO Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree - A German Christmas Carol

catholicThe Holly and the Ivy
An old English Christmas Carol

catholicMaria Walks Amid the Thorns
A medieval German Christmas Carol

catholicDadme Albricias, Hijos d’Eva
Sons of Eve, Bring Me Glad Tidings - A Spanish Christmas Carol

catholicRiu, Riu, Chiu
A Spanish Christmas Carol in honor of Our Lady

catholic Quand Dieu Naquit à Noël
A French carol on the generosity of those who came to see Our Lord

catholicHush Little Babe – Carol of the Princeling
A new Christmas song by Fr. Somerville

catholic Reges Tharsis
The Magi offer their gifts in this solemn Epiphany chant

catholic Gaudeamus Omnes in Domino
Introit antiphon for the Mass of All Saints Day

catholic Stella Splendens
A medieval pilgrim song to Our Lady of Montserrat

catholic Dios Te Salve, María
A spirited Andalusian procession song and march to Our Lady

catholicDies Irae
A medieval hymm reflecting on God's holy wrath on Judgment Day

catholic La Virgen del Buen Suceso
An Asturian hymn to Our Lady of Good Success

catholic Veni Sancte Spiritus
An exquisite and tender Pentecost hymn of the 12th century

catholic Veni Creator Spiritus
A soul-stirring Pentecost hymn invoking the Holy Ghost

catholic Ave Regina Caelorum
A Marian chant antiphon sung from February 2 to Holy Week

catholic In Paradisum
Antiphon from the Requiem Mass

catholic Le Chant des Templiers
How the Knights Templar intoned the Salve Regina

catholic Il Est un Petit Ange
A Swiss Christmas carol about an Angel inviting a boy come to the Child

catholic Santa Lucia
An Italian song from Naples for St. Lucy's Day

catholic Tous les Bourgeois de Châtres
A carol describing the celebrations of 'all the people of Châtres'

catholic Ich Geh’ Mit Meiner Laterne
A German song for St. Martin's Day

catholic Soul Cake Song
An English ‘souling song’ for All Souls’ Day

catholicThe Coventry Carol
A 16th century song mourning the slaughter of the Holy Innocents

catholicAve Maris Stella
A medieval hymn honoring Our Lady as Star of the Sea

catholicSee Malachi, God’s Ancient Seer
Hymn for the Presentation of Our Lord and Purification of Mary, February 2

The most simple and well known Credo in Latin

catholicAve Maria
Simple Gregorian plainchant of the Hail Mary in Latin

catholicSalve Regina
Learn to sing this traditional Catholic hymn

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