


January 2014   -   December 2014

catholic Unlike Obama, I’ve Met the Cuban People  - Repression and poverty haunt the communist island - Don Feder  -  December 31, 2014, 2014
catholicCircumcision of Our Lord, January 1 - Elevated reasons why Our Lord obeyed the Jewish law - Prof. Plinio - December 31, 2014
catholicLifting the American Embargo against Cuba  -  What People Are Commenting - December 30, 2014
catholicVatican Factions Fighting / Red Axis / Women Religious Exclaim Victory  -  Bird's Eye View - Atila S. Guimarães - December 29, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Founder of ‘gay’ sect invited to the Synod 2014 - December 28, 2014
catholic Il Est Ne, Le Divin Enfant  -  A popular French carol expresses the joy of receiving the Savior - Hymns & Songs - December 27, 2014
catholicThe Admiration & Tenderness of Our Lady for Her Newborn Son  - What she would have thought - Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira  -  December 26, 2014, 2014
catholic Es Ist ein Ros Enstprungen  -  A German carol celebrating Mary and Jesus as flowers of Jesse's lineage - Hymns & Songs - December 25, 2014
catholicThe Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, December 25 - What were the thoughts of Our Lady adoring the Child on Christmas night? - Prof. Plinio - December 24, 2014
catholic Christmas Greetings - TIA sends its wishes for its faithful readers - December 23, 2014
catholicThe Mystery of Christmas  - Why the Savior's birth is celebrated on the 25th of December - Dom Prosper Gueranger - December 22, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  The legacy of a conciliar Bishop in the U.S. - December 21, 2014
catholic Gaudete Christus Est Natus  -  A 16th century Finnish carol honoring Our Lord and Our Lady - Hymns & Songs - December 20, 2014
catholic A Christmas Request - TIA asks the help of its daily readers - December 19, 2014
catholicMasonic Attacks & Animals in Heaven  -  What People Are Commenting - December 18, 2014
catholicAdam, Eve & the Paradise Tree  -  The medieval roots of the Christmas tree - Elaine Jordan - December 17, 2014
catholic Hypochondriac & Insecure Trads  -  Hate Mail - December 16, 2014
catholic Jesus Is with Us, Whether the Left Likes It or Not  - Only Christ can save us in an increasingly chaotic world - Toby Westerman - December 15, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Voodoo ceremonies in a church in Brazil - December 14, 2014
catholic Angelus ad Virginem  - A 14th century carol honoring Christ's conception & birth - Hymns & Songs - December 13, 2014
catholicFrancis in Turkey, in Benedict’s Footsteps  -  Both pray with Muslims and embrace Schismatics - Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. - December 12, 2014
catholic‘Happy Holidays’ & Krampus’ Night  -  What People Are Commenting - December 11, 2014
catholicOur Lady of Guadalupe, December 12 - Juan Diego's diplomacy in dealing with Our Lady - Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - December 11, 2014
catholic1951-1955: The Vatican Started the Liturgical Reform  -  Pius XII mandates the 1955 Holy Week reforms inspired by Bugnini - Dr. Carol Byrne - December 10, 2014
catholicLyle Arnold, EBooks & Forms of Address  -  What People Are Commenting - December 9, 2014
catholicThe Translation of the Holy House to Loreto - December 10 - The long chain of sacred events that occurred in that place - Prof. Plinio - December 9, 2014
catholic John XXIII, the Pope Who Talked to an Extra-Terrestrial  -  Report from a credible source of an actual encounter with an alien - December 8, 2014
catholicObituary  -  Funeral of Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. - December 8, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Francis endorses Liberation Theology - December 7, 2014
catholic The Immaculate Conception of Our Lady - December 8 - How purity generates intransigence and combativeness - Prof. Plinio - December 7, 2014
catholic In Dulce Jubilo  - An angelic Latin and German Christmas carol - Hymns & Songs - December 6, 2014
catholicLetter from a Communist Prison in Venezuela - Torture & persecution continues under the tyrant Maduro - Vasco da Costa - December 5, 2014
catholicSnowflakes, Fundamentalism & Tactical Arms  -  What People Are Commenting - December 4, 2014
catholic The Beauty of Suffering - Last thoughts of Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. shortly before his death - December 3, 2014
catholicHate Mail, Thanksgiving & Pedophile Confessor  -  What People Are Commenting - December 2, 2014
catholicThe Papal Address to the European Parliament  -  Bird's Eye View - Francis praises its Masonic founders & ideals - Atila S. Guimarães - December 1, 2014
catholic Farewell to a Friend  -  TIA collaborator Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. dies - December 1, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Liturgical dance expanding in Germany - November 30, 2014
catholicThe Crane: Between Swamps and Celestial Vastness  -  Authority in its step, grandeur in its flight - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira- November 29, 2014
catholicDos & Don'ts - Do Pick Up an Object a Lady Accidentally Drops  -  King Carl Gustaf of Sweden, a perfect gentlemen - Elaine Jordan - November 28, 2014
catholic Protestant & Progressivist Hatred  -  Hate Mail - November 27, 2014
catholicReality & Myth regarding Thanksgiving - The first Thanksgiving is a fable, not history - Marian T. Horvat. Ph.D. - November 26, 2014
catholicThanksgiving, ISIS & Assault on Innocence  -  What People Are Commenting - November 25, 2014
catholicChina, Hacking & Murder - Cyberwar China vs U.S. now risks American lives - Cliff Kincaid - November 24, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Loreto Sisters, from seriousness to frivolity - November 23, 2014
catholicPope St. Pius X Condemns Pope Francis - The errors of the Sillon are the same promoted by Bergoglio - Forgotten Truths - November 22, 2014
catholicChrist the King, November 23 - The state of mind that characterizes true soldiers of Christ the King - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - November 22, 2013
catholicEvil at the Movies  -  Movie review of Bless the Child and Ouija by Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. - November 21, 2014
catholicChildren of God, Nude Priests & No to CCHD  -  What People Are Commenting - November 20, 2014
catholicThe Presentation of Our Lady  - November 21 - It was in the Temple that she prepared herself to be the Mother of God - Prof. Plinio - November 20, 2014
catholic Privileges & Royal Establishment -  An organic way to accommodate the exceptions to the rule - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - November 19, 2014
catholicPoor Souls, Dialogue Mass & St. Sylvester  -  What People Are Commenting - November 18, 2014
catholicThe New Cold War & the Partition of Ukraine - Russia arranges pretexts to continue its aggressions - Toby Westerman - November 17, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  En masse desecration of churches in Italy - November 16, 2014
catholicThe Fox & the Young Turkeys  - How the fox outsmarts the over-wary birds   - Aesop - November 15, 2014
catholicThe Early History of the Mass - I  -  From the Last Supper to the Gregorian Sacramentary - Prof. Remi Amelunxen - November 14, 2014
catholicBenson, Leadership & Persecution  -  What People Are Commenting - November 13, 2014
catholicNEW PAGE - Interactive Catalog  - Check our updated and interactive catalog -  November 13, 2014
catholicMilitary Losing Technological Superiority to China - A Pentagon official issues a strong warning - Jeryl Bier - November 12, 2014
catholicOrder of Malta & False Shepherds  -  What People Are Commenting - November 11, 2014
catholic The Rich Diversity of Medieval Law -  The kings and judges were protectors of customs- Part 5 - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - November 10, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Punks adopt Francis for their tattoos - November 9, 2014
catholicTradiderunt Me  -  Christ laments His delivery into the hands of evildoers - Hymns & Songs - November 8, 2014
catholicOur Lady of Almudena - November 9 - There is always something irreversibly victorious in the causes of Our Lady - Prof. Plinio - November 8, 2014
catholicEbola, ISIS & Putin - Rightly concerned about the virus, we are ignoring greater threats - Toby Westerman - November 7, 2014
catholicOur Lady Mediatrix of All Graces - November 8 - The immensity of graces she received overflows from her to men - Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - November 7, 2014
catholicProtestants, ‘Gay’ Diocese & Dining with Heretics  -  What People Are Commenting - November 6, 2014
catholicThe Appeasement Process: Feeding the German Crocodile  -  Pius XII takes a weak, conciliatory approach in Mediator Dei - Dr. Carol Byrne - November 4, 2014
catholicGod, Evolution & Marxism’s Stench  -  What People Are Commenting - November 4, 2014
catholicFrancis Condemns Death Penalty & Life Sentences  -  Against constant Church teaching, Francis calls for mercy for criminals - Mark Stabinski - November 4, 2013
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Check whether you are a revolutionary - November 2, 2014
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  -  Grand Lodge of Italy proposes union with Bergoglio - November 1, 2014
catholicThe Family Synod in Persepctive  -  Bird's Eye View of the News - Analysis of the final document by Atila S. Guimarães - October 31, 2014
catholicModern Architecture, SSPX  Money & Halloween  -  What People Are Commenting - October 30, 2014
catholicMedia Won't Admit Global Warming Scare Is Over - Part 2  -  Scientists reveal data that demolish the myth - Bob Unruh - October 29, 2014
catholicPedophile Training & Blasphemies  -  What People Are Commenting - October 28, 2014
catholicQueer Peers & the Family Synod - Catholic DePaul University welcomes & supports homos - Margaret Galitzin - October 27, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Pedophile training in Lublin - October 26, 2014
catholicHeretics Worked Miracles by the Aid of the Devil  - How the Bishop of Besançon exposed the false preachers  - Caesar of Heisterbach - October 25, 2014
catholic Three Souls, One Page The confidence in Our Lady we need for the fight - Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. - October 24, 2014
catholicOur Lady of Good Success & Signs of the Times  -  What People Are Commenting - October 23, 2014
catholicTheatricality, Romanticism and Hedonism in Catechism Art  -  Bible illustrations like these can be harmful - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 22, 2014
catholicDivine Mercy, Nudist Archbishops & Oddi  -  What People Are Commenting - October 21, 2014
catholicGlobal Warming Scare Declared Over  -  Au contraire, scientists recognize a period of global cooling - Bob Unruh - October 20, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Francis plays baseball - October 19, 2014
catholic The History of the S.A.G. Abbreviation  - A pious custom to ensure safe mail delivery  - Elaine Jordan - October 18, 2014
catholicThe Shocking Initiatives of Pope Francis  -  A systematic plan to desacralize the Papacy & change Church teaching  -  Rafael Trindade, Brazil - October 17, 2014
catholicSynod, Coat of Arms & Assisi  -  What People Are Commenting - October 16, 2014
catholic The German Bishops Attacked, Pius XII Capitulated  -  Concessions on radical changes in liturgy are readily made - Dr. Carol Byrne - October 15, 2014
catholicAre the Knights of Malta Members of Freemasonry?  -  Guimarães says no & gives the history of the Catholic Order - Questions - October 14, 2014
catholic The Problematic Hospital Gown  - Yes, there are alternatives for the scanty standard gown - Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. - October 13, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Francis greets Buddhist - October 12, 2014
catholicLocal Saints Come First  -  Every cathedral or church honored its special patrons - Hugh O’Reilly - October 11, 2014
catholicOur Lady Aparecida - October 12 - She listens to the smallest requests of the lower people - Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 11, 2014
catholicBe Prepared: The List of What Is Forbidden in Cuba - What we will have if we accept Communism - Cosme Beccar Varela - October 10, 2014
catholicDivine Maternity of Our Lady - October 11 - Investigating the mysteries contained in this dogma - Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 10, 2014
catholicFr. Cekada & Msgr. Lefèbvre: ‘Fatima Is a Distraction from the Battle’  -  What People Are Commenting - October 9, 2014
catholicIs a Library Just a Deposit for Books?  -  Or is it also a symbol of the dignity of spirit? - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 8, 2014
catholicSickle Crosier, Lesbians’ Children & Dangerous Loquacity  -  What People Are Commenting - October 7, 2014
catholicCard. O’Malley: Don’t Fire LGBT Employees - New guidelines in Boston to follow Francis' tolerance - Margaret Galitzin - October 6, 2014
catholicOur Lady of the Rosary, October 7 - Rosary: the seal of a special liaison of the person with Our Lady - Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 6, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Jewish Ceremonies in a Catholic Church - October 5, 2014
catholic Ich Bin der Doktor Eisenbarth -  A jovial satire of doctors made by German students - Folk Songs - October 4, 2014
catholicDos & Don'ts - Don't Use Mobile Devices when in the Company of Friends  - Going online is discourteous to those present - Elaine Jordan - October 3, 2014
catholicSynod, ‘Saint’ Bergoglio & Byzantinisms  -  What People Are Commenting - October 2, 2014
catholicRussian Influence Operations Target America - A network of Forums to fool conservatives about Russian’s intentions - Cliff Kincaid - October 1, 2014
catholicThe Black Flags of Khorasan  -  What People Are Commenting - September 30, 2014
catholicFrancis' Guidelines for the Synod  -  Two papal acts set precedents for change - Bird's Eye View of the News - Atila S. Guimarães - September 29, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Francis honored by Dutch ‘gay’ TV - September 28, 2014
catholicAnimam Meam Dilectam  -  Our Lord mourns His abandonment as the Passion reaches its apex- Hymns & Songs - September 27, 2014
catholic‘Nuns on the Bus’ - Day One with Joe Biden  -  ‘These aren’t your grade school sisters, Joe’   -  Marian Horvat, Ph.D. - September 26, 2014
catholicAnacondas, Ruthenian Rite & Marvelous Trees  -  What People Are Commenting - September 25, 2014
catholicSolomon Grundy & Sudden Death  - The poem & Progressivism have a fatal omission in their teaching - Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. - September 24, 2014
catholicBaptizing Aliens & Concerns about Censures  -  What People Are Commenting - September 23, 2014
catholic Putin Threatens to Invade Poland, Romania & the Baltic States - Another menacing growl from the Russian bear - Justin Huggle - September 22, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Is Fr. Zibi ‘changing hats’? - September 21, 2014
catholicOur Lady, Consoler of Suffering Souls  - How the devotion to the Seven Sorrows saved a soul from Hell  - Elaine Jordan - September 20, 2014
catholicPaul VI's Role in the Council, Ignored by Mattei  -  Montini was the dynamo of the Conciliar Revolution - Patrick Odou - August 19, 2014
catholicApostles of the Latter Times, ‘Hot Models’ & Peace  -  What People Are Commenting - September 18, 2014
catholicOur Lady of La Salette, September 19 - The rejection of Our Lady's messages makes the chastisement unavoidable - Prof. Plinio - September 18, 2014
catholicWhat the Emblems of the Apostles Represent  -  How the medieval people recognized the statues of the Apostles - Hugh O’Reilly - September 17, 2014
catholicTake off the Porno Photos You Posted - The aim is to expose the scandal of Francis, not to promote indecency - Objections - September 16, 2014
catholicWill Brazil Vote Communist Once More? - Communists & socialists dispute the votes from the right - Manoel Ricardo Fiuza - September 15, 2014
catholicOur Lady of Las Lajas (Colombia) - September 16 - Comments on the physiognomies in the picture painted by Angels - Prof. Plinio - September 15, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Card. Dolan will march with ‘gays’ next St. Patrick's day - September 14, 2014
catholicThe Seven Sorrows of Our Lady - September 15 - Suffering is the highest gift God reserves for the elected ones - Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 14, 2014
catholicTenebrae Factae Sunt  -  Our Lord delivers up His spirit and wins our redemption - Hymns & Songs - September 13, 2014
catholicExaltation of the Holy Cross, September 14 - A feast to humiliate the enemies of Our Lord - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 13, 2014
catholicFrancis: 'If You Want to Be Happy: Don't Proselytize'  -  Talks with Jan - Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. - September 12, 2014
catholicInteractive Pictures, Black Mass & Noah  -  What People Are Commenting - September 11, 2014
catholicOfficial Lies Mask Russian & Chinese Aggression  -   Obama refuses to admit the Russian invasion of Ukraine - Cliff Kincaid - September 10, 2014
catholicAnswers to Appeal, Sheen & Mosquito Spy  -  What People Are Commenting - September 9, 2014
catholic Modern Democracy vs. Customary Law -  Roman Law eroded an organic judiciary system - Part 4 - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 8, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Pope embraces ‘hot model’ Wanda Nara - September 7, 2014
catholicNativity of Our Lady - September 8 - Her birth announced the fall of Paganism and the coming of Redemption - Prof. Plinio - September 7, 2014
catholicAn Appeal to Our Readers  -  TIA Reprints The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana - September 6, 2014
catholicOur Lady of Covadonga, September 7 - She demanded everything from her soldiers to win an impossible battle - Prof. Plinio - September 6, 2014
catholicA Proposal to Sing the Salve Regina - A brief history of the prayer that has enchanted the Catholic world - Christine Fitzgerald - September 5, 2014
catholicChoirs at Mass & ‘Active Participation’  -  Questions on the ‘Dialogue Mass’ series - Dr. Carol Byrne - September 4, 2014
catholicThe Dragon of Idolatry  -  Did St. George really fight a dragon & save a princess? - Elaine Jordan - September 3, 2014
catholicVirtual Choir, Cheating & Women in Pants  -  What People Are Commenting - September 2, 2014
catholicCaserta, a Landmark in the Francis Revolution  -  Bird's Eye View of the News - Atila Sinke Guimarães - September 1, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Spanish cloistered nuns rent convent to New Age center - August 31, 2014
catholic Por Dios, por la Patria y el Rey - A stirring anthem of the Carlists in the Spanish Civil War - Folk Songs - August 30, 2014
catholicCuban Youth Speak Out  -  What People Are Commenting - August 28, 2014
catholicLa Plus Belle Aventure du Monde, C'est la Notre   - The most beautiful adventure in the world is ours - the TIA motto - Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. - August 27, 2014
catholicCrusade, Interview & Americans in WWII  -  What People Are Commenting - August 26, 2014
catholicHow Bugnini Grew Up under Pius XII  -  Bugnini's influence grows with Msgr. Montini's and Fr. Bea's help - Dr. Carol Byrne, Great Britain - August 25, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Buddhist monks welcomed at the Lerins Abbey, France - August 24, 2014
catholic Every Guild Had Its Patron Saint  -  Each profession found a saint to protect its work - Hugh O’Reilly - August 23, 2014
catholicThe Francis Effect at ‘Gay Pride Parades" - II  -  Brazilian Church Commission defends homos - Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. - August 22, 2014
catholic‘Gay Marriage,’ Bourgeois Family & Hair Styles  -  What People Are Commenting - August 21 2014
catholicThe Immaculate Heart of Mary - August 22 - What does its triumph promised at Fatima mean? - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 21, 2014
catholicOur Lady of Knock - August 21 - The silence of apparition veils a secret - Gregory Johnson - August 20, 2014
catholicArt, Vocations in Germany & La Conquistadora  -  What People Are Commenting - August 19, 2014
catholicThe Associated Press Supporting Communist Cuba  -   It continues its job of undermining U.S. counter-intelligence efforts - Toby Westerman - August 18, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  The parrot test - August 17, 2014
catholic Knowing the Saints by their Emblems  -  The medievals found a way to easily identify the saints - Hugh O’Reilly - August 16, 2014
catholic Mattei ‘Forgot’ the Revolution Made by John XXIII  -  The conciliar errors came from the Popes, not the media - Patrick Odou - August 15, 2014
catholicZionism, Skella & NFP  -  What People Are Commenting - August 14, 2014
catholicAssumption of Our Lady - August 15 - All the joys she had were crowned with the Assumption - Prof. Plinio - August 14, 2014
catholic Gay Rights Hit Roadblocks Around the World  -  A strong resistance emerges to the 'gay rights' agenda - Stefano Gennarini, J.D. - August 13, 2014
catholicSisters, Guitar Bishop & Palmer’s Funeral  -  What People Are Commenting - August 12, 2014
catholic Royal Decrees, Personal Law & Customary Law -  Customary Law - Part 3 - Organic Society - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 11, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -   The St. Jude gym & spa in Montreal - August 10, 2014
catholic Seniores Populi - ‘The Elders of the People’  -  The Jewish Pontiffs and Pharisees plot to apprehend & kill Our Lord - Hymns & Songs - August 9, 2014
catholicMoral Profile of the Typical Progressivist Prelate  - Obsessed with equality, religious experience & the poor - Cosme Beccar Varela, Argentina - August 8, 2014
catholicMass at Castello, Ph.D. & Kolbe on Jews  -  What People Are Commenting - August 7, 2014
catholicPope Rehabilitates Marxist Priest  -   Another sign of the leftist direction of Francis' papacy - Cliff Kincaid - August 6, 2014
catholicDutch Orchestra, Tattoos & Marital Abstinence  -  What People Are Commenting - August 5, 2014
catholic Transfiguration of Our Lord – August 6 - Analogy between Transfiguration & Transubstantiation - Fr. Paul Sretenovic - August 5, 2014
catholicPius XII Empowered Progressivists for the Liturgical Reform  -  Contradictory positions and bad appointments - Dr. Carol Byrne, Great Britain - August 4, 2014
catholicOur Lady of the Snow - August 5 - Legends speak to us of the power of Our Lady - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 4, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -   Inconveniences of a frenetic quest for popularity - August 3, 2014
catholicThe Conversion of the Duke of Gandia Francis de Borja  - The sight of the Empress' corpse changed his life - Gertrude von Schwarzenfel - August 2, 2014
catholic The Damage a Revolutionary Century Made in Customs  -  Disaster victims - then and now - Margaret Galitzin - August 1, 2014
catholicOur Lady Queen of the Angels, August 2 - A needed devotion today when the Devil reaches the apex of his power - Prof. Plinio - August 1, 2014
catholicHate Mail, Francis Effect & Home  -  What People Are Commenting - July 31, 2014
catholic Anglican Women 'Bishops': The Consequences  -  Bird's Eye View of the News - Atila Sinke Guimarães - July 30, 2014
catholic Feminist, Schismatic & Abortionist Rage  -  Hate Mail - July 29, 2014
catholicThe Francis Effect at ‘Gay Pride Parades’  -  Talks with Jan - Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. - July 28, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -   The dancing cloistered Augustinians - July 27, 2014
catholic Hymn to Cristo Rey - A song of the Requetés during the Spanish Civil War - Folk Songs - July 26, 2014
catholicIs the German Chancellor an Agent of Russia?  -   Merkel's communist past and close ties with Putin signal trouble - Cliff Kincaid - July 25, 2014
catholicLepanto, Feminism & Homo Bergoglio  -  What People Are Commenting - July 24, 2014
catholicProgressivism and the ‘Only Allowed Thinking’ Support Each Other  - Infiltration inside the Church & a plan of destruction - Cosme Beccar Varela, Argentina - July 23, 2014
catholicResistances, Desolation & Torments in Hell  -  What People Are Commenting - July 22, 2014
catholic The Barbarian Invasions Molded a New Juridical Situation -  Customary Law Part 2 - Organic Society - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 21, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -   'Give me five' - New papal greeting - July 20, 2014
catholic La Catholique - A marching song of the counter-revolutionaries against the French Revolution - Folk Songs - July 19, 2014
catholicThe Precious Blood of Jesus Christ  - The Blood of Christ is the fountain of salvation - Prof. Remi Amelunxen -  July 18, 2014, 2014
catholicArt, Heretics & Muslims Killing Catholics  -  What People Are Commenting - July 17, 2014
catholicWrong Position of Science on the Creation of Matter  - God created the universe ex nihilo, this is the crucial point - Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. - July 16, 2014
catholicFuneral, Jews & the Suspect Bishop Noonan  -  What People Are Commenting - July 15, 2014
catholicOur Lady of Mount Carmel, July 16 - Link between Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Our Lady of Fatima - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 15, 2014
catholic Roberto de Mattei’s Attempt to Save Vatican II  -  In a talk in Krakow he reveals his game - Patrick Odou - July 14, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -   Brazilian priest gives talk in Freemason Lodge - July 13, 2014
catholic Eram Quasi Agnus - ‘I Was like a Lamb’  -  Our Lord warns us about the conspiracy of the wicked against Him - Hymns & Songs - July 12, 2014
catholic The Church: Guardian of Natural Law and Light of the State -  Customary Law Part 1 - Organic Society - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 11, 2014
catholicProtestant Mother, Fasting & Shorts  -  What People Are Commenting - July 10, 2014
catholicChange of Vocation for the Sisters of St. Joseph  -  From educating young women to tackling social justice  -  Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. - July 9, 2014
catholicTraditionalists, Dorothy Day & Dress Code  -  What People Are Commenting - July 8, 2014
catholicHellfest: Festival of Mental Illness  -  Tattoos, piercings & scarifications reveal serious mental disorders - July 7, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -   Francis blesses coca leaves, base for cocaine - July 6, 2014
catholicBeware, O Sinner, for Who Promises You a Tomorrow? - St. Alphonsus warns sinners on the danger of testing divine mercy - Forgotten Truths - July 5, 2014
catholicThe Devotions to Our Lady & Our Lord Are Inseparable  - No one is a true Catholic without devotion to the Mother of God - St. John Eudes  -  July 4, 2014, 2014
catholicWMDs, ‘Communists Are Christians’ & Koran  -  What People Are Commenting - July 3, 2014
catholicFreedom of Press, Winners-Losers & Enjoyment of Life  - Advantages given to those who follow the Revolution - Cosme Beccar Varela, Argentina - July 2, 2014
catholicPrecious Blood, Funeral & Cristero Standard  -  What People Are Commenting - July 1, 2014
catholicThe Visitation of Our Lady - July 2 - Magnificat, a canticle that is an artistic work of logic - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 1, 2014
catholic Maradiaga's Hints about the Future  -  Bird's Eye View of the News - Atila Sinke Guimarães - June 30, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -   Feminine presence in the liturgy increases - June 29, 2014
catholic Chouans, Chouans -  A song in honor of the Counter-Revolution of the Vendée - June 28, 2014
catholicHow Pius XI Paved the Way to Vatican II  -  Encouraging the reformers and criticizing traditional liturgy - Dr. Carol Byrne, Great Britain - June 27, 2014
catholic Following Lenin & Miles Christi  -  What People Are Commenting - June 26, 2014
catholicSacred Heart of Jesus - June 27 - Role of the Sacred Heart Devotion - How this devotion should be understood - Prof. Plinio - June 26, 2014
catholicOur Lady of Perpetual Help, June 27 - Analysis of the symbolism of this classical picture - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - June 26, 2014
catholicThe End of the U.S. Hegemony  -   Where today's Liberalism is taking us... - Toby Westerman - June 25, 2014
catholic Buddhist, Progressivist & Homo Abhorrence  -  Hate Mail - June 24, 2014
catholic Death Row Inmates ‘Entitled’ to Psychiatric Care - Feminism influences today's laws for the worse... - Margaret Galitzin - June 23, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -   Francis holds hands with pro-homo priest - June 22, 2014
catholicWhen the Measure of Guilt Is Filled, God Chastises the Sinner - St. Alphonsus on the limits of God's mercy - Forgotten Truths - June 21, 2014
catholicHell, Purity & Sanctifying Grace  - More means to avoid Hell and gain Heaven - Prof. Remi Amelunxen - June 20, 2014
catholic Contaminated Missals & Human Respect  -  What People Are Commenting - June 19, 2014
catholicWhen Men and Affairs of Commerce Were Placid  -  A look at the medieval guild houses & men who worked in them - Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - June 18, 2014
catholicSlave of Principles, Simony & Papal Audience  -  What People Are Commenting - June 17, 2014
catholicPius XI Endorses the Liturgical Revolution  -  Silent participation is stigmatized and becomes taboo - Dr. Carol Byrne, Great Britain - June 16, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -   Card. Bagnasco gives Communion to transgenders - June 15, 2014
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Why Jews commemorate the canonizations of John XXIII & John Paul II - June 14, 2014
catholicDos & Don'ts - Do Visit Natives Properly Dressed  - The visits of Queen Elizabeth II vs. those of John Paul II - Elaine Jordan - June 13, 2014
catholicSt. Anthony’s Face, God’s Mercy & Lazy Gun  -  What People Are Commenting - June 12, 2014
catholic JPII’s Canonization: A Mockery of Sanctity  - A pope responsible for the loss of souls of millions - Robert Banaugh, Ph.D. - June 11, 2014
catholicSSPX, Filioque & Scandalous Life  -  What People Are Commenting - June 10, 2014
catholicHow to Avoid Hell in Our Daily Lives  - We must avoid sin and confess every mortal sin - Prof. Remi Amelunxen - June 9, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -   Lesbianism promoted by L'Osservatore Romano - June 8, 2014
catholicHonoring Pictures of the Sacred Heart  - Words of St. Margaret Mary on this pious practice - Fr. George Tickell, S.J. -  June 7, 2014, 2014
catholic A Model for Others Must Be a Slave of Principles -  Personification of Principles- Part 4 - Organic Society - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - June 6, 2014
catholicProfanation & Clinton at Pro-Homo Party  -  What People Are Commenting - June 5, 2014
catholicPius XI vs St. Pius X on Active Participation  -  Influenced by modernists, Pius XI calls for congregational singing - Dr. Carol Byrne, Great Britain - June 4, 2014
catholicHorses in Cathedral & Cemetery Traditions  -  What People Are Commenting - June 3, 2014
catholicThe Audacity of the Changes Introduced in the Church  -  New doctrine & thinking imposed by Progressivism   -  Robert P. Banaugh, Ph.D. - June 2, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -   Profanation at Santiago of Compostela Cathedral - June 1, 2014
catholic Unus ex Discipulis - ‘One of My Disciples’  -  Our Lord mourns that Judas will betray Him - Hymns & Songs - May 31, 2014
catholic The Progressivist Revolution Faces an Impasse  -  Clash between the Catholic Church & the Conciliar Church   -  Manoel Ricardo Fiuza, Brazil - May 30, 2014
catholicQueenship of Our Lady, May 31 - The heavenly Queenship of Mary requires her earthly Queenship - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 30, 2014
catholicHiding the Papal Cross & Fire in Bethlehem  -  What People Are Commenting - May 29, 2014
catholicA New Vatican Banner: ‘Sustainable Development’  -  Bird's Eye View of the News - Atila Sinke Guimarães - May 28, 2014
catholicPsycho, ‘Saint’ Montini & Dialogue Mass  -  What People Are Commenting - May 27, 2014
catholicFalse Democracy, ‘Marvelous Youth’ & Onerous Elderly  -  Myths advanced by Progressivism to destroy society - Cosme Beccar Varela, Argentina - May 26, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -   Introducing liturgical dance in New Castle, Australia - May 25, 2014
catholic Scotland the Brave  -  A national song praising the merits and glory of Scotland - May 24, 2014
catholicHope for Catholics Living Scandalous Lives  -  Living a chaste life is the antidote for our culture of lust - James L. Ward - May 23, 2014
catholicOur Lady Help of Christians, May 24 - How do we know that a help comes from Our Lady? - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 23, 2014
catholicIs Pope Bergoglio a Psychopath?  -  What People Are Commenting - May 22, 2014
catholicDetrimental Upshots of Noah  -  False messages carved into memories - Movie review by Christine Fitzgerald - May 21, 2014
catholicPhilomena, Confession & Armed Forces Day  -  What People Are Commenting - May 20, 2014
catholicParticipation, Vocalization & Vulgarization  -  Ill effects of the 'Dialogue Mass' form - Dr. Carol Byrne, Great Britain - May 19, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -   The end of pomp in papal transportation - May 18, 2014
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - John XXIII's friendship with the modernist Buonaiuti - May 17, 2014
catholic Alert: Beware of Papal Smut  -  Francis hits a new low with his comment on journalists   -  Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. - May 16, 2014
catholic‘Great’ Putin, Noah & Birds of Prey  -  What People Are Commenting - May 15, 2014
catholicNoah - The Rest of the Story  -  Part II - An unbiblical account of the Flood & God's alliance with man - Movie review by Judith Mead & Marian Horvat - May 14, 2014
catholic'Queen of Austria’ & Dominance of Russia  -  What People Are Commenting - May 13, 2014
catholicIs Europe Still Defensible from Invasion?  -   A failed EU + a dwindling US commitment = vulnerability - Roger Scruton, London - May 12, 2014
catholicOur Lady of Fatima, May 13 - What should the content of the Third Secret be? - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 12, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Pope Bergoglio kisses the hand of pro-homo priest - May 11, 2014
catholicOur Lady of the Abandoned Ones, May 12 - Miraculous origin of a devotion from which we all benefit - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 11, 2014
catholicThe Fox and the Crow  - The crafty fox uses flattery to trick the vain crow - Elaine Jordan - May 10, 2014
catholic The Role of Imitation in Pursuing Legitimate Pleasure -  Personification of Principles- Part 3 - Organic Society - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 9, 2014
catholicPrivate Sins & Letter to Jorge  -  What People Are Commenting - May 8, 2014
catholicNoah’s Theosophic Underpinnings  -  Part I - An upside-down account of Creation - Movie review by Judith Mead & Marian Horvat - May 7, 2014
catholicGaga, Jews on Popes & Death Penalty  -  What People Are Commenting - May 6, 2014
catholicLaity-Clergy Class Struggle Based on ‘Active Participation’  -  Making a liturgy that empowers the people & stifles the 'elitist' clergy - Dr. Carol Byrne, Great Britain - May 5, 2014
catholic Church Revolution in Pictures -  Fr. Zibi, a typical priest of the Wojtylan Church - May 4, 2014
catholic Gaudeamus Igitur - A popular German student song that praises university life - Folk Songs - May 3, 2014
catholic The Children of Fatima See Hell    - Our Lady's request is ignored by the Popes; its consequences - Dr. Remi Amelunxen - May 2, 2014
catholicInequality, Beautiful Bird & Priestly Celibacy  -  What People Are Commenting - May 1, 2014
catholicRussian Dominance in Europe?  -   Communism reemerges in a stronger, oil-rich Russia allied to China - Toby Westerman - April 30, 2014
catholicCanonizations, Foot Fetish & Homo Satanism  -  What People Are Commenting - April 29, 2014
catholicKasper’s Theory: A Perversion of Catholic Doctrine  -  His novel Communion plan for divorced & remarried Catholics  -  Robert P. Banaugh, Ph.D. - April 28, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  More & more women representing the Apostles... - April 27, 2014
catholicSt. Francis Xavier Raises a Man to Life  - He works great miracles to convert the people of India - Fr. Dominique Bouhours - April 26, 2014
catholicWho's Who regarding the 'Canonizations'  -  The reactions of Catholics to the 'canonizations' of JPII & John XXIII - A.S. Guimarães - April 25, 2014
catholicCrashing Crucifix, Pilgrim & Radicals  -  What People Are Commenting - April 24, 2014
catholicOur Lady of Good Counsel of Genazzano, April 25 & 26 - Psychological analysis of Our Lady and the Child in that picture - Prof. Plinio - April 24, 2014
catholicThe Option for the Poor & the End of Communism  -  Two more progressivist myths to influence public opinion - Cosme Beccar Varela, Argentina - April 23, 2014
catholicPacelli, Viri Probati & Aping Protestants  -  What People Are Commenting - April 22, 2014
catholicThe Dialogue Mass, a Tool to Democratize Liturgy  -  Eliminating quiet prayers & private devotions during Mass - Dr. Carol Byrne, Great Britain - April 21, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Fr. Laurence Freeman and his Hindu-Buddhist meditations - April 20, 2014
catholic Easter Greetings to Our Readers - April 19, 2014
catholic Why Saturday Is Dedicated to Our Lady - Two mysteries related to Holy Slavery to Our Lady - Prof. Plinio - April 18, 2014
catholicTenebrae Liturgy of Holy Saturday - Listen to O Vos Omnes  -  A responsory  by Tomas Luis de Victoria - April 18, 2014
catholicHonoring Our Lady at Holy Saturday- Listen to Stabat Mater Dolorosa  -  A hymn singing the sorrows of Our Lady during the Passion - April 18, 2014
catholicGood Friday Prepararion   -  Three scenes to contemplate and special graces to request - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 17, 2014
catholicHoly Week Meditations - Visit our Spotlight page  -  More than 20 articles & songs for your spiritual benefit - April 17, 2014
catholicThe Pains Inflicted on the Reprobates in Hell    -  Thinking about Hell helps us to avoid it - Dr. Remi Amelunxen - April 16, 2014
catholicHoly Thursday Preparation - Listen to Amicus Meus  -  A responsory for Maundy Thursday by Tomas Luis de Victoria - April 16, 2014
catholicWhy Did Queen Elizabeth Wear Men’s Clothes?  -  What People Are Asking  -  Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. - April 15, 2014
catholicThe Wrong Way to Treat President Putin  -  The sanctions against Russia's takeover of Crimea are useless - Roger Scruton, England - April 14, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Fr. Beto, leader of Liberation Theology, meets Francis - April 13, 2014
catholicTamquam ad Latronem -  A Good Friday responsory by Tomás Luis de Victoria - Lent & Holy Week Meditations - April 12, 2014
catholicOur Warfare for the Kingdom  -  A battle-ready army must restore a visible society on earth - James L. Ward - April 11, 2014
catholicSuor Cristina, Invitations & Alms  -  What People Are Commenting - April 10, 2014
catholicProstituting God's Plan  -  Conciliar ecumenism turns God's plan for unity to Satan's purpose  -  Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. - April 9, 2014
catholicHonoring Judas & Evangelii Gaudium  -  What People Are Commenting - April 8, 2014
catholic The Noble, a Model to be Imitated -  Personification of Principles - Part 2 - Organic Society - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 7, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Child of lesbians baptized at Cordoba Cathedral, Argentina - April 6, 2014
catholicJudas Mercator Pessimus -  A Maundy Thursday chant by Tomás Luis de Victoria - Lent & Holy Week Meditations - April 5, 2014
catholicThe Start of the New Liturgical Reform  -  How 'active participation' triggered other reforms in the liturgy - Dr. Carol Byrne, Great Britain - April 4, 2014
catholicCatholic Imagery in Today’s Fashions  -  The impact of modern fashion on the Catholic Faith   - Interview with Dr. Marian Horvat - April 3, 2014
catholicThe Kingdom and the Three Churches  -  How man can live in harmony with the will of God - James L. Ward - April 2, 2014
catholicOrganic Society & U.S. Arms to Russia  -  What People Are Commenting - April 1, 2014
catholicEG's Social Input & the Internationale Communiste  -  Francis' first document is as red as the Communist flag - Bird's Eye View - A.S. Guimarães - March 31, 2014
catholicChant Royal on Lent  - A 14th century French lyrical poem calling for penance & contemplation - Margaret Coats, Ph.D. - March 29, 2014
catholicEvolution, Culture of Death & Morals  -  Darwin's racism and the evil roots of Evolutionism - Christopher Fleming, Spain - March 28, 2014
catholicBeing Judgmental & a Sinking Myth  -  What People Are Commenting - March 27, 2014
catholicThe Progressivist Rule of ‘Religious Sentiment’  -  Sentimental feelings, not principles, are the rule of the day - Cosme Beccar Varela - March 26, 2014
catholicETs, Rock Nun & Missale Romanum  -  What People Are Commenting - March 25, 2014
catholicHell Is a Dogma of the Faith    -  Hell of the damned, the place where souls remain forever - Dr. Remi Amelunxen - March 24, 2014
catholicAnnunciation of the Angel & Incarnation of the Word, March 25 - Two mysteries related to Holy Slavery to Our Lady - Prof. Plinio - March 24, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  The opening procession of an Afro-Mass in Brazil - March 23, 2014
catholicSt. Patrick Wins the Right to Judge Ireland  - He fasts & prays for 40 days on Ireland's 'holy mountain' - Gregory Johnson - March 22, 2014
catholicThe Great Moral Flaw in Vatican II - Part 3  -  The Bishops broke their sworn Oaths against Modernism  -  Prof. Raymond B. Marcin - March 21, 2014
catholicSOS - Venezuela Is Waiting for Our Support  -  What People Are Commenting - March 20, 2014
catholicEvolution, the Devil´s Weapon against Christianity  -  Evolutionism destroys the dogmas and the faith - Christopher Fleming, Spain - March 19, 2014
catholic‘Gays’ in St. Patrick’s Parade & Addressing Monks  -  What People Are Commenting - March 18, 2014
catholicThanks, Putin - America Owes You a Debt of Gratitude  -   America wakes up to Moscow's plan to rebuild the USSR - Toby Westerman - March 17, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  A democratic Bergoglio takes a bus for his Lenten retreat - March 16, 2014
catholicSt. Patrick Converts the King’s Daughters  - Ss. Eithna the Red and Fidelm the Fair - Gregory Johnson - March 15, 2014
catholicThe Great Moral Flaw in Vatican II - Part 2  -  Vatican II clashed with the previous Popes   -  Prof. Raymond B. Marcin - March 14, 2014
catholic Imitation, Suits & Ritual Assassinations  -  What People Are Commenting - March 13, 2014
catholicPius X Did Not Call for ‘Active Participation’ in Liturgy  -  No reference to congregational singing in his Motu Proprio - Dr. Carol Byrne, Great Britain - March 12, 2014
catholicRolling Stones & Money for Planned Parenthood  -  What People Are Commenting - March 11, 2014
catholic The Phenomenon of Imitation in Society -  Personification of Principles - Part 1 - Organic Society - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira -March 10, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  The Vatican glorifies Liberation Theology & Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez - March 9, 2014
catholic The Battle of New Orleans - A song on the victory of Americans over English troops in 1815 - Folk Songs - March 8, 2014
catholicDominant Ideas of the ‘Only Allowed Thinking’  -  A new Church emerges under Progressivism's heavy hand - Cosme Beccar Varela, Argentina - March 7, 2014
catholic Progressivist & Apostate Annoyance  -  Hate Mail - March 6, 2014
catholicThe Great Moral Flaw in Vatican II - Part 1  -  The smoke of Satan in the Church   -  Prof. Raymond B. Marcin - March 5, 2014
catholicOur Lady of Nazaré, March 6 - When only a remnant remains faithful, she restores everything from it - Prof. Plinio - March 5, 2014
catholicVenezuela & Sado-Masochism for Teens  -  What People Are Commenting - March 4, 2014
catholic Kudos to Uganda’s Anti-Homosexual Law  -  President Museveni lectures a shameful, immoral West - Margaret C. Galitzin - March 3, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  When L'Osservatore Romano becomes indecent - March 2, 2014
catholicIf Your Eye Causes You to Sin...  -  St. Francis discusses with Sultan Al-Kamil during the Fifth Crusade - Frank Rega - March 1, 2014
catholicThe Destruction Intended by Evangelii Gaudium  -  Bird's Eye View of the News - Atila Sinke Guimarães - February 28, 2014
catholicFatima, Petrus Romanus & Lourdes  -  What People Are Commenting - February 27, 2014
catholic A Plea for Silent Participation in the Liturgy  -  The false roots of the dialogue Mass - Dr. Carol Byrne, Great Britain - February 26, 2014
catholicSchismatics & Pass the Butter, Please  -  What People Are Commenting - February 25, 2014
catholicProgressivist Strategy to Extinguish the Faith  -  The Church enters the modern world & accepts its errors - Cosme Beccar Varela, Argentina - February 24, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures -  Bergoglio's heavy-metal priest - February 23, 2014
catholic The Pilgrims Chorus - A German classical song expressing the joy of having one's sins forgiven - February 22, 2014
catholicAgain! Massive Fudging on Global-Warming Temps  -  More data showing fraud by global warming advocates - Bob Unruh - February 21, 2014
catholicBoycott Divine Mercy & Advice to Baptists  -  What People Are Commenting - February 20, 2014
catholic The Gravity of Matrimony - Hints of even easier annulments to come - Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. - February 19, 2014
catholicAnti-Homo Bill, ‘Sexiest’ Priests & Hair  -  What People Are Commenting - February 18, 2014
catholicClarity Before the Council; Ambiguity Afterwards  -  The change in the papal documents after Vatican II   -  Manoel Ricardo Fiuza - February 17, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Card. O'Malley asks Methodist to 'reaffirm' his baptism - February 16, 2014
catholicProgressivist Document of the Week  - Vatican promotes Hindu divinity - February 15, 2014
catholicDeadly Myth: Russia-China Rivalry  -   Minor disagreements mask a growing, dangerous alliance - Toby Westerman - February 14, 2014
catholicPope, Rolling Stone’s & Grammys  -  What People Are Commenting - February 13, 2014
catholicAl Gore Forecasted 'Ice-Free' Arctic by 2013  -  Instead the Arctic ice cover expands 50% - Alex Newman - February 12, 2013
catholic How Should the Five First Saturdays & Nine First Fridays Be Made?  - The conditions requested by Heaven to make them  - Questions - February 11, 2014
catholic Targeting Our Teens - Part 2  - The price paid for permissiveness - James Ward - February 10, 2014
catholicOur Lady of Lourdes, February 11 - Lessons about suffering, miracles of generosity and resignation - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - February 10, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Voodoo Masses in St. Madeleine Basilica, Paris - February 9, 2014
catholic The Impossible Dream  -  An American song extolling the militant ideals of medieval chivalry - February 8, 2014
catholicClimate Scientist Predicts 20 More Years of Global Cooling  -  Dr. Easterbrook proves global warning is a fiasco - Barbara Hollingsworth - February 7, 2013
catholicNew Evangelization & Woman’s Dress  -  What People Are Commenting - February 6, 2014
catholicAdmiration for Shrewdness Killed Honor’s Hegemony  -  Contracts & Honor - Part 4 - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - February 5, 2014
catholicHistory, TIA & Our Lady of Good Success  -  What People Are Commenting - February 4, 2014
catholic Targeting Our Teens - Part 1  - Moral vs. amoral fashions - James Ward - February 3, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Break-dancing at the Freiburg Archdiocesan bazaar - February 2, 2014
catholicWhen a Pilgrim’s Request Is Refused  -  A woman refuses bread to a pilgrim on route to Santiago de Compostela - Elaine Jordan - February 1, 2014
catholic Our Lady of Good Succes & the Purification, February 2 - Love for tradition made her go to the Temple - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - February 1, 2014
catholic What Cardinal Eijk Forgot to Say  -  His weak defense of Trent during Christian Unity Week raises attention  -  Mark Stabinski - January 31, 2014
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  - Day Nine - To be said on February 1 - Posted January 31, 2014
catholicWar on Hair, Donations & ‘Paradise’  -  What People Are Commenting - January 30, 2014
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  - Day Eight - To be said on January 31 - Posted January 30, 2014
catholicInternal Contradictions in Evangelii Gaudium  -  Bird's Eye View of the News - Atila Sinke Guimarães - January 29, 2014
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  - Day Seven - To be said on January 30 - Posted January 29, 2014
catholicThe Seagull, the Crow & the Doves  -  What People Are Commenting - January 28, 2014
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  - Day Six - To be said on January 29 - Posted January 28, 2014
catholicThe Vatican Exposition at the Venice Biennale  -  The first Vatican entry presents a Genesis without God - Margaret G. Galitzin - January 27, 2014
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Day Five - To be said on January 28 - Posted January 27, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Card. Tauran pays homage to a Hindu idol - January 26, 2014
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  - Day Four - To be said January 27 - Posted January 26, 2014
catholic Screw Guns  -  A popular English song of the Royal Artillery - January 25, 2014
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Day Three - To be said January 26 - Posted January 25, 2014
catholicMeans to Avoid Purgatory  -  Devotion to Our Lady and other prudent habits - Dr. Remi Amelunxen - January 24, 2014
catholicNovena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Day Two - To be said January 25 - Posted January 24, 2013
catholicVoodooist Exasperation  -  Hate Mail - What People Are Saying - January 23, 2013
catholicTomorrow Starts the Novena of Our Lady of Good Success  -  Invitation, Introduction and Day One - Novena from January 24 to February 2, her feast day. Are you short on time? Start the short novena - Posted January 23, 2014
catholicA Parable: The Punishment of the Franciscans of the Immaculate  -  Talks with Jan - Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. - January 22, 2014
catholicHomo Syphilis, Satan & ‘Saint’ Roncalli  -  What People Are Commenting - January 21, 2014
catholicWorse than the Tricoteuses  -  Post-Vatican II Popes & Prelates praise the ideals of the French Revolution  -  Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. - January 20, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Card. Jorge Bergoglio promotes a tango Mass - January 19, 2014
catholicOur Lady of the Miracle, January 20 - How she converted the Jew Alphonse Ratisbonne - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 19, 2014
catholic Wha Wadna' Fecht for Charlie (Who Would Not fight for Charlie?)  -  A Scottish Jacobite song - January 18, 2014
catholicVatican Hires Pro-Homosexual Firms - Part 2  -  ‘Gay’ friendly companies are good friends of the Vatican... - Randy Engel - January 17, 2014
catholic What about Short Hair for Women?  - When the trend started and what its revolutionary purpose is  - What People Are Asking -  January 16, 2014
catholic Our Lady of Peace - January 17 - True peace demands a means to defend order against those who want to destroy it - Prof. Plinio - January 16, 2014
catholicThe Importance of the Inauguration Oath  -  Contracts & Honor - Part 3 - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 15, 2014
catholicVatican Approves UFOs  -  What People Are Commenting - January 14, 2014
catholicThe Location of Purgatory & Help from the Poor Souls  -  The good of assisting the Poor Souls, who also help us - Dr. Remi Amelunxen - January 13, 2014
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Pope admires immorally dressed performer - January 12, 2014
catholicThe Fatal Danger of Abusing God’s Mercy - St. Alphonsus warns that God only pardons a fixed number of sins - Forgotten Truths - January 11, 2014
catholicFolk Songs  -  A traditional German hunting song - January 10, 2014
catholicRose Parade, Frogs & Giving Alms  -  What People Are Commenting - January 9, 2014
catholicVatican Hires Pro-Homosexual Firms - Part 1  -  Ernst & Young heads a vast homosexual network - Randy Engel - January 8, 2014
catholicCarols, New Year & Divorce  -  What People Are Commenting - January 7, 2014
catholicLa Pira: A Catholic Communist - Part 12  -  An agenda similar to Communism’s - Dr. Carol Byrne, Great Britain - January 6, 2013
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Francis is awarded a menorah by Israel - January 5, 2014
catholic Epiphany of Our Lord,  January 6 - Representation of fidelity in different eras of History - Prof. Plinio - January 5, 2014
catholicThe College Must Obey the Pope on Faith, Government & Discipline - Pius IX puts to rest the pretensions of collegiality - Forgotten Truths - January 4, 2014
catholicThe Torment of the Senses in Purgatory  -  Souls suffer willingly, consoled by the hope of Heaven - Dr. Remi Amelunxen - January 3, 2014
catholic2013 Lightning & Anniversary of the 3rd Secret  -  What People Are Commenting - January 2, 2014
catholicThe Prestige of Honor in Medieval Society  -  Contracts & Honor - Part 2 - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 1, 2014

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