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Tattoos Always Open the Door of the Soul
to the Devil
A few decades ago, a debate on the morality of tattoos would not have been necessary. Once prevalent only among rebellious, low-bred or mentally unstable individuals, they were generally viewed as a sign of moral degeneracy.
Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan and author of The Satanic Bible, called tattoos a “statement against Christianity” (1) and, as far back as 1990 claimed that Satanism is behind every tattoo – be it a rose or a dragon. (2)
This alone provides ample reason to condemn tattoos as opposed to the sensus catolicus.
Yet, as with many other controversial matters, progressivists have pretended that the Church holds no official stance on this subject. Some have falsely implied that rare exceptions (such as tattoos received by Eastern Catholics during times of persecution) govern the rule.
Despite this confusion, Church teaching is clear and unchanging. The matter is settled by Scripture, which says: “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, neither shall you make on yourselves any figures or marks.” (Lev 19:28)
This proscription cannot be dismissed as mere ceremonial law, for it pertains to the Fifth Commandment. Tattoos involve self-mutilation, which can never be tolerated. Besides, according to Catholic tradition, it is not licit to artificially alter one’s appearance in a significant way, since it is a sign of vanity. It follows that permanently coloring one’s skin with ink designs and figures falls under this category.
More concerningly, tattoos violate the First Commandment because they are inseparable from pagan spirituality. Just as yoga or witchcraft cannot be Christianized, neither can modern-day tattoos. Regardless of intention, they serve as a channel to false gods.
Steve Gilbert’s book, A Tattoo History: A Source Book, notes that in ancient times,
“The actual tattooing process, which involved complex ritual and taboos, could only be done by priests and was associated with beliefs which were secrets known only to members of the priestly caste. ...
“They [tattoos] originated in connection with ancient rites of scarification and bloodletting which were associated with religious practices intended to put the human soul in harmony with supernatural forces and ensure continuity between this life and the next.” (p. 158)
Ancient Egypt, infamous for its occult practices, placed great emphasis on tattoos.
Historians have noted the presence of tattoos on some mummies. Often, they contained symbols connected to particular gods or rituals. (3) Tattoos were considered an “amulet” that could provide protection. In addition, certain tattoos were thought to have the spiritual power to ease pain. (4)
Given that ancient Egyptian practices have provided the foundation for secret societies and false religions that endure to this day, it is almost certain that these tattooing practices have also continued with occult significance, albeit in a more hidden way.
Contemporary tribal cultures still openly employ tattoos for spiritual purposes. Among these, the Maori tribe uses them as good luck charms. Each symbol contains its own spiritual meaning that is not apparent to the casual observer. (5) Might the designs offered at Western tattoo parlors contain similar symbols? It would seem so.
While some tattoos may lack explicitly pagan symbols, they are nevertheless a portal to the demonic. Striving to rid them of their pagan significance is as futile as trying to beautify a rap song by changing the lyrics.
For this reason, the Church consistently prohibited tattoos whenever she established herself in a region. The Emperor Constantine set this precedent after his conversion, outlawing tattoos throughout the Roman Empire. For many centuries, rulers in Western Europe upheld restrictions on tattoos. Moreover, missionaries in foreign lands made efforts to end the practice when they encountered it. (6) This is why, until recently, we did not see Catholic tattoos even in formerly tribal areas, like some uncivilized parts of Latin America.
Exorcists have raised concerns about the spiritual dangers of tattoos, and there is no shortage of frightening stories about them. Exorcist Fr. Stephen Rosetti admitted that they can bring about demonic infestations. On one occasion, a deacon poured holy water over a woman’s tattoo. She screamed that it burned, even though the water was cold. This is notable because the tattoo was simply of a rose, not a devil or another occult image.
Longtime Vatican exorcist Fr. Gabriele Amorth also criticized tattoos. Once, during an exorcism, a demon confessed to him that tattoos are imbued with evil symbolism and are a powerful tool for its use. (7)
What about "Catholic" tattoos? According to Fr. Chad Ripperger, these are the worst of all. Far from providing spiritual protection, they invite demons. In an interview, he said: “The worst tattoo I ever had to decommission … was a tattoo of St. Michael the Archangel.”8)
Such tattoos are a form of sacrilege which greatly offends the Saints and Angels rather than honoring them. In a certain sense, it is understandable that some could think that "Catholic" tattoos could be a way to remember God. Still, this is a cheap substitute for engraving His memory into our hearts, which is far more necessary.
Those who wish to honor Our Lord through physical symbols can do so by wearing scapulars, blessed medals, cords of Saints (such as the St. Philomena cord of the St. Joseph cord), and, most importantly in our day, modest and counter-revolutionary clothing. We can also consecrate ourselves, body and soul, to our Blessed Mother, so that our very selves will become a reminder of the God to Whom we belong. All of this is a more effective way to grow close to God.
Tattoos must always be avoided. Rather than join the Cultural Revolution, Catholics should fight against it and hold to the good customs of ages past.
Satan is behind every tattoo, be it a rose or a dragon; above, DeeDee even tattooed her eyeballs, below, a simple PX still opens the door of the soul to the Devil
Yet, as with many other controversial matters, progressivists have pretended that the Church holds no official stance on this subject. Some have falsely implied that rare exceptions (such as tattoos received by Eastern Catholics during times of persecution) govern the rule.
Despite this confusion, Church teaching is clear and unchanging. The matter is settled by Scripture, which says: “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, neither shall you make on yourselves any figures or marks.” (Lev 19:28)
This proscription cannot be dismissed as mere ceremonial law, for it pertains to the Fifth Commandment. Tattoos involve self-mutilation, which can never be tolerated. Besides, according to Catholic tradition, it is not licit to artificially alter one’s appearance in a significant way, since it is a sign of vanity. It follows that permanently coloring one’s skin with ink designs and figures falls under this category.
More concerningly, tattoos violate the First Commandment because they are inseparable from pagan spirituality. Just as yoga or witchcraft cannot be Christianized, neither can modern-day tattoos. Regardless of intention, they serve as a channel to false gods.
Steve Gilbert’s book, A Tattoo History: A Source Book, notes that in ancient times,
“The actual tattooing process, which involved complex ritual and taboos, could only be done by priests and was associated with beliefs which were secrets known only to members of the priestly caste. ...
Preparing children for the tattoo culture with romper tattoo sleeves & temporary paint-on tattoos
Ancient Egypt, infamous for its occult practices, placed great emphasis on tattoos.
Historians have noted the presence of tattoos on some mummies. Often, they contained symbols connected to particular gods or rituals. (3) Tattoos were considered an “amulet” that could provide protection. In addition, certain tattoos were thought to have the spiritual power to ease pain. (4)
Given that ancient Egyptian practices have provided the foundation for secret societies and false religions that endure to this day, it is almost certain that these tattooing practices have also continued with occult significance, albeit in a more hidden way.
Contemporary tribal cultures still openly employ tattoos for spiritual purposes. Among these, the Maori tribe uses them as good luck charms. Each symbol contains its own spiritual meaning that is not apparent to the casual observer. (5) Might the designs offered at Western tattoo parlors contain similar symbols? It would seem so.
A youth celebrated in Vogue
for his Polynesian Tonga tattoo sleeve
For this reason, the Church consistently prohibited tattoos whenever she established herself in a region. The Emperor Constantine set this precedent after his conversion, outlawing tattoos throughout the Roman Empire. For many centuries, rulers in Western Europe upheld restrictions on tattoos. Moreover, missionaries in foreign lands made efforts to end the practice when they encountered it. (6) This is why, until recently, we did not see Catholic tattoos even in formerly tribal areas, like some uncivilized parts of Latin America.
Exorcists have raised concerns about the spiritual dangers of tattoos, and there is no shortage of frightening stories about them. Exorcist Fr. Stephen Rosetti admitted that they can bring about demonic infestations. On one occasion, a deacon poured holy water over a woman’s tattoo. She screamed that it burned, even though the water was cold. This is notable because the tattoo was simply of a rose, not a devil or another occult image.
Longtime Vatican exorcist Fr. Gabriele Amorth also criticized tattoos. Once, during an exorcism, a demon confessed to him that tattoos are imbued with evil symbolism and are a powerful tool for its use. (7)
A form of sacrilege that dishonors the Saints & Angels
Such tattoos are a form of sacrilege which greatly offends the Saints and Angels rather than honoring them. In a certain sense, it is understandable that some could think that "Catholic" tattoos could be a way to remember God. Still, this is a cheap substitute for engraving His memory into our hearts, which is far more necessary.
Those who wish to honor Our Lord through physical symbols can do so by wearing scapulars, blessed medals, cords of Saints (such as the St. Philomena cord of the St. Joseph cord), and, most importantly in our day, modest and counter-revolutionary clothing. We can also consecrate ourselves, body and soul, to our Blessed Mother, so that our very selves will become a reminder of the God to Whom we belong. All of this is a more effective way to grow close to God.
Tattoos must always be avoided. Rather than join the Cultural Revolution, Catholics should fight against it and hold to the good customs of ages past.
Tattoos imbued with occult meanings
& evil symbolism
- (Modern Primitives: An Investigation of Contemporary Adornment and Ritual by V. Vale)
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Posted November 13, 2023