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Dos and Don'ts in Photos

King Carl Gustaf 

Do pick up an object a lady accidentally drops

As King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden were going to the wedding banquet of their daughter, Princess Madeleine, on June 8, 2013, in the Palace of Drottningholm, the King did not hesitate to bend down to the floor to pick up an earring, which had accidentally dropped from Queen Silvia's ear.

This was an admirable act of a gentleman that should be imitated by all men who are truly civilized.

Any object a lady drops accidentally should be picked up from the floor by a gentleman, as long as the lady is not a feminist who pretends to be equal to a man in almost everything. If she is, let her make the effort. If she is not, pay this tribute that the strong sex owes to the weaker one, which needs respect and protection.

Do pick up an object a lady accidentally drops on the floor.

Elaine M. Jordan


Blason de Charlemagne
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Photo from Point de Vue, October 15, 2014

Posted November 28, 2014

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