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Dos and Don’ts in Photos

Queen Sofia of Spain and pandas 

Don't be too close to animals

In order to be "in" the ecolo-fashion of protecting animals, Queen Sofia of Spain visited the Madrid Zoo to spend some time playing with the newborn pandas, above left.

Not in accordance with royal protocol, however, one of the pandas, above right, decided to make itself memorable by leaving a non-perfumed souvenir on the Queen's dress...

An episode that made the Queen look ridiculous and enter the list of Spanish jokes under less than commendable epithets.

She certainly could have avoided this personal nuisance and public laughter if she had been more careful in her public appearances favoring ecology.

Involuntarily she gave us an example not to follow.

If you want to maintain your dignity, good health and clean clothing:

Don't be too close to animals.

Elaine M. Jordan

Photos from Point de Vue, April 6 2011


Blason de Charlemagne
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Posted February 12, 2016

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