What People Are Commenting
Traditionalist-Buddhists, The Alamo &
‘Gay Marriage’
SSPX and the Buddhist-style
Dear brothers,
My name is P.J.A., and I'm from Brazil and met your site a few months ago. I would like to congratulate you for the service in defense of the faith of the Holy Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
I have found the picture at right - apparently of the same place as the photo posted recently on your category Photo of the Week - "Is the Society of St. Pius X making concessions to Buddhism?"
You can see the picture and more information about the Asian SSPX mission here.
I have found nothing about the "Buddhist-style" of the Mass celebration, and I and my friend will ask some SSPX priests in Brazil about this style to stay during the celebration.
Ave Maria!
A Very Unwise Report...
I think it would have been a much wiser decision to actually ask the Society stationed in Asia to explain the photo rather than take as verbatim what some layperson imagines. There is an explanation.
Actually from what I see in the photo... it is not a chapel in the true sense of the word, but a space that was available for whatever function was going on there. We do not know even if they had chairs. This kind of reporting is very unwise until things are clarified by those who were actually there.
A.M. from Canada
TIA responds:
Perhaps you are being a little "unwise," let us say, in rushing into an explanation for something you are not sure of.
The photo sent to us by a reader that we reproduced in the Church Revolution in Pictures was taken from the official organ of SSPX in the United States, The Angelus magazine, which calls the place "the SSPX chapel of Tokyo." You may check the context in the photos below. The only thing we did when we reproduced it was to delete, for aesthetic purposes, the caption that The Angelus placed on that picture.
If the official organ of the organization in the U.S. calls it chapel, we can only suppose the information it is giving is correct.
TIA correspondence desk
No Chairs? Just a Practical Reason...
Dear TIA desk,
I informed the SSPX Asia superior about the picture of the SSPX chapel that you published. He has told me that it is not their chapel but a cultural hall that they rent out. It is the nature of things out there that such places are not always equipped with chairs.
Best wishes & God bless
N.C., India
TIA responds:
Dear N.C.,
Thank you for your information; we are keeping it in our records.
Regarding the name chapel, please read the answer to the previous reader. The Asia superior and the American organ of the same organization apparently have different names for the same place. Further, confirming what The Angelus affirms, the SSPX Asia District - in its 2000 November-December newsletter - calls that place The Japanese Martyrs' Mass Center in Tokyo, as you may check by scrolling down this page.
It is also interesting to observe that the same center has been rented as a Mass Center at least since 2000 (check the date in the newsletter above). The more recent Angelus article confirms that up to August 2008 that site was still their chapel in Tokyo. It is hard to believe that during a eight-year-tenancy some folding chairs could not be provided for their faithful, even if they could only schedule several Masses per month in Tokyo. The presence of a portable organ at left in the photo shows that this possibility would be feasible.
Besides, how does one explain that already in 2000 Japanese Fr. Thomas Onoda had also adopted the cross-legged Buddhist style of sitting as shown in the picture below?
Perhaps you may offer us some consistent explanations about these points so that we can pass on to our readers definite information that no inculturation with Buddhism is present in the Japanese branch of that
TIA correspondence desk
The Alamo
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your excellent website.
Has there ever been anything written regarding the Battle of the Alamo in 1836? Were there any missionaries still there? Were there any Catholics?
I thank you in advance for any information you can give me.
TIA responds:
Dear M.F.,
Thank you for your kind words.
We forwarded your questions to two Texan friends and scholars who are well acquainted with the history of their State. We hope to hear from them soon.
TIA correspondence desk
California Rebukes Homosexual Marriage
It was truly refreshing to see the end result of Proposition 8 in California, a State engulfed by liberals! Since Barack Obama has ascended to the presidency, homosexuals have become emboldened. They are just one of a handful of progressive lobbyist groups whom he owes favors to. The main reason why their depraved efforts to force the California courts to adopt their phony and noxious ideas of "gay marriage" relied heavily on the votes of African-Americans and Hispanics!
Though many within these communities, willfully and foolishly handed over their votes to make Obama the "first Black president," their core beliefs center within a traditional mindset. The predominately white homosexual rabble rousers, along with the feminist lobbyist, for the past 20 years have dutifully aligned themselves with liberal-minded African-American activists, such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, to further promote their narcissistic and diabolical agendas!
This is why many homosexuals were shocked and angered by the lack of support given to them by the black community. So what did they do to retaliate? Did they attack predominately black or hispanic churches? Why, no, they headed to local, predominately white mormon and evangelical churches, to vent and physically assault the most vulnerable, including a brave elderly woman, whose cross they confiscated and shamelessly desecrated! [watch the video here]
Never one to refrain from promoting the term "tolerance," they seem to have very little tolerance for those brave enough to renounce their destructive and immoral behavior publicly!
This is just one of a handful of displays which we will be exposed to during the next four years of Barack Obama's presidency.
Posted December 4, 2008

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