What People Are Commenting
B'nai B'rith & Diabolical Influence
Pope with B'nai B'rith
Dear TIA,
Thanks once again for posting pictures that speak louder than any words. I refer the picture of the Pope being presented with with a picture by B'nai B'rith. The Pope clearly seems pleased with the picture.
As for me, when the the pope speaks, I will not listen. When the cardinals and bishops speak, I will not listen. When the vast majority of priests speak, I will not listen. For the sake of my salvation, I refuse to listen.
Before Vatican II, if I had written this, I would rightfully have been considered a heretic. Now, I write this and consider myself to be doing my Catholic duty. I refuse to be an unthinking, ignorant sheep that follows my shepherds into the abyss. I will continue to do what some saints have recommended when the hierarchy abandons their sheep: I will cling to tradition, where the lying novelties of today's wolves in sheep clothing cannot go. I will be a faithful son of Holy Mother the Church and know that in God's time all will be set right.
God bless TIA.
In Christ,
I just finished reading an article written regarding Kathryn Hepburn, I totally agree!
I've been watching some of the interviews on youtube movies and I'm just appalled that this woman even survived in Hollywood! she either "had something on someone" or as you hypothesize "Danced with the devil" Either way, she never did strike my fancy & as for Spencer he was just as much bad as she! to have embarrassed his wife & family with such tawdriness! pure evil!
Good for the person who wrote this!
Anti-War Miopia
Thank you for that work on St Philomena...
And in honor of her today, we will be attending Mass praying for those suffering in Iraq, from the War OF Terrorism, for the Anti Christ Jews, running America.
Christ said: Blessed are the Peacemakers
Iraq is a war of error, on Lies, FOR IsraHell and Oil.
St. Philomena
I love St. Philomena and thank you for your website. I enjoyed reading about her again. I would greatly appreciate it if you would pray to her for 3 special intentions.
Thank you again and God Bless
Diabolical Influence
Every religion that is not Catholic is not the way to salvation through Christ. Every diabolical deception is 95% truth with the silvered hook of the lie within this bait of truth. The Pope refers to this truth element and teaches that missionaries use it to pour in 100% truth and flush out the diabolical lie by leading the different cultures to the Truth of the Church and Holy Scripture. His exercise of being Father and showing Christ to all God's children means the willingness to embrace what is good and to condemn what is bad.
The expressions of many of these cultures we know have diabolical and demonic influences within them from which they have to be exorcised as well as dispensing with the diabolical lie which is hidden amidst the those truths. It is most probable that in letting people greet him according to their culture Pope John Paul did not know that this was going to happen.
A priest said to me that he used dinner plates and a clay chalice at Mass "because Pope John Paul did." In fact when saying Mass John Paul on one occasion did not know until the vessels were brought for the consecrated that they were clay vessels. When he got back to the Vatican he wrote a letter forbidding the use of clay, glass and wood for chalices among several other condemnations for abuses to the Holy Eucharist.
It is Satan himself who does these unexpected things disguised as a cultural welcome greeting and initiates them: your photos prove that you have fallen for Satan's deception just as he has planned.
John Paul II was utterly devoted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in word, deed, constant prayer and acts of self-denial; he was utterly devoted to the Holy Rosary and Mary is faithful to Her promises to those who say Her rosary - She would not permit John Paul to be spiritually errant - or do you yourself not believe Mary's Promises?
Sr. S.P.
TIA responds:
Sister S.P.,
Your reasoning is that John Paul II would have approved all the immoralities he approved and promoted just by coincidences and tricks of the Devil.
But since he was present hundreds of times in places were immoral behavior took place, this would imply either that he was an extremely naive person, almost an idiot - and evidence of this is not easy to present - or that he was deliberately playing the same game you described as being the game of the Devil.
Thus, even though we respect your healthy horror to accept that a Pope did these things, we believe you should conquer this emotion and face the reality. Today's Church is infiltrated with Progressivism, which aims to do precisely what John Paul II did. Those progressivists are doing with the Church in a way similar to what the Pharisees at the time of Our Lord did with the synagogue.
Regarding your last argument ad absurdum - that would be impossible to have a devotee of the Rosary and Mary doing these things - we believe that in these bad times in which we live, all kinds of abuses have been committed in the name of Our Lady. Think just about what the Charismatics or the participants of WYDs do in front of Our Lady. Here again you must distinguish her true devotees from the false ones.
There are strong arguments in favor of the opinion that the Luminous Mysteries, the fourth set of mysteries introduced by JPII, far from being a confirmation of his devotion to the Rosary, was a sabotage of it. You may read them here.
TIA correspondence desk
Was Wojtyla Jewish?
Can you verify whether Karol Wojtyla's mother was Jewish? An article from 2005 claims that one Yaakov Wise, a historian, found proof that Karol Wojtyla's mother, grandmother and great grandmother were probably Jewish.
Here's a link to an excerpt from the article online at angelqueen.com blog:
Thank you,
TIA responds:
We are sorry but right now we are unable to make this research. Perhaps sometime in the future.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted August 19, 2010

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