What People Are Commenting
Genazzano, Miserablism & No Militancy
Bergoglio's Miserablist Attitude
Dear TIA,
Regarding your comments on Pope Francis' cross:
FYI - When Henry VIII broke away from the Church, he no longer referred to His Holiness as the Pope but as the Bishop of Rome, to clearly downgrade his authority and importance!
A lot of what is passing for "humility" is destroying the dignity and magnificence which is necessary and due to Christ. Also... many cathedrals and churches were built by donations of time, labor & money FROM the poor!
They gladly sacrificed everything so that the House of God would be the best!
What the miserablists are doing now is equivalent to giving a blind man a $1.00 dollar bill & telling him it's a $20.00!
Blessed Mother Mary - please begin to crush the head of Satan in our lives, our families & the Church!
Regarding your comments on Pope Francis' cross:
FYI - When Henry VIII broke away from the Church, he no longer referred to His Holiness as the Pope but as the Bishop of Rome, to clearly downgrade his authority and importance!
A lot of what is passing for "humility" is destroying the dignity and magnificence which is necessary and due to Christ. Also... many cathedrals and churches were built by donations of time, labor & money FROM the poor!
They gladly sacrificed everything so that the House of God would be the best!
What the miserablists are doing now is equivalent to giving a blind man a $1.00 dollar bill & telling him it's a $20.00!
Blessed Mother Mary - please begin to crush the head of Satan in our lives, our families & the Church!
Cheap Papal Pectoral Cross
Regarding your comments on Pope Francis' cross:
This pectoral cross is a common style cheap cross to be found in local devotional stores
Regarding your comments on Pope Francis' cross:
This pectoral cross is a common style cheap cross to be found in local devotional stores
John Paul II on Islam
Here is the Vatican line on Islam, blind, head in the sand, out of touch with reality, a victim of its own ecumenism.
Soon-to-be-canonized John Paul II, August, 1985, speaking to Muslims in Casablanca:
"The Catholic Church regards with respect and recognizes the quality of your religious progress, the richness of your spiritual tradition....We must recognize and respect the differences between us....which we can accept with humility and respect in mutual tolerance; there is a mystery here about which God will enlighten us one day, we may be sure of that."
Speaking to Muslims in Belgium in May, 1985:
"We meet one another in faith in the one God, our creator, our guide, our just and merciful judge. We strive to put into practice in our daily lives the will of God, following the teaching of our respective holy books."
The lesson: Don't trust what the new saints say.
Patrick O’Brien
Here is the Vatican line on Islam, blind, head in the sand, out of touch with reality, a victim of its own ecumenism.
Soon-to-be-canonized John Paul II, August, 1985, speaking to Muslims in Casablanca:
"The Catholic Church regards with respect and recognizes the quality of your religious progress, the richness of your spiritual tradition....We must recognize and respect the differences between us....which we can accept with humility and respect in mutual tolerance; there is a mystery here about which God will enlighten us one day, we may be sure of that."
Speaking to Muslims in Belgium in May, 1985:
"We meet one another in faith in the one God, our creator, our guide, our just and merciful judge. We strive to put into practice in our daily lives the will of God, following the teaching of our respective holy books."
The lesson: Don't trust what the new saints say.
Patrick O’Brien
No Longer a Militant Church
At Pope Francis’ Mass at Sanctae Marthae, he took up the theme of the papal preacher on missionary work that you pointed out in your article, saying that the Gospel must be preached to the world without the spirit of conquest.
The Mass was said on April 25, the feast of the Evangelist St. Mark. What a change of message from the first Apostles, burning with zeal to conquer for Christ.
Below is the report.
Marl Stabinski
Vatican City, 25 April 2013 (VIS) – The Pope presided over Mass this morning, the feast of the Evangelist St. Mark, at the Domus Sanctae Marthae. Among those present were members of the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, accompanied by their secretary general, Archbishop Nikola Eterovic.
Francis, noting that today's Gospel narrates Jesus' Ascension, emphasized that, before he was taken up into heaven, the Lord sent his Apostles to proclaim the Gospel “to the ends of the earth, not just in Jerusalem or in Galilee. … The horizon is wide and, as you can see, this is the nature of the Church's missionary action. The Church goes forward with this proclaiming to all, to all the world. But she does not go forward alone: she goes with Jesus. … The Lord works with all those who preach the Gospel.”
The Bishop of Rome also referenced the First Letter of Peter, which defines the Christian style of preaching; “humility, service, charity, fraternal love. But - 'Lord, we have to conquer the world!' That word, 'conquer', doesn't belong. We have to preach to the world. The Christian cannot be like the soldiers who, when they win the battle, make a clean sweep of everything. The Christian announces the Gospel by his witness more than by his words, and this goes two ways...: a great spirit is not frightened by great things, of going forward toward unending horizons, and the humility of being aware of the little things.”
At Pope Francis’ Mass at Sanctae Marthae, he took up the theme of the papal preacher on missionary work that you pointed out in your article, saying that the Gospel must be preached to the world without the spirit of conquest.
The Mass was said on April 25, the feast of the Evangelist St. Mark. What a change of message from the first Apostles, burning with zeal to conquer for Christ.
Below is the report.
Marl Stabinski
Vatican City, 25 April 2013 (VIS) – The Pope presided over Mass this morning, the feast of the Evangelist St. Mark, at the Domus Sanctae Marthae. Among those present were members of the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, accompanied by their secretary general, Archbishop Nikola Eterovic.
Francis, noting that today's Gospel narrates Jesus' Ascension, emphasized that, before he was taken up into heaven, the Lord sent his Apostles to proclaim the Gospel “to the ends of the earth, not just in Jerusalem or in Galilee. … The horizon is wide and, as you can see, this is the nature of the Church's missionary action. The Church goes forward with this proclaiming to all, to all the world. But she does not go forward alone: she goes with Jesus. … The Lord works with all those who preach the Gospel.”
The Bishop of Rome also referenced the First Letter of Peter, which defines the Christian style of preaching; “humility, service, charity, fraternal love. But - 'Lord, we have to conquer the world!' That word, 'conquer', doesn't belong. We have to preach to the world. The Christian cannot be like the soldiers who, when they win the battle, make a clean sweep of everything. The Christian announces the Gospel by his witness more than by his words, and this goes two ways...: a great spirit is not frightened by great things, of going forward toward unending horizons, and the humility of being aware of the little things.”
Grains of Sand
Dear TIA,
You may find the following interesting. I wish that I had some sand and a way to magnify it to see if it is truly as beautiful as the photos.
God bless,
Look back and thank God. Look forward and trust God.
Look around and serve God. Look within and find God!
Grains of sand magnified 240 times
We surely never think about this when we're walking on it, or raking our fingers and toes through it, do we?
This is totally amazing! YOU WILL NEVER VIEW A SANDY BEACH IN THE SAME WAY AGAIN. Grains of sand magnified 240 times!
To see the pictures and the video click here
You may find the following interesting. I wish that I had some sand and a way to magnify it to see if it is truly as beautiful as the photos.
God bless,
Look back and thank God. Look forward and trust God.
Look around and serve God. Look within and find God!
Grains of sand magnified 240 times
We surely never think about this when we're walking on it, or raking our fingers and toes through it, do we?
This is totally amazing! YOU WILL NEVER VIEW A SANDY BEACH IN THE SAME WAY AGAIN. Grains of sand magnified 240 times!
To see the pictures and the video click here

Posted May 7, 2013
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Please allow us a little of your time to bring you up-to-date with something which we fear will affect future life in Genazzano, 45 kms from Rome, Italy, the resting place of Our Lady of Good Counsel.
This is just to let you know that local authorities in Genazzano, Italy are contemplating the proposal to install an enormous Biogas Plant in the close vicinity of the town of Genazzano (approx. 3/4 kms), collecting industrial and domestic refuse from central and southern Italy with all the inherent consequences of pollution, health hazards etc. in a lovely agricultural and historical environment where Our Lady of Good Counsel chose to rest.
1800 signatures have already been received from the citizens of Genazzano who want to continue to enjoy their town and countryside. These signatures have already been sent to the Regional Office for Lazio in Rome.
It is our great hope that more people will sign before we lose the battle to install this industrial plant so close to our Madonna. Whereas we know we can count on her in this battle, we know that she cannot accomplish this on her own. Your kind intervention would be very much appreciated.
May we ask you to consider signing this petition just giving your name, surname, your email address and in the comment your country of residence; any additional comment would be welcome.
Please circulate this among those you feel would be sympathetic to this cause.
PS - If this Plant is approved there are another two in the pipeline.
Thank you.