What People Are Commenting
Picasso, TV & St. Sebastian’s Advice
Dear TIA,
Finally, a perceptive and true article on Picasso! I am referring to the article: Picasso Painted in a State of Trance by Cunha Alvarenga
Thank you for telling the truth about “art” that no one likes and collects only for the money!
Finally, a perceptive and true article on Picasso! I am referring to the article: Picasso Painted in a State of Trance by Cunha Alvarenga
Thank you for telling the truth about “art” that no one likes and collects only for the money!
Brewing Beer Church
I regret having been talked into visiting this establishment in Pittsburgh, PA, about 7 years ago for a business supper. It was very strange to see the brewing apparatus in the sanctuary.
I was very uncomfortable there and was glad to leave when the supper concluded.
I regret having been talked into visiting this establishment in Pittsburgh, PA, about 7 years ago for a business supper. It was very strange to see the brewing apparatus in the sanctuary.
I was very uncomfortable there and was glad to leave when the supper concluded.
TV in Waiting Room
Joseph Sheppard,
Re: TV in the Waiting Room
It reflects perfectly my sentiments. It drives me crazy!! And I am generally difficult to ruffle. However, I am appalled by the sound of TV trash, often quite loud, in medical waiting rooms. Not unlike the disbelief I felt when candy and soda machines were installed in public schools two decades ago.
Surprise! Diabetes runs rampant among American youth!
II will be forwarding your well-voiced opinion to any medical establishments I encounter, or more.
Re: TV in the Waiting Room
It reflects perfectly my sentiments. It drives me crazy!! And I am generally difficult to ruffle. However, I am appalled by the sound of TV trash, often quite loud, in medical waiting rooms. Not unlike the disbelief I felt when candy and soda machines were installed in public schools two decades ago.
Surprise! Diabetes runs rampant among American youth!
II will be forwarding your well-voiced opinion to any medical establishments I encounter, or more.
Masonic Handshake
I don't remember if I sent you this old but still very interesting photo of Ratzinger and Luis Alfonso de Borbón. He is the great-grandson of Franco the dictator.
See the masonic handshake here.
I don't remember if I sent you this old but still very interesting photo of Ratzinger and Luis Alfonso de Borbón. He is the great-grandson of Franco the dictator.
See the masonic handshake here.
Bush Destroyed the Twin Towers…
I have been studying a lot of your writings.
Have you figured out the 9-11 truth yet? I'm hoping so.
The rest of your writing's seem to defend Truth.
Keep it up,
God Bless,
I have been studying a lot of your writings.
Have you figured out the 9-11 truth yet? I'm hoping so.
The rest of your writing's seem to defend Truth.
Keep it up,
God Bless,
Drifting away...
Years ago, I was laying on a raft just offshore at a beach in Sea Isle City,N.J. After about 5 minutes I realized I had been drifting farther from the shore so I quickly paddled back to shore.
As a Nation we have been drifting further from God and His Laws for a long time. We expelled Him from our schools, then, with legalized abortion...we spit in His Face. America will never begin to 'paddle back' until the legal slaughter of our preborn babies is ended.
Years ago, I was laying on a raft just offshore at a beach in Sea Isle City,N.J. After about 5 minutes I realized I had been drifting farther from the shore so I quickly paddled back to shore.
As a Nation we have been drifting further from God and His Laws for a long time. We expelled Him from our schools, then, with legalized abortion...we spit in His Face. America will never begin to 'paddle back' until the legal slaughter of our preborn babies is ended.
I enjoyed the poem from Robert Banaugh.
However, just one nit pick. It isn’t Ramadan that is promoted at this time of the year [Christmas], it is Chanukah. Hence we see a giant menorah on the White House lawn, while a Nativity scene isn’t allowed.
I enjoyed the poem from Robert Banaugh.
However, just one nit pick. It isn’t Ramadan that is promoted at this time of the year [Christmas], it is Chanukah. Hence we see a giant menorah on the White House lawn, while a Nativity scene isn’t allowed.
St. Sebastian’s Advice
Dear TIA,
Happy Feast of St. Sebastian!
Please read this exhortation of St. Sebastian to the 2 young brothers who were about to renounce their faith in order to avoid martyrdom. It is riveting.
Judy Mead
"Holy and venerable brothers," Sebastian exclaimed "who have borne witness to Christ; who are imprisoned for Him, whose limbs are marked chains worn for His sake, who have tasted torments with Him, I ought to fall at your feet and do you homage, and ask your prayers; instead of standing before you as your exhorter, still less as your reprover.
"Can this be true which I have heard that while angels were putting the last flower to your crowns, you have bid them pause, and even thought of felling them to unweave them, and scatter their blossoms to the winds? Can I believe that you who have already your feet on the threshold of paradise, are thinking of drawing them back, to tread once more the valley of exile and of tears?"
The two youths hung down their heads and wept in humble confession of their weakness Sebastian proceeded:
"If you cannot meet the eye of a poor soldier like me, the least of Christ's servants: how then will you stand the angry glance of the Lord whom you are about to deny before men (but cannot in your hearts deny), on that terrible day when He, in return will deny you before His angels? When, instead of standing manfully before Him like good and faithful servants as tomorrow ye might have done, you shall have to come into His presence after having crawled through a few more years of infamy, disowned by the Church, despised by its enemies, and, what is worse, gnawed by an undying worm and victims of a sleepless remorse?"
"Cease; o, in pity, cease, young man, whoever thou art!" exclaimed Tranquillinus, the father of the youths "Speak not thus severely to my sons: it was, I assure you, to their mother's tears and to my entreaties that they had begun to yield, and not to the tortures which they have endured with such fortitude. Why should they leave their wretched parents to misery and sorrow? Does your religion command this and do you call it holy?"
"Wait in patience my good old man" said Sebastian, with the kindest look and accent, "and let me speak first with thy sons. They know what I mean, which thou canst not yet; but with God's grace thou too shalt soon.
"Your father, indeed, is right in saying, that for his sake and your mother's you have been deliberating whether you should not prefer them to Him who told you, 'He that loveth father more than Me, is not worthy of Me'. You cannot hope to purchase for these, your aged parents, eternal life by your own loss of it. Will you make them Christians by abandoning Christianity? will you make them soldiers of the Cross by deserting its standard? Will you teach them that its doctrines are more precious than life by preferring life to them? Do you want to gain for them, not the mortal life of the perishable body, but the eternal life of the soul? Then hasten yourselves to its acquisition; throw down at the feet of your Savior the crowns you will receive, and entreat for your parents salvation"
"Enough, enough, Sebastian, we are resolved," cried out together both the brothers.
"Farewell, dear father,, adieu dearest mother," in turn they said, embracing their parents. "No," replied the father, "we part no more. Go tell Chromatius that I am from this moment a Christian with my sons; I will die with them for a religion that can make heroes of boys."
"And I," continued the mother "will not be separated from my husband and children."
Happy Feast of St. Sebastian!
Please read this exhortation of St. Sebastian to the 2 young brothers who were about to renounce their faith in order to avoid martyrdom. It is riveting.
Judy Mead
"Holy and venerable brothers," Sebastian exclaimed "who have borne witness to Christ; who are imprisoned for Him, whose limbs are marked chains worn for His sake, who have tasted torments with Him, I ought to fall at your feet and do you homage, and ask your prayers; instead of standing before you as your exhorter, still less as your reprover.
"Can this be true which I have heard that while angels were putting the last flower to your crowns, you have bid them pause, and even thought of felling them to unweave them, and scatter their blossoms to the winds? Can I believe that you who have already your feet on the threshold of paradise, are thinking of drawing them back, to tread once more the valley of exile and of tears?"
The two youths hung down their heads and wept in humble confession of their weakness Sebastian proceeded:
"If you cannot meet the eye of a poor soldier like me, the least of Christ's servants: how then will you stand the angry glance of the Lord whom you are about to deny before men (but cannot in your hearts deny), on that terrible day when He, in return will deny you before His angels? When, instead of standing manfully before Him like good and faithful servants as tomorrow ye might have done, you shall have to come into His presence after having crawled through a few more years of infamy, disowned by the Church, despised by its enemies, and, what is worse, gnawed by an undying worm and victims of a sleepless remorse?"
"Cease; o, in pity, cease, young man, whoever thou art!" exclaimed Tranquillinus, the father of the youths "Speak not thus severely to my sons: it was, I assure you, to their mother's tears and to my entreaties that they had begun to yield, and not to the tortures which they have endured with such fortitude. Why should they leave their wretched parents to misery and sorrow? Does your religion command this and do you call it holy?"
"Wait in patience my good old man" said Sebastian, with the kindest look and accent, "and let me speak first with thy sons. They know what I mean, which thou canst not yet; but with God's grace thou too shalt soon.
"Your father, indeed, is right in saying, that for his sake and your mother's you have been deliberating whether you should not prefer them to Him who told you, 'He that loveth father more than Me, is not worthy of Me'. You cannot hope to purchase for these, your aged parents, eternal life by your own loss of it. Will you make them Christians by abandoning Christianity? will you make them soldiers of the Cross by deserting its standard? Will you teach them that its doctrines are more precious than life by preferring life to them? Do you want to gain for them, not the mortal life of the perishable body, but the eternal life of the soul? Then hasten yourselves to its acquisition; throw down at the feet of your Savior the crowns you will receive, and entreat for your parents salvation"
"Enough, enough, Sebastian, we are resolved," cried out together both the brothers.
"Farewell, dear father,, adieu dearest mother," in turn they said, embracing their parents. "No," replied the father, "we part no more. Go tell Chromatius that I am from this moment a Christian with my sons; I will die with them for a religion that can make heroes of boys."
"And I," continued the mother "will not be separated from my husband and children."

Posted January 22, 2015
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Our Lady said in La Salette: “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Anti-Christ.”
I have always said and still say that NO man can do worse then what Paul VI did by taking away the Mass.
St. Leonard said, “It would be better that the sun and moon not shine than the Mass be taken away”.