What People Are Commenting
Wishes, New Manger & 2015 Landscapes
Don’t Trust Man, but the Divine Infant
A very Blessed and Merry Christmas to you and yours on this December 25, 2015 A.D.
My wife and I will be leaving for the Pennsylvania Mountains to attend the beautiful Christmas Eve Tridentine High Mass at 7:00 PM tonight at Our Lady Queen of Peace in Patton, PA which is about 65 miles from where we live. She will be singing in the Latin Schola.
My Christmas message is very simple in these difficult times in which we live.
Do not put your hope and trust in man but rather in He Whose Birthday we celebrate today, the Light of the World Who shines in overcoming the darkness of sin!
God bless you and yours!
God bless those in our Military, Police, EMS, and all in the Service to our Country protecting us who can't be home this Christmas. May they know that they're not forgotten!
In the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Gary Morella
A very Blessed and Merry Christmas to you and yours on this December 25, 2015 A.D.
My wife and I will be leaving for the Pennsylvania Mountains to attend the beautiful Christmas Eve Tridentine High Mass at 7:00 PM tonight at Our Lady Queen of Peace in Patton, PA which is about 65 miles from where we live. She will be singing in the Latin Schola.
My Christmas message is very simple in these difficult times in which we live.
Do not put your hope and trust in man but rather in He Whose Birthday we celebrate today, the Light of the World Who shines in overcoming the darkness of sin!
God bless you and yours!
God bless those in our Military, Police, EMS, and all in the Service to our Country protecting us who can't be home this Christmas. May they know that they're not forgotten!
In the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Gary Morella
New Manger Scene in Spain
Please, read this article. It reports the latest innovation of the Conciliar Church. The God Infant was replaced by a drowned Syrian boy, representing the immigrants.
It shows a grave impropriety that offends Our Lord, and a clear support for the Muslim invasion of Europe.
Please, read this article. It reports the latest innovation of the Conciliar Church. The God Infant was replaced by a drowned Syrian boy, representing the immigrants.
It shows a grave impropriety that offends Our Lord, and a clear support for the Muslim invasion of Europe.
Traditional & Catholic Christmas Carols
Dear TIA,
Greetings of love and peace!
I would like to ask a little help from you.
Would you be able to send me a list of Catholic Christmas carols? We shall have the Traditional Mass on Christmas Day. We are organizing a small choir group.
I learned, correct me if I am wrong, that there are carols that do not have a Catholic origin and, thus, Catholics should avoid them. Is this conduct acceptable and correct?
If yes, do you have a list of Christmas songs that we can choose from (in English), or can you refer a link?
Thank you very much for your usual courtesy and kind assistance.
God bless,
TIA responds:
Dear R.R.,
Yes, Catholics should avoid Protestant carols.
You may find a list of carols on our website, here. Many are in English and easy to sing.
We wish you success in your endeavor. It is a very good thing to organize a choir to celebrate Christmas, even if the songs are not perfectly performed. It has the value of expressing the Catholic joy to recieve Our Lord among us.
TIA correspondence desk
Greetings of love and peace!
I would like to ask a little help from you.
Would you be able to send me a list of Catholic Christmas carols? We shall have the Traditional Mass on Christmas Day. We are organizing a small choir group.
I learned, correct me if I am wrong, that there are carols that do not have a Catholic origin and, thus, Catholics should avoid them. Is this conduct acceptable and correct?
If yes, do you have a list of Christmas songs that we can choose from (in English), or can you refer a link?
Thank you very much for your usual courtesy and kind assistance.
God bless,
TIA responds:
Dear R.R.,
Yes, Catholics should avoid Protestant carols.
You may find a list of carols on our website, here. Many are in English and easy to sing.
We wish you success in your endeavor. It is a very good thing to organize a choir to celebrate Christmas, even if the songs are not perfectly performed. It has the value of expressing the Catholic joy to recieve Our Lord among us.
TIA correspondence desk
Hanukkah + Christmas
I have noticed on TV and elsewhere that whenever the greeting is given to the Jewish people at this time of year, it isn't 'Happy Holidays', it is 'Happy Hanukkah'...
So, how come we get 'Happy Holidays' and not Merry Christmas? What are we, chopped liver?
Steve Sanborn, Sr.
I have noticed on TV and elsewhere that whenever the greeting is given to the Jewish people at this time of year, it isn't 'Happy Holidays', it is 'Happy Hanukkah'...
So, how come we get 'Happy Holidays' and not Merry Christmas? What are we, chopped liver?
Steve Sanborn, Sr.
Canticle of St. Francis
Re: How to Prepare My Family for Christmas?
“So, now each one of us must begin to reform himself spiritually. Each one has to save not only his own soul, but also all the souls that God has placed on his pathway.”
Below is the Canticle of Sun in calligraphy on the back wall of the Poor Clares, Cleveland, a few miles from St. Philomena's statue on the same Euclid Ave.
This is a very old copy. They nuns have forgotten to remove it during the purge and expunge the last lines, as has been done with almost all other copies of this famous poem/prayer by St. Francis (the real one) since Vatican II.
This quote makes St. Francis seem very judgmental. Very. The Saint seems to be contradicting Pope Francis.
Thank you,
Re: How to Prepare My Family for Christmas?
“So, now each one of us must begin to reform himself spiritually. Each one has to save not only his own soul, but also all the souls that God has placed on his pathway.”
Below is the Canticle of Sun in calligraphy on the back wall of the Poor Clares, Cleveland, a few miles from St. Philomena's statue on the same Euclid Ave.
This is a very old copy. They nuns have forgotten to remove it during the purge and expunge the last lines, as has been done with almost all other copies of this famous poem/prayer by St. Francis (the real one) since Vatican II.
This quote makes St. Francis seem very judgmental. Very. The Saint seems to be contradicting Pope Francis.
Thank you,

Christmas & Diabolical Disorientation
Dear TIA,
Meditating at this Christmas, I came to the conclusion that the universal diabolical disorientation has reached a critical point. The Vatican - and governments throughout the world - have severed most contact with Almighty God and know nothing. The Godless inhabitants of Earth are lost. Only Divine intervention can change anything at this point, but Our Lord will probably refrain out of respect for Free Will, impaired as it is in the minds of most human beings. Tragically, God permits the world to choose evil as the world ignores Him.
Our Lord has set aside a miniscule remnant, who have been given the magnificent and undeserved gift of a comprehensive spiritual overview of life's meaning. This tiny remnant cannot change the course of the world, but we – members of this remnant – have been granted the grace to persevere to the end. Our Blessed Mother awaits the recitation of our next Rosary.
How tragic, that the magnificent accumulated wisdom of the ages, beginning with the Greeks and continuing throughout the ages, lies dormant while all manner of aberrations are pursued by raw instinct rather than with an informed conscience.
Rather than the first question "Who made you?" RCIA (Roman Catholics in Agony) now asks: "How do you feel about yourself?"
During this Christmas season I pray that you stay well. You are very precious.
In Maria,
J.S., Ph.D.
Meditating at this Christmas, I came to the conclusion that the universal diabolical disorientation has reached a critical point. The Vatican - and governments throughout the world - have severed most contact with Almighty God and know nothing. The Godless inhabitants of Earth are lost. Only Divine intervention can change anything at this point, but Our Lord will probably refrain out of respect for Free Will, impaired as it is in the minds of most human beings. Tragically, God permits the world to choose evil as the world ignores Him.
Our Lord has set aside a miniscule remnant, who have been given the magnificent and undeserved gift of a comprehensive spiritual overview of life's meaning. This tiny remnant cannot change the course of the world, but we – members of this remnant – have been granted the grace to persevere to the end. Our Blessed Mother awaits the recitation of our next Rosary.
How tragic, that the magnificent accumulated wisdom of the ages, beginning with the Greeks and continuing throughout the ages, lies dormant while all manner of aberrations are pursued by raw instinct rather than with an informed conscience.
Rather than the first question "Who made you?" RCIA (Roman Catholics in Agony) now asks: "How do you feel about yourself?"
During this Christmas season I pray that you stay well. You are very precious.
In Maria,
J.S., Ph.D.
Remarkable 2015 Landscapes
Dear TIA,
Below are some expressive photos of 2015 I want you and your readers to enjoy.
I wish you at TIA a most blessed Christmas and a New Year in continuous fidelity to our beloved Catholic Faith, as you have been doing for years.
In Jesus and Mary,

Below are some expressive photos of 2015 I want you and your readers to enjoy.
I wish you at TIA a most blessed Christmas and a New Year in continuous fidelity to our beloved Catholic Faith, as you have been doing for years.
In Jesus and Mary,

Posted December 29, 2015
Receive my very best wishes for a Merry Christmas and blessed New Year.
May it be the greatest to you thus far, and the beginning of even better years to come. We live in confusing times and I thank you for clearing up many topics for me and your readers.
I look to your website as the, and I mean the, rock of traditional Catholic foundation as taught by Jesus Christ and handed down through the Apostles until now.
Your website with your various topics is helping me to live as a traditional Catholic man.
Enclosed is my donation to you.
Dominus vobiscum – the Lord be with you.