What People Are Commenting
Spray & Pray – Lights & Shadows
Spray ‘n Pray
Hi Atila,
I do not know from where this priest is doing his “duty” but his method of administering Holy Water should be considered sacrilegious. He’s using a “Roundup” applicator, a very popular herbicide.
Such a sad state into which many priests have fallen, all to be “fun” and to join the party!
E.S., Ph.D.
I do not know from where this priest is doing his “duty” but his method of administering Holy Water should be considered sacrilegious. He’s using a “Roundup” applicator, a very popular herbicide.
Such a sad state into which many priests have fallen, all to be “fun” and to join the party!
E.S., Ph.D.
St. Dominic Savio
Re: St. Dominic Savio, a Saint for Young People
I have a biography of the saint written by Paul Mongour, S.D.B., a 1959 edition. Strangely, I selected it, by chance, from my bookshelf to read on March 9, his feast day! It was written for children with great devotion.
Our Catholic school in the early 1960’s had a St Dominic Savio club. I still have the pin (see it below) and certificate of membership. The club had dues of 10 cents a month. Every month a student was selected to be awarded a prize for good behavior. (My ambition was to be selected, but I never was). I wonder if any school still has such a club?
Re: St. Dominic Savio, a Saint for Young People
I have a biography of the saint written by Paul Mongour, S.D.B., a 1959 edition. Strangely, I selected it, by chance, from my bookshelf to read on March 9, his feast day! It was written for children with great devotion.
Our Catholic school in the early 1960’s had a St Dominic Savio club. I still have the pin (see it below) and certificate of membership. The club had dues of 10 cents a month. Every month a student was selected to be awarded a prize for good behavior. (My ambition was to be selected, but I never was). I wonder if any school still has such a club?

‘Lights and Shadows’
Re: The Blood of Martyrs Is the Seed of Christians
If I were a ‘Catholic’ actor and would known the things in your post about this film maker you have mentioned... I would have nothing to do with him.
Just this photo of ‘Mary’ is loaded with an unsavory sexual ‘something.’ Bee stung lips at age fifty-four?! After I saw it last week I did not bother reading the article. ...
I just perused the text to take the below photo for few seconds a few seconds ago. Why bother? What is the value of more ‘lights and shadows’ in an age already saturated to oblivion with True Chaos and bewilderment? None. More ‘I feel so spiritual’ after seeing that movie! Pablum.
I must avoid ‘historicism’ as noted in the review. Glad you mentioned that. Will look into it more deeply.
Thank you daily,
Re: The Blood of Martyrs Is the Seed of Christians
If I were a ‘Catholic’ actor and would known the things in your post about this film maker you have mentioned... I would have nothing to do with him.
Just this photo of ‘Mary’ is loaded with an unsavory sexual ‘something.’ Bee stung lips at age fifty-four?! After I saw it last week I did not bother reading the article. ...
I just perused the text to take the below photo for few seconds a few seconds ago. Why bother? What is the value of more ‘lights and shadows’ in an age already saturated to oblivion with True Chaos and bewilderment? None. More ‘I feel so spiritual’ after seeing that movie! Pablum.
I must avoid ‘historicism’ as noted in the review. Glad you mentioned that. Will look into it more deeply.
Thank you daily,

Baptism of Chinese Catholics
Dear TIA,
As a Chinese Catholic convert, I was not aware of such existence of Catholic Patriotic Association, aka the Government church, when I got my baptism and conformation from it. Also, because as far as I know, there is no underground Catholics in the area where I was living.
Then, I got to know about the evils of the Catholic Patriotic Association more after I came to USA, but I was convinced that my baptism and confirmation is valid because the Bishop of our diocese (Canton) is approved by Benedict XVI.
But after reading your website, I have confusion again. Is my baptism and confirmation from it valid and legal? And how about their Mass?
Thank you for reading.
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
TIA responds:
Dear D.J.,
It is, indeed, a confused situation.
In similar cases, when the sacraments come from Protestant sects, the Catholic Church has a general policy, which often implies the study of each particular case.
We don’t know, however, whether she has a general policy regarding the baptisms administrated by the Catholic Patriotic Association in China. Possibly she has, but we are not aware of it. Also, we don’t know where to find accessible literature on the topic and, thus, cannot study the jurisprudence in such cases.
The one that should be able to help you is the Vatican – the Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments – or the Catholic priests and Bishops of the Underground Church in China.
We are sorry we cannot be of further assistance in this case.
Regarding the Mass, please, read this article by Dr. Marian Horvat.
TIA correspondence desk
As a Chinese Catholic convert, I was not aware of such existence of Catholic Patriotic Association, aka the Government church, when I got my baptism and conformation from it. Also, because as far as I know, there is no underground Catholics in the area where I was living.
Then, I got to know about the evils of the Catholic Patriotic Association more after I came to USA, but I was convinced that my baptism and confirmation is valid because the Bishop of our diocese (Canton) is approved by Benedict XVI.
But after reading your website, I have confusion again. Is my baptism and confirmation from it valid and legal? And how about their Mass?
Thank you for reading.
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
TIA responds:
Dear D.J.,
It is, indeed, a confused situation.
In similar cases, when the sacraments come from Protestant sects, the Catholic Church has a general policy, which often implies the study of each particular case.
We don’t know, however, whether she has a general policy regarding the baptisms administrated by the Catholic Patriotic Association in China. Possibly she has, but we are not aware of it. Also, we don’t know where to find accessible literature on the topic and, thus, cannot study the jurisprudence in such cases.
The one that should be able to help you is the Vatican – the Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments – or the Catholic priests and Bishops of the Underground Church in China.
We are sorry we cannot be of further assistance in this case.
Regarding the Mass, please, read this article by Dr. Marian Horvat.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted April 26, 2018
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
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I refer to the page with the article “Photos and Facts. The two sister Lucys” by Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
As you most certainly know, the cause of beatification of Sister Lucy de Rosa Santos is underway. It is, of course, of the utmost importance to eliminate any doubt whatsoever about the identity of the person in question. Therefore, for reasons of loyalty to the Church and in order to impede bad things, I would like to ask you to notify this analysis to the Congregation for the Canonization of Saints.
Most probably, you have already done this. My mail is only to leave nothing undone what I reasonably should do. I am a Catholic priest working in the Diocese of Helsinki, Finland, Europe.
In Christ,
Fr. Rudolf Larenz
The Editor responds:
Rev. Fr. Larenz,
We thank you for your consideration and the seriousness of your concern.
However, for us at TIA it is awkward to communicate Dr. Horvat’s article to the Vatican because it implies that the Concilar Popes are those responsible for the replacement of the real Sister Lucy by the fake one. In other words, it is an indirect accusation that they either promoted that fraud or at least are complacent with it. So, any communication on our part to the Vatican on this topic would assume the appearance of a provocation, which we believe is superfluous.
Instead, if a serious priest, who is not linked to TIA, were to do this, it would have a much stronger effect on the Vatican. Those responsible for the canonization of Sister Lucy, if they are as serious as they should, would have the conditions to measure the importance of this objective commentary.
Thus, we suggest that you send your observations to the Vatican. We have no objections. Rather, we are prepared to stand behind that thesis and enter into a discussion with the Vatican experts should they show any interest in pursuing the case further.
Atila S. Guimarães, editor