What People Are Commenting
New Elderly Habits
Dear TIA,
I wonder if you could comment on what appears to be a growing phenomenon amongst middle aged and elderly Catholics. I have several friends who have become single either through divorce or widowhood. These people, of both sexes, find a romantic interest and then imitate what the younger generation is doing, i.e. having intimate relations, traveling together and living together on and off, but these older people maintain separate households, instead of moving in with each other.
These Catholics are of the age that remembered the Church before Vatican II, so they are aware of Church teaching. Instead of remarrying, they feel there is nothing wrong with their behavior.
This saddens me as they have placed their souls in danger. Have you seen this?
TIA responds:
Dear K.K.,
There are different types of relationships mentioned in your message; some permitted, others not.
If by “having intimate relations” you mean that they are having extra-marital sexual relations, then they are clearly transgressing Catholic Morals and committing mortal sin.
When you say that they are “living together on and off” you give us the impression that they are sleeping under the same roof, which is forbidden. But, then, you say that they “maintain separate households,” which gives us the opposite impression. In this last case, “living together” seems to be just visiting one another frequently, which does not seem to transgress any rule we know.
The affirmation that “they are travelling together” is also not clear. Are they travelling together alone? Does this travelling imply sleeping in the same room in hotels? If so, they are wrong. If not, it seems that they are following the normal rules of behavior. It is what happens, for example, with persons who travel in tourist tours.
Unfortunately, we are not in conditions to issue a generic condemnation or an approval of the described habits, since the circumstances surrounding them are not clear.
TIA correspondence desk
I wonder if you could comment on what appears to be a growing phenomenon amongst middle aged and elderly Catholics. I have several friends who have become single either through divorce or widowhood. These people, of both sexes, find a romantic interest and then imitate what the younger generation is doing, i.e. having intimate relations, traveling together and living together on and off, but these older people maintain separate households, instead of moving in with each other.
These Catholics are of the age that remembered the Church before Vatican II, so they are aware of Church teaching. Instead of remarrying, they feel there is nothing wrong with their behavior.
This saddens me as they have placed their souls in danger. Have you seen this?
TIA responds:
Dear K.K.,
There are different types of relationships mentioned in your message; some permitted, others not.
If by “having intimate relations” you mean that they are having extra-marital sexual relations, then they are clearly transgressing Catholic Morals and committing mortal sin.
When you say that they are “living together on and off” you give us the impression that they are sleeping under the same roof, which is forbidden. But, then, you say that they “maintain separate households,” which gives us the opposite impression. In this last case, “living together” seems to be just visiting one another frequently, which does not seem to transgress any rule we know.
The affirmation that “they are travelling together” is also not clear. Are they travelling together alone? Does this travelling imply sleeping in the same room in hotels? If so, they are wrong. If not, it seems that they are following the normal rules of behavior. It is what happens, for example, with persons who travel in tourist tours.
Unfortunately, we are not in conditions to issue a generic condemnation or an approval of the described habits, since the circumstances surrounding them are not clear.
TIA correspondence desk
Is St. Philomena a Real Saint?
Hello TIA,
I just have a question, since I can see that you are very knowledgeable about many saints: Is Saint Phiilomena a real saint? Because I just saw on the internet that her name was removed by Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI in the official calendars in 1961. I'm just confused.
Thank you for your response.
TIA responds:
Hello D.J.A.,
Thank you for your trust. We hope to continue to merit it.
In 1969, in parallel to the establishment of the Novus Ordo Mass, Paul VI “revised” the calendar of Saints and “abolished” 93 Saints who had been canonized in earlier times of the Church whom he considered unfit for his progressivist agenda.
The pretext he gave was that there were not sufficient documents proving the facts of their lives. However, this argument is fallacious because it disregards centuries of tradition of the Church witnessing the constant intercession of those Saints in favor of the living faithful.
Actually, the real reason seemed to be that he wanted to foster ecumenism with Protestants and Jews, and did not want to keep Saints who could be contested by Protestants or were an embarrassment to the Jews.
Examples of very popular Saints whose lives are not based on documents but on the constant tradition of the Church include: St. Nicholas, so closely linked to the Christmas festivities; St. Christopher, the patron saint of those who travel; St. Barbara, known for her protection against storms and lightning bolts.
St. Philomena was one of those saints “abolished” due to lack of indisputable documents. Nonetheless, she was and is to this day a miracle worker. Her salutary intercession can be proved by whoever asks her intercession. She continues to be a Saint as she always was. We invite you to direct your own prayers to her. You will see the result.
Other Saints were “abolished” because they were embarrassing to the progressivist agenda. The most flagrant case was that of St. Simon of Trent, a boy who was murdered by the Jews in a ritual ceremony. History preserved all the documents possible proving his martyrdom. These documents are so indisputable that even Jewish scholars (here and here) recognize their veracity. It is an excellent case to show that the argument of lack of historical proof is just a pretext.
Another such case that was causing embarrassment to the progressivist agenda is that of St. George, the Patron Saint of England, who was one of the most popular examples of militancy against evil. Since Paul VI wanted to eradicate the militancy of the Church to install a Tolerant Church, the “abolition” of St. George from the Liturgical Calendar met this goal.
We have to consider that, notwithstanding those “abolitions,” none of the countries, cities or institutions that were under the patronage to those Saints took that act of Paul VI seriously. They kept them as patron saints and continued to receive the same protection from them that they had always received.
Lastly, it is interesting to note a great contradiction in this action: The same Progressivism that led Paul VI to “abolish” those Saints because of a supposed lack of documents, nowadays is making “saints” out of many popes and persons favorable to its ideals without applying any scientific rigor in its “beatifications” and “canonizations.” For example, John XXIII was made “saint” by Pope Francis without the needed miracle. Equal lack of seriousness has been used in the “canonizations” of John Paul II, Paul VI, Mother Teresa, Edith Stein, John Newman, etc.
We hope these considerations may clarify your confusion.
TIA correspondence desk
I just have a question, since I can see that you are very knowledgeable about many saints: Is Saint Phiilomena a real saint? Because I just saw on the internet that her name was removed by Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI in the official calendars in 1961. I'm just confused.
Thank you for your response.
TIA responds:
Hello D.J.A.,
Thank you for your trust. We hope to continue to merit it.
In 1969, in parallel to the establishment of the Novus Ordo Mass, Paul VI “revised” the calendar of Saints and “abolished” 93 Saints who had been canonized in earlier times of the Church whom he considered unfit for his progressivist agenda.
The pretext he gave was that there were not sufficient documents proving the facts of their lives. However, this argument is fallacious because it disregards centuries of tradition of the Church witnessing the constant intercession of those Saints in favor of the living faithful.
Actually, the real reason seemed to be that he wanted to foster ecumenism with Protestants and Jews, and did not want to keep Saints who could be contested by Protestants or were an embarrassment to the Jews.
Examples of very popular Saints whose lives are not based on documents but on the constant tradition of the Church include: St. Nicholas, so closely linked to the Christmas festivities; St. Christopher, the patron saint of those who travel; St. Barbara, known for her protection against storms and lightning bolts.
St. Philomena was one of those saints “abolished” due to lack of indisputable documents. Nonetheless, she was and is to this day a miracle worker. Her salutary intercession can be proved by whoever asks her intercession. She continues to be a Saint as she always was. We invite you to direct your own prayers to her. You will see the result.
Other Saints were “abolished” because they were embarrassing to the progressivist agenda. The most flagrant case was that of St. Simon of Trent, a boy who was murdered by the Jews in a ritual ceremony. History preserved all the documents possible proving his martyrdom. These documents are so indisputable that even Jewish scholars (here and here) recognize their veracity. It is an excellent case to show that the argument of lack of historical proof is just a pretext.
Another such case that was causing embarrassment to the progressivist agenda is that of St. George, the Patron Saint of England, who was one of the most popular examples of militancy against evil. Since Paul VI wanted to eradicate the militancy of the Church to install a Tolerant Church, the “abolition” of St. George from the Liturgical Calendar met this goal.
We have to consider that, notwithstanding those “abolitions,” none of the countries, cities or institutions that were under the patronage to those Saints took that act of Paul VI seriously. They kept them as patron saints and continued to receive the same protection from them that they had always received.
Lastly, it is interesting to note a great contradiction in this action: The same Progressivism that led Paul VI to “abolish” those Saints because of a supposed lack of documents, nowadays is making “saints” out of many popes and persons favorable to its ideals without applying any scientific rigor in its “beatifications” and “canonizations.” For example, John XXIII was made “saint” by Pope Francis without the needed miracle. Equal lack of seriousness has been used in the “canonizations” of John Paul II, Paul VI, Mother Teresa, Edith Stein, John Newman, etc.
We hope these considerations may clarify your confusion.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted December 20, 2018
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(Natural News) First it was children with autism. Now it’s individuals with Down syndrome who are being shamelessly targeted and exploited by the Cult of LGBT into parading themselves around onstage as so-called “drag queens,” and all in the name of “modern art.”
This gross perversion is reportedly taking place at a den of LGBT pride known as the Royal Vauxhall Tavern in London, where LGBT-themed voyeur shows have apparently been taking place since the 1960s when homosexuality wasn’t even legal in the United Kingdom.
Continue here.
Randy Engel