What People Are Commenting
Cause for Archbishop Sheen
Our pastor at St. Anne’s, Fr. L., is from Peoria and has kept the men’s group up to date on the cause for Bp Sheen.
Two points which speak well of Sheen are:
It could be that Sheen becomes a champion of Catholic Faith for fighting Communism or homosexuality, while he supported Modernism.
I would like some perspective and guidance on this matter. I have listened to recordings of most of Sheen’s TV programs on EWTN.
TIA responds:
We have several articles on our website that address the other side of “good Archbishop Fulton Sheen.”
Since you already know the good side that your pastor is keeping you informed on, perhaps you should read these articles to know both sides of the story and reach your own conclusions.
We list them for your perusal:
TIA correspondence desk
Our pastor at St. Anne’s, Fr. L., is from Peoria and has kept the men’s group up to date on the cause for Bp Sheen.
Two points which speak well of Sheen are:
- New York spent a million dollars in legal expense to keep his body from leaving New York, apparently to impede the cause for canonization. I believe the libs do not want Sheen beatified.
- Bp Sheen told an assembly of bishops that in 20 years the hierarchy would be scandalized by homosexuality. They all laughed.
It could be that Sheen becomes a champion of Catholic Faith for fighting Communism or homosexuality, while he supported Modernism.
I would like some perspective and guidance on this matter. I have listened to recordings of most of Sheen’s TV programs on EWTN.
TIA responds:
We have several articles on our website that address the other side of “good Archbishop Fulton Sheen.”
Since you already know the good side that your pastor is keeping you informed on, perhaps you should read these articles to know both sides of the story and reach your own conclusions.
We list them for your perusal:
- Archbishop Sheen, an Enthusiast of Vatican II
- Fulton Sheen, a Fan of Teilhard de Chardin
- Fulton Sheen, an Ardent Ecumenist
- Fulton Sheen’s Flaws in Rhetoric
- Sheen’s Co-Ownership Is Opposed to Catholic Teaching
TIA correspondence desk
Double Body Theory
To whom it may concern,!
I’ve read some ideas on the TIA website and elsewhere about there being 2 sister Lucy’s because she has changed in spirit and maybe even in her doctrine/ faithfulness, since she seemed to be fine with the changes in the church after Vatican 2 and was no longer concerned about the third secret not being revealed etc.. I have read similar theory about other church members who have changed such as Pope Paul VI and even Pope Francis.
I have a different theory that no one has mentioned that I wanted to share with a website that has a voice and a following, which I do not. My theory is based off of this excerpt from the Prophecies of Our Lady of La Salette.
“People will be transported from one place to another by these evil spirits, even priests, for they will not have been guided by the good spirit of the Gospel which is a spirit of humility, charity and zeal for the glory of God. On occasions, the dead and the righteous will be brought back to life. (That is to say that these dead will take on the form of righteous souls which had lived on earth, in order to lead men further astray; these so-called resurrected dead, who will be nothing but the devil in this form, will preach another Gospel contrary to that of the true Christ Jesus, denying the existence of Heaven; that is also to say, the souls of the damned. All these souls will appear as if fixed to their bodies” - Our Lady of La Salette
My Theory: What if these changed people (such as Sister Lucy) died or were killed. (We know Masons/Satanists have infiltrated the Vatican and that satanic rituals have been performed in the Vatican). What if a demon took on the form of this dead person or the souls of those demons appeared to be fixed to the Deceased bodies of these persons!?!
Thank you. Feel free to share my opinion with the world and I don’t need any credit.
In Christ and Mary,
TIA responds:
Thank you for reminding us of this excerpt from the message of Our Lady of La Salette. We had forgotten it.
We do not agree with your theory, but we respect it.
Regarding your interpretation that the Devil can take the form of the dead righteous who allegedly will be brought back to life, in principle he can, because he can build puppets of flesh with their shapes and inhabit them. But if those resurrected ones were able to speak, communicate with others, and live among the living ones for a while, then it would be possible to put them to test in order to verify whether or not they were the righteous ones of the past.
So, your theory of a replacement of just persons by the Devil could be valid only with respect to a superficial appearance of those resurrected ones and for a short period of time, but not if they were to remain and act normally among living persons.
Another point of common Catholic doctrine you may consider is that the Devil has no power to resurrect a dead person.
TIA correspondence desk
I’ve read some ideas on the TIA website and elsewhere about there being 2 sister Lucy’s because she has changed in spirit and maybe even in her doctrine/ faithfulness, since she seemed to be fine with the changes in the church after Vatican 2 and was no longer concerned about the third secret not being revealed etc.. I have read similar theory about other church members who have changed such as Pope Paul VI and even Pope Francis.
I have a different theory that no one has mentioned that I wanted to share with a website that has a voice and a following, which I do not. My theory is based off of this excerpt from the Prophecies of Our Lady of La Salette.
“People will be transported from one place to another by these evil spirits, even priests, for they will not have been guided by the good spirit of the Gospel which is a spirit of humility, charity and zeal for the glory of God. On occasions, the dead and the righteous will be brought back to life. (That is to say that these dead will take on the form of righteous souls which had lived on earth, in order to lead men further astray; these so-called resurrected dead, who will be nothing but the devil in this form, will preach another Gospel contrary to that of the true Christ Jesus, denying the existence of Heaven; that is also to say, the souls of the damned. All these souls will appear as if fixed to their bodies” - Our Lady of La Salette
My Theory: What if these changed people (such as Sister Lucy) died or were killed. (We know Masons/Satanists have infiltrated the Vatican and that satanic rituals have been performed in the Vatican). What if a demon took on the form of this dead person or the souls of those demons appeared to be fixed to the Deceased bodies of these persons!?!
Thank you. Feel free to share my opinion with the world and I don’t need any credit.
In Christ and Mary,
TIA responds:
Thank you for reminding us of this excerpt from the message of Our Lady of La Salette. We had forgotten it.
We do not agree with your theory, but we respect it.
Regarding your interpretation that the Devil can take the form of the dead righteous who allegedly will be brought back to life, in principle he can, because he can build puppets of flesh with their shapes and inhabit them. But if those resurrected ones were able to speak, communicate with others, and live among the living ones for a while, then it would be possible to put them to test in order to verify whether or not they were the righteous ones of the past.
So, your theory of a replacement of just persons by the Devil could be valid only with respect to a superficial appearance of those resurrected ones and for a short period of time, but not if they were to remain and act normally among living persons.
Another point of common Catholic doctrine you may consider is that the Devil has no power to resurrect a dead person.
TIA correspondence desk
Mother Cabrini: Democracy Matters…
Hello TIA,
I hope you will read about another arbitrary and dictatorial decision of our authorities. This time it was Mayor Blasio’ wife in New York. After opening a public vote about who were the women who worked the most for New York, she snubbed the results and chose the women she wanted – an abortionist and two drag queens.
Why open the consultation if she already had chosen the winners? Why reject the real results when her reputation would be stained?
Perhaps she imagined the people would be as revolutionary as she is, and seeing they weren’t, she rejected the results. Who really knows the logic of these rotten elites?
Read below, please.
New York City Mayor de Blasio’s wife has rejected the results of a public vote calling for a statue of Mother Cabrini (pictured), a Catholic saint, and instead opted to honor other “women,” including two drag queens.
Chirlane McCray, the mayor’s wife, launched a “She Built NYC” program and invited the public to vote on the names of women they want the city to recognize with a statue. Mother Cabrini got more votes than any other woman (219), yet McCray’s panel rejected the public’s choice.
Without explanation, McCray decided on a group of people that were nowhere near the top choices picked by New Yorkers, including the two drag queens who founded the Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR).
The “She Built NYC” project began last summer as an attempt by McCray to balance the male-female mix of statues of eminent New Yorkers. When McCray asked for the public’s input, she received an avalanche of more than 1,800 suggestions, with some 320 women nominated.
McCray and former Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen basically ignored the results of the public consultation and chose the seven women they wanted to honor, none of whom was among the top seven women picked in the poll.
Instead, they selected abortion rights activist Dr. Helen Rodriguez Trías and drag queens Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson, among others, making clear what their criteria were. The reaction from New Yorkers has been predictably swift and fierce.
“Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini, who received more nominations from New Yorkers than any other woman during the process, has been completely ignored,” Councilman Justin Brannan wrote to McCray’s office on Monday.
“My simple question is this: why open this for a public vote and then ignore the results?” he asked.
The faithful of Saint Frances Cabrini church in Bensonhurst were “very disappointed” after learning she would not figure among the seven women chosen, said Father Guy Sbordone, pastor of the parish.
“People were a little taken aback, and rightfully so,” he said. “They’re thinking about their vote and what it meant and why it isn’t being honored.”
Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini — America’s first saint and the patroness of immigrants — was herself an Italian immigrant who became a naturalized citizen. And arguably she did more than any other woman of her day to help the immigrant community in the United States.
So essentially, these woke Democrats who love to invoke America’s immigrant heritage have snubbed a central figure who helped make that immigrant heritage a success by creating schools, hospitals, and orphanages to care for the new arrivals.
Original here.
I hope you will read about another arbitrary and dictatorial decision of our authorities. This time it was Mayor Blasio’ wife in New York. After opening a public vote about who were the women who worked the most for New York, she snubbed the results and chose the women she wanted – an abortionist and two drag queens.
Why open the consultation if she already had chosen the winners? Why reject the real results when her reputation would be stained?
Perhaps she imagined the people would be as revolutionary as she is, and seeing they weren’t, she rejected the results. Who really knows the logic of these rotten elites?
Read below, please.
New York City Mayor de Blasio’s wife has rejected the results of a public vote calling for a statue of Mother Cabrini (pictured), a Catholic saint, and instead opted to honor other “women,” including two drag queens.

Mother Cabrini
Without explanation, McCray decided on a group of people that were nowhere near the top choices picked by New Yorkers, including the two drag queens who founded the Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR).
The “She Built NYC” project began last summer as an attempt by McCray to balance the male-female mix of statues of eminent New Yorkers. When McCray asked for the public’s input, she received an avalanche of more than 1,800 suggestions, with some 320 women nominated.
McCray and former Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen basically ignored the results of the public consultation and chose the seven women they wanted to honor, none of whom was among the top seven women picked in the poll.
Instead, they selected abortion rights activist Dr. Helen Rodriguez Trías and drag queens Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson, among others, making clear what their criteria were. The reaction from New Yorkers has been predictably swift and fierce.
“Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini, who received more nominations from New Yorkers than any other woman during the process, has been completely ignored,” Councilman Justin Brannan wrote to McCray’s office on Monday.
“My simple question is this: why open this for a public vote and then ignore the results?” he asked.
The faithful of Saint Frances Cabrini church in Bensonhurst were “very disappointed” after learning she would not figure among the seven women chosen, said Father Guy Sbordone, pastor of the parish.
“People were a little taken aback, and rightfully so,” he said. “They’re thinking about their vote and what it meant and why it isn’t being honored.”
Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini — America’s first saint and the patroness of immigrants — was herself an Italian immigrant who became a naturalized citizen. And arguably she did more than any other woman of her day to help the immigrant community in the United States.
So essentially, these woke Democrats who love to invoke America’s immigrant heritage have snubbed a central figure who helped make that immigrant heritage a success by creating schools, hospitals, and orphanages to care for the new arrivals.
Original here.

Posted August 22, 2019
Amid the great crisis of faith and morals in the Church, the good English bishops call out for Catholics to commit to sustainable lifestyles.
Forget the Commandments....