What People are Commenting
La Salette, Resistance & Chastisement
Praying for the Resistance
Dear TIA,
Re: Pope’s Motu Proprio Gets Mixed Reactions in France
Well, here it is from the horse’s mouth.
The Fraternity of St. Peter’s priest complaining about the new Motu Proprio and assuring the Pope that they’ve never rejected Vatican II. So then, why are they surprised when they are told to conform to the progressivist agenda? Vatican II is the cannon that launched that agenda.
Be sure most will go along to get along. They’ve already lost the will to resist. I wish that weren't true, but suspect it is.
Let us pray for a real resistance to rise.
Vivo Cristo Rey!
Re: Pope’s Motu Proprio Gets Mixed Reactions in France
Well, here it is from the horse’s mouth.
The Fraternity of St. Peter’s priest complaining about the new Motu Proprio and assuring the Pope that they’ve never rejected Vatican II. So then, why are they surprised when they are told to conform to the progressivist agenda? Vatican II is the cannon that launched that agenda.
Be sure most will go along to get along. They’ve already lost the will to resist. I wish that weren't true, but suspect it is.
Let us pray for a real resistance to rise.
Vivo Cristo Rey!
Apocalyptical Persecution
Dear TIA,
After being told that we won’t be having internal Covid passports in the UK, we are now having internal Covid passports.
The latest news from the Gov’t is that you will need to have The Jab in order to go to church. Funnily enough, no mention has yet been made of whether you need The Jab to go to Synagogue or Mosque, or another other place of “worship,” as a matter of fact. Only churches will be required to admit only those who have received The Jab, so far. If this isn’t a clear attack by Satan upon the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic & Roman Church, I don’t know what is! And I can guarantee that the bishops of the UK will dutifully offer their pinch of incense to Caesar.
This is literally the prototype to the Mark of the Beast in my opinion. The Apocalypse of St. John is being rehearsed right before our very eyes.
Kind regards,
M.B., U.K.
After being told that we won’t be having internal Covid passports in the UK, we are now having internal Covid passports.
The latest news from the Gov’t is that you will need to have The Jab in order to go to church. Funnily enough, no mention has yet been made of whether you need The Jab to go to Synagogue or Mosque, or another other place of “worship,” as a matter of fact. Only churches will be required to admit only those who have received The Jab, so far. If this isn’t a clear attack by Satan upon the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic & Roman Church, I don’t know what is! And I can guarantee that the bishops of the UK will dutifully offer their pinch of incense to Caesar.
This is literally the prototype to the Mark of the Beast in my opinion. The Apocalypse of St. John is being rehearsed right before our very eyes.
Kind regards,
M.B., U.K.
Charge of the Vaccinated
Dear TIA,
These lyrics are really well done - a play on the Poem The Charge of the Light Brigade, very well known here in the US.
I suggest you to post it for the benefit of your readers.
Charge of the Vaccinated
Half again Half again
Half again onward
Into the valley of death
Rushed the Six Million
Forward not Fearful
Charge to the needle he said
Into the valley of death
Rushed the Six Million
Forward and unafraid!
Was there a man dismayed?
Not that the doctors knew
No one had blundered
Theirs was not to make reply,
Theirs was not to reason why,
Theirs was but to do or die:
Into the Valley of Death
Rushed the Six Million
Nurses to the right of them,
Nurses to the left of them,
Fauci in front of them
Blather and bluster
Stormed on with shot and sell,
Boldly they rushed and well,
Into the Jaws of Death,
Into the Mouth of Hell
Rushed the Six Million
Flash of the Syringe bare,
Flashed as it moved in air
Injecting and jabbing there,
Charging as an army, while
All the world wondered:
Plunged in the blood with stroke
Right in the vein they poked;
All scantily clothed
Reeled from the needle-stroke
Wielded by Villains
Then they came back,
but not
Not all Six Million
Needles to right of them,
Needles to left of them,
Fauci behind them
Foil and blunder;
Stormed on with shot and sell
While crowds full of heroes fell,
They that had meant so well
Came thru the Jaws of Death,
Back from the Mouth of Hell,
All that were left of them,
Left of Six Million
When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wondered.
Honor the charge they made!
Honor the Vaccinated
Noble Six Million
Patrick Fealy
These lyrics are really well done - a play on the Poem The Charge of the Light Brigade, very well known here in the US.
I suggest you to post it for the benefit of your readers.
Half again Half again
Half again onward
Into the valley of death
Rushed the Six Million
Forward not Fearful
Charge to the needle he said
Into the valley of death
Rushed the Six Million
Forward and unafraid!
Was there a man dismayed?
Not that the doctors knew
No one had blundered
Theirs was not to make reply,
Theirs was not to reason why,
Theirs was but to do or die:
Into the Valley of Death
Rushed the Six Million
Nurses to the right of them,
Nurses to the left of them,
Fauci in front of them
Blather and bluster
Stormed on with shot and sell,
Boldly they rushed and well,
Into the Jaws of Death,
Into the Mouth of Hell
Rushed the Six Million
Flash of the Syringe bare,
Flashed as it moved in air
Injecting and jabbing there,
Charging as an army, while
All the world wondered:
Plunged in the blood with stroke
Right in the vein they poked;
All scantily clothed
Reeled from the needle-stroke
Wielded by Villains
Then they came back,
but not
Not all Six Million
Needles to right of them,
Needles to left of them,
Fauci behind them
Foil and blunder;
Stormed on with shot and sell
While crowds full of heroes fell,
They that had meant so well
Came thru the Jaws of Death,
Back from the Mouth of Hell,
All that were left of them,
Left of Six Million
When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wondered.
Honor the charge they made!
Honor the Vaccinated
Noble Six Million
Patrick Fealy
More Signs of the Chastisement
This news report [below] reminded me of your talks from your Biennial Event.
Germany and Belgium got rain like they haven’t had for a century.
I think it’s just the start...
He who lives will see...
German Floods ‘More Like World War II’ Than Natural Disaster
Elise Ann Allen
Debris is seen near homes affected by flooding in Kreuzberg, Germany, July 19, 2021. More than 195 people have been confirmed dead, while dozens of others remain missing after a record rainfall caused dams to burst and rivers to overflow into towns and streets across western Germany, Belgium, as well as parts of the Netherlands, Switzerland and northern France. (Credit: CNS photo/Wolfgang Rattay, Reuters.)
ROME – With hundreds dead or missing and billions of dollars of damage in Germany in the wake of recent flash flooding, one Catholic organization assisting in relief efforts has said the situation on the ground is more like a warzone than a natural disaster.
Speaking to Crux, Douglas Graf von Saurma-Jeltsch, president of Malteser International Europe, a charitable organization run by the Order of Malta, said recent floods in western Germany are “like a bomb” that detonated.
“Entire houses have been taken away, parts of houses have been taken away, streets are completely destroyed, the infrastructure has been destroyed – no water, no gas, no telecommunication. All of that is more like a World War II scenario than flooding,” he said, adding, “That’s an extent of disaster we’ve never seen before.”
Last week a slow-moving weather system unleashed two months’ worth of rain in two days in western Germany, causing almost instant flash-flooding that left many people trapped in their homes, vehicles, or elsewhere, and causing catastrophic damage.
So far, authorities have confirmed at least 171 fatalities, of whom 123 come from the Ahrweiler district in Rhineland-Palatinate alone. Some 764 people have been injured, and an additional 155 people are still missing…
Original here
This news report [below] reminded me of your talks from your Biennial Event.
Germany and Belgium got rain like they haven’t had for a century.
I think it’s just the start...
He who lives will see...
Elise Ann Allen

Debris is seen near homes affected by flooding in Kreuzberg, Germany, July 19, 2021. More than 195 people have been confirmed dead, while dozens of others remain missing after a record rainfall caused dams to burst and rivers to overflow into towns and streets across western Germany, Belgium, as well as parts of the Netherlands, Switzerland and northern France. (Credit: CNS photo/Wolfgang Rattay, Reuters.)
ROME – With hundreds dead or missing and billions of dollars of damage in Germany in the wake of recent flash flooding, one Catholic organization assisting in relief efforts has said the situation on the ground is more like a warzone than a natural disaster.
Speaking to Crux, Douglas Graf von Saurma-Jeltsch, president of Malteser International Europe, a charitable organization run by the Order of Malta, said recent floods in western Germany are “like a bomb” that detonated.
“Entire houses have been taken away, parts of houses have been taken away, streets are completely destroyed, the infrastructure has been destroyed – no water, no gas, no telecommunication. All of that is more like a World War II scenario than flooding,” he said, adding, “That’s an extent of disaster we’ve never seen before.”
Last week a slow-moving weather system unleashed two months’ worth of rain in two days in western Germany, causing almost instant flash-flooding that left many people trapped in their homes, vehicles, or elsewhere, and causing catastrophic damage.
So far, authorities have confirmed at least 171 fatalities, of whom 123 come from the Ahrweiler district in Rhineland-Palatinate alone. Some 764 people have been injured, and an additional 155 people are still missing…
Original here

Posted July 27, 2021
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Francis Embraces Homosexual Activist
Thank you for the important work that you do. I know that TIA does not hold the sedevacantist position, however the last lines from your recent "Church Revolution in Pictures"- 'Francis Embraces a Homosexual' - puzzle me.
Can you please explain what you mean: "This is not the work of a Vicar of Christ. Our Lady of La Salette was right when she affirmed: 'Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.'"
In Maria,
TIA responds:
Dear M.C.,
Thank you for your kind words about our work.
When someone criticizes the actions of a General in a war saying: "This is not the work of a patriotic General," he is emphasizing that the military in question is betraying his mission. He is not entering into a dispute about whether that betrayal is enough for him to lose his position of General.
Analogously, Our Lady of La Salette said that "Rome will become the seat of the Antichrist," implying that the Antichrist may be a Pope. She did not make any mention of whether, because of the actions of this Pope (or Popes), he would lose his pontificate.
We did the same. Our comment that Francis' action of promoting homosexuality is not the work of a Vicar of Christ invites our readers to ask themselves whether such an action characterizes him as someone who acts like an Antichrist. There was no intention to go further than what was affirmed and, therefore, no intention to reach the conclusion that the seat of Peter is vacant.
TIA correspondence desk