What People are Commenting
St. Gabriel, Inter-Racial Marriages & Ukraine
MNF: Volume 2 Released
To the members of Ecclesia Militant of San Diego,
MNF Volume 2 is released!
From Tradition in Action, the second volume of Prof. Plinio’s manifesto, MNF, is now released! Society of Souls.
This is the second of many volumes that Atila Guimaraes has edited and TIA has published. Each one stands alone as a work of a visionary, but together they describe the lost soul of mankind. We can begin to appreciate God’s creation and our purpose.
“We plan to discuss what the life of the soul is, so that we can understand how souls collaborate in society. In order to do this we need to enter into the problem of a soul’s search for the absolute.”
I begin by pressing “Read Aloud” under the top bar. In this way I can hear quickly the language and terms, and get a feel for the wisdom that is embedded in Prof. Plinio’s vision. Then, I will go back and try to read it with greater understanding.
We are experiencing “democide” now in America - death by government. This is the plan of evil forces which are running out of time.
Through TIA, we look forward to the chastisement and the advent of the Reign of Mary. But what is humanity? What is the society that we must rebuild? These are essential questions we must strive to understand, even as the devil deconstructs Christendom. His time is short!
MNF Volume 2 is released!
From Tradition in Action, the second volume of Prof. Plinio’s manifesto, MNF, is now released! Society of Souls.
This is the second of many volumes that Atila Guimaraes has edited and TIA has published. Each one stands alone as a work of a visionary, but together they describe the lost soul of mankind. We can begin to appreciate God’s creation and our purpose.
“We plan to discuss what the life of the soul is, so that we can understand how souls collaborate in society. In order to do this we need to enter into the problem of a soul’s search for the absolute.”
I begin by pressing “Read Aloud” under the top bar. In this way I can hear quickly the language and terms, and get a feel for the wisdom that is embedded in Prof. Plinio’s vision. Then, I will go back and try to read it with greater understanding.
We are experiencing “democide” now in America - death by government. This is the plan of evil forces which are running out of time.
Through TIA, we look forward to the chastisement and the advent of the Reign of Mary. But what is humanity? What is the society that we must rebuild? These are essential questions we must strive to understand, even as the devil deconstructs Christendom. His time is short!
Interracial Marriage
Dear TIA,
There are some traditional Catholics who oppose two people of different races marrying each other. There is something about this opposition that made me feel like it is not Catholic and is an inherently wrong thing to believe.
Does it not matter what race people belong to as long as they are both faithful Catholics who fulfill their duties as spouses? I am asking to know what the Church’s stance is regarding this topic because would it be racist and anti-Catholic to oppose interracial marriage? Catholics would marry outside of their own race/ethnicity in the past (and the present), correct?
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Dear R.T.,
In principle, there is nothing wrong with marrying a person of a different race. A large part of the Portuguese and Spanish colonization from the time of discovery – the 16th century – was made by the Church blessing the marriages of sailors of those countries with the native young women of the places they visited – Latin America, Africa, the Philippines and India. These marriages were very beneficial for both the native and the European immigrants, as it facilitated the healthy transition of cultures and the achievement of stability in the missions.
This sound miscegenation also took place in the higher levels of society, as you can read here.
However, in normal situations among already civilized populations, the representatives of the Church who allow inter-racial marriages should try to avoid marriages between persons of markedly different psychologies.
When a man and a woman with clashing psychologies marry, there is a great probability that the offspring will have to suffer major or minor psychological problems. So, for the good of the children, marriage counselors should discourage such marriages, whether inter-racial or not.
We believe that many mental and psychological problems of children could be avoided if there were more wisdom in the choice of the spouses. This is a topic that most probably will be developed much further in the Reign of Mary.
TIA correspondence desk
There are some traditional Catholics who oppose two people of different races marrying each other. There is something about this opposition that made me feel like it is not Catholic and is an inherently wrong thing to believe.
Does it not matter what race people belong to as long as they are both faithful Catholics who fulfill their duties as spouses? I am asking to know what the Church’s stance is regarding this topic because would it be racist and anti-Catholic to oppose interracial marriage? Catholics would marry outside of their own race/ethnicity in the past (and the present), correct?
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Dear R.T.,
In principle, there is nothing wrong with marrying a person of a different race. A large part of the Portuguese and Spanish colonization from the time of discovery – the 16th century – was made by the Church blessing the marriages of sailors of those countries with the native young women of the places they visited – Latin America, Africa, the Philippines and India. These marriages were very beneficial for both the native and the European immigrants, as it facilitated the healthy transition of cultures and the achievement of stability in the missions.
This sound miscegenation also took place in the higher levels of society, as you can read here.
However, in normal situations among already civilized populations, the representatives of the Church who allow inter-racial marriages should try to avoid marriages between persons of markedly different psychologies.
When a man and a woman with clashing psychologies marry, there is a great probability that the offspring will have to suffer major or minor psychological problems. So, for the good of the children, marriage counselors should discourage such marriages, whether inter-racial or not.
We believe that many mental and psychological problems of children could be avoided if there were more wisdom in the choice of the spouses. This is a topic that most probably will be developed much further in the Reign of Mary.
TIA correspondence desk
Question from Indonesia
Dear TIA,
I am so grateful to God for your efforts to re-proclaim the traditions of our Church. I live in Indonesia, where the movement back to Church Tradition has not been as popular as in other countries.
I myself was a Capuchin brother, but lived in an atmosphere that so upholds the Second Vatican Council in the monastery where I am, and in the area around me there is no traditional Latin Mass. In such circumstances, I am often confused about how to behave.
I ask for advice from you on this. May God bless you and your work.
TIA responds:
Dear B.C.,
Thank you for your prayers and kind words.
Please, clarify your situation. You said that you were a Capuchin brother giving the impression you no longer are. Then you say that you live in a monastery. Your situation is not clear to us. Have you made perpetual vows as a Capuchin or were you a Third Order lay brother without vows? What was the reason for your leaving, if in fact you did? Was it your initiative or was for some dishonorable cause? If you are no longer a brother, why are you still living in the monastery?
Without these points made clear, we cannot give you any practical advice based on the reality.
TIA correspondence desk
I am so grateful to God for your efforts to re-proclaim the traditions of our Church. I live in Indonesia, where the movement back to Church Tradition has not been as popular as in other countries.
I myself was a Capuchin brother, but lived in an atmosphere that so upholds the Second Vatican Council in the monastery where I am, and in the area around me there is no traditional Latin Mass. In such circumstances, I am often confused about how to behave.
I ask for advice from you on this. May God bless you and your work.
TIA responds:
Dear B.C.,
Thank you for your prayers and kind words.
Please, clarify your situation. You said that you were a Capuchin brother giving the impression you no longer are. Then you say that you live in a monastery. Your situation is not clear to us. Have you made perpetual vows as a Capuchin or were you a Third Order lay brother without vows? What was the reason for your leaving, if in fact you did? Was it your initiative or was for some dishonorable cause? If you are no longer a brother, why are you still living in the monastery?
Without these points made clear, we cannot give you any practical advice based on the reality.
TIA correspondence desk
Is an Underground Mass Permissible?
Dear TIA,
I have a relative in a country town, whose nearest TLM is an Indult Mass an hour and a half drive away. She has three small boys and a husband who is not all that au-fait with the Traditional Latin Mass, but recently they have been making the trip every Sunday.
She has repeatedly emailed the bishop to ask for a Latin Mass in her town and he has ignored her pleas for years I believe. The SSPX couldn't provide her with a Mass and she is now experiencing pressure from a friend to organize an underground Mass. Does the state of necessity apply and can she organize the underground mass?
Thank you
TIA responds:
Dear V.S.,
We believe that the state of necessity applies to her case and she can look for a validly ordained Catholic priest to say the Tridentine Mass for her, her relatives and friends.
TIA correspondence desk
I have a relative in a country town, whose nearest TLM is an Indult Mass an hour and a half drive away. She has three small boys and a husband who is not all that au-fait with the Traditional Latin Mass, but recently they have been making the trip every Sunday.
She has repeatedly emailed the bishop to ask for a Latin Mass in her town and he has ignored her pleas for years I believe. The SSPX couldn't provide her with a Mass and she is now experiencing pressure from a friend to organize an underground Mass. Does the state of necessity apply and can she organize the underground mass?
Thank you
TIA responds:
Dear V.S.,
We believe that the state of necessity applies to her case and she can look for a validly ordained Catholic priest to say the Tridentine Mass for her, her relatives and friends.
TIA correspondence desk
Awful Statue of the Holy Family
I just remembered this awful statue of the Holy Family from Holy Family Catholic Church in Yakima, WA.
I am not sure how to even describe it besides disturbing...
In Jesu et Maria,
I just remembered this awful statue of the Holy Family from Holy Family Catholic Church in Yakima, WA.
I am not sure how to even describe it besides disturbing...
In Jesu et Maria,

Russia Targeting Civilians - UK Ministry of Defense
Hello TIA,
Here is a video put up by the UK Ministry of Defense showing that the Russian Communists are using imprecise bombs to destroy civil targets.
It is an evidence of the deliberate will to harm the innocent population. It reflects a cruel and inhuman streak in Putin and those who have the power of decision in this atrocious war.
Original news report here
Here is a video put up by the UK Ministry of Defense showing that the Russian Communists are using imprecise bombs to destroy civil targets.
It is an evidence of the deliberate will to harm the innocent population. It reflects a cruel and inhuman streak in Putin and those who have the power of decision in this atrocious war.
Original news report here
Ukrainians Destroy Russian Military Convoy
I liked seeing that the valorous Ukrainian resistance was able to inflict a significant defeat on the Russian army by completely destroying a large convoy of military vehicles. The video below is proof of their bravery.
Please, continue to keep us well-informed.
Original source here
I liked seeing that the valorous Ukrainian resistance was able to inflict a significant defeat on the Russian army by completely destroying a large convoy of military vehicles. The video below is proof of their bravery.
Please, continue to keep us well-informed.
Original source here

Posted March 24, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
A beautiful and militant prayer to St. Gabriel on his feast day from The Liturgical Year by Dom Gueranger:
Pray, O Gabriel, for the Church Militant, and defend her against hell. Times are bad; the spirits of malice are unleashed: We could not subsist before them without the help of the Lord. It is through the Holy Angels that He gives victory to His Spouse.
Appear in the front ranks, O Archangel Gabriel, strength of God. Repel heresy, contain schism, dispel false wisdom, confuse vain politics, awaken from indifference: that the Christ whom you have announced may reign on the earth which He has redeemed, and that we may chant in the heavenly choir with you and all the celestial militia: Glory to God! Peace to men!
Also, your readers may want to pray the Novena for Impossible Requests, which begins on the Annunciation (March 25) and continues until Christmas Eve. You can find it here.
May the Reign of Mary come soon, very soon!