What People are Commenting
Sodomite Homily & Crimes against Humanity
Sodomite Homily in Chicago
Yes, this happened at old St. Patrick's, Archdiocese of Chicago.
A couple of homo men delivered a homily this June, while the priest "learned" from them...
Lay 'Reflection' Raises Doctrinal, Liturgical Questions in Chicago Archdiocese
Michelle La Rosa
As the Archdiocese of Chicago calls for liturgical orthodoxy in its implementation of Traditiones custodes, at least one parish has permitted lay people to give a homiletic reflection, despite the Church's requirements that a homily be given at Sunday Mass, and that homilies can be preached only by ordained ministers.
The Archdiocese of Chicago declined to comment on liturgical and doctrinal questions concerning a June 19 Mass at Chicago’s Old St. Patrick’s Church.
Instead of a homily after the Gospel, the celebrant invited two men to the ambo to offer a Father’s Day “Gospel reflection,” which the priest said was a custom in the parish. The two men - identified as Alex Shingleton and Landon Duyka - described as “miracles” their same-sex civil marriage and the adoption of two daughters, comparing those moments to the multiplication of the loaves and fishes in the Gospel reading.
“This week Chicago is celebrating Pride, and today is Father’s Day, and conveniently we tick both of those boxes,” one of the men said, to laughter from the congregation. “Let’s be honest, there are probably not too many gay dads speaking on Father’s Day at many Catholic Churches on the planet today.”
Canon law stipulates that a homily is “reserved to a priest or deacon” and “must be given at all Masses on Sundays and holy days of obligation which are celebrated with a congregation.”
While the parish did not refer to the men’s reflection as a homily, it came after the Gospel reading -when the homily usually takes place - and immediately ahead of a blessing for fathers, and then the recitation of the Creed.
Original here.
Video on the "homily" here.
Reminder: This is the Conciliar Church of Vatican II, with Jorge Bergoglio and the likes of Cupich running the asylum.
Yes, this happened at old St. Patrick's, Archdiocese of Chicago.
A couple of homo men delivered a homily this June, while the priest "learned" from them...
Michelle La Rosa
As the Archdiocese of Chicago calls for liturgical orthodoxy in its implementation of Traditiones custodes, at least one parish has permitted lay people to give a homiletic reflection, despite the Church's requirements that a homily be given at Sunday Mass, and that homilies can be preached only by ordained ministers.
The Archdiocese of Chicago declined to comment on liturgical and doctrinal questions concerning a June 19 Mass at Chicago’s Old St. Patrick’s Church.
Instead of a homily after the Gospel, the celebrant invited two men to the ambo to offer a Father’s Day “Gospel reflection,” which the priest said was a custom in the parish. The two men - identified as Alex Shingleton and Landon Duyka - described as “miracles” their same-sex civil marriage and the adoption of two daughters, comparing those moments to the multiplication of the loaves and fishes in the Gospel reading.
“This week Chicago is celebrating Pride, and today is Father’s Day, and conveniently we tick both of those boxes,” one of the men said, to laughter from the congregation. “Let’s be honest, there are probably not too many gay dads speaking on Father’s Day at many Catholic Churches on the planet today.”
Canon law stipulates that a homily is “reserved to a priest or deacon” and “must be given at all Masses on Sundays and holy days of obligation which are celebrated with a congregation.”
While the parish did not refer to the men’s reflection as a homily, it came after the Gospel reading -when the homily usually takes place - and immediately ahead of a blessing for fathers, and then the recitation of the Creed.
Original here.
Video on the "homily" here.
Reminder: This is the Conciliar Church of Vatican II, with Jorge Bergoglio and the likes of Cupich running the asylum.
Pushing Vax: A Crime against Humanity
Dear TIA,
Although this was published at the end of May, it has been forgotten very quickly… The people who pushed Mandatory vaccination – presidents (Trump and Biden), governors (Cuomo and Newson), religious authorities (Pope Francis included), health gurus (Fauci and Walensky) etc. – are guilty of "crimes against humanity" for the number of deaths it has caused.
So, we should have a Nuremberg Tribunal… Will we? The corruption and the hypocrisy are so widespread, that instead of condemning these people to capital punishment, most likely they will be awarded…
Anyway, before God and for History, we should not forget this news and keep it in our records.
In Christ Jesus,
People Who Pushed Idea of Universal Vaccination Are ‘Guilty of
Crimes Against Humanity’: Former Pfizer VP
Enrico Trigoso
Former Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon maintains that since the infection fatality ratio of COVID-19 has not been high, the vaccines should not have been mandated.
Moreover, he heavily blasted the corporate media mantras that designate these as safe, effective, and necessary to end the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic.
Yeadon is a big pharma veteran with 32 years in the industry. He worked as the head of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer from 1995 to 2011 and is the former founder and CEO of Ziarco, a biotech company acquired by Novartis. Furthermore, he has a doctorate in respiratory pharmacology and holds a Double First Class Honors degree in biochemistry and toxicology.
A shocking 1,223 deaths and 42,086 adverse events were reported to Pfizer from the first day of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine rollout on Dec. 1, 2020, to Feb. 28, 2021.
“The worst flu season over the last decade is worse than [the threat] posed by this new virus,” Yeadon told The Epoch Times via email.
“And what do we do in response to seasonal influenza? Well, nothing really, beyond offering – and not mandating – vaccines which aren’t much use.” Of important note is that the exact number of fatalities in China, where the virus originated, has been suppressed by the communist regime and could be 366 times the official figure. Yeadon said that being sure the vaccines would cause no harm in the long run should have been imperative.
“It was never appropriate to attempt to ‘end the pandemic’ with a novel technology vaccine. In a public health mass intervention, safety is the top priority, more so even than effectiveness, because so many people will receive it,” Yeadon states in a document he sent to The Epoch Times.
“It’s simply not possible to obtain data demonstrating adequate longitudinal safety in the time period any pandemic can last. Those who pushed this line of argument and enabled the gene-based agents to be injected needlessly into billions of innocent people are guilty of crimes against humanity.”
Yeadon argues that natural immunity was obviously stronger than any protection from the jabs, and cited an article by Dr. Paul Alexander that has over 150 studies attesting to naturally acquired immunity to COVID-19. Yeadon feels that the novel vaccines should have not been given emergency use authorization (EUA) and that if he were directing the pandemic response, children, pregnant women, and people who already had contracted the virus would have been given a red light on the jabs.
“I would have outright denied their use in children, in pregnancy, and in the infected/recovered. Point blank. I’d need years of safe use before contemplating an alteration of this stance.”
He further argues that the vaccines were sure to be toxic and it was only a matter of degree of toxicity.
“Having selected spike protein to be expressed, a protein which causes blood clotting to be initiated, a risk of thromboembolic adverse events was burned into the design. Nothing at all limits the amount of spike protein to be made in response to a given dose. Some individuals make a little and only briefly. The other end of a normal range results in synthesis of copious amounts of spike protein for a prolonged period. The locations in which this pathological event occurred, as well as where on the spectrum, in my view played a pivotal role in whether the victim experienced adverse events including death,” Yeadon said.
“There are many other pathologies flowing from the design of these agents, including for the mRNA ‘vaccines’ that lipid nanoparticle formulations leave the injection site and home to liver and ovaries, among other organs, but this evidence is enough to get started.”
Earlier this month, a physician said that he has been seeing an unusual amount of fetal death and miscarriages linked to the COVID-19 vaccines – according to his observations – and noted that mRNA products, contained in nanoparticles, accumulate in the ovaries.
“From data that we have, there appears to be a concentration of the lipid nanoparticles, which are very, very small particles, which are in the vaccine that are injected into the arm,” Dr. James Thorp told The Epoch Times, “and then the vast majority of those are dispersed throughout the entire body.”
A lipid nanoparticle is a fat-soluble membrane that is the cargo of the messenger RNA.
“They appear to concentrate in the ovaries, and they appear to cross all God-made barriers in the human body, the blood-brain barrier, the placental barrier during pregnancy, into the fetal bloodstream, and all the fetal tissues inside the womb, crossing the blood-brain barrier in the fetus, the baby in the womb, which is very concerning,” he noted, since the eggs produced by women are limited in number, and they would be “exposed to a potentially disastrous toxic lipid nanoparticle.”
Another concern that Yeadon had not noticed during his initial study was that “the mRNA products (Pfizer & Moderna) would accumulate in ovaries.”
“An FOI request to the Japanese Medicines Agency revealed that product accumulation in ovaries occurred in experiments in rodents,” Yeadon said. “I searched the literature based on these specific concerns and found a 2012 review, explicitly drawing attention to the evidence that the lipid nanoparticle formulations as a class do, in fact, accumulate in ovaries and may represent an unappreciated reproductive risk to humans. This was ‘a well known problem’ to experts in that field.”
A 2012 study says that after testing with different mouse species and Wistar rats, “a high local accumulation of nanoparticles, nanocapsules, and nanoemulsions in specific locations of the ovaries was found in all animals.”
Referring to the study, Yeadon told The Epoch Times that “the authors tell untruths. They say something like ‘there was no increase in anti-syncytin-1 antibodies.’”
“No, that’s wrong. Their data is clearly 2.5X increased after vaccination and obviously statistically significant (functional significance is looking confirmed by the miscarriage rate),” Yeadon noted.
“What they’ve done is cute. They’ve chosen a completely arbitrary level they scribed on the figure below which they claim nothing matters. No evidence whatsoever for that claim. In fact, in the discussion, they confess we don’t know the relationship between antibodies and the impact on function.”
Yeadon believes that the pharmaceutical industry “definitely knew,” since 2012, that the lipid nanoparticles would accumulate in the ovaries of women that took the vaccines. “No one in the industry or in leading media could claim ‘they didn’t know about these risks to successful pregnancy.’”
Another recent study found that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine goes into liver cells and is converted to DNA, a process called reverse-transcription.
Although this was published at the end of May, it has been forgotten very quickly… The people who pushed Mandatory vaccination – presidents (Trump and Biden), governors (Cuomo and Newson), religious authorities (Pope Francis included), health gurus (Fauci and Walensky) etc. – are guilty of "crimes against humanity" for the number of deaths it has caused.
So, we should have a Nuremberg Tribunal… Will we? The corruption and the hypocrisy are so widespread, that instead of condemning these people to capital punishment, most likely they will be awarded…
Anyway, before God and for History, we should not forget this news and keep it in our records.
In Christ Jesus,
Crimes Against Humanity’: Former Pfizer VP
Enrico Trigoso
Former Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon maintains that since the infection fatality ratio of COVID-19 has not been high, the vaccines should not have been mandated.
Moreover, he heavily blasted the corporate media mantras that designate these as safe, effective, and necessary to end the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic.
Yeadon is a big pharma veteran with 32 years in the industry. He worked as the head of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer from 1995 to 2011 and is the former founder and CEO of Ziarco, a biotech company acquired by Novartis. Furthermore, he has a doctorate in respiratory pharmacology and holds a Double First Class Honors degree in biochemistry and toxicology.
A shocking 1,223 deaths and 42,086 adverse events were reported to Pfizer from the first day of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine rollout on Dec. 1, 2020, to Feb. 28, 2021.
“The worst flu season over the last decade is worse than [the threat] posed by this new virus,” Yeadon told The Epoch Times via email.
“And what do we do in response to seasonal influenza? Well, nothing really, beyond offering – and not mandating – vaccines which aren’t much use.” Of important note is that the exact number of fatalities in China, where the virus originated, has been suppressed by the communist regime and could be 366 times the official figure. Yeadon said that being sure the vaccines would cause no harm in the long run should have been imperative.
“It was never appropriate to attempt to ‘end the pandemic’ with a novel technology vaccine. In a public health mass intervention, safety is the top priority, more so even than effectiveness, because so many people will receive it,” Yeadon states in a document he sent to The Epoch Times.
“It’s simply not possible to obtain data demonstrating adequate longitudinal safety in the time period any pandemic can last. Those who pushed this line of argument and enabled the gene-based agents to be injected needlessly into billions of innocent people are guilty of crimes against humanity.”
Yeadon argues that natural immunity was obviously stronger than any protection from the jabs, and cited an article by Dr. Paul Alexander that has over 150 studies attesting to naturally acquired immunity to COVID-19. Yeadon feels that the novel vaccines should have not been given emergency use authorization (EUA) and that if he were directing the pandemic response, children, pregnant women, and people who already had contracted the virus would have been given a red light on the jabs.
“I would have outright denied their use in children, in pregnancy, and in the infected/recovered. Point blank. I’d need years of safe use before contemplating an alteration of this stance.”
He further argues that the vaccines were sure to be toxic and it was only a matter of degree of toxicity.
“Having selected spike protein to be expressed, a protein which causes blood clotting to be initiated, a risk of thromboembolic adverse events was burned into the design. Nothing at all limits the amount of spike protein to be made in response to a given dose. Some individuals make a little and only briefly. The other end of a normal range results in synthesis of copious amounts of spike protein for a prolonged period. The locations in which this pathological event occurred, as well as where on the spectrum, in my view played a pivotal role in whether the victim experienced adverse events including death,” Yeadon said.
“There are many other pathologies flowing from the design of these agents, including for the mRNA ‘vaccines’ that lipid nanoparticle formulations leave the injection site and home to liver and ovaries, among other organs, but this evidence is enough to get started.”
Earlier this month, a physician said that he has been seeing an unusual amount of fetal death and miscarriages linked to the COVID-19 vaccines – according to his observations – and noted that mRNA products, contained in nanoparticles, accumulate in the ovaries.
“From data that we have, there appears to be a concentration of the lipid nanoparticles, which are very, very small particles, which are in the vaccine that are injected into the arm,” Dr. James Thorp told The Epoch Times, “and then the vast majority of those are dispersed throughout the entire body.”
A lipid nanoparticle is a fat-soluble membrane that is the cargo of the messenger RNA.
“They appear to concentrate in the ovaries, and they appear to cross all God-made barriers in the human body, the blood-brain barrier, the placental barrier during pregnancy, into the fetal bloodstream, and all the fetal tissues inside the womb, crossing the blood-brain barrier in the fetus, the baby in the womb, which is very concerning,” he noted, since the eggs produced by women are limited in number, and they would be “exposed to a potentially disastrous toxic lipid nanoparticle.”
Another concern that Yeadon had not noticed during his initial study was that “the mRNA products (Pfizer & Moderna) would accumulate in ovaries.”
“An FOI request to the Japanese Medicines Agency revealed that product accumulation in ovaries occurred in experiments in rodents,” Yeadon said. “I searched the literature based on these specific concerns and found a 2012 review, explicitly drawing attention to the evidence that the lipid nanoparticle formulations as a class do, in fact, accumulate in ovaries and may represent an unappreciated reproductive risk to humans. This was ‘a well known problem’ to experts in that field.”
A 2012 study says that after testing with different mouse species and Wistar rats, “a high local accumulation of nanoparticles, nanocapsules, and nanoemulsions in specific locations of the ovaries was found in all animals.”
Referring to the study, Yeadon told The Epoch Times that “the authors tell untruths. They say something like ‘there was no increase in anti-syncytin-1 antibodies.’”
“No, that’s wrong. Their data is clearly 2.5X increased after vaccination and obviously statistically significant (functional significance is looking confirmed by the miscarriage rate),” Yeadon noted.
“What they’ve done is cute. They’ve chosen a completely arbitrary level they scribed on the figure below which they claim nothing matters. No evidence whatsoever for that claim. In fact, in the discussion, they confess we don’t know the relationship between antibodies and the impact on function.”
Yeadon believes that the pharmaceutical industry “definitely knew,” since 2012, that the lipid nanoparticles would accumulate in the ovaries of women that took the vaccines. “No one in the industry or in leading media could claim ‘they didn’t know about these risks to successful pregnancy.’”
Another recent study found that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine goes into liver cells and is converted to DNA, a process called reverse-transcription.

Posted July 14, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Salve Maria!
Thank you for your excellent work.
I am writing to bring to your attention to this blasphemous Corinthians Patch! [be aware of immoral gesture] CORINTHIANS PATCH – pilgrimpatches.
I hope the person takes down this item and repents.
In Maria,