What People are Commenting
Dead Infants, Blind People & OWO Bosses
There Are None so Blind as Those Who Do Not Wish to See
Dear TIA,
Re: From 2 Weeks to 2 Years, The Main Casualties Are Liberty & Truth
Thank you for reproducing this article! I cannot believe a friend of mine, an MD, still believes in the vax for C19. She says: "it is safe and it has been a miracle and a gift from GOD. It's been given to millions of people and... enough people have been vaccinated to be able to assess for safety... because there are literally MILLIONS of people across the world now who have been monitored for side effects.
And yes, there are some side effects but nothing compares to the deaths from COVID in those at-risk populations that should get the vaccine."
She doesn't believe there have been many who have either died or acquired life-debilitating problems from the vax, and nothing I try to "throw" at her seems to get viewed or taken seriously (e.g. the bearers of "bad news" are fake whistle-blowers, con-artists, etc.). She believes only certain people and places of information and seems to refuse to consider anything from outside of those various places, no matter how credible the informant is (e.g., Dr. Peter McCullough, etc.).
This friend and I decided that we will no longer talk about the pandemic. Sad, but like so many others... As another friend once said: "There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see..."
It's sometimes overwhelming to consider the number of prayers, sacrifices, and penances we need to get us out of this mess and into the next era.
May Our Lady soon intervene and set this world on the right track!!
May Our Lord and Lady soon reign over all hearts!
"Act as if each day were your last, and each action the last you will perform."
St. Francis de Sales
Re: From 2 Weeks to 2 Years, The Main Casualties Are Liberty & Truth
Thank you for reproducing this article! I cannot believe a friend of mine, an MD, still believes in the vax for C19. She says: "it is safe and it has been a miracle and a gift from GOD. It's been given to millions of people and... enough people have been vaccinated to be able to assess for safety... because there are literally MILLIONS of people across the world now who have been monitored for side effects.
And yes, there are some side effects but nothing compares to the deaths from COVID in those at-risk populations that should get the vaccine."
She doesn't believe there have been many who have either died or acquired life-debilitating problems from the vax, and nothing I try to "throw" at her seems to get viewed or taken seriously (e.g. the bearers of "bad news" are fake whistle-blowers, con-artists, etc.). She believes only certain people and places of information and seems to refuse to consider anything from outside of those various places, no matter how credible the informant is (e.g., Dr. Peter McCullough, etc.).
This friend and I decided that we will no longer talk about the pandemic. Sad, but like so many others... As another friend once said: "There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see..."
It's sometimes overwhelming to consider the number of prayers, sacrifices, and penances we need to get us out of this mess and into the next era.
May Our Lady soon intervene and set this world on the right track!!
May Our Lord and Lady soon reign over all hearts!
"Act as if each day were your last, and each action the last you will perform."
St. Francis de Sales
Are the OWO Bosses Changing Their Agenda?
Hello TIA,
The protests and petitions around the world are having a good effect. England has suddenly changed directions and I don’t believe it was by chance.
The leaders of governments – England included – are committed to the One World Order and to imposing the vaccines in order to establish a universal control over the populations. Two years of attempt are meeting with a spectacular failure: people are not accepting it and the governments cannot continue with their agenda, unless the goal is to throw the entire world into chaos and civil wars.
England now is abolishing all the measures it has religiously championed for two years… Since England is very obedient to the OWO bosses, it seems that they decided to stop their attempt of imposing mandates. Let us see what other countries will follow. If England's position spreads, what would be the meaning of this general change of direction?
Are they just returning to normality and delivering all the authorities who obeyed them to the wolves? Or are they entering a new adventure, preparing to throw the entire world into a WWIII so they can accomplish their goals of depopulating the planet?
While we consider these questions and look for the answers, let us read what is happening in England.
Best regards,
In Christ Jesus,
England Ends All COVID-19 Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions
Lily Zhou
COVID-19 restrictions such as vaccine passports, mask mandates, and work-from-home guidance will be removed in England, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Jan. 19.
Johnson also suggested that self-isolation rules may also be thrown out at the end of March as the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic becomes endemic.
Effective immediately, the UK government is no longer asking people to work from home.
The COVID pass mandate for nightclubs and large events won’t be renewed when it expires on Jan. 27.
Also from Jan. 27, indoor mask-wearing will no longer be compulsory anywhere in England.
The requirement for secondary school pupils to wear masks during class and in communal areas will be lifted on Jan. 20. The Department for Education is expected to update its national guidance soon. Health Secretary Sajid Jajid will also announce plans to ease restrictions on care home visits in the coming days.
Roaring cheers from lawmakers could be heard in the House of Commons following Johnson’s announcements on masks.
People who test positive for COVID-19 and their unvaccinated contacts are still required to self-isolate, but Johnson said he “very much expect[s] not to renew” the rule when the relevant regulations expire on March 24.
“As COVID becomes endemic, we will need to replace legal requirements with advice and guidance, urging people with the virus to be careful and considerate of others,” the prime minister said.
Asked to remove testing rules for vaccinated UK-bound travellers, Johnson said the government is reviewing the testing arrangements on travel and that an announcement can be expected in the coming days.
But he refused to reconsider the vaccination mandate for frontline health care workers, insisting “the evidence is clear that health care professionals should get vaccinated.”
JJohnson told MPs that the Cabinet decided to remove its so-called “Plan B” measures on Wednesday morning as data suggest the Omicron wave has peaked nationally, and he attributed establishing hospital admission numbers to “the extraordinary booster campaign” and the public’s compliance to the restriction measures.
The removal of the “Plan B” measures against the CCP virus came as the prime minister battles increasing pressure calling for him to resign over alleged lockdown-breaching parties in Number 10 Downing Street, the prime minister’s official residence, during the pandemic.
It also came after Number 10 received a petition on Monday signed by more than 200,000 people, calling for an end to vaccine passports and similar COVID certifications.
A separate petition calling on the reversal of vaccine mandates for health care workers, which was also delivered to Number 10 on Monday, received about 160,000 signatures.
Governments in Scotland and Wales have also announced the removal of Omicron curbs, but mandatory indoor mask-wearing and COVID passes will remain in place.
Original here
The protests and petitions around the world are having a good effect. England has suddenly changed directions and I don’t believe it was by chance.
The leaders of governments – England included – are committed to the One World Order and to imposing the vaccines in order to establish a universal control over the populations. Two years of attempt are meeting with a spectacular failure: people are not accepting it and the governments cannot continue with their agenda, unless the goal is to throw the entire world into chaos and civil wars.
England now is abolishing all the measures it has religiously championed for two years… Since England is very obedient to the OWO bosses, it seems that they decided to stop their attempt of imposing mandates. Let us see what other countries will follow. If England's position spreads, what would be the meaning of this general change of direction?
Are they just returning to normality and delivering all the authorities who obeyed them to the wolves? Or are they entering a new adventure, preparing to throw the entire world into a WWIII so they can accomplish their goals of depopulating the planet?
While we consider these questions and look for the answers, let us read what is happening in England.
Best regards,
In Christ Jesus,
Lily Zhou
COVID-19 restrictions such as vaccine passports, mask mandates, and work-from-home guidance will be removed in England, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Jan. 19.
Johnson also suggested that self-isolation rules may also be thrown out at the end of March as the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic becomes endemic.
Effective immediately, the UK government is no longer asking people to work from home.
The COVID pass mandate for nightclubs and large events won’t be renewed when it expires on Jan. 27.
Also from Jan. 27, indoor mask-wearing will no longer be compulsory anywhere in England.
The requirement for secondary school pupils to wear masks during class and in communal areas will be lifted on Jan. 20. The Department for Education is expected to update its national guidance soon. Health Secretary Sajid Jajid will also announce plans to ease restrictions on care home visits in the coming days.
Roaring cheers from lawmakers could be heard in the House of Commons following Johnson’s announcements on masks.
People who test positive for COVID-19 and their unvaccinated contacts are still required to self-isolate, but Johnson said he “very much expect[s] not to renew” the rule when the relevant regulations expire on March 24.
“As COVID becomes endemic, we will need to replace legal requirements with advice and guidance, urging people with the virus to be careful and considerate of others,” the prime minister said.
Asked to remove testing rules for vaccinated UK-bound travellers, Johnson said the government is reviewing the testing arrangements on travel and that an announcement can be expected in the coming days.
But he refused to reconsider the vaccination mandate for frontline health care workers, insisting “the evidence is clear that health care professionals should get vaccinated.”
JJohnson told MPs that the Cabinet decided to remove its so-called “Plan B” measures on Wednesday morning as data suggest the Omicron wave has peaked nationally, and he attributed establishing hospital admission numbers to “the extraordinary booster campaign” and the public’s compliance to the restriction measures.
The removal of the “Plan B” measures against the CCP virus came as the prime minister battles increasing pressure calling for him to resign over alleged lockdown-breaching parties in Number 10 Downing Street, the prime minister’s official residence, during the pandemic.
It also came after Number 10 received a petition on Monday signed by more than 200,000 people, calling for an end to vaccine passports and similar COVID certifications.
A separate petition calling on the reversal of vaccine mandates for health care workers, which was also delivered to Number 10 on Monday, received about 160,000 signatures.
Governments in Scotland and Wales have also announced the removal of Omicron curbs, but mandatory indoor mask-wearing and COVID passes will remain in place.
Original here

Posted January 25, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
This video summarizes two doctors and a funeral director who have seen an increase in infant deaths over the past year from these vaccines. It's heartbreaking to hear the numbers.
The real numbers will never get out in the media and this information will be spread by word of mouth to anyone whose heart is finally open to hearing the truth.
To all those still plugged in to the MSM, they'll be lining up for more of this. Those poor children.
In Maria,