What People are Commenting
Aliens, Laudate Deum & Holy Family
Harari: Aliens Are Coming
Dear TIA,
Re: Globalists have another shock event planned in pursuit of the ‘Four Ds’: Digitization, Dehumanization, Destruction and Depopulation
Watch the video of Yuval Harari in the middle of this interesting article. He point blank tells us we are reaching the end of human history. Not history, but human history. An intervention of aliens is about to happen.
Now it’s possible to follow people around all the time, he says. No need for KGB, human surveillance. We have AI.
The article is also interesting. I suggest reading it. Bottom line: the author believes war is coming and gives the reasons why, all very reasonable.
Re: Globalists have another shock event planned in pursuit of the ‘Four Ds’: Digitization, Dehumanization, Destruction and Depopulation
Watch the video of Yuval Harari in the middle of this interesting article. He point blank tells us we are reaching the end of human history. Not history, but human history. An intervention of aliens is about to happen.
Now it’s possible to follow people around all the time, he says. No need for KGB, human surveillance. We have AI.
The article is also interesting. I suggest reading it. Bottom line: the author believes war is coming and gives the reasons why, all very reasonable.
Laudate Deum - Non-Stop Production
Dear TIA,
We see that Pope Francis is a worthy successor of JPII who became known for his prolific production of documents to the point that it was qualified as “papelorum progression” [the progress of papers]; a funny play of words referring to Paul VI Encyclical Populorum progressio. It means that JPII's production of documents was so great that no one could read them.
Now we have Francis doing the same. On October 4, he will issue another document on ecology Laudate Deum.
Perhaps someone reminded him that he is so concerned about speaking on environmental, social and political issues that he has forgotten to speak about God, of Whom, by the way, he is – or should be – the Vicar on earth. Let us hope he will speak a little about God...
We see that Pope Francis is a worthy successor of JPII who became known for his prolific production of documents to the point that it was qualified as “papelorum progression” [the progress of papers]; a funny play of words referring to Paul VI Encyclical Populorum progressio. It means that JPII's production of documents was so great that no one could read them.
Now we have Francis doing the same. On October 4, he will issue another document on ecology Laudate Deum.
Perhaps someone reminded him that he is so concerned about speaking on environmental, social and political issues that he has forgotten to speak about God, of Whom, by the way, he is – or should be – the Vicar on earth. Let us hope he will speak a little about God...
New Insight into the Evil Nature of Tattoos
Hello TIA,
Salve Maria!
I wrote to you months ago regarding an issue with many Catholics and even Traditional Catholics concerning tattoos. It seems that many in the traditional movement still support tattoos.
Fr. Ripperger was recently asked in an interview to clarify what he said about tattoos. Commentators wanted to know if holy tattoos were okay because Fr. Ripperger, in his original comment on tattoos, never specified the type of the image. He clarified in this video that it doesn't matter and that any and all tattoos are a gateway to the demonic.
He said the worst decommissioning of a tattoo he's ever had to do was not of a demon but was of St. Michael the Archangel.
I hope your readers can take good lessons from this so as to inform others of the dangers of tattoos which is such a struggle considering how many priests and religious approve of them.
(The video is set to start at the 22:00 min mark which is where the tattoo comments are made)
(Fr Mike Schmitz and his new tattoo)
In Jesu et Maria,
Salve Maria!
I wrote to you months ago regarding an issue with many Catholics and even Traditional Catholics concerning tattoos. It seems that many in the traditional movement still support tattoos.
Fr. Ripperger was recently asked in an interview to clarify what he said about tattoos. Commentators wanted to know if holy tattoos were okay because Fr. Ripperger, in his original comment on tattoos, never specified the type of the image. He clarified in this video that it doesn't matter and that any and all tattoos are a gateway to the demonic.
He said the worst decommissioning of a tattoo he's ever had to do was not of a demon but was of St. Michael the Archangel.
I hope your readers can take good lessons from this so as to inform others of the dangers of tattoos which is such a struggle considering how many priests and religious approve of them.
(The video is set to start at the 22:00 min mark which is where the tattoo comments are made)
(Fr Mike Schmitz and his new tattoo)
In Jesu et Maria,
Desacralization & Deformation of the Holy Family
Good morning,
I thank you for your work and your fidelity to the Truth Who Is Jesus Christ and His Church!
I just ran across a piece of “Catholic” “artwork!” I was so struck and saddened by it that I sent it to my husband via email with my quickly written opinion, trying to express what is so wrong, and so “not right” about it.
Recently we have begun praying in reparation very specifically for things such as this that we come across. After completing February 2nd, this year, my first novena to Our Lady of Good Success, I understood to pray all three mysteries of the rosary daily: the Joyful in intercession, the Sorrowful in reparation, and the Glorious in thanksgiving. In this way, I am able to comprehensively bring ALL of my intentions to Mary in prayer.
And so, as asked for by Jesus of Sr. Lucia (and us all in the Church), we make reparation for the blasphemies against the Immaculate Heart in Her images and in words spoken or written.
Today, I see that this statue which purports to be “A celebration of the purity of love” fits the bill.
I am certain you would more accurately be able to compose an explanation of “why” and “how” this statue is blasphemous and strays so far from a holy and proper and edifying depiction of the Holy Family.
Surely, there are in these times so many horrific “works of art”, including for example, the huge grotesque Crucifixes in the newer basilica in Fatima and the church in Nowa Huta, Poland, consecrated by then Cardinal Wojtyla.
What bothers me most about the statue I present here, is its attempt at beauty and sensitive portrayal of truth, WHILE showing thereby how very far from this the Church and mankind has wandered, in fact. Perhaps I do not express my point clearly. Maybe the words, “a sweet, acceptable, yet deceitful and poisonous blasphemy” are better.
I thank you for your work and your fidelity to the Truth Who Is Jesus Christ and His Church!
I just ran across a piece of “Catholic” “artwork!” I was so struck and saddened by it that I sent it to my husband via email with my quickly written opinion, trying to express what is so wrong, and so “not right” about it.
Recently we have begun praying in reparation very specifically for things such as this that we come across. After completing February 2nd, this year, my first novena to Our Lady of Good Success, I understood to pray all three mysteries of the rosary daily: the Joyful in intercession, the Sorrowful in reparation, and the Glorious in thanksgiving. In this way, I am able to comprehensively bring ALL of my intentions to Mary in prayer.
And so, as asked for by Jesus of Sr. Lucia (and us all in the Church), we make reparation for the blasphemies against the Immaculate Heart in Her images and in words spoken or written.
Today, I see that this statue which purports to be “A celebration of the purity of love” fits the bill.
I am certain you would more accurately be able to compose an explanation of “why” and “how” this statue is blasphemous and strays so far from a holy and proper and edifying depiction of the Holy Family.
Surely, there are in these times so many horrific “works of art”, including for example, the huge grotesque Crucifixes in the newer basilica in Fatima and the church in Nowa Huta, Poland, consecrated by then Cardinal Wojtyla.
What bothers me most about the statue I present here, is its attempt at beauty and sensitive portrayal of truth, WHILE showing thereby how very far from this the Church and mankind has wandered, in fact. Perhaps I do not express my point clearly. Maybe the words, “a sweet, acceptable, yet deceitful and poisonous blasphemy” are better.

Posted October 3, 2023

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
My dad died on September 18th age 92 and could not recover from a stroke in August. He died at home and had been taken off all life support and food. So he died in his sleep and we had to give him morphine to stop his pain.
I believe my dad is in Purgatory but many people will not pray for him because they think he is in Heaven and they do not believe in Purgatory.
My dad's name was M.G.B. and was a member for years of the Knights of Columbus.
Thank you for your prayers for him.
TIA responds:
Receive our sincere condolences for the death of your father.
Although you did not mention it, we suppose that he died with the comfort of the Last Rites of the Catholic Church.
You are taking the good Catholic position, not presuming Heaven for a loved one who dies, but praying for his soul. Our Lady of Good Success told Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres that many persons would be Purgatory suffering because their families and friends would not pray and offer alms for them.
There are very few who reach that state of perfection in life where they do not pass through the fires of Purgatory. Be assured of our prayers for you and your father.
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