What People are Commenting
Enthusiasm & Germany Preparing for War
Our Lady of Pontmain
Dear Dr. Horvat,
Read here about Our Lady of Peace.
Today, January 17th, is the Feast of Our Lady of Pontmain. Here is a link to the miraculous events of that day in 1871. She is known as Our Lady of Hope, and there are many many layers of mystery linked to the apparition.
Here is a stunning video of how the Pontmain apparition of Our Lady was prefigured in the Old Testament:
Thank you so much for the story on Our Lady of Bethlehem the other day. She is very dear to me!
In Jesus and Mary, and prayers for a blessed year for you and yours and all at TIA.
A.P., Spain
Read here about Our Lady of Peace.
Today, January 17th, is the Feast of Our Lady of Pontmain. Here is a link to the miraculous events of that day in 1871. She is known as Our Lady of Hope, and there are many many layers of mystery linked to the apparition.
Here is a stunning video of how the Pontmain apparition of Our Lady was prefigured in the Old Testament:
Thank you so much for the story on Our Lady of Bethlehem the other day. She is very dear to me!
In Jesus and Mary, and prayers for a blessed year for you and yours and all at TIA.
A.P., Spain
Prudence & Enthusiasm in Apostolate
Salve María friends of Tradition in Action,
As always, my most heartfelt thanks for you apostolate which leads souls to Christ and my utmost loyalty towards your work.
I have a question that has been roaming around for awhile which is as follows:
Many people who have started to discover the Counter-Revolution fall in love with the fervent fight for Christ the King and all the different aspects of the Deposit of Faith. They start to dig deeper while still leaving slowly their old errors and tendencies towards the Revolution within the Church.
It happens that some people in a very crude and brutal manner start to tell them the truth about certain issues and topics, which ends up scaring them away due to that lack of true prudence and charity with someone who is starting to discover the truth, thanks to the grace of God.
Sadly, this is the testimony of several individuals I know who end up scandalized due to the blunt and sour way they relay the truth to the people that are starting to dig deeper. Obviously we are aware that we do not want to fall into the vice of pusillanimity where we end up watering down truth, but is it true that some balance is needed when we are to do laborious work.
What advice do you give? How can we address this issue? Can you touch upon the topic as a whole?
In Maria Regina,
TIA responds:
Dear Y.A.,
Salve Maria!
Naturally speaking, it should be a combination of clarity and prudence when dealing with the apostolate, that is, when approaching some person to explain the ideals of the Counter-Revolution. So, you are correct in asking what would be the right balance.
According to our experience, it is better to leave the person who is making the apostolate free from too many rules. The person who is being addressed habitually perceives the “fire” of the apostle and is attracted by it. The arguments are important, but the enthusiasm is what brings people to our cause. So, it is better to not surround the apostle with too many “prudent policies,” especially if he is young.
However, what is more important than anything is the supernatural. That is, the zeal of the apostle for the cause and the grace of Our Lady to bless the apostolate. Therefore, prayers and sacrifices play a very important role. Indeed, in today’s world it is so difficult for someone to come to the Counter-Revolution that only a miracle of grace can do this.
Since this is the decisive factor, Our Lady often reduces or eliminates the effects of some imprudence of the apostle.
The enemies who have infiltrated the ranks or those who reject the grace are the ones who create problems. They allege this or that against the apostle or against the Counter-Revolution, which should be taken into consideration. However, this should be done out of vigilance to avoid problems for our cause rather than to improve the way of attracting souls to the Counter-Revolution.
The conclusion is that the apostle should be alerted by and older companion about the harm that addressing this or that theme could bring to our cause. Moved by vigilance he will learn to avoid those topics without diminishing his enthusiasm.
We hope these observations based on experience may be of some help to you.
TIA correspondence desk
As always, my most heartfelt thanks for you apostolate which leads souls to Christ and my utmost loyalty towards your work.
I have a question that has been roaming around for awhile which is as follows:
Many people who have started to discover the Counter-Revolution fall in love with the fervent fight for Christ the King and all the different aspects of the Deposit of Faith. They start to dig deeper while still leaving slowly their old errors and tendencies towards the Revolution within the Church.
It happens that some people in a very crude and brutal manner start to tell them the truth about certain issues and topics, which ends up scaring them away due to that lack of true prudence and charity with someone who is starting to discover the truth, thanks to the grace of God.
Sadly, this is the testimony of several individuals I know who end up scandalized due to the blunt and sour way they relay the truth to the people that are starting to dig deeper. Obviously we are aware that we do not want to fall into the vice of pusillanimity where we end up watering down truth, but is it true that some balance is needed when we are to do laborious work.
What advice do you give? How can we address this issue? Can you touch upon the topic as a whole?
In Maria Regina,
TIA responds:
Dear Y.A.,
Salve Maria!
Naturally speaking, it should be a combination of clarity and prudence when dealing with the apostolate, that is, when approaching some person to explain the ideals of the Counter-Revolution. So, you are correct in asking what would be the right balance.
According to our experience, it is better to leave the person who is making the apostolate free from too many rules. The person who is being addressed habitually perceives the “fire” of the apostle and is attracted by it. The arguments are important, but the enthusiasm is what brings people to our cause. So, it is better to not surround the apostle with too many “prudent policies,” especially if he is young.
However, what is more important than anything is the supernatural. That is, the zeal of the apostle for the cause and the grace of Our Lady to bless the apostolate. Therefore, prayers and sacrifices play a very important role. Indeed, in today’s world it is so difficult for someone to come to the Counter-Revolution that only a miracle of grace can do this.
Since this is the decisive factor, Our Lady often reduces or eliminates the effects of some imprudence of the apostle.
The enemies who have infiltrated the ranks or those who reject the grace are the ones who create problems. They allege this or that against the apostle or against the Counter-Revolution, which should be taken into consideration. However, this should be done out of vigilance to avoid problems for our cause rather than to improve the way of attracting souls to the Counter-Revolution.
The conclusion is that the apostle should be alerted by and older companion about the harm that addressing this or that theme could bring to our cause. Moved by vigilance he will learn to avoid those topics without diminishing his enthusiasm.
We hope these observations based on experience may be of some help to you.
TIA correspondence desk
Germany Preparing for War with Russia
The NY Post and others are picking this up. Well, it appears Catholic Prophecies are coming to a head.
Germany Preparing For Russia To Start World War 3...
The European continent is preparing for Russian President Vladimir Putin to expand his country’s war in Ukraine and attack NATO ally countries next year, leaked documents published in German newspaper BILD reveal.
According to the outlet — which obtained the classified military information from the German Ministry of Defense — the country’s armed forces are gearing up for a “hybrid” Russian attack in Eastern Europe.
The newspaper detailed how multiple potential alarming scenarios could unfold in the months ahead.
One such scenario, dubbed “Alliance Defense 2025,” would start this February, with Russia mobilizing an additional 200,000 soldiers.
Emboldened by Western financial support for Ukraine drying up, Russia would then launch a massive “spring offensive” against Ukrainian armed forces.
The potential scenario outlines how Russia could start waging war in the Baltics by July using “severe cyber attacks” while stirring up discontent among Russian nationals in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
By September, those clashes, the classified documents show, could then be used by Russia as an impetus to unleash “Zapad 2024,” a large-scale military ‘exercise’ that would amass some 50,000 Russian soldiers in the west of the country and Belarus.
Russian President Vladimir Putin could be preparing for an attack against NATO allies next year, which leaked German Ministry of Defense documents outline across multiple scenarios.
From there, the scenario describes, Russia could move troops and mid-range missiles to Kaliningrad, an 86-square mile Russian territory wedged between Lithuania and Poland, who are both NATO members.
According to the documents, Russia could bombard the region with propaganda warning of an imminent attack by NATO forces, with the ultimate goal of conquering an area known as the Suwalki Gap, a narrow Polish-Lithuanian corridor which lies between Belarus and Kaliningrad.
By December, according to the plot — a worst-case-scenario exercise — Russia could then take advantage of the transition period following the US presidential election and use propaganda, proclaiming fictional “border conflicts” or “riots with numerous deaths” to incite violence in the Suwalki Gap area and sow unrest, BILD reports.
A key part of the plan, according to the documents, could be to capitalize on wavering Western support of Ukraine to launch a massive “spring offensive” in the country. POOL/AFP via Getty Images
Following a meeting of the UN Security Council in January 2025, Russia could then falsely accuse Western allies of plotting to move against Putin’s regime, which he could then use to rally troops to Belarus and the Baltics by March 2025.
The leaked document said that in this scenario, 30,000 German troops would be deployed for defense, while an estimated 70,000 Russian forces would have amassed in Belarus.
By May 2025, that build-up of troops could prompt NATO to enact “measures for credible deterrence” to prevent further Russian incursion, which translates as combat between Western troops and Russian forces.
Putin and Russian officials have repeatedly denied they would escalate the Ukraine conflict beyond the country’s borders.
While the plans obtained by BILD are a potential scenario prepared by generals in the German army, European allies are taking Russia’s threat seriously and are preparing accordingly.
In Russia’s latest war with Ukraine, which began in February 2022, an estimated half a million Ukrainian and Russian troops have been killed or injured. (Source: REUTERS)
Last week, NATO invitee Sweden’s Civil Defense Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin said at a “People and Defense” conference that war in Sweden was possible.
His sentiment was promptly echoed by the country’s military Commander-in-Chief Micael Bydén, who said: “We need to prepare as far as possible, at all levels, throughout society,” (Source: CNBC)
German Defense Ministry officials would not address specific scenarios laid out in the document, but told BILD: “We can tell you that, considering different scenarios, even if they are extremely unlikely, is a part of everyday military business, especially in training.”
Original here
The NY Post and others are picking this up. Well, it appears Catholic Prophecies are coming to a head.
The European continent is preparing for Russian President Vladimir Putin to expand his country’s war in Ukraine and attack NATO ally countries next year, leaked documents published in German newspaper BILD reveal.
According to the outlet — which obtained the classified military information from the German Ministry of Defense — the country’s armed forces are gearing up for a “hybrid” Russian attack in Eastern Europe.
The newspaper detailed how multiple potential alarming scenarios could unfold in the months ahead.
One such scenario, dubbed “Alliance Defense 2025,” would start this February, with Russia mobilizing an additional 200,000 soldiers.
Emboldened by Western financial support for Ukraine drying up, Russia would then launch a massive “spring offensive” against Ukrainian armed forces.
The potential scenario outlines how Russia could start waging war in the Baltics by July using “severe cyber attacks” while stirring up discontent among Russian nationals in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
By September, those clashes, the classified documents show, could then be used by Russia as an impetus to unleash “Zapad 2024,” a large-scale military ‘exercise’ that would amass some 50,000 Russian soldiers in the west of the country and Belarus.

Leaked documents from the Germany Ministry of Defense
For a larger copy click here
Russian President Vladimir Putin could be preparing for an attack against NATO allies next year, which leaked German Ministry of Defense documents outline across multiple scenarios.
From there, the scenario describes, Russia could move troops and mid-range missiles to Kaliningrad, an 86-square mile Russian territory wedged between Lithuania and Poland, who are both NATO members.
According to the documents, Russia could bombard the region with propaganda warning of an imminent attack by NATO forces, with the ultimate goal of conquering an area known as the Suwalki Gap, a narrow Polish-Lithuanian corridor which lies between Belarus and Kaliningrad.
By December, according to the plot — a worst-case-scenario exercise — Russia could then take advantage of the transition period following the US presidential election and use propaganda, proclaiming fictional “border conflicts” or “riots with numerous deaths” to incite violence in the Suwalki Gap area and sow unrest, BILD reports.
A key part of the plan, according to the documents, could be to capitalize on wavering Western support of Ukraine to launch a massive “spring offensive” in the country. POOL/AFP via Getty Images
Following a meeting of the UN Security Council in January 2025, Russia could then falsely accuse Western allies of plotting to move against Putin’s regime, which he could then use to rally troops to Belarus and the Baltics by March 2025.
The leaked document said that in this scenario, 30,000 German troops would be deployed for defense, while an estimated 70,000 Russian forces would have amassed in Belarus.
By May 2025, that build-up of troops could prompt NATO to enact “measures for credible deterrence” to prevent further Russian incursion, which translates as combat between Western troops and Russian forces.
Putin and Russian officials have repeatedly denied they would escalate the Ukraine conflict beyond the country’s borders.
While the plans obtained by BILD are a potential scenario prepared by generals in the German army, European allies are taking Russia’s threat seriously and are preparing accordingly.
In Russia’s latest war with Ukraine, which began in February 2022, an estimated half a million Ukrainian and Russian troops have been killed or injured. (Source: REUTERS)
Last week, NATO invitee Sweden’s Civil Defense Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin said at a “People and Defense” conference that war in Sweden was possible.
His sentiment was promptly echoed by the country’s military Commander-in-Chief Micael Bydén, who said: “We need to prepare as far as possible, at all levels, throughout society,” (Source: CNBC)
German Defense Ministry officials would not address specific scenarios laid out in the document, but told BILD: “We can tell you that, considering different scenarios, even if they are extremely unlikely, is a part of everyday military business, especially in training.”
Original here
Posted January 18, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Muddy bike Mass in Brazil
Jesus in His Passion and Death, in the Most Blessed Sacrament, was, is vulnerable.
Not so when He judges wicked people who mocked Him in these horrible fake Masses.