What People are Commenting
Davies, Re-Consecration & Income Taxes
Spreading Our Lady of Good Success
Esteemed friends of Tradition in Action,
Salve Maria!
It is my honor and privilege to write this article in honor of Our Lady of Good Success. Having seen her in 2020, right before COVID, was a tremendous impulse of Counter-Revolutionary fire and spirit for me. I send you this article for your appreciation and also to recognize the enormous aid that your website and resources provided towards elaborating this article. Truly your work is helping a great deal of people to fight for the Kingship of Christ.
As an official collaborator for InfoVaticana, here is the article: here.
I am at your full disposal and service for anything.
In Maria Regina,
Salve Maria!
It is my honor and privilege to write this article in honor of Our Lady of Good Success. Having seen her in 2020, right before COVID, was a tremendous impulse of Counter-Revolutionary fire and spirit for me. I send you this article for your appreciation and also to recognize the enormous aid that your website and resources provided towards elaborating this article. Truly your work is helping a great deal of people to fight for the Kingship of Christ.
As an official collaborator for InfoVaticana, here is the article: here.
I am at your full disposal and service for anything.
In Maria Regina,
Request to Exorcise & Re-Consecrate Cathedral
Dear TIA,
Re: Trangender’s Funeral at St. Patrick’s Cathedral
FYI. I resent the letter below to the rector of St. Patrick’s Cathedral again this evening. Access blocked.
I pray the blockage is temporary, however, as of tonight this letter which I labored over is being blocked and has not reached the rector of Saint Patrick's Cathedral!
E.Z., Ph D.
Dear Rector, Very Rev. Enrique Salvo,
Following such a hideously devastating public desecration of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, I implore you to act without delay to address this atrocious abomination by obtaining a bishop (please, one whom you discern is not perverted) and by every means afforded to you in your status as rector, insist that the bishop formally conduct an exorcism and reconsecration of Saint Patrick's Cathedral.
Why? What was allowed to happen on your watch was a capital offense under Canon Law; please, reread Saint Paul, Romans 1: 24-32. Saint Paul is very clear as to culpability in such an instance.
Without a doubt, hordes of malicious demons are now nesting within the environs of your once sacred cathedral. For the love of God, as Rector, Father Salvo, you must use this most effective and direct means to throw them back into Hell by insisting upon this action of an exorcism and reconsecration. Please arrange to have a New York Diocese or Archdiocese Bishop (Auxiliary or Retired) come and wield this solemn power granted by God.
I will look forward to seeing a video of this ritual being performed in Saint Patrick's Cathedral. I will look forward to hearing the shrieks not of the transvestites and prostitutes but of the demons as they scream and flee back into their caverns of Hell.
To do less is to court Hell, to empower the demonic and to offend God exponentially more. I don't think you really want that kind of legacy attached to your name, do you?
Respectfully, in Christ,
Dr. Elizabeth Anne Zsengeller
Re: Trangender’s Funeral at St. Patrick’s Cathedral
FYI. I resent the letter below to the rector of St. Patrick’s Cathedral again this evening. Access blocked.
I pray the blockage is temporary, however, as of tonight this letter which I labored over is being blocked and has not reached the rector of Saint Patrick's Cathedral!
E.Z., Ph D.
Dear Rector, Very Rev. Enrique Salvo,
Following such a hideously devastating public desecration of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, I implore you to act without delay to address this atrocious abomination by obtaining a bishop (please, one whom you discern is not perverted) and by every means afforded to you in your status as rector, insist that the bishop formally conduct an exorcism and reconsecration of Saint Patrick's Cathedral.
Why? What was allowed to happen on your watch was a capital offense under Canon Law; please, reread Saint Paul, Romans 1: 24-32. Saint Paul is very clear as to culpability in such an instance.
Without a doubt, hordes of malicious demons are now nesting within the environs of your once sacred cathedral. For the love of God, as Rector, Father Salvo, you must use this most effective and direct means to throw them back into Hell by insisting upon this action of an exorcism and reconsecration. Please arrange to have a New York Diocese or Archdiocese Bishop (Auxiliary or Retired) come and wield this solemn power granted by God.
I will look forward to seeing a video of this ritual being performed in Saint Patrick's Cathedral. I will look forward to hearing the shrieks not of the transvestites and prostitutes but of the demons as they scream and flee back into their caverns of Hell.
To do less is to court Hell, to empower the demonic and to offend God exponentially more. I don't think you really want that kind of legacy attached to your name, do you?
Respectfully, in Christ,
Dr. Elizabeth Anne Zsengeller
Who Is Fr. Doughherty?
Re: Trangender’s Funeral at St. Patrick’s Cathedral
After seeing the video of the service, I believe the Archdiocese is untruthful when it claims it did not know who Gentili was. Fr. Dougherty calls people by their first names and at the end of the blasphemy, he tells "Cecilia's" partner, "I'll see you in the back" as the service ends (1:03:52 of video).
I looked up Fr. D. and he is very high in the Maryknoll society, as linked here.
In the article posted he affirms this:
Today, I am experiencing the universal Church in a new way. In January I was assigned back home to serve as a staff priest at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City—another crossroads of the world. Cardinal Timothy Dolan who presides at St. Pat’s asked me to bring a missionary dimension to the parish.
On his position as Superior General of Maryknoll, check here.
He's also on Board of the Christophers, which reports he is former Superior General of Maryknoll.
Fr. D was also a friend of fellow Maryknoller, Sr. Ita Ford, here (Why am I not surprised?)
Finally here is the latest from Lifesite News and it is on target and also mentions TIA's own Dr. Maike Hickson: here. [Dr Hickson is not a part of TIA. Ed.]
Thanks TIA for the tremendous work you do,
Re: Trangender’s Funeral at St. Patrick’s Cathedral
After seeing the video of the service, I believe the Archdiocese is untruthful when it claims it did not know who Gentili was. Fr. Dougherty calls people by their first names and at the end of the blasphemy, he tells "Cecilia's" partner, "I'll see you in the back" as the service ends (1:03:52 of video).
I looked up Fr. D. and he is very high in the Maryknoll society, as linked here.
In the article posted he affirms this:
Today, I am experiencing the universal Church in a new way. In January I was assigned back home to serve as a staff priest at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City—another crossroads of the world. Cardinal Timothy Dolan who presides at St. Pat’s asked me to bring a missionary dimension to the parish.
On his position as Superior General of Maryknoll, check here.
He's also on Board of the Christophers, which reports he is former Superior General of Maryknoll.
Fr. D was also a friend of fellow Maryknoller, Sr. Ita Ford, here (Why am I not surprised?)
Finally here is the latest from Lifesite News and it is on target and also mentions TIA's own Dr. Maike Hickson: here. [Dr Hickson is not a part of TIA. Ed.]
Thanks TIA for the tremendous work you do,
To Pay or Not Pay Taxes
Dear Traditional Catholic Friends,
Hello. I'm trying to find out what the traditional Catholic teaching is about paying income taxes. I know that Jesus said "Render unto Caesar, etc." which was His answer to the Pharisees because they were trying to trap Him. However, many people use this line today when the question of taxes comes up, and perhaps they are misusing it.
I understand that citizens do need to pay some kind of taxes to help support their country, but I've also heard that income taxes are actually illegal - only profit is supposed to be taxed, not labor. It is very burdensome, especially on the middle class and seems very unfair and unjust, especially when the government is using it for evil, sinful things.
It also seems to fall under two sins that cry to heaven for vengeance - oppression of the poor and defrauding laborers of just wages. I'm paying into "social security" which may not even exist once I am at an age to begin collecting it, and if I would die early, I cannot even leave the funds to my mother or a traditional priest (only a spouse or a dependent can collect on a deceased person's social security).
The government is stealing from us funds that are ours, not theirs. Can you offer any help in this area?
Thanks and God bless,
TIA responds:
Dear T.M.,
We still live in a constituted State that has its rules and institutions. When the laws are unjust, there are means to correct them through the Representatives in the House or Senate, or through the Judicial apparatus, which exists to prevent injustice. So, in principle, the system should work.
When the political or judicial leaders favor something immoral such as abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality etc, they are abusing their power and become accountable before God for their crime.
As far as a citizen is concerned, he can publicly speak against the leaders; he can promote a petition to correct the error; he can partake in public manifestations to demand what he believes is true and just. Above all, he can vote for a representative who will hold his point of view. These are some among many other means at his disposition. But he cannot take justice in his own hands to correct the system’s injustices under the risk of subverting the constituted order and creating chaos.
So, the conclusion is that we should pay the taxes due to the City, State and Country even when we know that the money exacted is exorbitant or can be used for evil goals.
There are many other benefits every citizen receives from his tax payments, such as clean and serviceable streets and freeways, police and fire departments’ assistance when needed, trash collection, health emergency assistance, etc besides the social security retirement at the end of one’s career, which you mentioned.
TIA correspondence desk
Hello. I'm trying to find out what the traditional Catholic teaching is about paying income taxes. I know that Jesus said "Render unto Caesar, etc." which was His answer to the Pharisees because they were trying to trap Him. However, many people use this line today when the question of taxes comes up, and perhaps they are misusing it.
I understand that citizens do need to pay some kind of taxes to help support their country, but I've also heard that income taxes are actually illegal - only profit is supposed to be taxed, not labor. It is very burdensome, especially on the middle class and seems very unfair and unjust, especially when the government is using it for evil, sinful things.
It also seems to fall under two sins that cry to heaven for vengeance - oppression of the poor and defrauding laborers of just wages. I'm paying into "social security" which may not even exist once I am at an age to begin collecting it, and if I would die early, I cannot even leave the funds to my mother or a traditional priest (only a spouse or a dependent can collect on a deceased person's social security).
The government is stealing from us funds that are ours, not theirs. Can you offer any help in this area?
Thanks and God bless,
TIA responds:
Dear T.M.,
We still live in a constituted State that has its rules and institutions. When the laws are unjust, there are means to correct them through the Representatives in the House or Senate, or through the Judicial apparatus, which exists to prevent injustice. So, in principle, the system should work.
When the political or judicial leaders favor something immoral such as abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality etc, they are abusing their power and become accountable before God for their crime.
As far as a citizen is concerned, he can publicly speak against the leaders; he can promote a petition to correct the error; he can partake in public manifestations to demand what he believes is true and just. Above all, he can vote for a representative who will hold his point of view. These are some among many other means at his disposition. But he cannot take justice in his own hands to correct the system’s injustices under the risk of subverting the constituted order and creating chaos.
So, the conclusion is that we should pay the taxes due to the City, State and Country even when we know that the money exacted is exorbitant or can be used for evil goals.
There are many other benefits every citizen receives from his tax payments, such as clean and serviceable streets and freeways, police and fire departments’ assistance when needed, trash collection, health emergency assistance, etc besides the social security retirement at the end of one’s career, which you mentioned.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted February 22, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I was wondering if TIA has done any book reviews on Michael Davies' Trilogy on Liturgical Revolution or on any of his works?
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Good evening K.B.,
We did not review any of Mr. Michael Davies’ books.
However, our editor, Mr. Guimarães was challenged by Mr. Davies to give evidence of the former’s criticisms on the document Dominus Iesus by then Card. Joseph Ratzinger. That challenge generated a lively written debate, which can be accessed here.
TIA correspondence desk