What People are Commenting
Williamson, Musk’s Third Reich & Divorce
They Are Not Heroes
TIA, from Facebook
Re: JPII kayaking
Even the so-called “trads” are lukewarm at best. They hail some of the post-conciliar popes as “heroes,” “defenders of the faith”... (I'm sure you know who is meant). Unfortunately, the decline started at the latest during the reign of Pope Pius XII, who gave in... consequently opening the door to the enemies of Christ.
It's so sad to see how "conservative" Catholics nowadays consider some post-conciliar popes to be "lions"... when in reality none of them would have remained inside the Church by the most basic standards of the true lion, Pope St. Pius X.
Prof. V.S.N., Cambridge
Re: JPII kayaking
Even the so-called “trads” are lukewarm at best. They hail some of the post-conciliar popes as “heroes,” “defenders of the faith”... (I'm sure you know who is meant). Unfortunately, the decline started at the latest during the reign of Pope Pius XII, who gave in... consequently opening the door to the enemies of Christ.
It's so sad to see how "conservative" Catholics nowadays consider some post-conciliar popes to be "lions"... when in reality none of them would have remained inside the Church by the most basic standards of the true lion, Pope St. Pius X.
Prof. V.S.N., Cambridge
Musk’s Third Reich
Dear TIA,
Yesterday, January 20, the day of Trump’s inauguration we heard in his speech that he promised do Americans a “golden era.” In parallel, we watched a “speech” – if anyone can call those shouts a speech – of Mr. Elon Musk commemorating Trump’s victory.
The billionaire, after shouting and jumping about like a mad man to express his joy, thanked the audience for its support for Trump. Then, he said this enigmatic phrase: “This victory is a fork on the road of human civilization.”
Next, he gave the audience the Nazi salute twice.

And again he said: “It is thanks to you that this future civilization is assured.”
Now, what is this future civilization that Musk sees coming from Trump’s victory?
We certainly will see shortly what he is talking about since he is set to play a key role in the new government.
Just speculating, I would say that it is the robotization of a large number of factories, which would imply the firing of millions of workers that today represent the US labor force.
What would those idle workers do? Go to the woods to live like Indians in tribes? Stay at home like they did during the Covid lockdowns and do nothing?
This is what “prophets” like Yuval Arari have been predicting for some time now.
The pieces of the puzzle seem to be all falling in the right places…
Will this be the new “golden era” referred to by Trump? Will this “future civilization” be some kind of Hitler’s Third Reich? This would explain his Nazi salute; wouldn’t it?
Let us wait and see.
Meanwhile, keep up the good work.
In Christ Jesus,
Yesterday, January 20, the day of Trump’s inauguration we heard in his speech that he promised do Americans a “golden era.” In parallel, we watched a “speech” – if anyone can call those shouts a speech – of Mr. Elon Musk commemorating Trump’s victory.
The billionaire, after shouting and jumping about like a mad man to express his joy, thanked the audience for its support for Trump. Then, he said this enigmatic phrase: “This victory is a fork on the road of human civilization.”
Next, he gave the audience the Nazi salute twice.

And again he said: “It is thanks to you that this future civilization is assured.”
Now, what is this future civilization that Musk sees coming from Trump’s victory?
We certainly will see shortly what he is talking about since he is set to play a key role in the new government.
Just speculating, I would say that it is the robotization of a large number of factories, which would imply the firing of millions of workers that today represent the US labor force.
What would those idle workers do? Go to the woods to live like Indians in tribes? Stay at home like they did during the Covid lockdowns and do nothing?
This is what “prophets” like Yuval Arari have been predicting for some time now.
The pieces of the puzzle seem to be all falling in the right places…
Will this be the new “golden era” referred to by Trump? Will this “future civilization” be some kind of Hitler’s Third Reich? This would explain his Nazi salute; wouldn’t it?
Let us wait and see.
Meanwhile, keep up the good work.
In Christ Jesus,
Ask Bishops to Drop Divorce Mandate
Catholics are asking the U.S. bishops to drop the divorce mandate where dioceses require parties to be civilly divorced prior to the Church accepting a plea to investigate the validity of a marriage. In the United States, there are two kinds of institutionally recognized marriage: State marriage and Church marriage.
The Catholic Catechism says divorce is immoral and a grave offense against nature and in only tolerable in very limited circumstances. However, dioceses instruct everyone who wonders if his/her Church marriage in invalid to first get a divorce of their State marriage.
Most state divorces are no-fault divorce where no distinction is made between abandoners and the party who did nothing grave to morally justify separation. No-fault divorce regularly rewards adulterers and gives scandal to children.
The petition was mailed Saturday to all the US Archbishops and the members of the US Conference of Catholic Bishop’s Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth. Bai Macfarlane, founder of Mary’s Advocates organized the petition, and she was joined by theology professors from Franciscan University of Steubenville, University of Dallas, canon lawyers, civil lawyers, priests, Catholic news commentators, and others.
Bai Macfarlane
Mary’s Advocates
The Catholic Catechism says divorce is immoral and a grave offense against nature and in only tolerable in very limited circumstances. However, dioceses instruct everyone who wonders if his/her Church marriage in invalid to first get a divorce of their State marriage.
Most state divorces are no-fault divorce where no distinction is made between abandoners and the party who did nothing grave to morally justify separation. No-fault divorce regularly rewards adulterers and gives scandal to children.
The petition was mailed Saturday to all the US Archbishops and the members of the US Conference of Catholic Bishop’s Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth. Bai Macfarlane, founder of Mary’s Advocates organized the petition, and she was joined by theology professors from Franciscan University of Steubenville, University of Dallas, canon lawyers, civil lawyers, priests, Catholic news commentators, and others.
Bai Macfarlane
Mary’s Advocates
‘30s: Progressivist Altars in Germany & America
Dear TIA,
Salve Maria,
I came across these two articles today on New Liturgical Movement. Although the position of the site is somewhere along the lines of "reform of the reform" and "Vatican II in light of tradition," they have provided some useful data in the following articles. So please take it with a grain of salt.
The article here explains more on the Dialogue Mass in the ‘30s and ‘40s. It contains some interesting pictures of altars facing the people constructed in that time, both in the United States and Germany.
The article here explains more on the American photo below.
These pictures are more proof that Vatican II was not born in a vacuum, but that there was a long preparation of progressivist innovations and experimentation...
In Jesu et Maria,
Salve Maria,
I came across these two articles today on New Liturgical Movement. Although the position of the site is somewhere along the lines of "reform of the reform" and "Vatican II in light of tradition," they have provided some useful data in the following articles. So please take it with a grain of salt.
The article here explains more on the Dialogue Mass in the ‘30s and ‘40s. It contains some interesting pictures of altars facing the people constructed in that time, both in the United States and Germany.
The article here explains more on the American photo below.

Church of the Nativity, St. Paul, MN, 1939. Altar facing the people, tabernacle is off to the side

Above, Abbey of Maria Laach in Germany,
a hotbed of progressivist liturgicism, photo from the 1930s
In Jesu et Maria,
Posted January 21, 2025

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Ave Maria!
Late last night I read Part III of "The Empty and Malicious Accusations of Bishop Williamson." Each time (Part I, Part II, and III) in my reading, I greatly marveled and glorified Almighty God for bestowing upon Atila the sharp mental capacity and ability to recall, document, and write in such a detailed manner what was needed explicitly to be said with courage and forthrightness to refute and expose the underhanded duplicity and malice of Bishop Williamson and of all those who embrace and perpetuate these baseless and shameful lies.
Aware as I am now of the most painful and private sorrows the heart of Atila has borne, and thinking of how much it cost him (and in the Christmas Season, of all times!) to reopen those wounds and revisit the anguish and relive such distress -- all in order to address these lies, please convey to Atila the special place he now occupies in my prayers!
What birth pangs TIA endured! Truly, Part III alone provides ample meditation of what damage the sin of a deluded brain and a loose tongue does! More than ever, I appreciate the work of TIA.
Blessings upon you and all who work with you,
You who have been given such a share in sorrows will be given enormous joys without end in Eternity, doubt not!
Much love,
Dr. E.Z., Ph.D.