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Protestantism, Dom Guéranger & Popess

It Starts with Protestatism

Dear TIA,

Here is a very interesting read, an English scholar confirming the RCR thinking that Protestantism was the beginning of the end of civilization, in this case in England.

The article by Edward Pentin begins:

Professor John Rist is regarded as one of the Church’s finest living scholars of ancient philosophy, classics and early Christian philosophy and theology.

An English convert to the faith, he is an expert on St. Augustine of Hippo, Plato and Aristotle and a prolific author who has held the Dominican Father Kurt Pritzl Chair in Philosophy at The Catholic University of America and is a life member of Clare Hall at the University of Cambridge, England.

In these comments, some of which formed part of the recent Register article on England’s moral and spiritual decline, Rist explains how secularization and moral fragmentation stems from the Reformation and the rise of nontheistic rights theories. He also discusses how the collapse of traditional Christianity, especially Catholicism, has left a void, leading to a de facto nihilism where the power to enforce desires trumps objective morals.

Rist believes this shift, exacerbated by the decline in influential Christian intellectuals and the failures of replacement ideologies, leaves little hope for a turnaround in the foreseeable future.


EMF Radiation


The late Malachi Martin once a Jesuit died in 1999, but spoke on topics of current interest in this recording.

The first and second halves of the interview reference EMF radiation exposure, as well as other topics such as the New World Order, Seminaries today, identifying with Christ’s sufferings, and mind control use in the Special Forces.

     E.T.K., M.D.

Indignation on Popess Mockery

Note to Readers: Our TIA Media sent us the following reaction on Instagram:

Re: Re: Carnival in Italy features Popess
  • How about a nice Crusade? I’m in.

    R.A., Instagram
  • My Jesus, forgive and mercy.

    E.L., Instagram
  • This is what happens when pleasing others starts trumping faith.

    J.D.A. , Instagram
  • Demonic much?

    W.L., Instagram
  • Blasphemy.

    B.M., Instagram
  • Blasphemous Sacrilegious and Diabolical.

    M.M., Instagram
  • When are they planning to start drafting for em crusades? I’m ready in my armour already.

    N.K., Instagram
  • How gross.

    E.J., Instagram
  • It’s esthetically not bad, even quite good, but the bad taste of mocking Our Lord and his Church is just disgusting. Be sure that Muslim terrorist would have blown themselves if such an event depicted their religion. We Christians are too good because Our Lord demands of us to love our neighbors, but how it is difficult sometimes to know how to do in such despicable situations...

    -B.H., Instagram
  • Thanks for ruining my day

    A.P., Instagram
  • Vão arder no inferno. [Portuguese: They will burn in Hell]

    L.G., Instagram
  • Cowards.

    A.L., Instagram
  • Us Catholics need to start St. Nicking [punching] people in the mouth.

    S.R.U., Instagram

Dom Guéranger & Maria de Agreda

Dear TIA,

I once again thank TIA for referencing my work (now going on 18 years) in correcting, largely retranslating, and promoting the Mystical City of God, the Life and History of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

I have recently published the most definitive defence of the book. It is titled: “Mary of Ágreda and The Mystical City of God” by Dom Prosper Guéranger, the author of the monumental The Liturgical Year, who was an Abbot, Liturgist, Catholic Historian, and Author of the highest integrity, scholarship and piety.

He was deeply disturbed by the disdain in France for the Mystical City of God in his day, and spent years tracing this prejudice and injustice to its source, which was the horrendous “condemnation” of the book by a faction of Jansenist and Gallican heretics of the Theological Faculty of the University of Paris (the Sorbonne) in 1696.

To avenge this injustice and insult (his word) committed against the Mother of God, he wrote in French a series of 28 articles in 1858-59 in L’Univers (Paris) in which he defends private revelation, Ven. Mary of Ágreda, and in particular the Mystical City of God, using as his source the compilation of Magisterial documents found in the The Process for the Beatification of Ven. Mary of Ágreda, a 510-page folio from the Archives of the Sacred Congregation of Rites in Rome.

Perhaps most importantly, Dom Guéranger does an extensive historical analysis which shows that the condemnation of this book in 1696, and the heretical and impious forces behind it, led to the French Revolution in 1793, the evil effects of which echo into our own day; for who can doubt that it was (and is) the lack of true devotion to Our Lady which has led the Catholic Church into the present crisis, as She foretold at Fatima?

I took these articles from a truly original source, the microfilm copies of the original issues from L’Univers, found in the online archives of the French National Library. For example, Article 1 (May 23, 1858) may be retrieved here: (p. 3 column 3).

Using DeepL Pro, and the assistance and vetting of a Canadian traditional seminarian (now a priest), fluent in French and versed in theology, it took me a full year of daily work to translate these Articles.

Anyone can obtain this book from me by emailing I am sending you a copy, and urge you to read it. I would also like to write a short article for TIA on this extremely important topic (or, if possible, you could publish this email on your site).

I simply cannot stress enough how important and definitive this book is in defending Our Lady’s book, enlightening the many traditional priests and bishops in our day regarding the decisions of the Magisterium, and in dissipating the clouds of prejudice and ignorance which keep many souls from reading it.

Indeed, Roma locuta est, causa finis. Rome has spoken, the cause is ended.


     Timothy A. Duff, Editor

     New English Edition of The Mystical City of God

Posted March 4, 2025


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