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Dancing Priests & Musk’s Privileges

The Eye of God


Re: The Triangle: Symbol of the Most Holy Trinity

The Catholic ‘Eye of God’, without triangle surrounding it, amazingly still hangs in a former Catholic Church, now a museum, Mission San Miguel Archangel.

     Thank you


eye mission san miguel


Age of Marriage


Re: City of God & Age of Marriage

Your sections on letters are very interesting.

On Age of Marriage, I believe communists / freemasons conspired to make children and young adults as helpless and unfit to become adult as possible. Federal labor laws restricting when children can work limits needed part time work experiences. And everyone needs to go to a 4 year college? Nonsense. Except making people debt ridden with worthless certificates.

On Israel. I don’t recognize it as a country. Was “holocaust” a way to steal land and make a sham country and pull off Vatican II with its Nostra Aetate? I think so. Pope Saint Pius X refused help to Herzl. Jews have a far too disproportionate share of power, while Catholics have mere shreds of influence. I reject the naturalist world Jewish Freemasonry has forced on the world.



Indignation over Filipino Dancing Priests

Note to Readers: Below is a list of reactions from Instagram to the report on the Filipino Dancing Priests that TIA posted on March 2, 2025, here and here. - The editor

  • What did I just watch? Come Lord Jesus come!


  • Moral decline of the Catholic Church, to which Pope Francis has contributed enormously, how sad.


  • It’s not catholic, more like protestant worship


  • This is a poor representation of what the faith is in the Philippines. Unfortunately, the Philippines has been hijacked by the culture of the West and pandering to the progressive ideologies. This is another reason I don’t think Cardinal Tagle would necessarily be an ideal successor to the pope, because of the general decline in moral values. The Church needs someone who is strong in faith and doctrine who will uphold true teachings, instead of getting along to just get along.


    J.R.A. replies to R.E.E.S.:

    I totally agree with you, it’s blasphemy, heretical, apostates!!!

    TRAD replies to R.E.E.S.:

    Unfortunately there’s no one in the Novus Ordo that has those [good] qualities you put out.

  • Totally cringe. Novus Ordo clergy. Pray for their salvation. No wonder the Novus Ordo seminaries are closing down or less. Because too many of this ‘type’ of people inside.


    TRAD replies to B.M.:

    I know no sane straight man would act like this in private or public. Goof balls and goys are all that’s left.

  • Lord have justice.


  • Novus Ordo repercussions. Pathetic, heretical and offensive! More MUCH MORE penance will have to be made by us all.

  • Excommunicate all of them


  • There’s a deep place in hell for religious who take on the evil ways of the world. Laity aren’t excluded either. No true practicing Catholic should dance provocatively. This is the novus ordo religion of Vatican II for you!


  • YUCK! JESUS, save your church!


Musk’s Other Side of the Coin

Dear TIA,

I recommend you and your audience read this article (below). I am not saying that I subscribe to everything this author says, but it is very good to know what he says, since no one is exposing the other side of the Musk coin.

For me, to have a billionaire – “the richest man in the world” – who appeared from nowhere and no one knew him before, is already a reason for suspicion. We all know that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are also billionaires, but they have been around for a long time and we can trace their fortunes and their revolutionary goals. Now, this fellow appears onstage claiming an enormous fortune and we have no idea how all this money appeared in his pocket… Something smells rotten…

This article starts to unveil a little of how he became so rich: He seems to be a creature of the U.S. government. Why?

Keep up the good work TIA. You are making a difference.

     In Christ Jesus,

Who Is Investigating Elon Musk?

Brian Shilhavy

As Elon Musk and his Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) continue to target agencies to eliminate “government spending waste”, apparently these agencies and programs that DOGE is targeting do not include the ones that have made Elon Musk into the world’s richest man through government subsidies.

Tesla became the best-selling EV in the U.S. largely, if not entirely, on government subsidies, as have many of his other companies, especially SpaceX, which ONLY sells its products (rockets, satellites, etc.) to the U.S. Government, and are 100% funded via U.S. taxpayer dollars.

Since just SpaceX alone has received about $20 billion from the U.S. federal government, we can be sure that NASA will NOT be one of the agencies targeted by Musk.

The MAGA folks who adore Elon and are cheering his efforts to end USAID might be surprised to learn that Elon himself has received funding through USAID for his Starlink satellite company to provide Internet service to Ukraine in their war with Russia, as well as South Africa, his home country.

As one the largest recipients of federal government funding in the U.S., Musk and his companies have been investigated by General Inspectors at these federal government agencies to account for how he has spent U.S. taxpayer funds, but one of the first things Musk had Trump do, was to fire all of the Inspector Generals who were investigating how his companies were spending U.S. taxpayer funds.

Read more here

Posted March 18, 2025


Blason de Charlemagne
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