What People Are Asking
Send me your private documents
Very dear Mr. Atila,
I hope this message finds you well. I am a enthusiastic follower of your site. Especially the articles of Dr. Plinio. It is good that you make so much material of his available in English. Thank you very much.
I am also a great devotee of Our Lady of Good Success. I was wondering if it would be possible for you to help me as a favor. I wanted the original prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success. If you could send the whole text in Spanish, I would be delighted.
Could you also upload on your site or on any ftp the following things:
•The pictures of Our Lady that you have on your site (in good resolution for I want to print big pictures for my house). I promise you that I will not sell or distribute them. I only want it for private devotion. I would buy everything from your site, but I don't have a credit card and live in India. I ask this as a favor.
•Some beautiful writings of Dr. Plinio about Our Lady or about the Church etc.
•Many pictures of Dr. Plinio, for I am convinced that he is in heaven and I pray to him everyday (please, also in very good resolution for printing).
•Could you tell me if there is any way to get the original prophecies of a Spanish mystic called Blessed Francisco Palau. I would like to get these
in Spanish?
For you as a small gift and in appreciation for your work, I send a few texts I found on another excellent site (three texts follow).
I apologize for giving so much trouble. I would like to get to know more of the thinking of Dr. Plinio and this is why I am asking.
With prayers, I remain yours,
In Jesus and Mary,

The Editor responds:
Dear Mr. Abhinav,
I thank you for your warm support for our website and your appreciation for the articles of Prof. Plinio.
Regarding your different requests, I will address them separately to be clear in my replies:
1. To my knowledge the prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success exist in three different languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English. We make them available to the public in English. The full text of Fr. Manuel Sousa Pereira was translated by Dr. Marian Horvat and placed in two volumes available for purchase on our website. You can buy them there. If you don't have a credit card, as you say, perhaps one of your friends will help you with the purchase. The TIA sales desk ships orders all around the world.
You write in English fluently, and so you can easily read the two mentioned volumes.
At this moment TIA is only disseminating the English version.
To consider the possibility of giving you the Spanish or the Portuguese versions from our files, I would need to know a little more about you.
There are some obscure points in your e-mail:
A. You wrote to me signing with an incomplete name or a pseudonym. I normally do not answer anonymous requests or messages. I am responding given your apparent enthusiasm.
B. You affirmed that you live in India, but your e-mail came to me from Italy;
C. You say that you follow our website in English but you ask for the texts of the prophecies in Spanish;
D. You address me as a long term acquaintance, but you don't specify where and when we met before;
E. You promise not to publish high resolution pictures and texts you requested, but you do not provide any means for me to track your word.
Until you will have the amiability to clarify these points, I refrain from considering the possibility of giving you any special access to our documents.
Notwithstanding, as a courtesy, I can supply information on other points.
2.I don't have the prophecies or writings of the Carmelite Blessed Francisco Palau that you asked about. Perhaps you can get them from the Congregation for the Cause of Saints or the postulator of his cause in Rome. It is certain that they have most of his writings. It should not be hard for you to enter into contact with the Vatican, since your e-mail came to me from Italy.
If this does not work, you can write to the Carmelites in the Balearic Islands (Spain), where Blessed Palau lived and where the religious institutions he founded are located. I know a man who collected almost all of his writings by entering into contact with those religious.
3. You are allowed to download the photos of Our Lady of Good Success or Prof. Plinio from our site in the resolution they appear there. You are also permitted to download texts by Prof. Plinio for your personal use or to spread them among your friends for nonprofit purposes.
A.S. Guimarães
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