Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Masses in Brazil for the Day of the Freemason - II
Freemasons from five lodges of Gravatá, State of Pernambuco, Brazil, plus five other lodgesrepresenting different cities of that State gathered on August 20, 2012, at Our Lady of the Graces Church for a Mass of thanksgiving celebrated by the pastor, Fr. Paulo, as shown above and in the first and second rows below.The parishes of Gravatá are under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Caruaru, whose Bishop is Bernardino Marchió, pictured in the third row below center with Fr. Paulo, right, and another priest.
The Masons pretend that on August 20, 1822, it was Freemasonry that decided to proclaim the independence of Brazil from Portugal, which took place some days later. Independence was proclaimed on September 7 by Emperor Pedro I, also a Mason. They claim that thenceforth Freemasonry took complete control of the political and economic scene in Brazil. To commemorate that date, August 20 was declared the Day of the Freemason, and this year Masses were said in its homage all over Brazil.
Today we see the Conciliar Church transformed into a chaplain of Freemasonry, as demonstrated by its association with these festivities. It is another type of sacrilege that requires reparation from those who still have the Catholic sense and profess the full orthodoxy of our Holy Faith.
Last row, Our Lady of the Graces Church in Gravatá, where this abomination took place.
Photos from Padre Marcelo Tenorio blog

Posted October 14, 2012