Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Tribalism at Australian ‘Catholic’ Festival
Under the pretext of honoring their local aborigines, nudism and tribalism were strongly promoted at the 2017 Australian Catholic Youth Festival.Above, we see half-naked, grimacing young men crawling on the floor, their torsos painted. Below, rows one to four, other men wearing leather strips that barely cover their genitals glorify the fetishist practices of Australian natives. Youth of both sexes pose in positions suggesting an orgy, second and third rows.
The whole youth festival is no less bold than the 1969 Woodstock Festival, row five, but now the Woodstock spirit and customs are being revived and promoted by the Hierarchs of the Catholic Church.
Indeed, they were present with seats in the first rows at the Festival, rows six to nine, encouraging every excess by both their enthusiastic attendance at the event and the approving speeches they delivered on that occasion.
Photos from the Internet

Posted January 14, 2018

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.