Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Tribalist marriage in Brazil preparing the future?
Under the influence of the progressivist propaganda for the Amazonia Synod, an "indigenous marriage" took place on August 3, 2019, in the city of Pesqueira, in the Brazilian State of Pernambuco.With the blessings of the local priest, a young couple, descendants of two different Indians tribes, appear in Church for a marriage ceremony "wearing" their tribal apparel. That is to say: the man was with a bare torso and the woman in a see-through grass skirt.
Other young persons in similar dress were present, forming a line of honor to receive the bride and groom, first row below. Indian dances were also performed to emphasize the "authenticity" of the pagan rites, second row.
We Catholics watch with strong approval when the descendants of Indians marry in the Church, especially in an epoch where so many young people of both sexes are living together without marrying. However, the principles of morality and civilization must be respected; otherwise, the heritage of Our Lord Jesus Christ expressed by Catholic doctrine is implicitly denied.
Is this a liturgical foretaste of what Pope Francis is calling a "Church with an Amazonian face"?
Photos from
Laudivan Luiz first seen in Catapulta

Posted August 25, 2019

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.