Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Brazil's Cardinal Primate says Mass for LGBT 'victims'
Card. Sérgio da Rocha, Archbishop of Salvador, Bahia, and Cardinal Primate of Brazil, fifth from the left above, celebrated a Mass for the "victims of transphobia."The Mass was said on May 21, 2021, in the Holy Family Chapel of the Dorothea Sisters in the Garcia district of Salvador.
According to statistics released by the local "gay" center CPDD (Center for the Advocacy and Defense of LGBT Rights), the number of LGBT people killed in Brazil in 2020 was 175; the cities of São Paulo and Salvador were on the top of the list.
The biased and exaggerated numbers on that list do not distinguish between those killed by LGBT opponents and those killed by homosexuals themselves as result of internal disputes or other occasional violent deaths.
The CPDD asked Card. da Rocha to say a Mass for these "victims" and promptly received a positive response.
In his homily the Cardinal Primate of Brazil affirmed that: "the Church suffers from violence perpetrated against the people ... Violence against the LGBT population is a sad sign of a society that is accustomed to constant violations against the lives, dignity and rights of so many victims of brutal death."
With this initiative by the Cardinal of Salvador on May 21, which followed closely in wake of another Mass on May 11 for a homosexual TV star, duly approved by the Cardinal of Rio, the Brazilian Progressivist Hierarchy takes the lead in the race to approve homosexuals, leaving the bold German and the North American Hierarchies far behind.
Below first row, Card. Sérgio da Rocha during his homily; second row, close-ups of the attendees; third row, the transgender representative of the CPDD homo group; fourth row, da Rocha speaking and, in the next row, meeting with Francis; last row, the beautiful Gothic Chapel of the Holy Family, where the Mass took place.
Photos from the
video of the Mass, Crux and the Internet .
Posted June 13, 2021