Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Blasphemous adoration in Brazil
In January 2022 the Most Holy Sacrament was blasphemously placed in a monstrance and served as a prop for the frenetic dancing of a priest in Sao Paulo, Brazil.The priest is Fr. Jonatas Pereira Diniz, the pastor of Our Lady of Carmel Church in Sabauna, Mogi da Cruzes, a municipality on the outskirts of the city of Sao Paulo.
The priest uses the same methods of the Charimatic Movement and adopts its flamboyant style of song and dances during his masses.
Above, we see him treating the Holy Sacrament without any respect, waving it around like a banner of a samba group, so commonly seen in Brazil, below.
The Bishop of Mogi das Cruzes Pedro Luiz Stringhini has only words of praise for Fr. Pereira because he is attracting many people with his extravagant displays and frenetic dances.
Video from
Escolastica da Depressao; photos from the Internet

Posted February 20, 2022