Progressivism in the Church
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Homo theater piece sets Peru on fire
The theater piece Maria Maricón - Mary Homosexual - is causing a great deal of turmoil in Lima, Peru.The name maricon in Latin American Spanish means a homosexual man. It is normally used in a derogatory way by those who do not agree with the sodomite vice.
So, the play, written by a homo man, Gabriel Cardenas, second row below, is supposed to present the Virgin Mary as a man dressed as a woman, above. The play is highly obscene and makes outrages against other Virgin Saints of the Catholic martyrology as well.
The performance was part of a week of art called Saliendo de la Caja, Getting Out of the Box. It was promoted by the Catholic Pontifical University of Lima.
The play was first planned to be performed on January 15; the date changed to January 30-31, and was then transferred to March, only to be finally suspended.
Although fully supported/sponsored by the "Catholic" University, a great number of Catholics protested against the play, first row below, which caused the Minister of Culture to enter the picture and forbid it in the name of the Peruvian Catholic identity, third row below. Only after the Culture Ministry had made its declaration did the Catholic Bishops say a weak word of disapproval.
Card. Carlos Castillo, Archbishop of Lima, made a light criticism saying that the piece "disfigured" the Virgin Mary, but that "no one wanted to destroy her image." He also condemned the interference of the Ministry of Culture and today affirmed that the week of art will still take place.
This approval generated a strong reaction of a military naval unity in Lima, whose members addressed the Cardinal as an unworthy shepherd who "lacks the necessary values to be considered a leader who protects, defends and proclaims our Faith."
Standing against the prohibition are the left and the LGBT partisans, who now are making a petition to reverse it.
A topic to be followed...
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