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NEWS: September 2, 2024
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Bird’s Eye View of the News

Atila Sinke Guimarães
THE MISSION OF THE GOLDEN VOYAGER – On August 11, we saw the close of the Olympics, which had opened with blasphemy, the praise of terror and the statement that the world is controlled by a secret personage, as we have analyzed here and here. These were the three main messages that the symbolic Opening Ceremony sent to the world.

The Closing Ceremony, in my opinion, had just one big message: We humans have lost control of things with our destructive behavior and we need the help of ETs to come and fix it once and for all.

The final show of the Olympics was much more modest in its production than the Opening. While the latter made use of various historic places and monuments of Paris as background scenarios for its extravagant scenes, the Closing restricted itself to the Stade de France, the country’s largest sports stadium.

The stage was a stylized world map, which seen from above seemed to represent a bull or a minotaur.

I will try to describe the most important scene:

Golden Travaler

The Golden Voyager’s apparel

A “flying” ET-like figure dressed in gold descends from space and lands on the stage. On his shoulder hangs something glittery that moves constantly, giving the impression they are wings, like the fluttering wings of a hummingbird. So, the insinuation is that this golden figure is an angel. The mask that covers his face has a beaked nose and two antennae emerge from it that remind us of the thin horns of an antelope. Thus, the innuendo is that he is a horned angel, a devil.

His entire outfit seems to be covered with golden sequins. This apparel is divided into one part that, like a torero bolero (a bullfighter's vest), covers his chest and back and closes in the front, and another part adorned with a golden row of ribbons at his waist, and then dips down to cover his legs. Seen from the front, the intersection of the two parts forms the design of a cross.

Faceless man delivers the olympic flag to the Golden Traveler

The faceless man of the Occult Powers delivers the flag to the ET

After the Golden Voyager lands on a stage covered with a dense fog, he performs some steps of an acrobatic dance and he meets with two hooded artists.

The fog lifts and from opposite sides of the stage two figures approach him: One is the faceless man who in the opening show represented the occult head of the Secret Forces, a type of Antichrist who gathered behind him all the nations of earth. This veiled man dressed in black carries a pole. From the other side a woman in a revealing silver suit brings a folded flag.

This woman, by the way, was the rider of the silver mechanical horse that rode over the Seine River in the Opening Ceremony. Originally, I thought that the riders of both horses were the same person; they were not. This woman was the rider of the silver horse, and the faceless man, then dressed in silver but now in black, was the rider of the real white horse.

So then, we have the two riders coming to give the Golden Voyager a pole and a flag, which they place together. The masked man unfolds the flag and gives it to the golden ET. It is the Olympic flag of Greece that the ET displays to the audience in a triumphal dance. What does this signify? That the human powers are passing to the alien leader the mission of restoring the Olympics according to its initial spirit born in Greece.

After the Golden Voyager receives his mission from humans, about 20 ET-like figures also “fly” down from the sky to the stage. They join other analogous figures coming up from under the stage, forming a group of perhaps 100 figures. They all have large alien heads with oblong slitted yellow eyes and are dressed in grey bodysuits, which reveal many feminine performers among the group.

Ets kneeling to the Golden Travaler

Before the work starts all the grey ETs kneel to adore the Golden Traveler, a tip confirming he is Lucifer

The grey ETs enter to reconstruct the Olympics. They will rebuild the symbolic five circles. However, before the work starts, all the grey ETs kneel to adore the Golden Voyager. It is another tip that he is Lucifer.

An acrobatic dance follows, showing five different groups “rebuilding” the Olympic circles, each of which then successively rises up in the air to form the Olympic symbol.

As the last circle rises to complete the symbol, the Golden Voyager takes the center stage, climbing over the shoulders of the grey ETs, and strikes a triumphant pose, as if to say: “I accomplished my mission. Here we have the restored Olympics.”

Interpretation of the symbols

The central idea – the French narrator tells us – is that the present-day Olympics reflect the “lack of equality and diversity” of our world, and that the Golden Voyager has come to correct these supposed errors.

Now then, since humans revealed themselves incapable of correcting such “distortions,” they must appeal to the devils and even to the head of the devils – Lucifer or the Golden Voyager – to come and fix them.

Satanism in Grammy 2015

The 2015 Grammy Award: top, horns used by all attendees, bottom, horned performers onstage

This symbolic ceremony, it appears to me, joins together with so many other ceremonies we are witnessing in the Grammies and Oscar ceremonies, rock concerts and music videos, as well as in many official public ceremonies. In all of them man is learning to accept, be submissive to and adore the Devil in order to recognize him as the ruler of this world.

If we turn the pages of sports and “art,” and open the page of technology, that is, the world of computers, cell phones, androids, robots, humanoids, AI and GAI (general artificial intelligence), we see that everything there is also teaching man to accept the appearance of a Superior Intelligence that will plan and control the future of our lives.

What could be more fitting to bring to an apogee the Great Apostasy we see in the Catholic Church and what is left of Christendom than an enormous public acceptation, recognition and adoration of Satan as the god of tolerance, love and understanding in opposition of the True God, who today is considered tyrannical, narrow-minded and sado-masochist?

If this interpretation is correct, we have at the Closing Ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics the victory of the Black God of Satanism and the defeat of the White God, our God… A victory to be celebrated together by all of the religious powers, with Pope Francis at the top of the list, as well as by all of the temporal powers.

This is what was symbolically presented to the world.

As Catholics we know, however, that this is not the end of the story, but rather an arrogant provocation for God’s wrath to descend upon this impenitent world. Then Our Lady will intervene in History in a marvelous way to establish her triumphant Reign.


Blason de Charlemagne
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