Theology of History
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The Judgment of Nations - XIV
Apostles of the Latter Times & the Restoration
As we saw in the last article, Elias will come – in person or in spirit – to end the Revolution in the Latter Times and “restore all things.” The time of peace to follow will be an age of unity when Christ will reign again truly on earth in, with and through His Holy Mother.
To achieve this end, Bl. Palau prophecies, the Restorer, or Moses of the Law of Grace, will form an order of Apostles or missionaries:
“To do this he [the Restorer] will make use of an apostolate, which will have the most extraordinary mission the ages have ever seen.” (1)
He continues: “I see an order of Apostles descending from Heaven. They are the last Apostles. They hurl Satan from the midst of society and convert the world by their preaching.” (2)
He called this select group the Apostles of the Latter Times, the same name, it is interesting to note, that Our Lady of La Salette used when she showed this select group to Melanie: “My missionaries will be the Apostles of the Last Times, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all its purity throughout the earth.” (3)
St. Louis de Montfort also spoke of these great souls who would stand out for their devotion to Our Lady: “They shall be the true Apostles of the Latter Times, to whom the Lord of Hosts shall give eloquence and strength to work marvels, and to carry off with glory the spoils of His enemies...
“These are the great men who are to come. By the will of God, Mary is to fashion them to extend His Rule over the impious, the idolaters, and the Mahometans. But when and how shall this be? God alone knows.” (4)
The Apostles of the Latter Times, Bl. Palau saw, would oblige the devils to confess before all what their role was in the Revolution. The “lineage of Judas,” which in the greatest secrecy had been destroying the Church from within, would be dragged into the light for public execration:
“Woe to the Judas who from within the Sanctuary delivers the Temple of God to the Devil, sells the sheep, and protects the wolves so they can devour the flock at will!” (5)
The Apostles of the Latter Times will perform great wonders that will seal the end of the Revolution: “On that day the earth will open at the voice of the prophets, and Hell will swallow alive the apostles of lies before the eyes of all… At their command, fire will descend from Heaven and, before the eyes of all, the powerful who attempt to block their mission will be reduced to ashes.” (6)
The Restoration & a time of peace
After the Great Chastisement, the action of the Holy Ghost will renew the Church and the nations, which shall return to life. Palau prophecizes: “Modern society will fall, it will dissolve and perish. Christ, who was expelled from the Modern State, will emerge like a lion from its cave, he will show the omnipotence of His arm, and He will annihilate all the power of the powerful.
“On the day when this tyrant is imprisoned, and he is thrown into the abyss, the liberation of the nations will be proclaimed by the voice of the Archangel with the trumpet of God. … On that day the voice of the prophets will open the earth, and the infernal dragon will drag the servants of the Devil there while they are still alive in view of the peoples.
“On that day, the prophets sent by God for the Redemption of the nations will reject the brute force of man with divine force. The promised Restorer will come to the already dissolute and completely anarchical society, armed not with steel but with faith and spiritual zeal, a Restorer with the mission of Moses (restitute omnia) at the head of an order of Apostles that Providence has prepared for the final hour.” (7)
All the people, including the Jews and Muslims, will be converted during this Chastisement:
“The spirit of the Holy Ghost will blow over the nations and they will rise like a healthy and vigorous woman. The sin of Deicide will have been expiated and the Moslem empire will have been annihilated. …
“Palestine with all its tribes will return to God. The sign of this social regeneration will be the Holy Cross atop Golgotha. From this hill the God-Man will rule over the nations and their Kings,” (8)
God will chain Satan, who disturbs the Earth, and lock him in the depths of Hell. Then, once the Antichrist is defeated,” the Church will have a time of peace when all nations and all their Kings will serve her and recognize her as the Queen and Mother of all the living.”
As predicted at Fatima, Quito and La Salette, Palau sees the Latter Times, which will precede the End of the World, as a time where the Church will shine with a new brilliance: “Hermitages will be rebuilt. Monasteries of men will rise anew.” And once again as never before, “mankind will appease the wrath of God with prayer and penance from the deserts.” (9)
It will be a peace “that will not be disturbed until the end of the world.” That peace will be the Reign of Mary foretold by St. Louis de Montfort and confirmed by Our Lady in her promise at Fatima, “In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”
That time may be long or short, he surmised. ”But when men forget God again, they will be surprised by the Supreme Judge of the living and the dead,” (9) This, then, will be the End of the World and the Last Judgment, which will close definitively all the ages of the earth.
The Hermit's death
In February 1872 Fr. Palau's help was requested by the Sisters he had founded at the hospital they operated in Peralta de Calasanz in Huesca. After the crisis had passed, he set off to return to Barcelona, but became ill on the road.
On March 10, 1872, he was taken to Tarragona, the last of his foundations, where the illness developed into pneumonia.
“My God, you have changed my luck,” he exclaimed when he became convinced that his sickness was mortal. He had always dreamed of martyrdom at the hands of the revolutionary mobs of Barcelona, but instead death approached peacefully in the loving quietude of one of the many centers of charity he had established.
When he saw the tearful sad faces of his daughters, he told them not to be sad.
“But if you leave us, Father, who will be our Director?” the Superior of the house asked.
“You have the Virgen of Carmel, who is your Mother,“ he replied. “Go to her. She will be your refuge.” (12)
He died at 60 years of age, fervently kissing the images of Jesus, Mary and Joseph that he had at his side. His agony was sweet, without contortions or signs of suffering. With a composed face he delivered his spirit to the Lord on the morning of March 20, 1872.
He was buried in the Carmelite habit. The fame of his sanctity spread quickly and miracles were reported. The Diocesan Process for his beatification opened on March 20, 1951. Permission was given by the Holy See for the Carmelite Ortder to celebrate his liturgical feast day on November 7.

The Carmelite prophet of the Latter Times
“To do this he [the Restorer] will make use of an apostolate, which will have the most extraordinary mission the ages have ever seen.” (1)
He continues: “I see an order of Apostles descending from Heaven. They are the last Apostles. They hurl Satan from the midst of society and convert the world by their preaching.” (2)
He called this select group the Apostles of the Latter Times, the same name, it is interesting to note, that Our Lady of La Salette used when she showed this select group to Melanie: “My missionaries will be the Apostles of the Last Times, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all its purity throughout the earth.” (3)
St. Louis de Montfort also spoke of these great souls who would stand out for their devotion to Our Lady: “They shall be the true Apostles of the Latter Times, to whom the Lord of Hosts shall give eloquence and strength to work marvels, and to carry off with glory the spoils of His enemies...

‘I see an order of Apostles descending from Heaven’
The Apostles of the Latter Times, Bl. Palau saw, would oblige the devils to confess before all what their role was in the Revolution. The “lineage of Judas,” which in the greatest secrecy had been destroying the Church from within, would be dragged into the light for public execration:
“Woe to the Judas who from within the Sanctuary delivers the Temple of God to the Devil, sells the sheep, and protects the wolves so they can devour the flock at will!” (5)
The Apostles of the Latter Times will perform great wonders that will seal the end of the Revolution: “On that day the earth will open at the voice of the prophets, and Hell will swallow alive the apostles of lies before the eyes of all… At their command, fire will descend from Heaven and, before the eyes of all, the powerful who attempt to block their mission will be reduced to ashes.” (6)
The Restoration & a time of peace
After the Great Chastisement, the action of the Holy Ghost will renew the Church and the nations, which shall return to life. Palau prophecizes: “Modern society will fall, it will dissolve and perish. Christ, who was expelled from the Modern State, will emerge like a lion from its cave, he will show the omnipotence of His arm, and He will annihilate all the power of the powerful.
“On the day when this tyrant is imprisoned, and he is thrown into the abyss, the liberation of the nations will be proclaimed by the voice of the Archangel with the trumpet of God. … On that day the voice of the prophets will open the earth, and the infernal dragon will drag the servants of the Devil there while they are still alive in view of the peoples.
“On that day, the prophets sent by God for the Redemption of the nations will reject the brute force of man with divine force. The promised Restorer will come to the already dissolute and completely anarchical society, armed not with steel but with faith and spiritual zeal, a Restorer with the mission of Moses (restitute omnia) at the head of an order of Apostles that Providence has prepared for the final hour.” (7)
All the people, including the Jews and Muslims, will be converted during this Chastisement:

‘Christ will emerge like a lion from its cave’
“Palestine with all its tribes will return to God. The sign of this social regeneration will be the Holy Cross atop Golgotha. From this hill the God-Man will rule over the nations and their Kings,” (8)
God will chain Satan, who disturbs the Earth, and lock him in the depths of Hell. Then, once the Antichrist is defeated,” the Church will have a time of peace when all nations and all their Kings will serve her and recognize her as the Queen and Mother of all the living.”
As predicted at Fatima, Quito and La Salette, Palau sees the Latter Times, which will precede the End of the World, as a time where the Church will shine with a new brilliance: “Hermitages will be rebuilt. Monasteries of men will rise anew.” And once again as never before, “mankind will appease the wrath of God with prayer and penance from the deserts.” (9)
It will be a peace “that will not be disturbed until the end of the world.” That peace will be the Reign of Mary foretold by St. Louis de Montfort and confirmed by Our Lady in her promise at Fatima, “In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”
That time may be long or short, he surmised. ”But when men forget God again, they will be surprised by the Supreme Judge of the living and the dead,” (9) This, then, will be the End of the World and the Last Judgment, which will close definitively all the ages of the earth.
The Hermit's death
In February 1872 Fr. Palau's help was requested by the Sisters he had founded at the hospital they operated in Peralta de Calasanz in Huesca. After the crisis had passed, he set off to return to Barcelona, but became ill on the road.

‘Turn to the Virgin of Carmel.
She will be your refuge.’
“My God, you have changed my luck,” he exclaimed when he became convinced that his sickness was mortal. He had always dreamed of martyrdom at the hands of the revolutionary mobs of Barcelona, but instead death approached peacefully in the loving quietude of one of the many centers of charity he had established.
When he saw the tearful sad faces of his daughters, he told them not to be sad.
“But if you leave us, Father, who will be our Director?” the Superior of the house asked.
“You have the Virgen of Carmel, who is your Mother,“ he replied. “Go to her. She will be your refuge.” (12)
He died at 60 years of age, fervently kissing the images of Jesus, Mary and Joseph that he had at his side. His agony was sweet, without contortions or signs of suffering. With a composed face he delivered his spirit to the Lord on the morning of March 20, 1872.
He was buried in the Carmelite habit. The fame of his sanctity spread quickly and miracles were reported. The Diocesan Process for his beatification opened on March 20, 1951. Permission was given by the Holy See for the Carmelite Ortder to celebrate his liturgical feast day on November 7.

The dawn of an age of peace will break
after the Chastisement
- "París y Roma ¡Guerra!!” El Ermitaño, no. 98, 9/22/1870 in Luis Dufaur, Blessed Francisco Palau y Quer, O.C.D.: A Prophet from Yesterday, for Today, for Tomorrow, for the End Times.
- “El triunfo de la Iglesia,” El Ermitaño, no. 97, 9/15/1870, in ibid.
- Michel Corteville & René Laurentin, The Discovery of the Secret of LaSalette: Official English Translation of the Theotokans, Holy Water Books, Kindle Edition, p. 339.
- St. Louis Mary Grignion de Montfort, True Devotion to Mary, (ay Shore, N.Y.: Montfort Publications, 1977, nos. 58, 59.
- “Triunfo de la Cruz,” El Ermitaño, no. 125, 3/30/1871, in Luis Dufaur, op.cit.
- “Cataclismo social,” El Ermitaño, no. 148, 9/7/1871, in ibid.
- El Ermitano, no 89, July 21, 2870, in Fr. Tiago of St. Joseph The Prophecies of Blessed Francisco Palau about the End of Time
- “El tiempo en Jerusalén, Roma, Babilonia,” El Ermitaño, no. 62, 1/6/1870, in L. Dufour, op.cit.
- “Las ruinas de mi ermita,” El Ermitaño, no. 98, 9/22/1870, in ibid.
- “Cálculos del Ermitaño,” El Ermitaño, no. 163, 12/21/1871, in ibid.
- P Crisogono, Vida del Padre Francisco Palau, Madrid, 1944, pp 97-99.
- Tres días de tinieblas sobre el orbe entero,” El Ermitaño, no. 119, 2/16/1871, L. Dufour, op. cit.
Posted March 3, 2025

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