Homosexuality and the Clergy
Yes, There is a Link between Homosexuality and Pedophilia
Atila Sinke Guimarães
After completion of the book Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia, I thought it convenient to expound and refute some of the most common sophisms that surround the two-fold crisis of homosexuality and pedophilia that scourges the Catholic Church.
This is the fourth sophism and its answer taken from the work's Appendix.
Sophism 4 -
Homosexuality in the seminaries and clergy has nothing to do with the pedophile crimes of priests. It is unscientific and unsubstantiated to pretend that both have the same root.
Answer - This contention, which sprang from progressivist and leftist environs, has been spread in order to prevent the public furor against pedophilia from striking at homosexuality.
Some liberal scholars are producing elaborate studies trying to establish pedophilia as nothing more than a psychological illness.(1) According to one of these suspect interpretations, the pedophile priest would be nothing but an immature heterosexual who should not be considered infamous or incur the general horror of society for his behavior.

Regarding the clergy, the vices of homosexuality and pedophilia are deeply linked |
However, regarding pedophilia in the Catholic clergy the facts speak in an opposite sense. Here I quote the words of Fr. Donald Cozzens, university professor, seminary rector, and experienced counselor of priests and religious. Describing what is happening in the clergy, he wrote:
“When vicars of priests met to learn from one another how we might better minister to the victims of clergy sexual misconduct, we discovered a factor that put priest offenders at variance with the general population of child abusers. As a group, abusers tend to be married men who prey on girls, although many pedophiles abuse both girls and boys. Our respective diocesan experience revealed that roughly 90% of priest abusers target teenage boys as their victims. Most priest abusers, we concluded, were not pedophiles in the strict sense of the term. They tend to be ephebophiles, adults whose sexual interest focused on post-pubescent teenagers. …. Relatively little attention has been paid to this phenomenon by Church authorities. Perhaps it is feared that it will call attention to the disproportionate number of gay priests.” (2)
Such facts prove that homosexuality and pedophilia in the clergy are deeply linked.
1. Irving Bieber, M.D., “On Arriving at the American Psychiatric Association Decision on Homosexuality,” NARTH Bulletin, April 1999, online edition.
2. D. Cozzens, The Changing Face of the Priesthood, pp. 123-124.
Posted July 4, 2004
Sophism 1 | Sophism 2 | Sophism 3 | Sophism 5 & 6 | Sophism 7
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