What People Are Commenting
Reparation, Fr. Margil & China Expert
St. Gertrude’s Reparation
Dear TIA,
Now that Lent is fast approaching, I hope everyone will remember not only to prepare properly for Lent, but for the days leading up to Lent.
In particular, I pray that word will spread about the practice of Reparation for Carnival by St. Gertrude. Thank you.
Promoting the Truth
Please accept a small donation to promote your organization. I am retired and on a small income, but I would like to do anything possible to promote the truth, by means of your website or in any other way possible.
I like all parts of your website, but especially the articles about the history of the Catholic Church in North and South America and in France and Europe.
I pray every day for your apostolate. Please remember me in your prayers.
Sincerely yours,
TIA responds:
Thank you for your words and noble gesture. We are proud to bring to readers like you some of the past riches of Catholic history.
Be sure you will be remembered in our prayers and in a monthly Mass for our supporters.
TIA correspondence desk
Great Work
Dear Dr. Horvat,
This donation is a small gesture for the gigantic work you and Mr Guimaraes are doing for the glory of God and the salvation of souls, so dear to Our Blessed Lord.
Thank you so much for including my intentions in the monthly Mass.
I wish you a holy Lent. May you be part one day of the great multitude in the kingdom of Heaven.
In Maria,
Prayer to Fr. Antonio Margil
I thoroughly enjoy your website. It is truly singular in its depth, breadth and Devotion to the Truth. I have not found a website like it anywhere.
QUESTION: Can you publish a prayer to Venerable Margil on your website? I couldn't find one.
Respectfully, I am
TIA responds:
Thank you for the kind words about our website.
We have two prayers at hand, the first, official, the second coming from some devotees Fr. Margil has at TIA.
1. This prayer for Private Devotion has the Permission of Archbishop Patrick F. Flores of San Antonio, Texas:
"O Lord Jesus Christ, your apostle Antonio Margil left his homeland to bring the Gospel of Salvation to the people of Mexico and the United States. He endured every hardship and pain for love of You. May You graciously deign to reward your servant Margil by hastening the day when he will be raised to the honor of Blessed and Saint."
"We ask that Ven. Antonio Margil intercede for us before God by answering this request. Through Christ Our Lord, Amen."
2. Prayer of lay devotees:
"O Fr. Antonio Margil, who dedicated your llife to expand the Catholic Faith in these lands of North and Central America, look upon us now in this terrible crisis that ravages the Church. Help us to preserve intact the treasure of our Faith and give us a strength similar to yours to combat the enemies of the Catholic name inside and outside of the Church. Amen."
Other data on Fr. Margil can be found here.
TIA correspondence desk
China Expert
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am a professor with National Defense University focused on China-Latin America issues (please feel free to verify my bonafides... I have published over 43 articles and a full length book on the topic, and have been featured in a broad variety of forums, including CNN en Español and Radio Marti, and have testified to the US Congress on the issue.
I have followed the issue of Chinese initiatives in Cuba with great interest, and for this reason, was particularly intrigued by the interview with Chris Simmons that you recently carried on your website. I am currently seeking to contact Mr. Simmons through various channels... I would appreciate any help that you could provide in helping me to get in touch with him.
Thank you again for any help that you can provide. I will look forward to hearing from you...
Warm regards,
Dr. R.E.E.
TIA responds:
Dear Dr. R.E.E.,
Our relation with Lt. Col. Chris Simmons is indirect, through Mr. Toby Westerman, Director of International News Analysis Mr. Westerman is a regular writer for our International Affairs section.
You may contact Mr. Westerman at this e-mail - www.inatoday.com
TIA correspondence desk
Progressivist Nuns
Dear TIA
The contrast between the photographs of the modernist and traditional Sisters was very informative. I must confess I feel sorry for the modernists. They are rather like "fish out of water." The tide is now turning against them, and many young ladies far prefer the more traditional and conservative religious orders, where they will be challenged to live their Faith as Brides of Christ.
I noticed also on the faces of the traditional Sisters a reflection of joy, innocence and purity of heart which was truly beautiful, especially the Sister or perhaps, Novice, in the center of the photograph. May God bless them all, and may Our Lady, through her example of obedience, bring those who have strayed back to the disciplines of traditional convent life where they will experience the glorious privilege of being once more, a Bride of Christ.
Yours faithfully
Skepticism on Prophecies
[Commentary on the excerpt below from this news story: Pope Benedict XVI at the Helm: The Prophetic Vision of St Don Bosco (Catholic Online)
We need to take our place on the Bark of Peter and follow the Pope as he follows the Lord. Benedict XVI is steering the Ship through troubled waters, charting a path through those sure pillars of protection and heavenly aid.]
Shame on those other 260 or so popes who would have condemned Benedict's "conservatism." Good thing the Holy Spirit inspired the Church at Vatican II. Now we are finally going the right way, and it is "conservative" to support the popes who have changed immemorial teaching. Must be the immemorial teaching which is a fault. Or maybe not.
Interesting, in St. John Bosco's vision, the pope is mortally wounded. Who? Not John Paul II... he survived his wound. Not yet Benedict, at any rate. John Paul I? Maybe. And maybe the pope who was mortally wounded was Pius XI, whom Fr. Malachi Martin said was poisoned by Mussolini's agents. And then Pius XII anchors the Church to the twin pillars of the Eucharist and Our Lady... until Vatican II and the destruction of almost all. A short period of calm, of peace - at least compared with the 1920'3-1940's in Europe.
At any rate, St. John Bosco's dream (and he is my favorite saint) is open to many interpretations, not just the in-house Vatican II version. And also, St. John Bosco prophesied a great victory of Our Lady in the year 19xx. Well, such a victory didn't occur. And so perhaps the prophecy was conditional and we didn't deserve it, and perhaps also this wonderful saint was in error. He may have misunderstood some symbol in his own dream.
A prophesy which the Vatican II Church will not likely quote is that from St. Anselm in the 11th century: "Woe to you, City of Seven Hills, when the letter 'K' is proclaimed within your walls. Then will your destruction be near." When was the letter "K" proclaimed in Rome (and what does this mean, anyway?) Karol Wojtyla is the only pope in his given or papal name ever to have a "K" in his name. Significant? As with most of these private prophecies, who knows? But good ammunition to counter the syrupy adulation of the recent popes.
Posted February 21, 2012

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting -
do not necessarily express those of TIA

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