Trump Signals to Take Over Panama Canal & Greenland Will Trump make the U.S. an empire?
Yemen’s Hypersonic Missile Strikes Tel Aviv In retaliation to Israel's attacks on Sanaa
New Spatial Analysis Confirms Genocide in Gaza Israel is deliberately destroying all means of life
Russia Initiates Nuclear Drills for Attacks on the West A lowered threshold for nuclear retaliation
North Korea’s Troops to Russia – South Korea’s Weapons to Ukraine An energetic response to N. Korea joining the war
Israel Moves to Annex Gaza Jewish State performing an ethnic cleansing to swallow Palestine
Germany Demands Israel to Sign ‘Genocide Clause’ Jews must stop killing civilians to receive weapons
Israel Hides Damage of Iran’s Strike Strong censure denies access to targets that were hit
Russia & China: ‘No Limit’ Partnership The two countries expand their dangerous friendship
From the Hell of Putin’s Gulag A freed prisoner reports the horror of Putin's Russia
Military Leader Demands Putin Ousting He presents a different picture from what Putin paints
Ukraine’s Offensive in Kursk In a surprsie attack Ukraine invades Russia
After Denial Israel Now Admits Killing Jewish Hostage The IDF’s Hannibal Directive allowes killing of its own citizens
Impending Israel Offensive in Lebanon Preparing to do in Lebanon what it did in Gaza
NATO Shares Defense Tech with Ukraine Advanced weaponery & more intelligence assistance
Germany Approves New Plans for War Including compulsory conscription, food rationing, ban on quitting jobs
U.S. Accused of Targeting Russian Nuclear Radar Russian early warning system hit by possible US weapon
Russia & U.K. Exchange Threats A nuclear threat issued over Ukrainian use of U.K. missiles
China Is Building up Its Arsenal to Invade Taiwan by 2027 Navy officer testifies to China's
intent & preparations
New Documentary Warns of Beijing’s Influence in Hollywood China is buying up Western media
Chinese Agents Cross the Border to Attack the U.S. A dangerous surge of suspicious Chinese 'migrants'
Wars & Rumors of Wars The world is a powder keg ready to explode
Border Chaos Precipitates Constitutional Crisis Biden fomenting disaster for his own ends
The German-Russian Young Leaders Conference Carefully cultivating a dependent Europe
Digital Public Infrastructure for ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future’ Conclusions of the G20 meeting in India
How Russia Crushes Protests: The Memorial Report An exposé on Russia's brutal suppression of political dissent
The Russians Are Coming Vivek Ramaswamy's naïveté regarding Communism raises suspicions
A Stronger Putin after the Wagner Revolt? Weakenesses of the Russian dictator that many refuse to see
Stumbling into War Unaware & Unprepared Biden’s America failis as the China-Russia-Iran alliance flourishes
The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed The WHO is shifting into a world supra-state
Does China Have Us Right Where They Want Us? The US weak & bumbling: the stage is set for a Taiwan takeover
Brazil’s Indians Join the Massive Protests The media ignores the largest demonstration in History. Why?
Is a Pan-American War on the Brink of Exploding? Movement of troops at the Brazilian boarders threatening an invasion
Brazil in Turmoil After two monhs of manifestations the people expect the military to act
US Rehearses Dropping Nuclear Bombs in Europe NATO prepares for a nuclear war with Russia
Moving toward Gorbachev’s ‘World of Communism’ Russia's once-ridiculed 'Monster Plan' seems to be working
The Climate Cult & Europe’s Energy Crisis The cut of Russian gas brings a crisis to Europe
Russia, Source of Lies & Dishonor The bluff of the Donetsk & Luhansk referendum
Communist-Narco Violence in Ecuador Marxist-led indigenous groups block roads causing food shortages
The Disappearance of the Catholic Left Progressivists are silent in the face of a conservative tide
Facing a Russian Atomic Attack Threats of the authorities & crimes of war
Big Press & Good Press The play of influences in the Brazilian scenario
Russia's Psy-War against the West How communists are winning the West with lies & tricks
A Quick Look at a Silenced Rebirth The sleeping conservative giant in Brazil is awakening
Is World War III Brewing? Tension are rising & Russian/Chinese troops are war ready
Mapuches Yesterday & Today An indigenous group that is rejecting the revolutionary lie
The War Is on with China – and We’re Losing The US is strong neither at home nor abroad today
Surrender & Shame on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 Challeging the establishment, it rules mandatory vaccines a crime
Local Indian High Court Rules against Mandatory Vaccination Challeging the establishment, it rules mandatory vaccines a crime
 | Making America Socialist
 Conquering & Reconquering the Americas - Part 1 Activists employ new strategies to make Latin America socialist
 Reconquering Venezuela… & Spain - Part 2 Chavez reinvents Communism with 'Socialism of the 21st century'
 Same Leftist Strategy Makes Morales President of Bolivia - Part 3 Cleaning up terrorist images to form the New Socialism
 Imposing Communism on Ecuador - Part 4 Strategy of conquest: gagging the media, changing the Constitution
 Podemos in the Spanish Government - Part 5 Its roots, evolution & aim to implant 21st Century Socialism
Italy’s Communist Recipe for Disaster Pandering to Chinese interests & immigrants led to coronavirus outbreak
The Quarantine Is Unconstitutional & Will Make Us Another Venezuela Argentina needs to step up and resist the virus hysteria
American Guinea Pigs in a Chinese Lab Not so far-fetched to think Coronavirus was hatched in Wuham
Seeing Chile in Perspective Church authorites supported Communism in 1973 and now
A Latent Threat Hangs over Ecuador Indigenous leaders threaten new violence wave
Chile Hit by Urban Guerilla Vandalism Another planned attack that leaves millions of dollars of damage
Urban Guerilla Warfare in Ecuador A planned insurgence supported by the Church to serve the Revolution
The Cuban Empire - The Threat Few See Moscow-Beijing-Havana support communists in the Americas
The Deep State Wants Trump Impeached over Syria Data shows good reasons for leaving the Marxist-feminist-terrorist state
The Eco-Messianism of the Vatican Synod Tribalism & Ecology presented as new models for the future
Francis Helps Return Socialism to Argentina His gestures and actions are saving Peronism from another defeat
A Red Pope Frees a Red Criminal Ex-President Francis intrudes into Brazilian judicial decision
The Agony of Venezuela The harsh toll of ‘21st Century Socialism’
The Legacy of Archbishop Travez: Refusal to Fight against Corruption Ecuador is orphan of a moral leadearship
Hungary Stops Funding University Gender Studies Orban affirms people are born either men or women - that's it!
Europe’s Direction & Woes Reactions against the tyrannical EU rule are growing
China, Russia & Tucker Carlson He is right on China, but deceived about Russia
Pointing toward a More Socialist Europe Negotiations in Germany predict a leftist acceleration in the EU
It Is Ideology A new false notion about what governs world politics
German Elections & the European Crisis Point Merkel's bitter win reveals a sick Europe and failing EU
The New York Times Strikes Again Says Russian propaganda war 'may be impossible to stop'
German Dictatorship & the European Union Controlling the EU with its political power & economic might
At Last! Report Confirms Russia & China ‘Work Against’ U.S. So, why didn't we notice this before now?
The Poster Boy of an Ailing Europe Macron victory in France boosts the European Union
Putin and the Soviet 'Truth' A false version of Russia's role in World War II
Putin and the Plaque By honoring spy Kim Philby, Putin shows his Communism
 | A Glimpse of NAFTA’s Goals The high costs on both sides of the Mexican border
 | Trump Assembles a War Cabinet To Meet Foreign Threats Will he really take on Russia, China & Islam?
 | Bear in the Living Room Russian Chekist mindset continues & is cause for concern
 | Cubans Joyous over Castro’s Death While Francis sadly sings in the communist choir
 | Francis Is Sad about Rousseff’s Impeachment Calls the ouster of the communist president ‘a sad moment’
 | Francis Silent on Deporting Colombian Cubans Part of the agreement is to send back anti-communists to Cuba
 | Seeing Brexit in Perspective A political scenario that can lead to World War III
 | The Curse of the Peace Dividend The West trusted the 'fall of Communism' & now it is disarmed
 | Whitewashing Works: Progress through Murder New 'strongman' Putin builds on Stalin's growing popularity
 | Russia’s Propaganda War against the U.S. As Socialism dominates Europe & the U.S., Russia plays 'conservative'
 | Russia Gloats as America Weakens Its naval power in the Pacific increases as ours diminishes
 | Ukrainians Feel ‘Betrayed’ by the Francis-Kirill Declaration Primate of Catholic Ukrainian Church expresses his disappointment
 | Let’s Be Honest: Putin Is a Stalinist With rigged elections, media control & elimination of opposition
 | Francis & Kirill in Havana: Worrying Political Aspects Bergoglio never loses a chance to bolster Communism
 | Love for Putin and the S-300s Donald Trump joins the Putin love group
 | Putin and His Wilderness of Mirrors A confused picture in the Syrian conflict
 | Islamic Total War, and the Winner is ... A looming threat that should not be overlooked
 | Holiday for Spies Putin honors Russian spies at new intelligence headquarters
 | What a Justin Trudeau Win Means for Canada An Obama-style move to the left in politics & morals
 | Putin’s Syria Move Part of a broad strategy to rebuild Russia's power & dominance
 | Papal Trip to Cuba: Prospects & Concerns More propaganda to bolster the communist regime?
 | The Cuban Paradise & Religious Freedom On the eve of Francis' visit to Cuba (September 2015)
 | Kerry & the Obama’s Capitulation to Iran While still a Senator, he was negotiating the deal we have today
 | Making Tyranny Cool Russia's Communist Party tries to make Lenin popular through "selfies"
 | The Iran Deal Strengthens Muslim Extremists Congress should vote no on a deal that leaves us vulnerable
 | How Obama Misled Us on the Concessions He Made to Iran Tricking Americans to empower terrorists
 | Putin Threatens America with Nuclear Annihilation A new military doctrine that anticipates use of nuclear weapons
 | The Secret Russian Role in Global Conflict Funding ISIS & manipulating rightists fed up with the West's moral decline
 | Europe Prepares for War Joint training exercises in response to Putin's threats
 | The Snakes Have Returned to Ireland Reasons why same sex 'marriage' was approved
 | Francis, the Nuncio & the Tyrant Ex-prisoner in Cuba analyses Pope's betrayal
 | Cold War? How Uncool - A 'New Generation' Speaks Foolishly relying on personal relationships, not principles
 | Protesting against Communist President Dilma Analyzing the massive street demonstrations in Brazil
 | The Vulnerability of Putin & His Bomb What is at stake for Moscow in annexing Eastern Ukraine
 | Murder Incorporated in the Kremlin Russians know why Boris Nemtsov was brutally murdered
 | An Exhausted Left in Brazil The communists admit their last hope is Francis and the Church
 | Muslim Fanatics & the Canary Terrorism distracts us from the communist alliance in the East
 | Brazil 2015 - What Comes Next? Ominous signs: Strong papal support for Communism
 | Je Suis Charlie - A Good Wind Blowing from France France strongly reacts against recent terrorist acts
 | The Obama-Francis Axis: Conjuring Confusion over Cuba A deal favoring Communism brokered by the Pope
 | The Obama-Pope Axis of Marxism Showing his colors, Francis aids Obama to rescue Communism
 | Unlike Obama I've Met the Cuban People Brutal repression and grinding poverty haunt the communist island
Lifting the American Embargo against Cuba Rescuing the Cuban people or their dictatorship?
 | Letter from a Communist Prison in Venezuela Torture and persecution continues under the new tyrant Maduro
 | China, Hacking & Murder Cyberwar China vs U.S. now risks American lives
 | The New Cold War and the Partition of Ukraine Russia arranges pretexts to continue its aggressions
 | Military Losing Technological Superiority to China A Pentagon official issues a strong warning
 | Ebola, ISIS & Putin Rightly concerned about the virus, we are ignoring greater threats
 | Be Prepared: The List of What Is Forbidden in Cuba What we will have if we accept Communism
 | Russian Influence Operations Target America A network of façade Forums to fool conservatives about Russia’s intentions
 | Putin Threatens to Invade Poland, Romania & the Baltic States Another menacing growl from the Russian bear
 | Will Brazil Vote Communist Once More? Communists & socialists dispute the votes from the right
 | Official Lies Mask Russian & Chinese Aggression Obama refuses to admit the Russian invasion of Ukraine
 | The Associated Press Supporting Communist Cuba It continues its job of undermining U.S. counter-intelligence efforts
 | Pope Rehabilitates Marxist Priest Another sign of the leftist direction of Francis' papacy
 | Is the German Chancellor an Agent of Russia? Merkel's communist past and close ties with Putin signal trouble
 | The End of the U.S. Hegemony Where today's Liberalism is taking us...
 | Is Europe Still Defensible from Invasion? A failed EU + a dwindling US commitment = vulnerability
 | Russian Dominance in Europe? Communism reemerges in a stronger, oil-rich Russia allied to China
 | The Wrong Way to Treat President Putin The sanctions against Russia's takeover of Crimea are useless
 | SOS - Venezuela Is Waiting for Our Support Venezuelans describe the brutality of that communist dictatorship
 | Thanks, Putin - America Owes You a Debt of Gratitude America wakes up to Moscow's plan to rebuild the USSR
 | Communist Repression in Venezuela Photos show the violence of the regime against its own people
 | Kudos to Uganda’s Anti-Homosexual Law President Museveni lectures a shameful, immoral West
 | Deadly Myth: Russia-China Rivalry Minor disagreements mask a growing, dangerous alliance
 | Deadly Myth: America Is Invulnerable China & Russia partner up in defense while the U.S. falters
 | Russian Revolution: Urgent Lessons for the U.S. Today Lenin organized the revolution to install a new order
 | On the Comeback Trail Signs of an open communist revival in Putin's Russia
 | The 4,000 Cuban Physicians A government agreement that reduces doctors to veritable slaves
 | Putin’s Propaganda & U.S. Conservatives Why are some conservatives joining Russia's anti-American choir?
 | The Absence of a Right in Brazilian Politics The frustrated majority does not have any authentic representation
 | Moscow-Beijing Axis - A Threat Real or Imagined? Despite strong evidence, 'experts' pretend there is no danger for the U.S.
 | Fed up with ‘Democracy’ A conservative discontent fuels the demonstrations in Brazil
 | Did China Buy Nicaragua? A new canal agreement that surrenders control to Beijing
 | Tremble, Bourgeoisie! Russia rebbuilds its nuclear strike capacities as U.S. cuts its forces
 | China’s ‘Soft Power’ & a Real Red Dawn A new aim to win hearts & minds by buying influence in Hollywood
 | The Upcoming Putin-Obama Meeting With elections over, dangers increase for America
 | Of Things to Come Post-election reflections on the U.S. in the world scene
 | Russian Dream, American Nightmare A revealing interview with an ex KGB leader
 | The New World Order of Russia & China Communists unite to weaken the United States
 | The Catholic Holocaust Media ignores increasing persecution of Catholics by Muslims
 | From Humiliation to Conflagration The growing might & arrogance of the Moscow-Beijing axis against the U.S.
 | The US Elections, Latin America & Cuba A South American point of view on needed change
 | Moscow Miffed at Mitt? Russia is irritated by Romney, but the Republican stance is insufficient
 | In Syria, after Assad – What? To avoid one evil regime, the U.S. is installing another still worse
 | Russian Nuclear Submarine as Omen Will the U.S. continue to disarm?
The Dragon’s Eyes Are on Us China espionage alliance with Cuba against the United States
 | From Self-Deception to Self-Destruction The fantasy of the 'Fall of Communism' provokes a lack of vigilance in Congress
 | Medicare Scam Defrauds U.S., Profits Cuba Organized fraud pays for Communist espionage in the U.S.
 | Looming American Tragedy America is surrending its technological leadership
 | Our Duty to Support Taiwan Taiwan looks for help as China increases its power
 | Driving to Self-Destruction in a Cadillac GM funds a Chinese Communist Party propaganda film
 | A Protest against Defense Budget Cutters America is at war, & not just against terrorism
 | Libya, Syria, Russia – American Blind Eyes Look East The West ignores Syria's close ties to Russia and its support of Hezbollah
 | Bit by Our Own Dog - The Appearance of Terrorist 'Democracy' Revolution's aftermath: Islamic extremism and attacks on Christianity
 | A Cold War that Continues Communism's new strategy of world dominance
 | The China Nightmare Let's not avoid facing an aggressive Communist China
 | Spies: They Have Your Number - So Why Not Get Theirs? The role of the shortwave radio in the ongoing spy threat
 | Dilma Rousseff, the Terrorist Will she be the next President of Brazil?
 | China: A Dragon You Cannot Believe In Its growing military might is a serious challenge to America and her allies
 | Spies Who Look Just Like Us Pretending the Russian spy ring was amateur is a mistake
 | Lying to the Dead Past atrocity in Ukraine is a warning for the 21st century
 | The Smiling Neo-Communist & the Mediocre Man A new ruse is being applied full-steam to take over South America
 | Schwarzenegger Flexing Muscles for Moscow U.S. authorities give Medvedev the best of our electronic technology
 | The Bells of Secession Tolling in Belgium Could them begin a chain of secessions everywhere?
 | Lenin Lives! with His Own Spot on Larry King An unbroken history of media support for the Communist Revolution
 | The Preferred Terrorist Russia gives vital assistance to anti-American terrorism in South America
 | Weakness at Home – Attack from Abroad? Threat to American security is real and increasing
 | The Ambassador’s Lie & the Martyrs’ Blood Ambassador to the Vatican claims there is religious liberty in Cuba
 | Weapons of Thought Destruction "Experts" pretend Moscow is a US ally and partner against terrorism
 | What Has Been Forgotten in Haiti? Is this the beginning of the chastisement announced at Fatima?
 | The ‘Twisted Mindset’ An interview about the Cuban alliance with international terror
 | Beatification of Castro’s Internationalism? Benedict XVI receives Cuba's ambassador and praises its Communist regime
 | Anti-Natural Law Approved in Catholic Portugal The Cardinal’s omission caused 'gay marriage' to be approved
 | Gifts from St. Nicholas: A New Nuclear Russian Submarine Russia gears up its sub power and aims at the U.S.
 | Turning Red in the U.S. Recognizing the threat of a new brand of Communism
 | Iranian Nukes for Latin America? A warm welcome and support for Iran president Ahmadinejad
 | Soviet Error or Desire for Freedom? The fall of the Berlin Wall & end of the Cold War did not stop Communism
 | Presidential Elections in Chile: Political & Ecclesiastical Scheming The right and the Bishops endorse same sex unions and morning-after pill
 | Russian Rearming While the US preach disarmament, Russia improves its weapons
 | The Strategy of ‘Peoples War’ Is Destroying the U.S. The media’s psychological effort to crack America’s will to fight terrorism
 | New UN President Opposes Homosexual Rights International homosexual groups call for Abdussalam's removal
 | An Unacknowledged War in Latin America Obama administration endangers U.S. troops in Colombia
 | The Religious Tribalism of Evo Morales The Marxist President of Bolivia adopts the Indian native religion
 | Cold War II: What Happened to the Fall of Communism? A forbidden question demands an answer
 | U.S. Military Secrets, Spies and the China Model A pro-Cuba media ignores dangers coming from the Communist island-prison
 | Targeting the U.S. Military Smuggled arms and a narco-terror army: Real, but ignored threats
 | Are These Rockets Yours, Hugo? Chavez involved in Venezuelan rockets sent to Colombian guerilla
 | War on the Democratic Process: From Chavez to Obama? Is Obama following Chavez to establish Socialism in the U.S.?
 | Honduras & Chavez: What the Media Is Not Telling You About the first major blow to the Marxist expansion led by Chavez
 | The Honduras Impeachment Why is the US supporting the constitutionally deposed President Zelaya?
 | Is Moscow Double-Dealing on North Korea? Praise for past communist dictator and support for present tyrant
 | How to Recruit a Spy How professors, students and others are recruited to undermine America
 | Murder and Spies: A Spy Catcher's Warning Cuba's strong espionage program focuses on the United States
 | Clinton: Ideology Belongs to the Past; Marxists Disagree The rampant spread of Marxism across the Americas
 | The Bishop's Harem Scandal in Paraguay as paternity suits are filed against the President
 | The Obama Doctrine and Global Tyranny More signs of an international Marxism economic order on the rise
 | Obama, Islam & Distortion of the Past Refutation of the president statement praising Islam
 | Russia, Obama and a 'Constructive Meeting' Hostile actions and attitudes behind the smiles of the Red Bear
 | Ho Chi Minh Comes to Mexico City A statue speaks a warning to the United States
 | Moscow Declares Change in the Global Balance of Power At a week long visit, Raul Castro pledges to intensify ties with Russia
 | The Middle East: Hawks and Doves in Perspective Understanding the past and present of the Arab-Israeli conflict
 | Ignoring the Evil of Communism in Cuba The Church's mission is to teach truth and also condemn error
 | The New Kremlin Bridgehead in Latin America A troubling future ahead as Russia strengthens alliances in South America
 | The Growing Russian Military Presence in Latin America UNASUL's favors Russia to the detriment of the United States
 | Moscow’s New Onslaught Communism is not dead, but strong and growing in Latin America
 | A Socialist West? When? American elections at the crossroads of the destiny of the world
 | Sacrality or Chaos? Latin America faces a Communist-Tribalist onslaught of continental dimensions
 | The Smiling Angel Hides the Tears of a Nation Deceit and fraud "for the supreme interest" of Communist China
 | Sarah Palin: Alaska as Foreign Policy Experience She has direct experience with the threats of the Russian bear
 | Moscow Declares Change in the Global Balance of Power After Russian invasion of Georgia, U.S. is no longer undisputed world leader
 | Russian Tanks Roll in Soviet-Style Agression An overview of the situation up to the Russian invasion of Georgia
 | The Right Sprouts again in Bolivia Bolivians send signs of their discontent with Morales' Marxist government
 | A Pregnant, Pacifist Defense Minister for Spain The ostentatious feminization of the Spanish government
 | Leftist Summit in Montevideo The Forum of São Paulo (FSP) applies new tactics to revive Communism
 | Cardinal Bertone and Castro's Fraudulent Religious Policy Vatican official says the Church in Cuba is "no longer persecuted"
 | Latin American Guerillas Coming to the U.S.? Communist guerillas enter U.S. to recruit and promote anti-American program
 | Benedict XVI and Cardinal Bertone’s Trip to Cuba Bertone leaves Cuba with shameful concessions and empty hands
 | The Web of Terror The guerilla FARC movement extends its presence and power in Latin America
 | Moscow Warns of a “Looming War of Civilizations” At a world Forum in Madrid, it criticizes US action against Islamic militants
 | Self-Deception and the Train from China A China-Europe railway: fruit of the Russia-China communist alliance
 | Narco-Terror Army Threatens U.S. Marxist Venezuela offers vital support to the Colombian drug trade
 | U.S. “Savagely Attacked” Marxist Ecuador President acclaims the expansion of Socialism in Latin America
 | Madmen Also Kill Montaner analyzes the Communist plan for South America - Slide show
 | Filming the Great Deception A serious documentary shows how Communism never fell in Eastern Europe
 | Chavez' Socialism Is "the Closest Thing Possible to Stalinism" Advances of Chavez in Venezuela and complicity of the Chilean bourgeoisie
 | CELAM in Cuba: “Cordial Dialogue” between Wolves and Shepherds Bishops dialogue with the Communists, ignoring plight of political prisoners
 | Arms for Hugo Moscow puts muscle behind Chavez’s anti-American, pro-Marxist rhetoric
 | Coming Home to Lenin Chavez encourages Russia to put more emphasis on Lenin's ideas
 | The Church's collaboration with Communism: Poland and Cuba Cuban ex- political prisoner decries the Vatican's long record of collusion
 | Moscow: Past Is Present Russia's cyber assault on Estonia and increasing belligerance toward the US
 | Nancy Takes a Trip and Meets a Tyrant Pelosi's recent trip to Syria a boon for terrorists
 | Terror, Missiles, and Al Qaeda Will Nicaragua sell its land-to-air missiles to terrorists?
 | Distorted Images in a Forest of Mirrors An alternative view of U.S. espionage
 | The World after a U.S. Surrender in Iraq Triumphant jihadists and demoralized American troops
 | Is America Losing the Will to Survive? Lt. Col. "Buzz" Patterson on U.S. refusal to believe in a war with Islamic terrorism
 | A New Congress – A New Vietnam? Will the US in Iraq suffer a shame like that of the fall of Saigon?
 | Time Magazine and Irresponsible Journalism Playing down the threat to the US posed by the "new Castro" of Venezuela
 | Chavez and the New One-Party Terror State The West ignores the ever stronger Iran-Venezuela alliance
 | Leftist Bias in Vet's Sights Effects of the leftist anti-war propaganda - Colonel Buzz Patterson
 | The Battle for Cuba Perspectives about the end of Fidel Castro
 | Aren't You Missing Something about Lebanon? An overview of the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel
 | The Metamorphosis of Che Guevara Che's revolutionary ideals are still selling in the U.S.
 | Cyber Attack Aimed at U.S.? Is an ailing Castro ready to deliver on his promise to punish the US?
 | Someone is Listening A Chinese spy base in Bejucal, Cuba, is listening to American telecommunications
 | The Media is 'Willfully Ignoring' the Islamic War against the U.S. Toby Westerman interviews author Robert Spencer
 | Drug Lords, Terrorists, and Russian Bombers Cross U.S. Territory Loose borders are weakening the internal security of the nation
 | Media Ignores Infiltration Questions in Rallies Who was behind the May 1 mass demonstrations on immigration issues?
 | Communist Mexico? Why isn't anyone paying attention to the red threat on our border?
Media Blackout on China Threat Media ignores clashing views of experts on the China threat to the US
New ‘Grand Alliance’ of Terror Iran courts South America's Communist countries
 | Stalin – Historically Incorrect BBC's Stalin Declassified promotes the myth of a "good Communism"
 | Cindy - More Red than Red, White and Blue? Chavez welcomes "peace mom" to the Marxist Revolution
 | War and Peace in Perspective - 2006 Response to theatrical accusations against the war
 | Target America - Communist Propaganda The "Venezuela Matters" tour in US cities builds support for the Marxist regime
 | Fidel's Real Successor Chavez inherits Castro's hatred of the United States and love of Marxism
 | Media Bias Costs Soldiers' Lives The leftist media is a factor in prolonging the war in Iraq
 | Building the Revolution - One Weapon at a Time Venezuela receives assault rifles from Moscow and a license to make them
 | Chavez Regime Seeks A-Bomb The US should not ignore the Latin American Communist-Islamic terrorist threat
 | Vatican and China Disastrous Cost of the Vatican Ostpolik with Communist China
 | Che Guevara, Iran, and the Bomb Chavez turns to Iran in his plan to go nuclear
 | 60 Minutes Assists Spies and Lies Through Elian Interview The well-prepared 11-year-old calls Castro "father" and "friend"
 | Marxist Military Assistance Pact in Latin America The bond tightens between Communist Venezuela and Cuba
 | New, Sophisticated Propaganda Campaign aimed at U.S. Offensive launched by Chavez includes the support of Jessie Jackson
 | Russia To Nuke Its Neighbors? Russia is making threats of preemptive strikes. Is anyone in the West listening?
 | The China Threat On the arrogance and growing strength of Communist China
 | Financing Our Own Destruction A mistake toward the Communist governments of China and Vietnam
 | Moscow Would Silence U.S. Critics No legitimate criticisms of past or present policies allowed
 | 'Peoples War' and a Dangerous Foreign Policy Communist Vietnam stimulates guerilla warfare in Iraq against the Americans
 | Who Is Putin's God? Still Unknown After "60 Minutes" Putin affirms a strange notion of his "god"
 | Putin's Lament: Don't Cry for Me Lubyanka The rising pro-Soviet sentiments in Russia
 | Fidel's Red Club The value of Cuba's espionage war against the U.S. for its patron, Russia
 | Russia, China and The New York Times Westerman to the NY Times: the Russia-China alliance is a mirage
 | Bush Goes to Moscow to Honor Red Army Consequences of Bush's scheduled visit to Moscow in May 2005
 | Russian Spies: Returning or Never Left? Westerman denounces the infiltration of Russian spies in the U.S.
 | The "New" Russia – Same Bear The economic and political ties that bind Ukraine to Russia and their danger
 | John Paul II, Cuba, and a Question of Conscience Cuban prisoner questions JPII's praise of Cuban communist revolution
 | Moscow - Off the Map? A recent CIA report downplays the role of Russia and forecasts a rising Asia power
 | Uruguay Becomes Another Communist Country Supported by terrorism, the new Uruguayan president heads toward Communism
 | Bolivia's Socialist Party Records Enormous Growth Analysis of the Bolivian December 2004 elections for 327 mayors
 | China - What's Old and New in Communism? A recent report of the Chinese Communist Party against religious liberty
 | Trends to Watch in 2005 A growing Russian influence in China and Latin America
 | Trusting Moscow - Myth or Fantasy? The dangers of a close relationship between the US and Russia
 | Russia: Ally or Enemy? Should the US trust a Moscow on destroying freedom in the Ukraine?
 | Moscow's New Empire The Russian efforts to extend its Communist power; and isolate the United States.
 | The Spanish Shame The public fear to the terrorist attack, and the election of Socialist Zapatero
 | China - The Dragon in the Living Room The rising military and economic powerof Communist China
 | The Cuban Fiasco Cuban Bishops reveal: situation of Catholics worse today than before JPII's visit
 | Brazil - At the Edge of the Abyss What does a presidential victory for Lula imply for the West?
 | Germany - Unfortunate Coincidence? Pope and the German Bishops give a last minute victory to the leftist coalition
 | Israel - The Beginning of the Religious War Analysis of Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount that triggered the new Intifada