What People Are Commenting
Malachi, Burials & Marines
Priesthood of the Faithful
Please, check this new report and see where we are heading regarding the New Mass and the coming Hybrid Mass.
Fr. P.S.
Laity Found To Bring Up Gifts To Altar; Consecration Delayed Two Hours
Toronto, Canada – Posted on January 28, 2013 - Pastor of St. Dwenden Catholic Church in Toronto, Canada Ben Gregory was forced to postpone the consecration for nearly two hours early Sunday morning after lead usher Kevin Sarkosy was unsuccessful in locating anyone willing to bring up the bread and wine for the presentation of the gifts at Mass.
“Obviously the presentation is as important to the Mass as the consecration is…everyone knows that,” Sarkosy told Eye of the Tiber as he and three others searched, frantically, for a willing family to present the gifts. “In fact, I go as far as to say that the laity’s role in presenting the gifts is as important as Father Gregory’s is in consecrating it. Without Mary’s Fiat, after all, there is no Jesus to be born; and without the laity’s Fiat in presenting, there is no bread to become Jesus… if you think about like that.”
Sarkosy went on to report that everyone was acting very peculiar as he approached them to ask whether they would be interested in participating. “They all had their heads down…like they were praying or something,” Sarkosy chuckled. “I mean, me and my wife would’ve done it, of course, except that we had the money baskets to carry.
(Check the original here)
Please, check this new report and see where we are heading regarding the New Mass and the coming Hybrid Mass.
Fr. P.S.
Toronto, Canada – Posted on January 28, 2013 - Pastor of St. Dwenden Catholic Church in Toronto, Canada Ben Gregory was forced to postpone the consecration for nearly two hours early Sunday morning after lead usher Kevin Sarkosy was unsuccessful in locating anyone willing to bring up the bread and wine for the presentation of the gifts at Mass.
“Obviously the presentation is as important to the Mass as the consecration is…everyone knows that,” Sarkosy told Eye of the Tiber as he and three others searched, frantically, for a willing family to present the gifts. “In fact, I go as far as to say that the laity’s role in presenting the gifts is as important as Father Gregory’s is in consecrating it. Without Mary’s Fiat, after all, there is no Jesus to be born; and without the laity’s Fiat in presenting, there is no bread to become Jesus… if you think about like that.”
Sarkosy went on to report that everyone was acting very peculiar as he approached them to ask whether they would be interested in participating. “They all had their heads down…like they were praying or something,” Sarkosy chuckled. “I mean, me and my wife would’ve done it, of course, except that we had the money baskets to carry.
(Check the original here)
Poor Clares’ Cookie
Dear TIA,
Did you see the picture on the first page of the Poor Clares of Lema's website? It made me feel ill…
Sorry if the picture doesn't come through very well in my message to you … It's a picture of a "cookie host" above a l woman laying down slain by the holy spirit, pointing down, and a red ribbon (the blood of Christ??) going down into the woman's armpit. It's really weird!!
Please, check the original here.
Note of the editor: The words Tengo sed mean I thirst.
Did you see the picture on the first page of the Poor Clares of Lema's website? It made me feel ill…
Sorry if the picture doesn't come through very well in my message to you … It's a picture of a "cookie host" above a l woman laying down slain by the holy spirit, pointing down, and a red ribbon (the blood of Christ??) going down into the woman's armpit. It's really weird!!
Please, check the original here.
Note of the editor: The words Tengo sed mean I thirst.

Everyone Will Be Saved
The Gospel (Matt 20: 1-16) was read recently in the traditional Mass on Septuagesima Sunday. The last verse 16 reads: "Even so the last shall be first and the first last; for many are called, but few are chosen."
In the Novus Ordo mass this passage is read in Year A on the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Except that in their missal the last sentence reads "Thus the last shall be first and the first shall be last."
They conveniently leave off the last part of verse 16, the part that says, 'for many are called but few are chosen' since it doesn't fit the 'new theology' that everyone will be saved.
The Gospel (Matt 20: 1-16) was read recently in the traditional Mass on Septuagesima Sunday. The last verse 16 reads: "Even so the last shall be first and the first last; for many are called, but few are chosen."
In the Novus Ordo mass this passage is read in Year A on the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Except that in their missal the last sentence reads "Thus the last shall be first and the first shall be last."
They conveniently leave off the last part of verse 16, the part that says, 'for many are called but few are chosen' since it doesn't fit the 'new theology' that everyone will be saved.
Medieval Burial for a Novel's Hero
I recently read your article "Refuting the Anti-Catholic Lies of the e-pamphlet "Life in the 1500's". I gather you have quite a knowledge about medieval things.
I am writing a novel and though it's not factual, it is sort of set in the middle ages. One of my characters had been killed in battle. He has been dead for some days whilst his younger brother, two Centaurs and two Faeries carry him home. His brother wants him buried near his mother, who had died of fever earlier in the novel. Ronan (the deceased) was a fighter and captain of the Human army. He was highly respected in his home town as a pious and devout man, kind and gentle, but also brave and incredibly strong. He was the son of the Lord of the town.
I wondered what his funeral would be like. I want him to buried in a sort of marble tomb, rather than buried in the ground. Would this be factually correct within the middle ages?
Thank you,
Dr. Horvat responds:
Hello V.O.
The burial practices changed from the early to late Middle Ages, so, much would depend on the time setting of your novel. I would suggest you read Medieval Death, Ritual and Representation by Paul Binski to have a better picture of burial rituals and mortuary practices of the periods.
Much also depends on your hero’s status and place in society. If he is a knight and has noble blood, then very probable his family would bury him in a tomb built over the grave, with an effigy, or representation of the dead person over the funerary stone. It would belong to his family, and not the army, to provide his final resting place, and if he died honorably, this would add to their prestige.
TIA also posted this article on our site regarding funerals in the Middle Ages.
Marian T. Horvat
I recently read your article "Refuting the Anti-Catholic Lies of the e-pamphlet "Life in the 1500's". I gather you have quite a knowledge about medieval things.
I am writing a novel and though it's not factual, it is sort of set in the middle ages. One of my characters had been killed in battle. He has been dead for some days whilst his younger brother, two Centaurs and two Faeries carry him home. His brother wants him buried near his mother, who had died of fever earlier in the novel. Ronan (the deceased) was a fighter and captain of the Human army. He was highly respected in his home town as a pious and devout man, kind and gentle, but also brave and incredibly strong. He was the son of the Lord of the town.
I wondered what his funeral would be like. I want him to buried in a sort of marble tomb, rather than buried in the ground. Would this be factually correct within the middle ages?
Thank you,
Dr. Horvat responds:
Hello V.O.
The burial practices changed from the early to late Middle Ages, so, much would depend on the time setting of your novel. I would suggest you read Medieval Death, Ritual and Representation by Paul Binski to have a better picture of burial rituals and mortuary practices of the periods.
Much also depends on your hero’s status and place in society. If he is a knight and has noble blood, then very probable his family would bury him in a tomb built over the grave, with an effigy, or representation of the dead person over the funerary stone. It would belong to his family, and not the army, to provide his final resting place, and if he died honorably, this would add to their prestige.
TIA also posted this article on our site regarding funerals in the Middle Ages.
Marian T. Horvat
Mass for Marines in the Glorious Times
I offer to you and your readers this photo and text from the book The Eye of the War by Phillip Knightley:
Robert Serrol was in the Tarawa Atoll in the Gilberts in November 1943,
the Day after Beto Island was secured. Going westward up the beach, beyond the farthest point I had yet reached, we see on the beach the bodies of Marines who have not yet been reached by the burial parties. The first is a husky boy who must have been three inches over six feet tall. He was killed ten feet in front of the seawall pillbox which was his objective. He is still hunched forward, his rifle in his right hand. That is the picture of the Marine Corps I shall always carry: charging forward.
One sees in this picture a thousand words. No females, hence no temptations of the flesh. No homosexuals to batter the unity and Semper Fi of the Marines. No Novus Ordo, with its disgusting hand-holding and sign-of-peace, only the quiet and consoling certainty of Our Lord's presence for men who might be dead within the hour. In this battle of Beto Island in the Tarawa Atoll, 1,027 Marines died, and 2,200 were wounded. More than 300 died in savage hand-to-hand combat with the enemy. But the Marines took the island.
The picture is from The Eye of War by Phillip Knightley, Smithsonian Bks/Wn.DC, 2003.
Lyle J. Arnold, Jr.
I offer to you and your readers this photo and text from the book The Eye of the War by Phillip Knightley:
Robert Serrol was in the Tarawa Atoll in the Gilberts in November 1943,
the Day after Beto Island was secured. Going westward up the beach, beyond the farthest point I had yet reached, we see on the beach the bodies of Marines who have not yet been reached by the burial parties. The first is a husky boy who must have been three inches over six feet tall. He was killed ten feet in front of the seawall pillbox which was his objective. He is still hunched forward, his rifle in his right hand. That is the picture of the Marine Corps I shall always carry: charging forward.

One sees in this picture a thousand words. No females, hence no temptations of the flesh. No homosexuals to batter the unity and Semper Fi of the Marines. No Novus Ordo, with its disgusting hand-holding and sign-of-peace, only the quiet and consoling certainty of Our Lord's presence for men who might be dead within the hour. In this battle of Beto Island in the Tarawa Atoll, 1,027 Marines died, and 2,200 were wounded. More than 300 died in savage hand-to-hand combat with the enemy. But the Marines took the island.
The picture is from The Eye of War by Phillip Knightley, Smithsonian Bks/Wn.DC, 2003.
Lyle J. Arnold, Jr.

Posted February 19, 2013
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
As a contribution to the discussion on the prophecies of St. Malachi, which are more timely than ever, I want to remind you of an indisputable fact:
In the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls in Rome, there is a panel above the columns of the central nave in which depictions of all the Popes in History are placed chronologically . That panel is made of marble and the Popes are inside round frames made in mosaic. In the sequence of these Popes, after Benedict XVI there are only two more places left empty (marked with two arrows in the second picture below), one for the coming Pope, and the last one I imagine is for Christ himself. Then, the sequence of the Popes ends. The panel ends and there is no place for any other picture. You can notice this in the two pictures I am sending you.
We see by this fact that the architect who planned that panel also believed in the prophecies of St. Malachi. They became part of the official symbols of the Church, so to speak.
If I am wrong, please correct me.
Keep up the good work you do against Progressivism.
In Jesus and Mary,