What People Are Commenting
Prayers, Ambiguity & Rain Drops
Kasper & Ambiguity
Dear Mr. Guimaraes,
There is an interesting e-mail circulating (here) reporting how Cardinal Kasper admits intentional ambiguity in the documents of Vatican II. In an article in L’Osservatore Romano, he said,
"In many places, [the Council Fathers] had to find compromise formulas, in which, often, the positions of the majority are located immediately next to those of the minority, designed to delimit them. Thus, the conciliar texts themselves have a huge potential for conflict, opening the door to a selective reception in either direction." (Cardinal Walter Kasper, L'Osservatore Romano, April 12, 2013)
Now, this is the thesis in your first volume on Vatican II, In the Murky Waters of Vatican II, where you propose exactly that, a deliberate ambiguity.
So my question is: Why does the columnist attribute Kasper’s vindication of this thesis to Michael Davies, and only vaguely, “other traditionalists” instead of to you, who proposed the thesis back in 1999, I believe, and made the phrase ‘ambiguity in the language of the Council documents’ famous?
I would not ask the question if this were an isolated incident of not giving due credit to an author. Reading CFN, The Remnant and other conservative papers, I often find quotes direct from your books, but never a reference to you. It seems to me there is unwritten law among the other conservative writers to omit your name, even if they are quoting (stealing in this case) your work. Can you explain this?
My conclusion is that, since they are all walking to the left of you, making certain concessions and compromises, especially in their admiration of Benedict the Betrayer XVI, there is a resentment against one who does not make concessions and delivers clear, concise (also lacking among others for the most part) and balanced analyses of the present day situation in the Church. Or perhaps it is just jealously…
My kudos to you, and apologies that your work does not receive due recognition,
Viva Cristo Rey!
The Editor responds:
Dear Mr. P.H.,
Thank you for your compliments and for your lucid observations.
I offer you some brief considerations to answer your question: Why do people often boycott the names of counter-revolutionaries even when they use their intellectual works?
In the arena where Revolution and Counter-Revolution (CR) are fighting in order to destroy or to save the Catholic Church and the remains of Christian Civilization, there are two precious allies of the Revolution: the False Right and the 5th Column. These two elements strive to appear as if they were the true CR in order to prevent the latter from advancing.
1. The False Right is constituted by those who have some points in common with the CR, for example, being against Communism. However, in the long term, it takes concessive positions and re-directs the grassroots, who would normally disagree with the Revolution, back into it.
The characteristic false right movement of the 20th century was Nazism in Germany and its derivatives: Fascism, Petainism, Francoism, Salazarism, Integralism, to quote just some movements in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Brazil.
Nazism was against Communism in its methods, but not in its aims, since both movements were tributaries of Socialism.
One of the main movements of the False Right today, with a marked presence among traditionalists and conservatives, is Distributism. It attacks abuses of Capitalism using some Catholic arguments and encyclicals, but it is deeply socialist. It tries to mimic a counter-revolutionary Organic Society, but actually it hates any hierarchy and strives to implant a strong egalitarian regime of self-managed small cells.
The False Right is always turned toward moving good grassroots away from the authentic CR and, therefore, a member of the false right will never quote a true counter-revolutionary unless it is to degrade him.
2. The 5th Column differs from the False Right in its field of activity, athough both movements have the same goal of turning natural enemies of the Revolution back to it. While the False Right is habitually turned toward social-political issues, this 5th Column is turned toward religious issues. The 5th Column works to bring to Progressivism its habitual enemies.
In order to be efficient, the 5th Column normally presents itself fragmented in small groups - one website here, another blog there. It claims to maintain a “moderate” and “pious” perspective of events to attract religious-oriented people and prevent them from making a serious reaction to Progressivism in the Church. It is deeply compromised with Progressivism and with its representative religious authorities, be they priests, bishops, cardinals or popes.
Like the False Right, a religious 5th column agent will never quote a counter-revolutionary.
3. The regular thieves who steal quotes and documents, to whom you also refer, appear almost innocent when compared to the two types of boycotters described above. They are moved by the desire to appear original or erudite in order to enjoy the momentary applause of their audiences. To have this vain glory, they steal and deny justice to those who actually should be credited for that find. These thieves are personally dishonest, but they make the good cause progress. It is like someone who steals a gun to shoot the same enemy the owner of the gun is also targeting.
This is my opinion regarding why some people do not quote the books of TIA members.
I leave to your sagacity the work of seeing who fits where in this picture.
Atila S. Guimarães
There is an interesting e-mail circulating (here) reporting how Cardinal Kasper admits intentional ambiguity in the documents of Vatican II. In an article in L’Osservatore Romano, he said,
"In many places, [the Council Fathers] had to find compromise formulas, in which, often, the positions of the majority are located immediately next to those of the minority, designed to delimit them. Thus, the conciliar texts themselves have a huge potential for conflict, opening the door to a selective reception in either direction." (Cardinal Walter Kasper, L'Osservatore Romano, April 12, 2013)
Now, this is the thesis in your first volume on Vatican II, In the Murky Waters of Vatican II, where you propose exactly that, a deliberate ambiguity.
So my question is: Why does the columnist attribute Kasper’s vindication of this thesis to Michael Davies, and only vaguely, “other traditionalists” instead of to you, who proposed the thesis back in 1999, I believe, and made the phrase ‘ambiguity in the language of the Council documents’ famous?
I would not ask the question if this were an isolated incident of not giving due credit to an author. Reading CFN, The Remnant and other conservative papers, I often find quotes direct from your books, but never a reference to you. It seems to me there is unwritten law among the other conservative writers to omit your name, even if they are quoting (stealing in this case) your work. Can you explain this?
My conclusion is that, since they are all walking to the left of you, making certain concessions and compromises, especially in their admiration of Benedict the Betrayer XVI, there is a resentment against one who does not make concessions and delivers clear, concise (also lacking among others for the most part) and balanced analyses of the present day situation in the Church. Or perhaps it is just jealously…
My kudos to you, and apologies that your work does not receive due recognition,
Viva Cristo Rey!
The Editor responds:
Dear Mr. P.H.,
Thank you for your compliments and for your lucid observations.
I offer you some brief considerations to answer your question: Why do people often boycott the names of counter-revolutionaries even when they use their intellectual works?
In the arena where Revolution and Counter-Revolution (CR) are fighting in order to destroy or to save the Catholic Church and the remains of Christian Civilization, there are two precious allies of the Revolution: the False Right and the 5th Column. These two elements strive to appear as if they were the true CR in order to prevent the latter from advancing.
1. The False Right is constituted by those who have some points in common with the CR, for example, being against Communism. However, in the long term, it takes concessive positions and re-directs the grassroots, who would normally disagree with the Revolution, back into it.
The characteristic false right movement of the 20th century was Nazism in Germany and its derivatives: Fascism, Petainism, Francoism, Salazarism, Integralism, to quote just some movements in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Brazil.
Nazism was against Communism in its methods, but not in its aims, since both movements were tributaries of Socialism.
One of the main movements of the False Right today, with a marked presence among traditionalists and conservatives, is Distributism. It attacks abuses of Capitalism using some Catholic arguments and encyclicals, but it is deeply socialist. It tries to mimic a counter-revolutionary Organic Society, but actually it hates any hierarchy and strives to implant a strong egalitarian regime of self-managed small cells.
The False Right is always turned toward moving good grassroots away from the authentic CR and, therefore, a member of the false right will never quote a true counter-revolutionary unless it is to degrade him.
2. The 5th Column differs from the False Right in its field of activity, athough both movements have the same goal of turning natural enemies of the Revolution back to it. While the False Right is habitually turned toward social-political issues, this 5th Column is turned toward religious issues. The 5th Column works to bring to Progressivism its habitual enemies.
In order to be efficient, the 5th Column normally presents itself fragmented in small groups - one website here, another blog there. It claims to maintain a “moderate” and “pious” perspective of events to attract religious-oriented people and prevent them from making a serious reaction to Progressivism in the Church. It is deeply compromised with Progressivism and with its representative religious authorities, be they priests, bishops, cardinals or popes.
Like the False Right, a religious 5th column agent will never quote a counter-revolutionary.
3. The regular thieves who steal quotes and documents, to whom you also refer, appear almost innocent when compared to the two types of boycotters described above. They are moved by the desire to appear original or erudite in order to enjoy the momentary applause of their audiences. To have this vain glory, they steal and deny justice to those who actually should be credited for that find. These thieves are personally dishonest, but they make the good cause progress. It is like someone who steals a gun to shoot the same enemy the owner of the gun is also targeting.
This is my opinion regarding why some people do not quote the books of TIA members.
I leave to your sagacity the work of seeing who fits where in this picture.
Atila S. Guimarães
Work for the Future
Dear Mr. Atila,
Salve Maria!
I have been reading volume VII - Destructio Dei - of your collection. It is most interesting and very impressing. I cannot help but congratulate you again for the monumental work you have prepared for the defense of the Catholic truth and denunciation of heresy.
I believe it is a work that will remain in the annals of the classics and will be a very important testimony for the future and for the Reign of Mary.
Prayers and best regards,
J.V.V., Chile
Salve Maria!
I have been reading volume VII - Destructio Dei - of your collection. It is most interesting and very impressing. I cannot help but congratulate you again for the monumental work you have prepared for the defense of the Catholic truth and denunciation of heresy.
I believe it is a work that will remain in the annals of the classics and will be a very important testimony for the future and for the Reign of Mary.
Prayers and best regards,
J.V.V., Chile
Watch & Weep…
This is the way it used to be and should be, Jesus Christ King of Society and nations!
Watch the video on the Eucharistic Congress in Dublin, 1932 here.
This is the way it used to be and should be, Jesus Christ King of Society and nations!
Watch the video on the Eucharistic Congress in Dublin, 1932 here.
Prayer for the Mislead of Our Nation
Dear TIA,
After reading the hate mail responses posted on TIA, I thought it is a good idea to say this prayer so that perhaps Our Lady would help these misguided people.
Steve Sanborn, Sr.
Queen of Angels, Queen of Saints, we beg you for assistance:
To rescue our country and its people from the never ending snares of Satan.
Please ask Our Lord for the help we need to obey the Laws of Almighty God.
Most in need of your Motherly aid are the young who have been misled.
Millions have been deceived by the moral depravity of our times and culture.
We fear for their souls and ask for your help, through Christ Our Lord. Amen
After reading the hate mail responses posted on TIA, I thought it is a good idea to say this prayer so that perhaps Our Lady would help these misguided people.
Steve Sanborn, Sr.
Queen of Angels, Queen of Saints, we beg you for assistance:
To rescue our country and its people from the never ending snares of Satan.
Please ask Our Lord for the help we need to obey the Laws of Almighty God.
Most in need of your Motherly aid are the young who have been misled.
Millions have been deceived by the moral depravity of our times and culture.
We fear for their souls and ask for your help, through Christ Our Lord. Amen
Drops of Rain
Dear TIA,
I am passing on to you this beautiful slide-show of the marvels contained in rain drops. How many thiings we are missing now, which we will know only in Heaven!
Keep up the good work.
I am passing on to you this beautiful slide-show of the marvels contained in rain drops. How many thiings we are missing now, which we will know only in Heaven!
Keep up the good work.
Who Are We
Dear TIA,
Reflecting on life, death and persecution, I wrote the attached text and thought I would share it with you. My wife and I appreciate your stand for the Roman Catholic Church. We have shared many of your articles with family and friends. You are light in the darkness.
I also wanted to comment on a letter that appeared titled "May God Save America."
We have had children and now grandchildren serving in the military in battle, so we understand sacrifice for our country. However, can a country really stand when it was not founded on true Christian ideals, but on Freemasonry and Protestantism, which is in itself heretical.
Nothing built on lies can withstand the test of time. Only that which is founded on Truth, Jesus Christ, will stand firm. Our Catholic Church was founded by Truth - Jesus Christ our King.
His Kingdom will reign with His Queen, Our Blessed Mother!
In voluntate Dei,
Reflecting on life, death and persecution, I wrote the attached text and thought I would share it with you. My wife and I appreciate your stand for the Roman Catholic Church. We have shared many of your articles with family and friends. You are light in the darkness.
I also wanted to comment on a letter that appeared titled "May God Save America."
We have had children and now grandchildren serving in the military in battle, so we understand sacrifice for our country. However, can a country really stand when it was not founded on true Christian ideals, but on Freemasonry and Protestantism, which is in itself heretical.
Nothing built on lies can withstand the test of time. Only that which is founded on Truth, Jesus Christ, will stand firm. Our Catholic Church was founded by Truth - Jesus Christ our King.
His Kingdom will reign with His Queen, Our Blessed Mother!
In voluntate Dei,

Posted April 18 2013
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Please pray for my dear mother, Christina O' Shea, who is close to leaving this world. I have a photograph taken about one year ago of her and her only greatgrandchild, Maria Noelle Teresa.
Her suffering is being offered for the salvation of souls and she has you and your apostolate in her prayers too!
How can I thank you Dr. Marian? You have such a profound influence on my family and me. By the grace of God, your website is a tremendous blessing to our homeschooling. God reward you a thousand fold.
May you be truly blessed by heaven.
Please forgive me for asking, but it would be a great gift to my mother if you could ask everyone to pray for my dear mother for a holy and holy and happy death with all the graces necessary for the salvation of her dear soul+
If you would be so kind as to put a short little message up on your site, that would be tremendous.
A donation from her is in the post.
Thanks so much Dr. Marian. Ireland needs your prayers. God bless America.
God bless you most sincerely,
Mary M. Wrenne and family. +