What People Are Commenting
Bible, Quarantine & No Complaints
Quarantining Traditionalism
Hello TIA,
I recently read there is talk that Francis’s outreach to the Society of Saint Pius X could lead first to the SSPX’s reintegration and then the suppression of the pre-Vatican II liturgy for everyone else – effectively using the SSPX to quarantine traditionalism.
What do you think of this possibility?
TIA responds:
Hello G.S.,
You mention two possibilities, which will be answered one at the time:
TIA correspondence desk
I recently read there is talk that Francis’s outreach to the Society of Saint Pius X could lead first to the SSPX’s reintegration and then the suppression of the pre-Vatican II liturgy for everyone else – effectively using the SSPX to quarantine traditionalism.
What do you think of this possibility?
TIA responds:
Hello G.S.,
You mention two possibilities, which will be answered one at the time:
- We believe that the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum was not issued to restore the Tridentine Mass forever, but to create conditions for it to merge with the
Novus Ordo Mass, so that the latter may become more conservative-looking and disciplined, thereby avoiding so many scandalous abuses. Benedict XVI himself manifested this intention as you can read here. The plan is to merge both Masses. Then, the two rites would become one again and the “extraordinary rite” would disappear.
- It is not a secret to anyone that the SSPX leaders are heading toward an union with the Conciliar Vatican. This goal was already being pursued by Arch. Lefebvre (see also
here and here). Although the partners in this dance can take steps further to the right or to the left, the reality is that both sides have been dancing cheek-to-cheek for a long time. We don’t know for sure when the romance will end in a marriage, that is, whether the surrender of SSPX will be now or later. It is simple a question of watching to see when this will happen. What is delaying
this marriage is that there are still strong reactions among the SSPX grassroots, as we have analyzed
When the SSPX marriage with the Vatican finally takes place, most probably there will be great pressure put on all traditionalists to follow suit. Nonetheless, another false-right leader will be chosen to catalyze the reactions left behind and prevent an authentic right from taking control of those who are discontent.
TIA correspondence desk
Your Books in the Polish Language
Dear Sirs,
If you have any translations of your books in the Polish language, especially those on Civility and Courtesy, whenever convenient, could you please advise?
Thank you.
Kind regards,
TIA responds:
Dear J.H.,
Unfortunately, TIA does not have any book translated to Polish.
TIA correspondence desk
If you have any translations of your books in the Polish language, especially those on Civility and Courtesy, whenever convenient, could you please advise?
Thank you.
Kind regards,
TIA responds:
Dear J.H.,
Unfortunately, TIA does not have any book translated to Polish.
TIA correspondence desk
Pope Forbids Complaining
TIA, I wanted to bring to your attention something truly laughable. Pope Francis, apparently tired of "complaining", has put a sign on his apartment door that reads, "Forbidden to complain" or perhaps "No Whining".
An article with a picture is here.
This is definitely Church Revolution in pictures, yes? Pope Francis putting a silly, immature sign on the door of his apartment! What's next?
God bless you,
TIA, I wanted to bring to your attention something truly laughable. Pope Francis, apparently tired of "complaining", has put a sign on his apartment door that reads, "Forbidden to complain" or perhaps "No Whining".
An article with a picture is here.
This is definitely Church Revolution in pictures, yes? Pope Francis putting a silly, immature sign on the door of his apartment! What's next?
God bless you,
Talmud & Islam
Dear TIA,
Your citation of Christ- and Christian-hating quotes from the Talmud, in Vol. III of Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani? evoked a certain likeness with the spirit of the Qur’an. I am curious if it is known whether Mohammed had any contact with Talmudic Jews when he was formulating his perversion of Christianity (or, as I believe Hillaire Belloc put it, his gross simplification of Christianity).
I have not been able to find any such information, but, given the modus operandi of the Synagogue of Satan, which is to instigate persecution of Christ and His followers through powerful third parties, e.g. Freemasonry, it would not surprise me in the least if certain Talmudic Jews saw Mohammed as a golden opportunity to wreak havoc on our sacred religion and civilization, and took advantage of the opportunity.
Thank you very much, and God bless,
TIA responds,
Dear J.I.,
Kadisha or Khadija the first wife of Mohammed was a Jew. According to some commentators, she was the inspiration for Mohammed to make of Islamism a mixture between Judaism and Christianity.
If you want to look further into this, perhaps you will find the data you are searching.
TIA correspondence desk
Your citation of Christ- and Christian-hating quotes from the Talmud, in Vol. III of Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani? evoked a certain likeness with the spirit of the Qur’an. I am curious if it is known whether Mohammed had any contact with Talmudic Jews when he was formulating his perversion of Christianity (or, as I believe Hillaire Belloc put it, his gross simplification of Christianity).
I have not been able to find any such information, but, given the modus operandi of the Synagogue of Satan, which is to instigate persecution of Christ and His followers through powerful third parties, e.g. Freemasonry, it would not surprise me in the least if certain Talmudic Jews saw Mohammed as a golden opportunity to wreak havoc on our sacred religion and civilization, and took advantage of the opportunity.
Thank you very much, and God bless,
TIA responds,
Dear J.I.,
Kadisha or Khadija the first wife of Mohammed was a Jew. According to some commentators, she was the inspiration for Mohammed to make of Islamism a mixture between Judaism and Christianity.
If you want to look further into this, perhaps you will find the data you are searching.
TIA correspondence desk
Statues of St. Philomena?
Excuse me.
It´s the first time that I write by this form. I want to congratulate you for the extraordinary book of Saint Philomena. I bought the book few weeks ago and have just finished it. It is wonderful - thank you very much for sharing all the information that you got about her.
I want to ask you If you sell images of Saint Philomena. I would like to have a statue of her, or a picture if you don´t have the statue. I also would like to know about the cord of Saint Philomena, how can I buy the cord? What blessing must the Priest make? We also attend the Latin Traditional Holy Mass. The only true one.
I am asking a great favor from Saint Philomena, and I said to her that if she granted it to me, I would put her image in a Little Chapel that I have. And because I am sure of her help I am starting to find out about it.
God bless you always,
TIA responds:
Thank you for your compliments. We are passing them on to the authors of that book.
TIA does not sell statues of St. Philomena. You may find them as well as the cord of St. Philomena by contacting
Mrs. Catherine Croisette
St. Philomena California Center (11)
31103-D210 Rancho Viejo Road
San Juan Capistrano CA 92675
TIA correspondence desk
Excuse me.
It´s the first time that I write by this form. I want to congratulate you for the extraordinary book of Saint Philomena. I bought the book few weeks ago and have just finished it. It is wonderful - thank you very much for sharing all the information that you got about her.
I want to ask you If you sell images of Saint Philomena. I would like to have a statue of her, or a picture if you don´t have the statue. I also would like to know about the cord of Saint Philomena, how can I buy the cord? What blessing must the Priest make? We also attend the Latin Traditional Holy Mass. The only true one.
I am asking a great favor from Saint Philomena, and I said to her that if she granted it to me, I would put her image in a Little Chapel that I have. And because I am sure of her help I am starting to find out about it.
God bless you always,
TIA responds:
Thank you for your compliments. We are passing them on to the authors of that book.
TIA does not sell statues of St. Philomena. You may find them as well as the cord of St. Philomena by contacting
Mrs. Catherine Croisette
St. Philomena California Center (11)
31103-D210 Rancho Viejo Road
San Juan Capistrano CA 92675
TIA correspondence desk
Vatican a De Facto Bathhouse
If you want a follow up on the scandal of the homosexual orgy at the Vatican, please, read this article,
If you want a follow up on the scandal of the homosexual orgy at the Vatican, please, read this article,
A Pro-Homosexual Rosica
Dear TIA,
Here is another Vatican spokesman in the arena to defend homosexuality…
Read the news report below.
In Christ Jesus,
Vatican spokesman slams U.S. archbishop for defending
Catholic teaching on LGBT
Toronto, July 17, 2017 -- Vatican spokesman Fr. Thomas Rosica has penned a strongly worded defense of Fr. James Martin’s new pro-gay book Building a Bridge. In it, he slams Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput, without specifically mentioning him by name, for issuing a correction to Fr. Martin for his abandonment of Catholic teaching on homosexuality.
Fr. Martin in his June 2017 book titled Building a Bridge urges Catholics who identify as “gay” to begin “conversations” with their bishops in a bid to slowly move the Church in the direction of normalizing homosexuality as part of God’s creation.
In his column, Fr. Rosica criticized faithful Catholics who use social media to defend genuine Catholic sexual ethics, calling their writings the “dark, dysfunctional side of the Catholic blogosphere.” He accused them of “erecting high, impenetrable walls and noisy echo chambers of monologue.”
Rosica then criticized the Catholic teaching that calls the homosexual inclination “intrinsically disordered,” saying that “such vocabulary does not invite people into dialogue nor does it build bridges.
Read more here.
Here is another Vatican spokesman in the arena to defend homosexuality…
Read the news report below.
In Christ Jesus,
Catholic teaching on LGBT
Toronto, July 17, 2017 -- Vatican spokesman Fr. Thomas Rosica has penned a strongly worded defense of Fr. James Martin’s new pro-gay book Building a Bridge. In it, he slams Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput, without specifically mentioning him by name, for issuing a correction to Fr. Martin for his abandonment of Catholic teaching on homosexuality.
Fr. Martin in his June 2017 book titled Building a Bridge urges Catholics who identify as “gay” to begin “conversations” with their bishops in a bid to slowly move the Church in the direction of normalizing homosexuality as part of God’s creation.
In his column, Fr. Rosica criticized faithful Catholics who use social media to defend genuine Catholic sexual ethics, calling their writings the “dark, dysfunctional side of the Catholic blogosphere.” He accused them of “erecting high, impenetrable walls and noisy echo chambers of monologue.”
Rosica then criticized the Catholic teaching that calls the homosexual inclination “intrinsically disordered,” saying that “such vocabulary does not invite people into dialogue nor does it build bridges.
Read more here.

Posted July 20, 2017
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
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What Bible version do you recommend for those who trying to be more traditional? Thank you.
TIA responds:
Hello J.J.,
We recommend the Douay-Rheims Challoner edition, which you can download here.
TIA correspondence desk