What People are Commenting
Music, Saints & St. Gemma’s Gaze
Be Prudent in Music
My compliments to Dr. Horvat on her response under the heading of “The Music of Today’s Generation …” and to also encourage the young woman (who wrote the letter of inquiry) to pay close attention to everything stated.
As a youth and young adult during the 1960’s, I had a short stint as a pop musician, and my message to all young people everywhere is this: Be prudent and err on the side of caution about any “current” pop culture influences. Instead, choose to be humble, seek Truth, and joyfully strive to form a Godly conscience in Jesus Christ! There will be no regrets.
My compliments to Dr. Horvat on her response under the heading of “The Music of Today’s Generation …” and to also encourage the young woman (who wrote the letter of inquiry) to pay close attention to everything stated.
As a youth and young adult during the 1960’s, I had a short stint as a pop musician, and my message to all young people everywhere is this: Be prudent and err on the side of caution about any “current” pop culture influences. Instead, choose to be humble, seek Truth, and joyfully strive to form a Godly conscience in Jesus Christ! There will be no regrets.
Saints' Commentary by Prof. de Oliveira
Dear TIA,
Is there a book of the commentaries by Prof. de Oliveira on the saints and feast days?
I would love to have one to read with my children, and to hand them to read on their own in the mornings. I have found the page on the site that lists all the commentaries, and we do receive the daily emails, which are a blessing.
Thank you for all that you do, and may God continue to bless your endeavors.
TIA responds:
Dear R.M.,
Thank you for your comments: they are an encouragement to us.
You are correct: the Saints of the Days are highly commendable. Reading them greatly contributes to form children and adults alike in the best of the Catholic spirit.
For the time being, we are not planning to publish a book on the Saints of the Day, for the simple reason that the list is not yet complete. When it is, we will follow your suggestion.
TIA correspondence desk
Is there a book of the commentaries by Prof. de Oliveira on the saints and feast days?
I would love to have one to read with my children, and to hand them to read on their own in the mornings. I have found the page on the site that lists all the commentaries, and we do receive the daily emails, which are a blessing.
Thank you for all that you do, and may God continue to bless your endeavors.
TIA responds:
Dear R.M.,
Thank you for your comments: they are an encouragement to us.
You are correct: the Saints of the Days are highly commendable. Reading them greatly contributes to form children and adults alike in the best of the Catholic spirit.
For the time being, we are not planning to publish a book on the Saints of the Day, for the simple reason that the list is not yet complete. When it is, we will follow your suggestion.
TIA correspondence desk
Democracy & Hedonism
Our Democracy has brought us to the state of Hedonism.
Americans are spoiling their children. We try to give them everything they want. This in turn leads them in the pursuit of pleasure, sensual self-indulgence and a lack of self-restraint.
With our computer age, the children are able to order drugs and get them mailed to them; by the time the parents become aware, it's too late. This and a lack of discipline prevent them from handling the pressures of life. They cannot hold down a job and the next thing you know they are on welfare, food stamps and the like, or, in some cases, committing suicide.
All this was made in the name of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Sad commentary, indeed.
Our Democracy has brought us to the state of Hedonism.
Americans are spoiling their children. We try to give them everything they want. This in turn leads them in the pursuit of pleasure, sensual self-indulgence and a lack of self-restraint.
With our computer age, the children are able to order drugs and get them mailed to them; by the time the parents become aware, it's too late. This and a lack of discipline prevent them from handling the pressures of life. They cannot hold down a job and the next thing you know they are on welfare, food stamps and the like, or, in some cases, committing suicide.
All this was made in the name of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Sad commentary, indeed.
The Power of St Gemma's Gaze
Dear TIA,
I read the comments on St. Gemma Galgani's feast day and was struck by her incredible gaze. I do not think I would have noticed its power on a first glance if it was not for Prof. Plino's comments. Curiously, there is no biographical selection for her, just Prof. Plino's notes. He mentions that she was known for her sublime visions and revelations from God but then does not mention what they were and instead puts complete focus on her gaze. I never bothered to look up what those visions were because I was overtaken with meditating on her image and Prof. Plinio's analysis.
St. Therese comments beautifully on the value pictures have in our spiritual lives for how easily they can stir up religious fervor. So it was with me and St. Gemma's picture. I try to look at the world in simple terms so I said to myself: "I bet if I try to imitate St. Gemma's gaze I would probably grow in my spiritual life."
I have been praying for and struggling with having a constant devotion to Our Lady, you see, and when I started to imitate St. Gemma, I could feel Our Lady's presence more easily. It was easier for me to maintain custody of the eyes and mind. I was less likely to get angry and more likely to be kind. I stopped worrying about small problems and had my eyes set on better serving Our Lady. Even physically, I stood straighter, walked more calmly and spoke with more certainty.
This simple exercise has proven to be invaluable. I am still not sure how it works physiologically, but if I had to guess I would say that God instills in us certain behaviors and positions that when executed, regardless of our interior life, will elevate us to him. St. Gemma's gaze is the middle: her eyes are not too high or too low and give the feeling of being neither too excited nor lethargic but a perfect balance.
If the eyes are the windows to the soul, and you can get your eyes in perfect balance like her, then so must the body follow. You don't walk puffed up like a pridefully vain man nor hunched over like a conniving or weak man: you stay balanced where your body should be. With the body now in check, the speech and mind follow suit now that they feel the calm and serene position the body has taken. You no longer speak too loud and boisterous nor weak and timid but with calm certainty and your mind stops conjuring the overly fantastical nor the excessively hopeless but the closest truth it can attain.
This is a powerful tool to grow spiritually. Prof. Plinio is an absolute treasure and I pray to continue to learn from him and everyone at TIA. Let us imitate St. Gemma Galgani because when the chastisement accelerates, it will be those with the most calm and balanced gazes that will bring hope and security to others.
In Maria,
I read the comments on St. Gemma Galgani's feast day and was struck by her incredible gaze. I do not think I would have noticed its power on a first glance if it was not for Prof. Plino's comments. Curiously, there is no biographical selection for her, just Prof. Plino's notes. He mentions that she was known for her sublime visions and revelations from God but then does not mention what they were and instead puts complete focus on her gaze. I never bothered to look up what those visions were because I was overtaken with meditating on her image and Prof. Plinio's analysis.
St. Therese comments beautifully on the value pictures have in our spiritual lives for how easily they can stir up religious fervor. So it was with me and St. Gemma's picture. I try to look at the world in simple terms so I said to myself: "I bet if I try to imitate St. Gemma's gaze I would probably grow in my spiritual life."
I have been praying for and struggling with having a constant devotion to Our Lady, you see, and when I started to imitate St. Gemma, I could feel Our Lady's presence more easily. It was easier for me to maintain custody of the eyes and mind. I was less likely to get angry and more likely to be kind. I stopped worrying about small problems and had my eyes set on better serving Our Lady. Even physically, I stood straighter, walked more calmly and spoke with more certainty.
This simple exercise has proven to be invaluable. I am still not sure how it works physiologically, but if I had to guess I would say that God instills in us certain behaviors and positions that when executed, regardless of our interior life, will elevate us to him. St. Gemma's gaze is the middle: her eyes are not too high or too low and give the feeling of being neither too excited nor lethargic but a perfect balance.
If the eyes are the windows to the soul, and you can get your eyes in perfect balance like her, then so must the body follow. You don't walk puffed up like a pridefully vain man nor hunched over like a conniving or weak man: you stay balanced where your body should be. With the body now in check, the speech and mind follow suit now that they feel the calm and serene position the body has taken. You no longer speak too loud and boisterous nor weak and timid but with calm certainty and your mind stops conjuring the overly fantastical nor the excessively hopeless but the closest truth it can attain.
This is a powerful tool to grow spiritually. Prof. Plinio is an absolute treasure and I pray to continue to learn from him and everyone at TIA. Let us imitate St. Gemma Galgani because when the chastisement accelerates, it will be those with the most calm and balanced gazes that will bring hope and security to others.
In Maria,

Posted May 3, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Modern Music Is a Descending Trend
The recent post on the role that modern music - already for 200 years - has had in corrupting morals and more was excellent. The 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia says Mozart, Beethoven and other classical music is not suitable nor allowed for Holy Mass because it reflects and promotes the spirit the age the Enlightenment -modernism in its day.
Folk music in the late 50's and in the 60's often promoted Marxist and Communist ideas for modern man. Bob Dylan seemed to be first, last and always champion of debased folk music. The Weavers in the late 40's came under F.B.I. investigation for Communist themes in their lyrics. Pete Seeger, in the very least, a banjo player in the group appears to have been if not actually been a Communist.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.