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Pius XII vs. Jews, Transgenders & St. John

Pius XII & the Barbarism of the Nazis


I wanted to share with you and your readers as well, if you choose, an article that ran in a local newspaper some years-ago regarding Pius XII's efforts in combating the Holocaust. All the facts contained are true and researchable.

I do so because I've read opposing 'views' written by more recent authors who state lies regarding this Holy Pontiff's efforts during that time, and wanted to share some of the facts regarding that time...


Pius XII and the Jews

For a larger copy click here


Discussion on Homosexuals & Transgenders


Thank you for your strong and uncompromising defense of the Holy Catholic Church. Like you, I understand that the true Church is militant, with no tolerance for sin.

However, many of my friends and relatives claim this is “un-Christlike.” For instance, a friend of mine took issue with your recent article about the Pope’s choice to meet with transgender people. “Christ ate with sinners and tax collectors. He is a God of love and compassion. The Pope was merely recognizing the dignity of these transgender individuals and extending them some kindness.”

How would you respond to this? I would say that Christ only ate with those who expressed a willingness to repent. Furthermore, by inviting transgender people to meet him, the Pope gave no indication of disagreeing with their behavior, and implied that being “transgender” is reasonable and healthy. Therefore, he was actually uncharitable because he tacitly encouraged these people to continue their immoral lifestyles.

Still, this answer seems incomplete. I thought you might have more to say on the matter and on the true meaning behind Our Lord’s decision to dine with sinners.

     In Christ,


TIA responds:


Thank you for your confidence in us.

You are right in your position. There are sinners and sinners. Depending on his position toward the good, we should have different approaches toward the sinner:
  • We should show mercy to those who hate their sin,

  • We should try to curb those who admire those who sin, but still have a fear of God and so avoid the sin themselves;

  • As for those who love the sin and hate those are do not sin, we should attack these persons and try to destroy all the influence they have over the second type of sinner above.
So, to treat all sinners equally is a simplification that is completely outside of reality. Our Lord only showed mercy toward the first type.

Further, He is never reported to have dealt with homosexuals in the Gospels. So, the supposition that He would treat them as the first type of sinners is vacuous.

On the contrary, there is the clear doctrine taught by St. Paul and inspired by the Holy Spirit against homosexuality showing that it is an abominable sin against nature (Rom 1:26-27) and that the homosexuals will not be in the Kingdom of Heaven (1 Cor 6:10).

Even more, there is a sound Tradition reported by St. Bonaventure quoting St. Jerome that all the homosexuals on the earth died when Our Lord Who is Purity Itself was born on December 24.

In practice in dealing with the sin of homosexuality distinctions are imperative, once again:
  • There are persons who have a tendency toward homosexuality but live chastely. They may be included among those who deserve mercy.

  • There are practicing homosexuals who may repent and change their lifestyle. If they do so, they must perform public penance to atone for the scandal they gave and thenceforth live a penitent life outside of society.

  • There are homosexuals who do not want to abandon their vice and are so entrenched in it that they want others to recognize their vice against nature as normal. These do not deserve mercy; instead they should be publicly attacked as giving scandal and provoking the ire of God.

  • There are homosexuals who are so steeped in their vices that they mutilate their own bodies to look like the opposite sex. They commit a monstrosity against themselves. They take their vice against nature to the point of a revolt against their own physical appearance. These can never be supported.
Here you have a good start of distinctions that you can use to discuss with your friends and relatives.

We hope they will not be so revolutionary as to deny the truth known as such regarding human nature.


     TIA correspondence desk


God's Love for St. John the Evangelist

Good morning TIA,

I was meditating on the love God has for various souls, like the infinite love given to Our Lady and the incredible love given to St. Joseph. He entrusted His only Son to these two persons and, with that act alone, proved how full of grace they were to be responsible for the Son of God and His safety. This led me to meditate on the glorious love for St. John the Evangelist.

If Our Lord was given to Our Lady as her Son, how much love did God have for St. John who put him in that same place? Being given to Our Lady, he was the only other soul on earth who could claim the same privilege as Our Lord: living and serving in her household. Like St. Joseph who was not the biological father of Our Lord but given the title of His father to protect Him, St. John was not Our Lady’s biological son but given to her to serve and take care of her for the rest of her life. Other than the privilege of being Our Lord’s parents, this singular glory is above all others.

I was moved by this meditation so much that it brought me to tears. That St. John loved The Lord and His Mother so much he was given this glory is so moving. When all other disciples fled the Cross, he stayed and was found worthy of Our Lady’s service.

I believe I am so moved by this story because I too want to feel worthy of being Our Lady’s son but feel so far away. I know Our Lady accepts our will and no matter how much we fall she will keep us under her mantle as long as we keep going to her, but that does not change the incredible weight we can feel about our sins in the face of her perfection. I would die of shame if she were given to me as a mother, and yet St. John served as her son for many years with a singular focus on her safety and care with no stains of sin to take him off course.

St. John, may we strive to serve Our Lady as you have, humbly aware of the great chasm between our virtue and yours. May you bless our prayers, good works, and families to stay on the path from which you never faltered. May we defend Our Lady as you did and be the counter revolutionaries who never back down from her service.

St. John the Evangelist, pray for us.

     In Maria,



Blason de Charlemagne
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Posted July 19, 2022

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