What People are Commenting
Manuals, Antichrist & Scott Atlas
Will the Antichrist Be a Pope?
Ave Maria!
I am sorry but I thought I was clear that the comment about the anti-Christ Pope was not part of the Church Approved messages of Our Lady of Akita. That was a comment made by Fr Yasuda years later in a homily he gave. I also think someone who knows Japanese needs to find out if Fr Yasuda was meaning by anti-Christ Pope an anti-pope.
Your comment implies that you think a validly elected Pope could become a formal heretic and an apostate. I do not believe that would be possible or you would be saying Our Lord was lying when he said the Gates of hell shall not prevail...
The Holy Spirit would enlighten them of their error or strike them dead before they would try to say something fallible contrary to the Faith ex cathedra.
What could happen is that a anti-pope, a man not validly elected may assume the Chair and have the appearance but not the grace of the office of Vicar of Christ.
If I am mistaken please show me where.
You cannot say that the comment about the anti-Christ Pope is part of the message of Akita without doing more research. I think it is not clear what he meant completely about the term. In retrospect I should have just stuck to explaining what he said about the sign left by my Son.
Ave Maria!
Fr. Elias
The Editor responds:
Rev. Fr. Elias,
Thank you for your clarification that the text regarding the Antichrist Pope is not part of the official Akita revelations.
Your hypothesis that a Pope cannot fall into heresy does not necessarily have the dramatic consequence you reached: Our Lord would be lying when He said the gates of Hell will not prevail.
Actually, historically speaking several Popes fell into heresies as you can read here and here.
Doctrinally speaking great Saints and theologians raised the possibility of a Pope falling into heresy and reached different conclusions. Your opinion is the first one, shortly discarded by scholars. St. Robert Bellarmine divided those opinions in five different types, as you may read here (Part II). So, also under the point of view of doctrine it is possible to admit that a Pope may fall into heresy.
A propos, Our Lady of La Salette affirmed that “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist” as you may read here (entry 28). So, the statement by Fr. Yasuda we are discussing in this correspondence is not the first one to mention the Antichrist in Rome. It confirms the message of La Salette, but it is not an original topic as you seem to believe.
Here you have, Rev. Fr. Elias Mary, an answer to your denial that “a validly elected Pope could become a heretic or apostate.” And also to your request: “If I am mistaken, please, show me where.”
Atila S. Guimarães, editor
Ave Maria!
I am sorry but I thought I was clear that the comment about the anti-Christ Pope was not part of the Church Approved messages of Our Lady of Akita. That was a comment made by Fr Yasuda years later in a homily he gave. I also think someone who knows Japanese needs to find out if Fr Yasuda was meaning by anti-Christ Pope an anti-pope.
Your comment implies that you think a validly elected Pope could become a formal heretic and an apostate. I do not believe that would be possible or you would be saying Our Lord was lying when he said the Gates of hell shall not prevail...
The Holy Spirit would enlighten them of their error or strike them dead before they would try to say something fallible contrary to the Faith ex cathedra.
What could happen is that a anti-pope, a man not validly elected may assume the Chair and have the appearance but not the grace of the office of Vicar of Christ.
If I am mistaken please show me where.
You cannot say that the comment about the anti-Christ Pope is part of the message of Akita without doing more research. I think it is not clear what he meant completely about the term. In retrospect I should have just stuck to explaining what he said about the sign left by my Son.
Ave Maria!
Fr. Elias
The Editor responds:
Rev. Fr. Elias,
Thank you for your clarification that the text regarding the Antichrist Pope is not part of the official Akita revelations.
Your hypothesis that a Pope cannot fall into heresy does not necessarily have the dramatic consequence you reached: Our Lord would be lying when He said the gates of Hell will not prevail.
Actually, historically speaking several Popes fell into heresies as you can read here and here.
Doctrinally speaking great Saints and theologians raised the possibility of a Pope falling into heresy and reached different conclusions. Your opinion is the first one, shortly discarded by scholars. St. Robert Bellarmine divided those opinions in five different types, as you may read here (Part II). So, also under the point of view of doctrine it is possible to admit that a Pope may fall into heresy.
A propos, Our Lady of La Salette affirmed that “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist” as you may read here (entry 28). So, the statement by Fr. Yasuda we are discussing in this correspondence is not the first one to mention the Antichrist in Rome. It confirms the message of La Salette, but it is not an original topic as you seem to believe.
Here you have, Rev. Fr. Elias Mary, an answer to your denial that “a validly elected Pope could become a heretic or apostate.” And also to your request: “If I am mistaken, please, show me where.”
Atila S. Guimarães, editor
Big Structural Changes for Irish Church
Dear TIA,
This week Francis announced a series of episcopal changes in the Irish hierarchy resulting in the most extensive restructuring of the Catholic church here in roughly 900 years. A complete restructuring will reduce the six dioceses that comprise the Western Province to just 3 – with only three bishops instead of six. The streamlining comes as a result of falling Mass attendance and the great decline of vocations in the once Catholic Emerald Isle.
Now the stupidly ridiculous part: Bishop Kevin Doran says that this is a good sign of the times. Further, he adds, he saw in the announcement “the possibility of a new springtime.”
Only an imbecile would find a new springtime in this announcement that cuts a province in half…
But it seems that is one of the fruits of Vatican II imbecile Bishops without faith or missionary zeal.
This week Francis announced a series of episcopal changes in the Irish hierarchy resulting in the most extensive restructuring of the Catholic church here in roughly 900 years. A complete restructuring will reduce the six dioceses that comprise the Western Province to just 3 – with only three bishops instead of six. The streamlining comes as a result of falling Mass attendance and the great decline of vocations in the once Catholic Emerald Isle.
Now the stupidly ridiculous part: Bishop Kevin Doran says that this is a good sign of the times. Further, he adds, he saw in the announcement “the possibility of a new springtime.”
Only an imbecile would find a new springtime in this announcement that cuts a province in half…
But it seems that is one of the fruits of Vatican II imbecile Bishops without faith or missionary zeal.
Dr. Scott Atlas Spells the Truth on Covid
In a very recent interview on April 3, 2024,, Dr. Scott Atlas, who was the Covid advisor during a period for the Trump administration, spells the truth on the dishonest approach some people inside of the White House took while dealing with the so-called pandemic.
It is one of the best interviews on Covid, masking, shots, etc. from a member of the president's task force
In a very recent interview on April 3, 2024,, Dr. Scott Atlas, who was the Covid advisor during a period for the Trump administration, spells the truth on the dishonest approach some people inside of the White House took while dealing with the so-called pandemic.
It is one of the best interviews on Covid, masking, shots, etc. from a member of the president's task force
USA/USSR, What Is the Difference?
A very dangerous precedent has been set. A North Carolina court just ruled against a mother whose high school son was given a Covid vax without her knowledge and against his wishes. The court unanimously decided that Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) preempted state law, and therefore the school could not be held liable for nay damages in this case. I believe the same thing happens in Communist countries.....
Parents, beware – at the schools, and doctors offices. It seems you have lost any last rights that might have exited over your child’s health decisions.
NC Court Rules Federal PREP Act Protects Forced Vaccination
Without Parental Consent
April 8, 2024 | Federal & State Courts
A North Carolina Court of Appeals found that a clinic, where personnel gave a 14-year-old boy a COVID-19 shot without his consent or parental consent, was protected by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act). The court concluded that the Guilford Board of Education, which hosted the clinic, was also covered by the PREP Act.
Read more here
A very dangerous precedent has been set. A North Carolina court just ruled against a mother whose high school son was given a Covid vax without her knowledge and against his wishes. The court unanimously decided that Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) preempted state law, and therefore the school could not be held liable for nay damages in this case. I believe the same thing happens in Communist countries.....
Parents, beware – at the schools, and doctors offices. It seems you have lost any last rights that might have exited over your child’s health decisions.
NC Court Rules Federal PREP Act Protects Forced Vaccination
Without Parental Consent
April 8, 2024 | Federal & State Courts

Read more here
Posted April 11, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Dr. Byrne's article, "Sudden Demise of the 'Manualist Tradition'” was excellent, as are all of her articles. But where can one find a list of these Manuals, and where can one purchase them for his own education?
TIA responds:
Dear G.D.N.,
I forwarded your request to Dr. Byrne. Below is her answer.
Atila S. Guimarães, editor
Dear Atila,
For the gentleman who enquired about theological manuals used in pre-Vatican II seminaries, I have put together a short list of the most used. They can be purchased from most outlets like Amazon, eBay, Abebooks etc., but they can also be read free online via the Internet Archive, as follows:
Volume 1;
Volume 2.
Volume 1;
Volume 2;
Volume 3.
Volume 1: The True Religion;
Volume 2; Christ’s Church;
Volume 3. The Sources of Revelation.
Best wishes,