What People are Commenting
Deep State & Nicholas I on Women’s Pants
Francis Praises Gutierrez
Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez, one of the founders of Liberation Theology died. Francis
said of him that he “was a great man, a man of the Church.” He also said that Gutierrez “managed to carry forward so much apostolic fruit and such rich theology. May he rest in peace.”
Nonetheless, the Liberation Theology inspired the guerilla warfare everywhere in Latin America, whose main representative is Fr. Camilo Torres. LT is responsible for an enormous amount of homicides of farmers all over Latin America, invasions of farms, destructions of properties, civil riots, assaults of banks and kidnapping of personages.
These are the “apostolic fruit” Pope Francis praises and the “rich theology” of which he is a partisan.
No surprise that an increasing number of Catholics is realizing that we have a communist Pope.
In Christ Jesus,
Nonetheless, the Liberation Theology inspired the guerilla warfare everywhere in Latin America, whose main representative is Fr. Camilo Torres. LT is responsible for an enormous amount of homicides of farmers all over Latin America, invasions of farms, destructions of properties, civil riots, assaults of banks and kidnapping of personages.
These are the “apostolic fruit” Pope Francis praises and the “rich theology” of which he is a partisan.
No surprise that an increasing number of Catholics is realizing that we have a communist Pope.
In Christ Jesus,
Deep State, Trump & Harris
Dear TIA,
Last week a video was launched in Switzerland by kla.TV - in part based on the book The Freemasonry's War against the Throne and the Altar by German Prof. Dr. Michael Hesemann, which was published in March 2024.
Someone in that network seems to have become upset over Trump's statements that he “will destroy the Deep State.” So, this someone is bringing forth public evidence that Trump is also a part of the Deep State.
As the video unfolds, we find that Kamala Harris is also included as a servant of the Deep State.
Further, the mutual energetic attacks exchanged between the Democrats and Republicans are presented as being just a façade. These vitriolic attacks would be staged to impress the public, given that the contenders are being pulled by the same strings that control both sides of the American political scene.
In my opinion, what this video actually shows is that our democracy with its pompous republican tri-part representative system (executive, legislative, judiciary) is a comedy and a farce. Since its inception it has been controlled by a group of men who none can name.
Although this video is primary against Trump, it is not pro-Kamala. Both must share the same accusation: they are puppets.
I wish to bring this documentary to your attention because it corroborates what you have been saying for a long time about the influence of the Secret Forces.
Best regards,
In Jesu et Maria,
Last week a video was launched in Switzerland by kla.TV - in part based on the book The Freemasonry's War against the Throne and the Altar by German Prof. Dr. Michael Hesemann, which was published in March 2024.
Someone in that network seems to have become upset over Trump's statements that he “will destroy the Deep State.” So, this someone is bringing forth public evidence that Trump is also a part of the Deep State.
As the video unfolds, we find that Kamala Harris is also included as a servant of the Deep State.
Further, the mutual energetic attacks exchanged between the Democrats and Republicans are presented as being just a façade. These vitriolic attacks would be staged to impress the public, given that the contenders are being pulled by the same strings that control both sides of the American political scene.
In my opinion, what this video actually shows is that our democracy with its pompous republican tri-part representative system (executive, legislative, judiciary) is a comedy and a farce. Since its inception it has been controlled by a group of men who none can name.
Although this video is primary against Trump, it is not pro-Kamala. Both must share the same accusation: they are puppets.
I wish to bring this documentary to your attention because it corroborates what you have been saying for a long time about the influence of the Secret Forces.
Best regards,
In Jesu et Maria,
Pope Nicholas I on Pants for Women
Hello TIA,
I saw a few "home aloner sedevacantists" I think arguing that slacks on women were modest. They cited this quote:
“We consider what you asked about pants (femoralia) to be irrelevant; for we do not wish the exterior style of your clothing to be changed, but rather the behavior of the inner man within you, nor do we desire to know what you are wearing except Christ… For whether you or your women wear or do not wear pants (femoralia) neither impedes your salvation nor leads to any increase of your virtue” (Pope St. Nicholas I, who reigned from 858-867)
I was curious if you were aware of this quote and what you make of it. The majority of other writing and practices suggest to me this quote may be misunderstood or taken out of context, that perhaps the pope was simply emphasizing the importance of good actions and not defending immodest dress. Particularly the wearing of slacks was defended I think, but really many women today do not stop at simple slacks, but wear tight fitting "yoga" pants, short shorts, mini skirts, and other kinds of things.
In any event, traditional longer dresses are not sinful or some kind of "Pharisaical" dress, but morally safe, and promoters of such dress should not be thought as being bad, even if slacks were permitted for dress on women. And even if a woman wanted to wear something like slacks, it doesn't seem that difficult to add a modest longer skirt on top of them to have a more feminine appearance, no?
Dr. Horvat responds:
Hello E.K.,
It was interesting to hear the new pretexts being given to justify women wearing trousers.
Researching the words, we find that femoralia and tibialia were types of leg coverings worn in ancient Rome by men, the femoralia covering the upper leg (femor relating to the femur or thigh, and the tibialia covering the lower leg). Femoralia are sometimes described as short trousers or breeches, and tibialia as leggings. These items of clothing were worn by men, and not women.
The Roman women wore stolas and tunics, which always covered their legs.
Now then, Pope Nicholas I, who reigned in the 9th century (and not the Roman times) was responding to questions of the Bulgarians in 866, who were converting to the Catholic Faith under the Khan Boris. Boris had sent a legation to Rome to open negotiations with Pope Nicholas I about having closer relations with Rome, and thus was asking practical questions about what was expected in the Roman Church. In this Letter 97, from which your quote was taken, the Pope was responding to a number of these questions and problems raised by the Bulgarians.
The excerpt you quoted was taken out of context. Here is the full Response of Pope Nicholas I to the Bulgarians, chap. 59 (Latin original after this answer):
“We consider what you asked about pants (femoralia) to be irrelevant; for we do not wish the exterior style of your clothing to be changed, but rather the behavior of the inner man within you, nor do we desire to know what you are wearing except Christ – for however many of you have been baptized in Christ, have put on Christ [Gal. 3:27] – but rather how you are progressing in faith and good works.
“But since you ask concerning these matters in your simplicity, namely because you were afraid lest it be held against you as a sin, if you diverge in the slightest way from the custom of other Christians, and lest we seem to take anything away from your desire, we declare that in our books, pants (femoralia) are ordered to be made, not in order that women may use them, but that men may. But act now so that, just as you passed from the old to the new man, [cf. Eph. 4:22-24; Col. 3:9-10] you pass from your prior custom to ours in all things; but really do what you please. For whether you or your women wear or do not wear pants (femoralia) neither impedes your salvation nor leads to any increase of your virtue.
“Of course, because we have said that pants are ordered to be made, it should be noted that we put on pants spiritually, when we restrain the lust of the flesh through abstinence; for those places are constrained by pants in which the seats of luxury are known to be. This is why the first humans, when they felt illicit motions in their members after sin, ran into the leaves of a fig tree and wove loin cloths for themselves.[cf. Gen. 3:7] But these are spiritual pants, which you still could not bear, and, if I may speak with the Apostle, you are not yet able; for you are still carnal.[I Cor. 3:2] And thus we have said a few things on this matter, although, with God's gift, we could say many more.”
Therefore, the reader can see that, at that stage in their conversion, the Pope notes that what they have asked is “irrelevant,” that is, they many continue their customs of dress, because the Church at that point in their budding relations was more interested in their covering for the ‘inner man’ than the outer. However, he continued, in order to please them and respond to his desire to know, he will inform them in Rome pants or trousers are made not to be worn by women, but by men, and that as they pass from their prior customs to be Catholic in all things, they should adopt this custom.
However, at that stage in their conversion, they should do as they please on the matter, since it is “irrelevant” next to the important rules and doctrine of the Faith which he is addressing in other responses to questions.
Also, it is important to note that, unlike the native American Indians who were often almost nude, the Bulgarians had a very modest dress, with its own characteristics. Clothing in Bulgaria in the 9th century was similar to their medieval clothing, with men wearing tunics and trousers. Women wore the typical chemise and over it one or more ankle-to-floor length tunics (also called gowns or kirtles). Working class women wore ankle-length tunics belted at the waist; in some case, they adopted the femoralia (trousers) and/or tibialia (leggings) under their tunic for practical reasons of cold or the rougher work they had to do. The Bulgarians, who were already acquainted with the dress of the East, tended to follow their patterns, which were quite elegant and refined. In any case, the women never dressed the same as men, or imitated their dress, as with the modern revolutionary clothing taken on by “Christian” women today.
Certainly the Pope was not arguing in favor of women wearing men’s clothing. The Bulgarians might retain their customs, which were modest, for a period of time, but as more time passed, they should set aside what is inconvenient or irregular, and follow the better customs inspired by the Catholic Church. This is in regard to clothing as well as other spheres of secular life. At this stage of their relations with the Western Church, the Pope is only demanding strict conformance in matters of doctrine, liturgy and spiritual practices.
It amazes me how women today – even traditionalists - who looking for excuses to wear pants will search for any pretext to justify their actions. They are following a revolutionary spirit of doing what they want, despite the warnings of the past against women wearing trousers.
It should be enough that Our Lady of Fatima told Jacinta that “fashions would come that would displease Our Lord very much.” Those fashions, of course, included pants for women as well as short and/or revealing skirts. If we want to please Our Lady and her Son, we should return to the old customs and Catholic ways of dress. Even the 9th century Bulgarian women dressed more modestly than the modern “conservative” woman.
I hope this helps to clear the matter for you.
Dr. Marian T. Horvat
Latin original:
Quod de femoralibus sciscitamini, supervacuum esse putamus; nos enim non exteriorem cultum vestium vestrarum, sed interioris hominis mores in vobis mutari desideramus, nec quid induatis praeter Christum, quotquot enim in Christo baptizati estis, Christum induistis (Gal. III); sed quomodo in fide, ac bonis operibus proficiatis inquirimus. Verum quia simpliciter de his interrogatis, verentes videlicet ne vobis in peccatum imputetur, si praeter aliorum consuetudinem quid saltem in minimis agitis Christianorum, ne quid desiderio vestro subtrahere videamur, dicimus, quoniam in libris nostris jussa sunt femoralia fieri, non ut his mulieres uterentur, sed viri: nunc autem, ut quemadmodum a veteri ad novum transistis hominem, ita de priori consuetudine ad morem nostrum per omnia transeatis facite; sin autem, quod placet agite.
Nam sive vos, sive feminae vestrae, sive deponatis, sive induatis femoralia, nec saluti officit, nec ad virtutum vestrarum proficit incrementum. Sane quoniam diximus jussa fuisse femoralia fieri, notandum est, quia nos spiritualiter induimur femoralibus, cum carnis libidinem per abstinentiam coarctamus: nam illa loca femoralibus constringuntur, in quibus luxuriae sedes esse noscuntur, quamobrem fortasse primi homines post peccatum in membris suis illicitos sentientes motus ad arboris ficulneae folia concurrentes sibi perizomata texuerunt (Gen. III); sed haec spiritualia sunt, quae hactenus portare non poteratis, sed necdum, ut cum Apostolo dicam, potestis; adhuc enim estis carnales (I Cor. III); et ideo hinc perpauca diximus, cum plura Deo donante dicere valeremus.
I saw a few "home aloner sedevacantists" I think arguing that slacks on women were modest. They cited this quote:
“We consider what you asked about pants (femoralia) to be irrelevant; for we do not wish the exterior style of your clothing to be changed, but rather the behavior of the inner man within you, nor do we desire to know what you are wearing except Christ… For whether you or your women wear or do not wear pants (femoralia) neither impedes your salvation nor leads to any increase of your virtue” (Pope St. Nicholas I, who reigned from 858-867)
I was curious if you were aware of this quote and what you make of it. The majority of other writing and practices suggest to me this quote may be misunderstood or taken out of context, that perhaps the pope was simply emphasizing the importance of good actions and not defending immodest dress. Particularly the wearing of slacks was defended I think, but really many women today do not stop at simple slacks, but wear tight fitting "yoga" pants, short shorts, mini skirts, and other kinds of things.
In any event, traditional longer dresses are not sinful or some kind of "Pharisaical" dress, but morally safe, and promoters of such dress should not be thought as being bad, even if slacks were permitted for dress on women. And even if a woman wanted to wear something like slacks, it doesn't seem that difficult to add a modest longer skirt on top of them to have a more feminine appearance, no?
Dr. Horvat responds:
Hello E.K.,
It was interesting to hear the new pretexts being given to justify women wearing trousers.
Researching the words, we find that femoralia and tibialia were types of leg coverings worn in ancient Rome by men, the femoralia covering the upper leg (femor relating to the femur or thigh, and the tibialia covering the lower leg). Femoralia are sometimes described as short trousers or breeches, and tibialia as leggings. These items of clothing were worn by men, and not women.
The Roman women wore stolas and tunics, which always covered their legs.
Now then, Pope Nicholas I, who reigned in the 9th century (and not the Roman times) was responding to questions of the Bulgarians in 866, who were converting to the Catholic Faith under the Khan Boris. Boris had sent a legation to Rome to open negotiations with Pope Nicholas I about having closer relations with Rome, and thus was asking practical questions about what was expected in the Roman Church. In this Letter 97, from which your quote was taken, the Pope was responding to a number of these questions and problems raised by the Bulgarians.
The excerpt you quoted was taken out of context. Here is the full Response of Pope Nicholas I to the Bulgarians, chap. 59 (Latin original after this answer):
“We consider what you asked about pants (femoralia) to be irrelevant; for we do not wish the exterior style of your clothing to be changed, but rather the behavior of the inner man within you, nor do we desire to know what you are wearing except Christ – for however many of you have been baptized in Christ, have put on Christ [Gal. 3:27] – but rather how you are progressing in faith and good works.
“But since you ask concerning these matters in your simplicity, namely because you were afraid lest it be held against you as a sin, if you diverge in the slightest way from the custom of other Christians, and lest we seem to take anything away from your desire, we declare that in our books, pants (femoralia) are ordered to be made, not in order that women may use them, but that men may. But act now so that, just as you passed from the old to the new man, [cf. Eph. 4:22-24; Col. 3:9-10] you pass from your prior custom to ours in all things; but really do what you please. For whether you or your women wear or do not wear pants (femoralia) neither impedes your salvation nor leads to any increase of your virtue.
“Of course, because we have said that pants are ordered to be made, it should be noted that we put on pants spiritually, when we restrain the lust of the flesh through abstinence; for those places are constrained by pants in which the seats of luxury are known to be. This is why the first humans, when they felt illicit motions in their members after sin, ran into the leaves of a fig tree and wove loin cloths for themselves.[cf. Gen. 3:7] But these are spiritual pants, which you still could not bear, and, if I may speak with the Apostle, you are not yet able; for you are still carnal.[I Cor. 3:2] And thus we have said a few things on this matter, although, with God's gift, we could say many more.”
Therefore, the reader can see that, at that stage in their conversion, the Pope notes that what they have asked is “irrelevant,” that is, they many continue their customs of dress, because the Church at that point in their budding relations was more interested in their covering for the ‘inner man’ than the outer. However, he continued, in order to please them and respond to his desire to know, he will inform them in Rome pants or trousers are made not to be worn by women, but by men, and that as they pass from their prior customs to be Catholic in all things, they should adopt this custom.
However, at that stage in their conversion, they should do as they please on the matter, since it is “irrelevant” next to the important rules and doctrine of the Faith which he is addressing in other responses to questions.
Also, it is important to note that, unlike the native American Indians who were often almost nude, the Bulgarians had a very modest dress, with its own characteristics. Clothing in Bulgaria in the 9th century was similar to their medieval clothing, with men wearing tunics and trousers. Women wore the typical chemise and over it one or more ankle-to-floor length tunics (also called gowns or kirtles). Working class women wore ankle-length tunics belted at the waist; in some case, they adopted the femoralia (trousers) and/or tibialia (leggings) under their tunic for practical reasons of cold or the rougher work they had to do. The Bulgarians, who were already acquainted with the dress of the East, tended to follow their patterns, which were quite elegant and refined. In any case, the women never dressed the same as men, or imitated their dress, as with the modern revolutionary clothing taken on by “Christian” women today.
Certainly the Pope was not arguing in favor of women wearing men’s clothing. The Bulgarians might retain their customs, which were modest, for a period of time, but as more time passed, they should set aside what is inconvenient or irregular, and follow the better customs inspired by the Catholic Church. This is in regard to clothing as well as other spheres of secular life. At this stage of their relations with the Western Church, the Pope is only demanding strict conformance in matters of doctrine, liturgy and spiritual practices.
It amazes me how women today – even traditionalists - who looking for excuses to wear pants will search for any pretext to justify their actions. They are following a revolutionary spirit of doing what they want, despite the warnings of the past against women wearing trousers.
It should be enough that Our Lady of Fatima told Jacinta that “fashions would come that would displease Our Lord very much.” Those fashions, of course, included pants for women as well as short and/or revealing skirts. If we want to please Our Lady and her Son, we should return to the old customs and Catholic ways of dress. Even the 9th century Bulgarian women dressed more modestly than the modern “conservative” woman.
I hope this helps to clear the matter for you.
Dr. Marian T. Horvat
Latin original:
Quod de femoralibus sciscitamini, supervacuum esse putamus; nos enim non exteriorem cultum vestium vestrarum, sed interioris hominis mores in vobis mutari desideramus, nec quid induatis praeter Christum, quotquot enim in Christo baptizati estis, Christum induistis (Gal. III); sed quomodo in fide, ac bonis operibus proficiatis inquirimus. Verum quia simpliciter de his interrogatis, verentes videlicet ne vobis in peccatum imputetur, si praeter aliorum consuetudinem quid saltem in minimis agitis Christianorum, ne quid desiderio vestro subtrahere videamur, dicimus, quoniam in libris nostris jussa sunt femoralia fieri, non ut his mulieres uterentur, sed viri: nunc autem, ut quemadmodum a veteri ad novum transistis hominem, ita de priori consuetudine ad morem nostrum per omnia transeatis facite; sin autem, quod placet agite.
Nam sive vos, sive feminae vestrae, sive deponatis, sive induatis femoralia, nec saluti officit, nec ad virtutum vestrarum proficit incrementum. Sane quoniam diximus jussa fuisse femoralia fieri, notandum est, quia nos spiritualiter induimur femoralibus, cum carnis libidinem per abstinentiam coarctamus: nam illa loca femoralibus constringuntur, in quibus luxuriae sedes esse noscuntur, quamobrem fortasse primi homines post peccatum in membris suis illicitos sentientes motus ad arboris ficulneae folia concurrentes sibi perizomata texuerunt (Gen. III); sed haec spiritualia sunt, quae hactenus portare non poteratis, sed necdum, ut cum Apostolo dicam, potestis; adhuc enim estis carnales (I Cor. III); et ideo hinc perpauca diximus, cum plura Deo donante dicere valeremus.
Posted October 31, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Arch. Cordileone and altar girls
Here is an earlier reference documenting his support for pro-homosexual book by homosexual priest.
Randy Engel