What People are Commenting
Un-Burnable Trees, Myths & Ghosts
Fatima the Only Hope
Re: Cordileone Accepts & Welcomes Altar Girls
I am despondent. All of these monkey businesses in the church were reported and published around 1980-1985. I remember very well because that was the time I was seriously thinking of coming back to the church but after a serious examination of my conscience, I decided “No, can't be compromised.”
Do you people remember Fr. Vincent Miceli, S.J. the priest who wrote Woman Priest and the AntiChrist... Fr. Miceli already predicted what would be happening to the Church. Also, Fr. Martin Malachi S.J. Both died mysteriously.
Satan is seated in St. Peter's Chair, folks. The only way out is to obey Fatima's Message. It's late but still can be turned around if we heed the Our Lady request.
Re: Cordileone Accepts & Welcomes Altar Girls
I am despondent. All of these monkey businesses in the church were reported and published around 1980-1985. I remember very well because that was the time I was seriously thinking of coming back to the church but after a serious examination of my conscience, I decided “No, can't be compromised.”
Do you people remember Fr. Vincent Miceli, S.J. the priest who wrote Woman Priest and the AntiChrist... Fr. Miceli already predicted what would be happening to the Church. Also, Fr. Martin Malachi S.J. Both died mysteriously.
Satan is seated in St. Peter's Chair, folks. The only way out is to obey Fatima's Message. It's late but still can be turned around if we heed the Our Lady request.
Odor of the Sheep vs Peacocks
Dear TIA,
At a meeting with the rectors of France’s major seminaries who were in Rome on pilgrimage during this Jubilee year, Francis again implicitly rejects the good regular formation of the past given in seminaries.
Instead, he emphasizes that the diversity of seminarians should be respected, as well as their creativity. It is more important to forming shepherds “with the odor of the sheep,” than “clones” who adhere to strict doctrine and uniform behavior.
His first point, to foster “true inner freedom,” would not exclude seminarian sodomites, it would seem.
Second, the rectors should nourish “tenderness, closeness, and compassion” in the students, and respect and support their weaknesses...
Third, no “peacocks,” which seems to be a jab at the priests in cassocks and beautiful Mass vestments, in my opinion...
Decide for yourself here
At a meeting with the rectors of France’s major seminaries who were in Rome on pilgrimage during this Jubilee year, Francis again implicitly rejects the good regular formation of the past given in seminaries.
Instead, he emphasizes that the diversity of seminarians should be respected, as well as their creativity. It is more important to forming shepherds “with the odor of the sheep,” than “clones” who adhere to strict doctrine and uniform behavior.
His first point, to foster “true inner freedom,” would not exclude seminarian sodomites, it would seem.
Second, the rectors should nourish “tenderness, closeness, and compassion” in the students, and respect and support their weaknesses...
Third, no “peacocks,” which seems to be a jab at the priests in cassocks and beautiful Mass vestments, in my opinion...
Decide for yourself here
Equality between Sexes Is a Myth
Dear TIA,
Ave Maria Purissima!
This delightful photograph, from a convent school of the Saint Louis Sisters in the north Irish midlands, is undated, but I think it is from the early 1900s or late 1890s. This was an age when the school uniform for a girl included an apron, and this symbol of the domestic vocation was worn at all times.
Here we see the girls in the knitting room, some knitting by hand others, the older girls, working at machines. The Good Shepherd brochures always mentioned how work “appropriate for girls” was at the heart of their program of reform.
Appropriate work was knitting and sewing plus other needlework, laundry work, domestic service, cleaning and polishing and general housework. It was virtually unthinkable that girls would have other occupations. These girls knew their role and place in society. The virtues of modesty, purity, chastity, humility and obedience were drilled into them. Purity, chastity and especially obedience, even inside marriage.
In their boarding schools such girls knew nothing about current affairs. That was a business for men and boys, not ladies and girls. The Virgin Mary was an ever present and very real mother for such girls. “In any situation in life, ask yourself what Mary would do now” said Reverend Mother in our final weeks of schooling.
Girls today are mostly almost a different species. That is not the fault of the girl, but the fault of her parents and a society which pressure parents into being liberal and all for so called “equality.” Equality between the sexes is a myth and certainly was never in God's plan. Physically, biologically and psychologically the girl is very different.
I have taught both, and the contrast and relevant abilities are striking. Girls are made for vocations not careers. The man was created in God’s image; the woman was made in man’s image. Either we believe that, or we don’t.
Yours Sincerely,
C.P., Ireland
Ave Maria Purissima!

Here we see the girls in the knitting room, some knitting by hand others, the older girls, working at machines. The Good Shepherd brochures always mentioned how work “appropriate for girls” was at the heart of their program of reform.
Appropriate work was knitting and sewing plus other needlework, laundry work, domestic service, cleaning and polishing and general housework. It was virtually unthinkable that girls would have other occupations. These girls knew their role and place in society. The virtues of modesty, purity, chastity, humility and obedience were drilled into them. Purity, chastity and especially obedience, even inside marriage.
In their boarding schools such girls knew nothing about current affairs. That was a business for men and boys, not ladies and girls. The Virgin Mary was an ever present and very real mother for such girls. “In any situation in life, ask yourself what Mary would do now” said Reverend Mother in our final weeks of schooling.
Girls today are mostly almost a different species. That is not the fault of the girl, but the fault of her parents and a society which pressure parents into being liberal and all for so called “equality.” Equality between the sexes is a myth and certainly was never in God's plan. Physically, biologically and psychologically the girl is very different.
I have taught both, and the contrast and relevant abilities are striking. Girls are made for vocations not careers. The man was created in God’s image; the woman was made in man’s image. Either we believe that, or we don’t.
Yours Sincerely,
C.P., Ireland
Royal Family’s Ghosts
Dear TIA,
I thought you would find this article interesting. There were strange phenomena happening around the Royal Family in England.
Best regards,
The Windsor’s Paranormal Secrets
Point of view - October 30, 2024
Aliens, crop circles, ghosts, spirits… For centuries, the British Royal Family has been fascinated by the strange and the beyond. A recent documentary, The King of UFOs, explores this fascination and the rumors linking royalty to unexplained phenomena.
It is 1953, somewhere in a wealthy residence in West London. In a dark room are installed the Queen Mother,
Prince Philip, Princess Alexandra, her mother Princess Marina and the very young
Queen Elizabeth II. Everyone is gathered for a séance led by medium Lilian Bailey. The goal is to get in touch with the spirit of George VI, the King who had died a few months earlier, and also that of the Duke of Kent, the husband of Princess Marina, who died in a mysterious plane crash in 1942. Legend has it that Queen Mum was so troubled by this session that she returned several times to consult Lilian Bailey.
Spirit, are you there?
In his autobiography Spare, published in January 2023, Prince Harry reveals that he called on Sally Morgan, the clairvoyant whom Princess Diana regularly consulted, as well as another guide with “powers” to try to get in touch with her late mother. A tendency towards spiritualism that is not new among members of the British Royal Family, since already in her time Queen Victoria secured the services of the clairvoyant Robert James Lees to communicate with her late husband, Prince Albert.
Based on the documentary The King of UFOs, which explores the Windsors' connection to the paranormal – directed by Mark Christopher Lee, streaming on Prime Video – the royals are very comfortable with the spirits and ghosts that haunt the walls of their homes. Thus Richard Felix, a paranormal historian interviewed in the documentary, assures us that “all royal properties are haunted. They know it and have witnessed it. (…) Queen Elizabeth met her namesake in the library of Windsor Castle. The King [Charles III, editor's note] also saw the same ghost, and his grandfather George VI had seen Elizabeth I eight times in this library before the Second World War.”
In a podcast of the English magazine Hello, recorded in 2023, the same expert assured us that Anmer Hall, the residence of the Prince William and Kate in Norfolk, is haunted by the ghost of a Catholic priest who lived on the land before being executed for his Faith. Warned of this before moving in, Prince William is said to have replied: “No manor would be complete without its ghost, would it?” Richard Felix claims that Wales itself has already seen the ghost of the priest, and even heard his voice...
Philip & Charles, a shared passion for UFOs
The Duke of Edinburgh had a great passion for all things UFO and alien. A hobby inherited from his uncle, Lord Mountbatten, who liked to tell of a close encounter of the third kind he had with an unidentified silver flying machine, which landed one day in the garden of his Hampshire estate. An event about which Mountbatten has also written an official report.
A loyal subscriber to the magazine Flying Saucers, Elizabeth II's husband has always been curious to hear the accounts of Royal Air Force officers who have experienced unexplained events. British specialist on the subject, John Hanson, author of many books read by the Duke of Edinburgh, claims to have received dozens of letters from Philip's private secretary telling him how interesting he found his works. “Even Charles and William are interested in them,” Hanson assures.
A passage from The King of UFOs also relates the testimony of a Canadian diver who claims to have seen in 1975, while he was working on a top secret military project at Sandy Point, off the coast of Newfoundland, Prince Charles piloting a strange craft propelled by an unknown electromagnetic force, which allegedly took him to a NASA base. According to the documentary, the Windsors have their own personal archives on paranormal phenomena, a collection that is worthy of rivaling that kept by the Vatican. Prince Philip even converted Queen Elizabeth to his passion for crop circles, those giant geometric patterns that suddenly appear in fields or large expanses.
‘I ask the King to reveal the truth to the public’
In the event of an alien landing, could the royals play a special role, such as acting as intermediaries with the little green men? This is one of the questions raised by the documentary's director, Mark Christopher Lee. “The King would have a central role to play as head of state, head of the Church of England and advocate for all religions. He would have to prepare his people for a radical paradigm shift, and first contact would have political and spiritual implications. With the increase in UFO sightings around the world, it could be closer than we think and the King should be preparing for it,” he believes.
“I also think that having an interest in UFOs passed down from his father, as King he may know more about the truth. The UK, along with the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, is part of the Five Eyes Alliance. Nick Pope, interviewed in the film, has discovered that the UK has attended Five Eyes briefings on UFOs and I suspect King Charles knows the truth. So I hereby call on our King to reveal the truth to the public. We deserve to know if we are not alone in this universe.” Buckingham Palace has not yet responded to the request.
I thought you would find this article interesting. There were strange phenomena happening around the Royal Family in England.
Best regards,
Point of view - October 30, 2024
Aliens, crop circles, ghosts, spirits… For centuries, the British Royal Family has been fascinated by the strange and the beyond. A recent documentary, The King of UFOs, explores this fascination and the rumors linking royalty to unexplained phenomena.

Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Mary & the Queen Mother Elizabeth on February 11, 1952 at King's Cross Station, London. They mourn as they await the arrival of the coffin of King George VI.
Spirit, are you there?
In his autobiography Spare, published in January 2023, Prince Harry reveals that he called on Sally Morgan, the clairvoyant whom Princess Diana regularly consulted, as well as another guide with “powers” to try to get in touch with her late mother. A tendency towards spiritualism that is not new among members of the British Royal Family, since already in her time Queen Victoria secured the services of the clairvoyant Robert James Lees to communicate with her late husband, Prince Albert.
Based on the documentary The King of UFOs, which explores the Windsors' connection to the paranormal – directed by Mark Christopher Lee, streaming on Prime Video – the royals are very comfortable with the spirits and ghosts that haunt the walls of their homes. Thus Richard Felix, a paranormal historian interviewed in the documentary, assures us that “all royal properties are haunted. They know it and have witnessed it. (…) Queen Elizabeth met her namesake in the library of Windsor Castle. The King [Charles III, editor's note] also saw the same ghost, and his grandfather George VI had seen Elizabeth I eight times in this library before the Second World War.”
In a podcast of the English magazine Hello, recorded in 2023, the same expert assured us that Anmer Hall, the residence of the Prince William and Kate in Norfolk, is haunted by the ghost of a Catholic priest who lived on the land before being executed for his Faith. Warned of this before moving in, Prince William is said to have replied: “No manor would be complete without its ghost, would it?” Richard Felix claims that Wales itself has already seen the ghost of the priest, and even heard his voice...
Philip & Charles, a shared passion for UFOs
The Duke of Edinburgh had a great passion for all things UFO and alien. A hobby inherited from his uncle, Lord Mountbatten, who liked to tell of a close encounter of the third kind he had with an unidentified silver flying machine, which landed one day in the garden of his Hampshire estate. An event about which Mountbatten has also written an official report.
A loyal subscriber to the magazine Flying Saucers, Elizabeth II's husband has always been curious to hear the accounts of Royal Air Force officers who have experienced unexplained events. British specialist on the subject, John Hanson, author of many books read by the Duke of Edinburgh, claims to have received dozens of letters from Philip's private secretary telling him how interesting he found his works. “Even Charles and William are interested in them,” Hanson assures.
A passage from The King of UFOs also relates the testimony of a Canadian diver who claims to have seen in 1975, while he was working on a top secret military project at Sandy Point, off the coast of Newfoundland, Prince Charles piloting a strange craft propelled by an unknown electromagnetic force, which allegedly took him to a NASA base. According to the documentary, the Windsors have their own personal archives on paranormal phenomena, a collection that is worthy of rivaling that kept by the Vatican. Prince Philip even converted Queen Elizabeth to his passion for crop circles, those giant geometric patterns that suddenly appear in fields or large expanses.
‘I ask the King to reveal the truth to the public’
In the event of an alien landing, could the royals play a special role, such as acting as intermediaries with the little green men? This is one of the questions raised by the documentary's director, Mark Christopher Lee. “The King would have a central role to play as head of state, head of the Church of England and advocate for all religions. He would have to prepare his people for a radical paradigm shift, and first contact would have political and spiritual implications. With the increase in UFO sightings around the world, it could be closer than we think and the King should be preparing for it,” he believes.
“I also think that having an interest in UFOs passed down from his father, as King he may know more about the truth. The UK, along with the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, is part of the Five Eyes Alliance. Nick Pope, interviewed in the film, has discovered that the UK has attended Five Eyes briefings on UFOs and I suspect King Charles knows the truth. So I hereby call on our King to reveal the truth to the public. We deserve to know if we are not alone in this universe.” Buckingham Palace has not yet responded to the request.
Posted January 28, 2025

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I am sending this video to you as I had promised.
Let me know what you think.
Click on the screen above to watch the interview
Interview with Forensic Arborist Robert Brame by Peggy Hal
He has analyzed California fires and based on photographic evidence, declares we are witnessing IMPOSSIBLE normal fire behavior.
Glad this information is being shared widely