What People Are Commenting
7th Apparition, Suspicious Seer & Fake Lucy
The Seventh Visit
Astronomers in Portugal are forecasting a massive planetary alignment that will appear over the steeple of the Basilica of Fatima on the early morning of June 30, 2011. Is this the seventh visit of Our Lady of Fatima that was promised in 1917? And if so, why? Remember that Sister Lucy told Fr. Fuentes in 1956 that the Holy Virgin was very sad because no one had paid any attention to her message.
No attention was paid to the warning about hell. The popes in the past decades have been teaching universal salvation, which by its definition eliminates hell, and the Mass readings that warned against sin, hell and damnation have been effectively eliminated.
In 1930 Pius XII received a request that Our Lord wanted Russia consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that the world would have a period of peace. He ignored the request. World War II followed, allowing the communists to take control of nearly half the world, which resulted in the loss of millions of souls.
The future Pius XII, Msgr. Eugenio Paccelli said, “I am worried by the Blessed Virgin’s message to Lucy of Fatima. This persistence of Mary about the dangers which menace the Church is a divine warning against the suicide of altering the Faith, in her liturgy, her theology and her soul.” This divine warning was rejected, and it was during the pontificate of Pius XII that changes started to occur in the liturgy that laid the foundation for the destruction of the Roman Rite.
It was in February 1960 that John XXIII refused to reveal the contents of the Third Secret expected by the world. One reason given was that the Vatican could not guarantee the words of the three seers. Just as in the year 2000 Cardinal Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI, said Lucy might have conjured her vision from devotional books. It would not have been politically correct in the Catholic world to call Sister Lucy a liar. It must be assumed from what the popes have said and done for the past 50 years that God chose three children who could not be trusted to foretell three months in advance ‘The Miracle of the Sun,’ the greatest public miracle in the history of the world. Before modernism God was infallible.
The United Nations is our greatest hope for world peace. This is essentially the message of Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI. They ignored Heaven’s Peace Plan for their own. At the meeting of inter-religious prayer in Assisi in 1986, John Paul II prevented the statue of Our Lady of Fatima to enter the Basilica so as not to offend other religions, and allowed a statue of Buddha to be placed on the Tabernacle containing Our Lord Jesus Christ. These types of actions only corroborate Our Lady’s message of La Salette: “The heads, the leaders of the people of God, have neglected prayer and penance, and the devil has darkened their minds; they have become those wandering stars which the ancient devil will drag with his tail to destruction.”
Our Lord told Sister Lucy, “It will never be too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary.” Will June 30, 2011 be another warning, the last warning? If Our Lady does appear, will the Pope and the bishops of the world obey her requests? Will Russia be consecrated? Will the true Third Secret be revealed? Or will little Jacinta’s visions of the pope come true before the end of this summer?
Will the pope be shot as foretold in the “bishop in white”?
Jacinta predicted: “I don’t know how it was but I saw the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling by a table, with his head buried in his hands, and he was weeping. Outside the house there were many people. Some of them were throwing stones, others were cursing him and using bad language.”
“Can’t you see all those highways and roads full of people, who are crying with hunger and have nothing to eat? And the Holy Father in a Church praying before the Immaculate Heart of Mary. So many people praying with him.”
The Devil’s Final Battle 1st edition
Fatima in Twilight
The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II
“Karol Wojtyla Beatified - Never!” Chiesa Viva, September 2010
http://cs.astronomy.com March 5, 2011
The Whole Truth About Fatima - Vol. III The Third Secret
The Whole Truth about Fatima - Vol. II The Secret and the Church
The Message of Our Lady of La Salette
Suspicious Seer
Dear TIA,
You recently posted a comment about an alleged new seer, Pedro Regis. The message that your reader said was from Our Lady stated something about the false Church being destroyed. I checked out Pedro, and it seems that over 800 messages have been given to him. Would Our Lady really need to give that many messages to us? Of course not! The pictures that were on the website showed a Novus Ordo table in the church where Pedro was speaking. I would warn your readers to be extremely skeptical of any alleged “seers” and their supposed messages.
It is so very easy for us to get caught up in these people and their messages. Just look at the fiasco called Medjugore. I once very much believed in it until the good Lord opened my eyes. I will stick with those apparitions that the Church has approved before Vatican II. Anything else that comes forth from the Vatican deserves to be treated with much skepticism. Just look at what they are trying to do with JPII. I think it behooves us all to try not to be overly concerned with future events but rather concentrate on each day, which has enough troubles by itself, as Our Lord said.
In Christ,
Fake Lucy
Dear TIA,
Why would some so-called traditionalist Catholic newspapers keep promoting the false Sr. Lucy? Why have they not come out with the two sister Lucy's story?
Posted June 21, 2011

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