What People Are Commenting
The Hidden Hand behind the Migrant 'Caravan'
It is interesting to read this report [below] to see how artificial the media reports have been about this “caravan.” Everyone is presenting it as a spontaneous movement of the poor who cannot bear the misery of their countries and so they walk to the United States to ask help and asylum.
So, if we Americans deny them permission to enter our country, we are not so different from those soulless monsters who despise the poor.
In reality, it is/was an initiative planned by comfortably established left-wing outlets of Chicago in order to disturb American society and advance the socialist/communist agenda.
The entity chiefly responsible for organizing and leading this horde of migrants – euphemistically dubbed a “caravan” by most media outlets – is Pueblo Sin Fronteras (PSF, “People Without Borders”), a Chicago-based nonprofit organization founded in 2001 by Roberto Corona, a Mexican-born activist dedicated to promoting the rights of illegal aliens in the United States. PSF is a sister group to two other Chicago-based entities, Centro Sin Fronteras (CSF) and its outgrowth, La Familia Latina Unida (LFLU, “The United Latin Family”).
PSF is a member of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), which seeks to “protect and expand [the] civil, labor and human rights” of day laborers in America, of whom approximately 75% are illegal aliens. Moreover, NDLON aims to “mobilize” and “organize” these workers as a unified, politically active demographic, and to force employers to establish “safer more humane environments” wherein day laborers can “earn a living” that enables them to “contribute to society and integrate into the community.”
Full report here.
It is interesting to read this report [below] to see how artificial the media reports have been about this “caravan.” Everyone is presenting it as a spontaneous movement of the poor who cannot bear the misery of their countries and so they walk to the United States to ask help and asylum.
So, if we Americans deny them permission to enter our country, we are not so different from those soulless monsters who despise the poor.
In reality, it is/was an initiative planned by comfortably established left-wing outlets of Chicago in order to disturb American society and advance the socialist/communist agenda.
The entity chiefly responsible for organizing and leading this horde of migrants – euphemistically dubbed a “caravan” by most media outlets – is Pueblo Sin Fronteras (PSF, “People Without Borders”), a Chicago-based nonprofit organization founded in 2001 by Roberto Corona, a Mexican-born activist dedicated to promoting the rights of illegal aliens in the United States. PSF is a sister group to two other Chicago-based entities, Centro Sin Fronteras (CSF) and its outgrowth, La Familia Latina Unida (LFLU, “The United Latin Family”).
PSF is a member of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), which seeks to “protect and expand [the] civil, labor and human rights” of day laborers in America, of whom approximately 75% are illegal aliens. Moreover, NDLON aims to “mobilize” and “organize” these workers as a unified, politically active demographic, and to force employers to establish “safer more humane environments” wherein day laborers can “earn a living” that enables them to “contribute to society and integrate into the community.”
Full report here.
Should I Always Wear a Veil?
Dear Doctor Horvat,
My name is M.F. I am a Traditional Catholic young lady of 18, almost 19 years old, and Fr. A.L. suggested that I email you. Fr. L. is my Spiritual Director, and he has been teaching me about the tradition of women always covering their hair, and he had me read your article on this which was very informative.
I would like to follow his advice, without being too hard on my family who are not used to the concept of veiling outside of Mass, not be too much of a culture shock for me, because I was raised to only veil in Church, and especially not look odd or like I'm from another religion, but to look normal and for the veil to go with modest fashionable 2018 women's clothing. Father recommended that I ask you if you have any ideas where I can find some suitable veils like this? He would like them to completely cover my head and hair.
I also have a related feminine question. If we are to cover our hair, how can we do so and still look pretty, and what is the point then in brushing and dressing our hair with ribbons and clips and different hairstyles?
Looking forward to your response.
In Christo et Maria,
Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear Miss M.F.,
Thank you for your confidence in addressing a question to me about wearing veils. I believe, however, that your spiritual director must have confused my article with the conclusion of an interesting study by another writer we posted, to which I do not fully subscribe.
As an admirer of medieval civilization and culture, I have a great appreciation for regional dress. It is true that, then, respectable women past the age of adolescence covered their heads with a variety of headpieces and veils, which expressed not only their nationality but also their age and social standing. I greatly regret the loss of these charming customs and dresses, which, as in all areas of culture, followed the downward trajectory of the Revolution to reach the complete egalitarianism and vulgarity we see everywhere today, even inside Catholic churches.
I am, as you can see in my article and this letter, a strong proponent of all women and girls wearing a veil at Mass, following the constant tradition and teaching of the Church until Vatican Council II and the post-conciliar revolution that exploded inside the Church.
However, I do not recall that I have proposed or advocated that women should wear a head-covering at all times in public. I believe Catholic women should dress with dignity and refinement, which necessarily includes modesty and a lack of extravagance (here and here), obeying the guidelines set out by pre-Vatican II Popes such as Pius XII (here, here, here, here).
Following those guidelines, it seems appropriate for women to do what you have done, to always veil in Church and to always wear modest women's clothing of good taste. Many women are also wearing fashionable hats for special outings and events, as was common before the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s. I certainly commend this effort.
I hope this is of some help to you.
Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
My name is M.F. I am a Traditional Catholic young lady of 18, almost 19 years old, and Fr. A.L. suggested that I email you. Fr. L. is my Spiritual Director, and he has been teaching me about the tradition of women always covering their hair, and he had me read your article on this which was very informative.
I would like to follow his advice, without being too hard on my family who are not used to the concept of veiling outside of Mass, not be too much of a culture shock for me, because I was raised to only veil in Church, and especially not look odd or like I'm from another religion, but to look normal and for the veil to go with modest fashionable 2018 women's clothing. Father recommended that I ask you if you have any ideas where I can find some suitable veils like this? He would like them to completely cover my head and hair.
I also have a related feminine question. If we are to cover our hair, how can we do so and still look pretty, and what is the point then in brushing and dressing our hair with ribbons and clips and different hairstyles?
Looking forward to your response.
In Christo et Maria,
Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear Miss M.F.,
Thank you for your confidence in addressing a question to me about wearing veils. I believe, however, that your spiritual director must have confused my article with the conclusion of an interesting study by another writer we posted, to which I do not fully subscribe.
As an admirer of medieval civilization and culture, I have a great appreciation for regional dress. It is true that, then, respectable women past the age of adolescence covered their heads with a variety of headpieces and veils, which expressed not only their nationality but also their age and social standing. I greatly regret the loss of these charming customs and dresses, which, as in all areas of culture, followed the downward trajectory of the Revolution to reach the complete egalitarianism and vulgarity we see everywhere today, even inside Catholic churches.
I am, as you can see in my article and this letter, a strong proponent of all women and girls wearing a veil at Mass, following the constant tradition and teaching of the Church until Vatican Council II and the post-conciliar revolution that exploded inside the Church.
However, I do not recall that I have proposed or advocated that women should wear a head-covering at all times in public. I believe Catholic women should dress with dignity and refinement, which necessarily includes modesty and a lack of extravagance (here and here), obeying the guidelines set out by pre-Vatican II Popes such as Pius XII (here, here, here, here).
Following those guidelines, it seems appropriate for women to do what you have done, to always veil in Church and to always wear modest women's clothing of good taste. Many women are also wearing fashionable hats for special outings and events, as was common before the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s. I certainly commend this effort.
I hope this is of some help to you.
Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
Santa Fé Files Chapter 11
Dear TIA,
We were able to muster 120 Catholics to protest Archbishop John Wester and his modernist creepy buddies of the AUSPC when they met here in New Mexico earlier in 2018 to spread their Vatican 2 filth.
Now Santa Fe went Chapter 11 yesterday in case you missed it – yesterday. [Read dispatch below]
There are no fewer than 6 ecumenical modernist inter-faith prayer meetings with other “religions” planned in Santa Fe alone in the next few weeks.
By making the archdiocese enter bankruptcy God has answered them, I guess.
Viva Cristo Rey! We cannot be beaten by the modernists!
The true Church will remain but in fewer and fewer places!
Ave Maria,
Catholic Archdiocese in New Mexico,
Facing Abuse Cases, to File for Bankruptcy
Alex Dobuzinskis
(Reuters) – Nov. 29, 2018 – The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico, will file for bankruptcy protection as it faces litigation arising from accusations of sexual abuse by clergy, its archbishop said on Thursday.
The move comes nearly three months after New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas requested Catholic church officials in the state, including the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, provide his office with documents related to possible abuse by priests.
Allegations of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy, especially with minors, have roiled dioceses across the United States and in other countries.
Balderas made his request after the Pennsylvania attorney general in August issued an 884-page report that contained graphic examples of children who were groomed and sexually abused by Catholic clergymen.
The Pennsylvania report described how church officials sent a number of priests accused of sexual abuse to a Catholic treatment center in New Mexico from the 1950s through the 1990s.
Separately, a number of sexual abuse lawsuits have been brought against the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.
Among them were five lawsuits filed earlier this month, which detailed accusations of abuse between the 1950s and the 1980s, according to the Santa Fe New Mexican newspaper.
The archdiocese will file for bankruptcy protection by the end of next week, but is committed to providing financial compensation to victims, including those who will come forward in the future, Santa Fe Archbishop John Wester said in a statement.
Original here.
Read also here.
We were able to muster 120 Catholics to protest Archbishop John Wester and his modernist creepy buddies of the AUSPC when they met here in New Mexico earlier in 2018 to spread their Vatican 2 filth.
Now Santa Fe went Chapter 11 yesterday in case you missed it – yesterday. [Read dispatch below]
There are no fewer than 6 ecumenical modernist inter-faith prayer meetings with other “religions” planned in Santa Fe alone in the next few weeks.
By making the archdiocese enter bankruptcy God has answered them, I guess.
Viva Cristo Rey! We cannot be beaten by the modernists!
The true Church will remain but in fewer and fewer places!
Ave Maria,
Facing Abuse Cases, to File for Bankruptcy
Alex Dobuzinskis
(Reuters) – Nov. 29, 2018 – The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico, will file for bankruptcy protection as it faces litigation arising from accusations of sexual abuse by clergy, its archbishop said on Thursday.
The move comes nearly three months after New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas requested Catholic church officials in the state, including the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, provide his office with documents related to possible abuse by priests.
Allegations of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy, especially with minors, have roiled dioceses across the United States and in other countries.
Balderas made his request after the Pennsylvania attorney general in August issued an 884-page report that contained graphic examples of children who were groomed and sexually abused by Catholic clergymen.
The Pennsylvania report described how church officials sent a number of priests accused of sexual abuse to a Catholic treatment center in New Mexico from the 1950s through the 1990s.
Separately, a number of sexual abuse lawsuits have been brought against the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.
Among them were five lawsuits filed earlier this month, which detailed accusations of abuse between the 1950s and the 1980s, according to the Santa Fe New Mexican newspaper.
The archdiocese will file for bankruptcy protection by the end of next week, but is committed to providing financial compensation to victims, including those who will come forward in the future, Santa Fe Archbishop John Wester said in a statement.
Original here.
Read also here.

Posted December 4, 2018
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It also has many other information regarding her. Those who have devotion to her should benefit a lot from it. It is a precious source of data.