What People Are Commenting
Superb Performance of Aida
Dear TIA,
If you or your readers need a moment of relief from the hard fight, click this link to watch a magnificent presentation of Verdi’s opera Aida – its triumphal march – by the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra.
P.H., Brazil
If you or your readers need a moment of relief from the hard fight, click this link to watch a magnificent presentation of Verdi’s opera Aida – its triumphal march – by the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra.
P.H., Brazil
‘Uniting the Clans’
Dear Tradition in Action,
Some of the finest moments of my Catholic adulthood have been spent reading the TIA books in adoration in the middle of the night in order to understand what has really taken place in the Catholic Church. I recommend the purchase of these books to everyone who comes to your website. In other words, either one has a detailed understanding of the apostasy or one does not.
It has come to my attention that Michael Matt is promoting an idea of “uniting the (traditional Catholic) clans“. Although I do not follow Michael’s work, it is curious to me that anyone would want unity with pseudo-traditional orders who accept Vatican II and the New Mass.
If you would be willing to comment on the Ecclesia Dei agreement, this might be helpful in clarifying for many the compromises made with apostate Rome that are so incredibly dangerous to the faith.
May God bless you and may Our Lady keep you forever.
Ave Maria,
TIA responds:
Dear Mr. D.M.,
Thank you for your warm support for our work and especially for Mr. Guimarães’ Collection on Vatican II.
You may find some comments of the Ecclesia Dei agreement here.
TIA correspondence desk
Some of the finest moments of my Catholic adulthood have been spent reading the TIA books in adoration in the middle of the night in order to understand what has really taken place in the Catholic Church. I recommend the purchase of these books to everyone who comes to your website. In other words, either one has a detailed understanding of the apostasy or one does not.
It has come to my attention that Michael Matt is promoting an idea of “uniting the (traditional Catholic) clans“. Although I do not follow Michael’s work, it is curious to me that anyone would want unity with pseudo-traditional orders who accept Vatican II and the New Mass.
If you would be willing to comment on the Ecclesia Dei agreement, this might be helpful in clarifying for many the compromises made with apostate Rome that are so incredibly dangerous to the faith.
May God bless you and may Our Lady keep you forever.
Ave Maria,
TIA responds:
Dear Mr. D.M.,
Thank you for your warm support for our work and especially for Mr. Guimarães’ Collection on Vatican II.
You may find some comments of the Ecclesia Dei agreement here.
TIA correspondence desk
Protest this Immoral Bill
Dear TIA,
I am collecting signatures for our parish to stop SB 24, a California bill that is a morally destructive, baby-killing bill. Authored by Sen. Connie Leyva, pro-abort Democrat from San Bernardino, this bill will force public university campus student health centers to distribution chemical abortion bills, killing 500 babies each month, according to the legislative analysis.
You can sign a letter of protest here.
Please keep up your good work and fight.
We all have to do our part.
I am collecting signatures for our parish to stop SB 24, a California bill that is a morally destructive, baby-killing bill. Authored by Sen. Connie Leyva, pro-abort Democrat from San Bernardino, this bill will force public university campus student health centers to distribution chemical abortion bills, killing 500 babies each month, according to the legislative analysis.
You can sign a letter of protest here.
Please keep up your good work and fight.
We all have to do our part.
Fr. Feeney & Arch. Sheen
TIA's latest input from a reader on Fr. Leonard J. Feeney and Archbishop Sheen is replete with what may be little known facts. What was not said was important, too.
First, Catholic Treasures for years was run by Feenyites.
Second, the dogma Outside the Church there is no Salvation absolutely must be understood in the way the Catholic Church has understood this most important of her dogmas, because once it becomes meaningless, all dogmas become so, too: Hello Vatican ll and the N.O. Mass just for starters.
Third, the article failed to point out that Fr. Feeney in his monthly journal The Point was very critical of Fulton J. Sheen and his program "Life is Worth Living."
Fulton J. Sheen had to know about the stormy issue of Fr. Feeney and the Vatican; he had five doctorate degrees and it would have been no small matter for him to clarify the dogma Outside the Church there is no Salvation yet...
Fourth, in the 1870s, the Americanist heresy seems to have been the departure point of the watering down of the dogma, and at Vatican ll. It was a matter of the Potomac flowing into the Tiber.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
TIA's latest input from a reader on Fr. Leonard J. Feeney and Archbishop Sheen is replete with what may be little known facts. What was not said was important, too.
First, Catholic Treasures for years was run by Feenyites.
Second, the dogma Outside the Church there is no Salvation absolutely must be understood in the way the Catholic Church has understood this most important of her dogmas, because once it becomes meaningless, all dogmas become so, too: Hello Vatican ll and the N.O. Mass just for starters.
Third, the article failed to point out that Fr. Feeney in his monthly journal The Point was very critical of Fulton J. Sheen and his program "Life is Worth Living."
Fulton J. Sheen had to know about the stormy issue of Fr. Feeney and the Vatican; he had five doctorate degrees and it would have been no small matter for him to clarify the dogma Outside the Church there is no Salvation yet...
Fourth, in the 1870s, the Americanist heresy seems to have been the departure point of the watering down of the dogma, and at Vatican ll. It was a matter of the Potomac flowing into the Tiber.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Cristero War in Mexico
I am looking for the entire text of the pastoral letter of Msgr. José de Jesús Manríquez y Zárate, Bishop of Huejutla, Mexico, which aroused the Laity under his care to action against the Demoncrats and their Demoncracy and their fellow Demoncrats in Washington, D.C., and in the Vatican.
I came across the sections given by J.F.R., Peru, here.
I’ve read No God Next Door & part of Mexican Matyrdom. Hoping to read Blood Drenched Altars. The first book is enough to convince an honest reader just what happened in Mexico and what is planned for the USA.
One of the authors writes that he suspects Trostky had a hand in writing Mexico’s Constitution.
The Demoncrats used American planes and pilots to bomb civilians!
If possible, would you please ask J.F.R., Peru, for the entire text or where it may be found.
Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth Peace to Men of Good Will.
I’ve written to the Diocese of Huejutla, but received no reply.
Thank you very much.
TIA responds:
A cursory search on the Internet under the line – José de Jesús Manríquez y Zárate carta pastoral – brought us to the following results, which you can peruse at your convenience:
TIA correspondence desk
I am looking for the entire text of the pastoral letter of Msgr. José de Jesús Manríquez y Zárate, Bishop of Huejutla, Mexico, which aroused the Laity under his care to action against the Demoncrats and their Demoncracy and their fellow Demoncrats in Washington, D.C., and in the Vatican.
I came across the sections given by J.F.R., Peru, here.
I’ve read No God Next Door & part of Mexican Matyrdom. Hoping to read Blood Drenched Altars. The first book is enough to convince an honest reader just what happened in Mexico and what is planned for the USA.
One of the authors writes that he suspects Trostky had a hand in writing Mexico’s Constitution.
The Demoncrats used American planes and pilots to bomb civilians!
If possible, would you please ask J.F.R., Peru, for the entire text or where it may be found.
Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth Peace to Men of Good Will.
I’ve written to the Diocese of Huejutla, but received no reply.
Thank you very much.
TIA responds:
A cursory search on the Internet under the line – José de Jesús Manríquez y Zárate carta pastoral – brought us to the following results, which you can peruse at your convenience:
Sixth pastoral letter of Bishop of Huejutla: Viva Cristo Rey!;
Work by the Bishop of Hejutla dedicated to the Mexican People;
A Voice of Encouragement:
Viva Cristo Rey!;
- Other works by this Prelate can be found here.
TIA correspondence desk
Our Lady of Good Success
Dear TIA,
Regarding your well-written series of articles concerning the SSPX weird machinations involving the convent at Quito and this Holy devotion to Our Lady.
It was through your site by the grace of God, my family found this devotion. It was through your site we obtained the novena to her. Everything we have read including Dr. Horvat's writings point to your translation and explanation as correct and logical.
Our Lady called herself "Our Lady of Good Success." That is good enough for us.
No amount of bullying from any priest in any order can force us to stop calling her that. We respect the SSPX for holding on the way they are against the troubled times we are in, but they are wrong.
I have never gone along with anyone who feels they have the right to changes words in a prayer or the names of devotions, titles of apparitions or anything else that Heaven and Tradition have seen fit to establish, because they feel they have a better word, title, translation etc.
Keep fighting the good fight and God bless you!!
Regarding your well-written series of articles concerning the SSPX weird machinations involving the convent at Quito and this Holy devotion to Our Lady.
It was through your site by the grace of God, my family found this devotion. It was through your site we obtained the novena to her. Everything we have read including Dr. Horvat's writings point to your translation and explanation as correct and logical.
Our Lady called herself "Our Lady of Good Success." That is good enough for us.
No amount of bullying from any priest in any order can force us to stop calling her that. We respect the SSPX for holding on the way they are against the troubled times we are in, but they are wrong.
I have never gone along with anyone who feels they have the right to changes words in a prayer or the names of devotions, titles of apparitions or anything else that Heaven and Tradition have seen fit to establish, because they feel they have a better word, title, translation etc.
Keep fighting the good fight and God bless you!!

Posted September 3, 2019
My apologetic friend and I are in disagreement that it is in the Church’s teaching on how we address our Clergy in person. He said it is not wrong to say Fr. First Name, just as we say Saint First Name.
Is this correct?
I would like to know where can I find Church’s teaching or history on how we are suppose to address our Clergy in person.
I have read your website but, where are you finding your resources and references?
God bless!
In Mary & Jesu Christe
Dr. Horvat responds:
Hello V.C.,
The customs cited in my article on our website were from American Catholic Etiquette by Kay Toy Fenner (Westminister, MD: The Newman Press, 1962). This was the protocol still in place at the close of Vatican II.
We fear that your apologetic friend is being influenced by the progressivist customs that were installed in the Church after Vatican II. Before Vatican II it was the custom in English-speaking countries to address the priest by his title and last name; the aim was to discourage familiarity.
Very soon after Vatican II, in the name of bringing the Church into the modern world and eradicating the “formalities” of the “Constantine Church,” we saw more casual addresses being used, not just among the clergy, but among the laity in its address of the clergy.
Instead of Fr. Fitzgerald, it was Fr. Patrick, if not just plain Patrick. This is part of the general relaxing of the customs and hierarchical spirit of our Holy Church that we have seen in the 50+ years after the Council.
You can find these data in the above-mentioned book, as well as other etiquette source books, or by simply speaking to anyone who lived in the days of the pre-Conciliar Church in our country. I am certain these persons would confirm that there has, indeed, been a change. I would say most adamantly that it is another bad consequence of Vatican II.
Marian T. Horvat. Ph.D.